Directed by Hayao Miyazaki Writing credits Hayao Miyazaki Produced by Toshio Suzuki, Matsuo Toshimitsu, Sokai Tokuma, Yasuyoshi Tokuma Music byJoe Hisaishi, Tokiko Kato Cinematography by Atsushi Okui Film Editing by Takeshi Seyama Production Design by Katsu Hisamura, Yoshitsu Hisamura Assistant Director Shinichi Matsumi
Tokuma Shoten submitted the film to the US copyright office on August 11th, 1994 with the registration number of PA0000729337. The movie was submitted with its international title, Porco Rosso, and its Romaji title, Kurenai-no-buta.
The Toho 60th anniversary logo appears on the main poster for the movie, despite Toho only being involved in distributing the production.