Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell

Japan Release: 1974
Running Time:
83 minutes

Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell

Japanese Title

子連れ狼 地獄へ行くぞ! 大五郎
[Kozure Okami: Jigoku e Ikuzo! Daigoro]

Distributor: Production:

Katsu Productions


Live Action

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Background - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews


International Title

Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell

Initial US Title

Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell
US Distributor: AnimEigo (1997) / Time: 83 minutes

Alternate Titles

Wolf With Child: Let's Go to Hell, Daigoro!
[Literal Translation]




Directed by Yoshiyuki Kuroda
Writing credits Kazuo Koike, Goseki Kojima, Tsutomu Nakamura
Produced by Masanori Sanada, Tomisaburo Wakayama
Music by Kunihiko Murai
Cinematography by Chishi Makiura
Production Design by Akira Naito
Ogami Itto Tomisaburo Wakayama
Daigoro Akihiro Tomikawa
Yagyu Kaori Junko Hitomi
Ozunu Goro Mutsumi
Azusa Mayumi Yamaguchi
Kenmochi Tokio Oki
Yagyu Retsudo Yunosuke Ito
Hyouei Isao Kimura
- Daigo Kusano
- Jiro Miyaguchi
- Renji Ishibashi
- Ritsu Ishiyama
- Chizu Kobayashi
- Koichi Sato
- Gakuya Morita
- Koji Fujiyama
- Yoshiro Takee
- Yo Nishida
- Riki Harada
- Masataka Wakao
- Shoji Mori
- Yasuno Sakai
- Koji Kanda
- Yukio Horikita
- Matsujiro Konaka
- Seiichi Yoshida
- Satsuko Yamamura
- Yoshihiro Maruo
- Seji Katayama


Toho Stock Footage

DVDs and Blu-rays

United States Region 1 Lone Wolf and Cub: White Heaven in Hell AnimEigo (2004) Order
United States Region 4 Lone Wolf and Cub 6: White Heaven in Hell Madman (2005)

Background and Trivia

  • Toho registered the movie with the US copyright office December 8th, 1997 under the registration number V3449D019. The titles used were shortened international title, White Heaven in Hell, and the Romaji title, Kozure Okami: Jigokueikuzo! Daigoro. The movie was submitted as part of a large group of films, all related to Katsu Productions. The process started as far back as July 29th, 1985, with certification done in 1997. Other movies on the submission are largely from the Zatoichi, Razor and Lone Wolf and Cub series.
  • Based on the 28 volume manga by Kazuo Koike and Goseki Kojima, which ran from 1970 to 1976.
  • The sixth and final entry in the Lone Wolf and Cub movie series, although the mangas ran for several years after and do actually conclude the overall story unlike the films.
  • The isolated soundtrack score for the movie is believed to be lost. This is noted indirectly on the retail releases for scores for the Lone Wolf and Cub movie series. For example, on the The Best of "Lone Wolf and Cub" from La-La Land Records there is a disclaimer that reads: "in some cases, the original master recordings have been lost or otherwise compromised. As a result, sound quality on some tracks will vary." In addition, the lone track from the 1974 movie contains sound effects and appears to be simply recorded from a final film source rather than an isolated copy of Kunihiko Murai's score.