Toy: Battle Roar Skar King (Playmates Toys)



Battle Roar Skar King

English Toy Title

7″ Battle Roar Skar King




Playmates Toys
18 centimeters


Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire



By: Joshua Reynolds (submission)

A huge thank you to both Chris and Playmates for sending me this figure for review! It is always appreciated! With that said, here we are. Godzilla x Kong is here! And like him or hate him, Skar King has some cool merch. Today, I’m going over the seven-inch Battle Roar Skar King.


For starters, the figure scales very well with the other Battle Roar figures from the line. He does stand a lil taller than he should, but it’s not too bad next to Godzilla and Kong. The sculpt is very nicely done with a texture of fur all throughout. The pose is also fairly dynamic, allowing one to make Skar King look ferocious in almost any way you put the arms. The figure itself is very solid, made completely of hard plastic. The head and neck is a soft rubber that allows the mouth to open once the button on the back is pressed. The roars are actual roars of the crimson monkey and not just a stock roar. And that’s always nice.


Skar King’s arms can rotate at the shoulder. The hands can also rotate at the wrist and each leg can rotate as well. However, moving the legs will virtually make the figure unable to stand, rending articulation kind of pointless.


None. Skar King does have his Whiplash as other figures of him do, but this is not meant to be removed and used as a weapon during display/playing like the other figures have.


For a cheap toy, Skar King’s paint isn’t the worst. He’s molded in a dark red with his white “scars” (think that’s what they’re supposed to be due to his name…) properly painted. The eyes are also cleanly painted blue with each eye actually painted better than on your everyday SHMA release (cheap shot). The teeth are also painted a different shade of white, letting them stand out a lil more against his white face.

My only real complaint is the whiplash could have really used just a lil color or a wash.


A very solid release. It pairs well with prior Battle Roar figures. Additionally, until we get some other releases of the evil prmate, it also goes fairly well with SHMA and MMS releases when it comes to size. It's cheap, looks decent, has a cool gimmick… Can’t really dunk on it too much. Now just give me a Shimo that scales well.

**Below are bonus images of the figure.**

Rating: Star Rating