Toy: Godzilla 1954: S.H. MonsterArts (Bandai) Name
 Godzilla 1954: S.H. MonsterArts
Version Source
Company: Bandai / Tamashii Nations
Extras: None
Classification: Figure Reissue: No
Release: 2016 Height: 15 centimeters
Chris Mirjahangir

The second Showa era appearance (the first being Godzilla 1964 Version) in the S.H. MonsterArts line of Godzilla 1954 is long overdue. While it would have made sense to have put this figure out in 2014 for Godzilla's 60's birthday (that honor went to the Godzilla 2014 figure), this release coincided with the Japanese release of Shin Godzilla (2016). How does it stack up? Let's find out!


Close Up

This is a brilliant representation of Godzilla 1954 sculpted by Yuji Sakai and I like that it entered the line now as opposed to when it started because Tamashii seems to have things a little more figured out as far as materials and articulation. The body has the crease marks from the suit in the chest and lower torso area which is a nice touch. The backplates feel nice to the touch and the points are a tad sharp but not enough to warrant a "be careful" warning like with Gigan 2004. What stands out to me as somewhat of a small weakness is how the hands are placed on ball joints onto the arms. The wrists seem to be too small so it looks more obvious that it's a hand placed onto a ball joint. The sculpt work on the head looks great with the nose, ears, and brows over the eyes really bringing life to the figure.

Godzilla 1954 is bigger than the 1964 version which makes it an exception to their "accurate scale" rule with Godzilla 1954 being 5.9 inches and Godzilla 1964 being 5.5 inches tall respectively.


Side View
Side View

Godzilla's head can move up high (way higher than it did in the film), down, and side to side. The amount of ariculation in the neck is a nice addition since it allows for more poses and expressions. The mouth opens and closes and with this figure. The mouth can actually close all the way. There's also no risk of slack jaw which is pretty cool. The shoulders can move in and out and rotate 360 degrees while the elbows can bend at the joins and the hands can also rotate 360 degrees as well as move in and out slightly. In the midsection, Godzilla can move forward, backward (slightly) and side to side. The legs can move to the side enough to do the splits and the hips can move back and forth. The legs can move about 180 degrees and the feet can move 360 degrees but you kinda have to force them to get past the plastic at the ankles.The knees can bend as well. The articulation on the tail extends mostly the full length and it's quite taught and very poseable.


Back View

Godzilla 1954 comes with no accessories which is a shame because I'd love a beam effect with him.


While Godzilla 1954's eyeball position on both eyes were mean to emulate the promotional artwork of him eeirly looking downward at the military, the paint for the black pupil is a different story. On some figures, you'll get both pupils looking down and on others like mine, you'll get one eye looking down and the other looking forward slightly (and in some cases directly forward). The tongue is painted grey with a mix of black to emulate the black and white film. The backplates are a nice mix of grey and black and it's faded together nicely. What's puzzling about the figure is that there's no paint on the claws even though on the back of the box has them painted. Furthermore, the figure is painted a bright green. The toenails are painted with a nice grey tone with a few blemishes here and there but nothing distracting.


While the paint could have been better and the design of the hand/arm socket connection not looking the best (VERY small issue by the way), this is a great figure and it's about time it entered the line. A must have for casual fans, those new to collecting the line, and the hardcore collector.

Rating: Star Rating