Young Swordsman

Japan Release: 1963
Running Time:
108 minutes

Young Swordsman

Japanese Title


Distributor: Production:



Live Action

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Background - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews


International Title

Young Swordsman

Initial US Title

Young Swordsman
US Distributor: Toho (1964) / Time: 108 minutes

Alternate Titles

[Literal Translation]



Directed by Hiroshi Inagaki
Writing credits Takeshi Kimura, Hiroshi Inagaki
Produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka
Music by Kan Ishii
Cinematography by Kazuo Yamada
Film Editing by Ume Takeda
Production Design by Hiroshi Ueda
Assistant Director Masahiro Takase
Tenzen Hayakawa Koshiro Matsumoto
Chojuro Hiroyuki Nagato
Miyamoto Musashi Ryûnosuke Tsukigata
Hill Woman Junko Ikeuchi
Fiancee Nami Tamura
Port Ronin Hideyo Amamoto
- Masao Shimizu
- Ryosuke Kagawa
- Bokuzen Hidari
- Koji Mitsui
- Ichiro Nakatani
- Ren Yamamoto
- Susumu Fujita
- Jun Tazaki
- Yoshifumi Tajima
- Yoshio Tsuchiya
- Toru Ibuki
- Yuki Nakagawa
- Kin Sugai
- Yoshio Kosugi


Background and Trivia

  • Toho submitted the movie to the US copyright office on March 1st, 1991 under the registration number PA0000528439. It used the titles Young Swordsman and Hiken, the former being the international title and the latter the Romaji title.