Yamato Takeru

Japan Release: 1994
Running Time:
104 minutes

Yamato Takeru

Japanese Title

[Yamato Takeru]

Distributor: Production:


Emperor Yamato fathers twin sons, but is convinced that one child, Ousu, is cursed and agrees with his shaman to have the boy killed. The child is saved by the deity Amano Shiratori, prompting his aunt to watch over and protect him. Sadly, bad omens follow the son, as his mother dies as he matures and he accidentally kills his own brother in self-defense after his brother blames him for her passing. The Emperor, furious at this, orders his to leave Yamato and venture off on quests dangerous quests, including venturing to the Kumaso domain that is ruled by barbarians...

Live Action Science Fiction Kaiju

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Background - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews


International Title

Yamato Takeru

Initial US Title

Orochi the Eight-Headed Dragon
US Distributor: ADV Films (1999) / Time: 103 Minutes

Alternate Titles

Yamato Takeru
[Literal translation]

Madra the Eight-Headed Monster


Aliens, SDF & Misc.



Directed by Takao Okawara
Writing credits Wataru Mimura
Produced by Tomoyuki Tanaka, Shogo Tomiyama
Music by Kiyoko Ogino, Glay, Yoshiki Hayashi
Cinematography by Yoshinori Sekiguchi, Kenichi Eguchi
Film Editing by Nobuo Ogawa
Production Design by Fumio Ogawa, Tetsuzo Osawa
Assistant Director Kunio Miyoshi
Director of Special Effects Koichi Kawakita, Takao Okawara
Assitant Director of Special Effects Kenji Suzuki

Ousu, Prince / Yamato Takeru Masahiro Takashima
Oto Tachibana Yasuko Sawaguchi
Tsukinowa Akaro Maro
Tsukuyomi Hiroshi Abe
Seiryu Miyashi Ishibashi
Genbu Bengal
Kumaso Takeru Hiroshi Fujioka
Keiko, Yamato Emperor Saburo Shinoda
Inahi, Yamato Empress Keaki Mori
Susanoo Yuki Meguro
Yamato-hime Nobuko Miyamoto
Oousu, Brother of Ousu Akira Koieyama
Etachibana, Sister of Oto Miho Akishino


Box Office

Release Date: July 9th, 1994 (Japan)
Distribution Earning: ¥800,000,000 / $7,500,000 (Japan, Rough Figure)

DVDs and Blu-rays

United States Region 1 Orochi the Eight-Headed Dragon ADV Films (2003) Order
Japan Region 2 Yamato Takeru Toho (2004)

CD Soundtracks

Background and Trivia

  • Toho submitted the film to the US copyright office on February 20th, 1996 with the registration number of PA0000782228. The movie was submitted under its Romaji and international title, Yamato Takeru. In an odd twist, Toho included a variety of alternate names with the submission. These names include: Prince Yamato, Orochi, the Multiheaded Dragon and Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon. The latter use would predate the home video release in the United States by ADV Films using that title.
  • Located in the theatrical pamphlet is a message from producer Shogo Tomiyama about Yamato Takeru. During this, he relates that the production took 22 weeks of shooting, 14 of which were spent on the "main story" while 8 weeks were spent on the special effects. He also notes that Toho built a total of 26 sets for the production.
  • Was originally supposed to be part of a trilogy. However, the proposed second film in the series, Yamato Takeru II, was canceled.
  • Interestingly, the movie's theatrical pamphlet notes that a highlight of the production is that the "story unfolds like an RPG (role playing game). The process of growing stronger through adventures while fighting enemies captures the excitement of experiencing an RPG live."
  • The end song "Rain", performed by Glay, was also used as the ending song for TBS' Yamato Takeru anime for the first 18 episodes. The animated show ran from April 9th through December 24th of 1994. Consequently, the movie was released during the show's run. Despite this, Toho did not produce the show, which was produced by TBS and ASATSU. They were involved in early planning stages, though.

Concept Art

Cut Scenes

Rise of Kumasogami

Rise of Kumasogami

Tsukinowa infiltrates Kumaso, where he channels a dark spell to awaken the slumbering lava golem, Kumasogami, in order to kill Yamato Takeru and his companions.

Originally set to occur during scenes 78 and 80, Tsukinowa’s involvement in the events that transpire in the land of Kumaso never made it to the big screen. As a result, whether or not the sorcerer had anything to do with Kumasogami’s sudden reawakening is never explained in the finished movie.

The Birth of Oto Tachibana

The Birth of Oto Tachibana

After their escapades in the Kumaso kingdom, Oto’s older sister informs her about the night she was born. It is revealed that Oto was granted life by Amaterasu’s divine messenger, Amano Shiratori, as a sign from the gods. With this realization, Oto embarks on a journey to find Ousu.

Intended to appear during scenes 99-101, the full sequence of Etachibana informing her younger sibling about the secret of her birth was filmed, but never made it into the movie. In the final cut, Oto simply gazes at her battle uniform before finding Yamato Takeru in the following scene.

Orochi's Wrath

Orochi's Wrath

After blowing Orochi away with a powerful pulse, the eight-headed serpent begins its assault against the weakened warrior. Perpetually blasting the armored samurai with a volley of its lightning blasts, Utsuno Ikusagami eventually collapses. Overwhelmed, Orochi closes the gap, intending to finish their fight.

Originally envisioned in the storyboards, this scene was removed from the final version in order not to compromise Utsuno Ikusagami's strength. Additionally, a follow up scene in which Ikusagami tears off Orochi’s tail was filmed, evident by its inclusion in the storyboards and the continuity error of a tailless Orochi in the latter half of the fight.


Anthony Romero Star Rating
June 10, 2006
Patrick Galvan Star Rating
March 29, 2017