International Title
Japanese Title
Production: Toho / Dentsu / Amuse / KDDI / Asahi Shimbun / Horipro / Sony / Yahoo
Distributor: Toho Japan: 2010
  Time: 139 minutes
Initial US Title
US Distributor: - Time: -
Alternate Movie Titles:

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews

Yuichi Shimizu, a man who watches over his grandparents, murders Yoshino Ishibashi, a young woman he had a relationship with after meeting her on an online dating site. Yuichi manages to stay free thanks to another man being accused of the crime. Not long after, Yuichi starts a relationship with Mitsuyo Magome, another person from an online dating site. However, the truth of his villainous past is revealed and, just as the authorities realize the true murderer, Mitsuyo convinces Yuichi to run away with her.

Directed by Sangil Lee
Writing credits Sangil Lee, Shuichi Yoshida
Produced by Genki Kawamura, Yoshihiro Suzuki
Music by Joe Hisaishi
Cinematography by Norimichi Kasamatsu
Film Editing by Takeshi Imai
Production Design by Yohei Taneda
Mitsuyo Magome Eri Fukatsu
Yuichi Shimizu Satoshi Tsumabuki
Keigo Masuo Masaki Okada
Yoshino Ishibashi Hikari Mitsushima
Yoshio Ishibashi Akira Emoto
Fusae Shimizu Kirin Kiki
Keiji Sano Sansei Shiomi
Norio Kubo Mansaku Ikeuchi
Norio Yajima Ken Mitsuishi
Yoriko Shimizu Kimiko Yo
Katsuji Shimizu Hisashi Igawa
Tsutsumishita Suzuki Matsuo
Tamayo Magome Kinuo Yamada
Kiri Tanimoto Hanae Kan
Masako Adachi Ayaka Nakamura
Satoko Ishibashi Yoshiko Miyazaki
Koki Tsuruta Kento Nagayama
Monster Appearances Aliens, SDF, Misc
None N/A


Box Office
Release Date: September 11, 2010 (Japan)
Opening Weekend: ¥245,047,278 / $2,916,188 (Japan, 231 Screens)
Total: ¥1,980,000,000 / $24,000,000 (Japan, Rough Figure)

DVDs and Blu-Ray
Region 2 Villain: Standard Edition Toho (2011)
Region 2 Villain: Special Edition Toho (2011)