In San Francisco, disaster strikes as entire buildings sink into a massive cavern. Unseen by anyone, a colossal orange-and-gray quadruped, the EarthEater, lurks underground. Burrowing through tunnels, the beast is feeding on the city's debris.
Meanwhile, the Calico arrives as Quinn heads to a science conference. As they approach, they notice something's wrong. After helping rescue cars on the Golden Gate Bridge with Godzilla's help, they drive through the city and discover massive holes everywhere. The adults tell Pete and Godzooky to stay behind while they investigate one hole. However, the ground suddenly cracks open, swallowing their jeep and trapping Pete and Godzooky underground. Luckily, they're unharmed. Pete then finds a tunnel, and the crew decides to explore it.
Inside, they encounter the EarthEater. As they try to escape, the creature uses its antennae to block their way with sonic rays. Captain Majors has the idea to use the jeep's headlights, which drives the EarthEater away as the subterranean monster is light sensitive. They find another tunnel and return to the surface—only for the EarthEater to follow, now adapting to the light. With no way to call Godzilla from their remote, Pete has Godzooky reach out. Thankfully the infant Godzilla is successful summoning the King of the Monsters from the ocean.
With the EarthEater closing in, Captain Majors floors the jeep, but it gets stuck in the mud. Godzooky helps push them free, just as the EarthEater closes in—only for Godzilla to appear and clash with the creature. The two monsters roar at each other before Godzilla fires his laser beam eyes at the EarthEater. The subterranean monster retaliates with a powerful blast of sonic waves, knocking Godzilla back. Using this opportunity, the EarthEater then escapes through a tunnel it creates with blasts from its antennae.
Still looking to end the threat, the team plans to use tranquilizer gas to trap the creature. This plan ends up failing, though, thanks to the beast's ability to burrow, allowing it to avoid the trap. In fact, the EarthEater bursts through the ground to attack the group instead. As the group escapes by cable car, the creature remains in pursuit. As the car becomes uncontrollable, Godzilla intervenes to save them.
After the rescue, Godzilla faces the EarthEater in a rematch. The conflict begins with the King of the Monsters unleashing a powerful blast of nuclear breath that narrowly misses. The two titans exchange more explosive attacks, followed by a titanic wrestling match. However, the EarthEater manages to break free and disappears into the urban maze.
Frustrated, Godzilla stomps through the city, searching for the EarthEater. The creature, though, has chosen to hide atop the Bay Bridge. Godzilla, still enraged, zaps at it with his laser eyes while the EarthEater retaliates with sonic beams. Godzooky also tries to help by flying around in circles. Finally, with their combined efforts, a part of the bridge collapses, sending the EarthEater tumbling into the water, where it disintegrates into a pile of mud. |