Twenty years have passed since the hostile alien race known as the Vortaak threatened the Earth. Humanity has learned to coexist peacefully with the giant monsters of the world, with most of the beasts now living on Monster Island while being safely monitored behind containment fields. But this peacetime suddenly comes to an abrupt end as an unexpected meteor shower bombards the planet, causing gigantic crystals to grow out of the ground. The situation grows more and more dire as monsters, both captive and previously unknown, awaken and begin attacking major cities in an effort to destroy the crystals and absorb their mysterious powers. All the while the Vortaak, whom have been amassing an even greater army than before, have redeclared war on Earth and begin sending alien weaponry and monsters of their own to harvest the crystals.
In the midst of this chaos, a towering crystal structure unlike any previously seen collides into New York City from the confines of a meteor. Despite the Global Defense Force's best efforts to protect the city, one of the Vortaak's alien monsters destroys the crystal mass. At first, nothing appears to happen as the structure crumbles. But beneath the earth, something begins to stir... and several days later, a new threat, spawned from the meteor-riding minerals, appears to terrorize New York: a semi-sentient crystal organism that eventually becomes known as Krystalak. Being born from the crystals, Krystalak makes it his goal to collect all the energies of the crystals for himself and become the ultimate monster - and is willing to seek this power at any cost.
Powers / Weapons
Prism Beam
An energy attack fired from Krystalak's mouth that explodes in a cloud of crystal particles on contact. The beam is infused with small crystal shards that bludgeon foes, but the shards themselves don't do any additional damage and are largely aesthetic.
Energy Blasts
A swift offensive attack. With a flick of its spiked tail, Krystalak unleashes up to three purple energy-infused crystal shards, which have weak homing properties. While fairly small, these energy blasts are deceptively strong, and explode in a brilliant mist upon striking their target. Krystalak can perform this attack while stationary, walking, jumping, or doing a midair flip.
Crystal Overload
Krystalak's most powerful technique. After collecting enough energy, Krystalak overloads his crystal heart and unleashes several powerful short-ranged shockwaves from his body at the expense of his physical integrity. While typically used as a coup de grâce, the amount of power the shockwaves carry is dependent on how much energy Krystalak has accumulated.
Extraordinary Jumper
Krystalak is capable of jumping extraordinarily high. He can use his impressive jumping skills in conjunction with a wide range of physical attacks.
Energy Weapon Resistance
Krystalak has a high tolerance towards energy-based attacks, much like the crystals that spawned him. He is especially resistant to alien energy, electricity, ice-based attacks, and heat.
Crystal Spikes on Carapace
Littered with lengthy crystals on his back, Krystalak uses these sharp protrusions to his advantage. They are especially useful against enemies that try to sneak up from behind, as Krystalak can quickly lunge backwards to counter his foe with his deadly backside.
Prism Surge Attack
An extravagant and wide-ranging attack. After collecting enough energy, Krystalak leaps into the air and summons a number of prism cyclones that deal damage in three consecutive bursts. As the attack ends, Krystalak falls back to the ground. Despite how dangerous it appears, this move is actually not very powerful, and only does modest damage against enemy monsters. However, it is incredibly useful against military or alien forces, as each burst wipes out any nearby weaponry within the attack's vicinity.
Background and Trivia
Was one of two original monsters created by the staff at Pipeworks Software that appeared in video games published by Atari, Inc., the other monster being Obsidius.
Is one of a handful of Godzilla monsters to be referenced with gender pronouns (male).
Was a byproduct of the crystals released by SpaceGodzilla and is one of three monsters to be created in this manner, the others being Obsidius and the Sphinx.
Some unused concepts of Krystalak include a purple anthropomorphic creature looking like a man in crystal armor with red eyes and a long chin, and a four-legged creature with a white underbelly and purple spines running from its long snout to a short crystal-formed tail. The colors of the four-legged concept were used in the final design.
Was one of several original monsters submitted to Atari and Toho for approval, and was the only one to be approved by both immediately. None of the other monsters submitted with Krystalak made it into the game, and the designs of these monsters are unknown.
Krystalak's roars were created by mixing various big cat sounds, such as lions, tigers, bobcats, and ocelots with some wolf and bear samples using a vocoder, with the final tweaks being done in a customizable sound effects processor program called Reaktor. All sound mixing took place at Pipeworks Software's sister studio in Seattle.