International Title
Japanese Title
 [Tokyo Saiban]
Production: Kodansha
Distributor: Toho-Towa Japan: 1983
  Time: 277 minutes
Initial US Title
US Distributor: - Time: -
Alternate Movie Titles:
Tokyo Trials [Literal translation]
International Military Tribunal for the Far East [Japanese English Title]

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews

A black and white documentary on the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (abbreviated IMTFE), also commonly referred to as the Tokyo Trials, that took place at the Ichigaya Court in Tokyo from April 1946 to November 1948. The documentary goes into the events of World War II, that contributed to the war trials, while covering the precedings from the nine appointed judges by General Douglas MacArthur. A few other important current events, such as the efforts of Mahatma Gandhi, are also covered.

Directed by Masaki Kobayashi
Writing credits Masaki Kobayashi, Kiyoshi Ogasawara, Shun Inagaki
Produced by Hiroshi Sudo
Music by Toru Takemitsu
Film Editing by Keiichi Uraoka
Narrator Kei Sato
Monster Appearances Aliens, SDF, Misc
None N/A


DVDs and Blu-Ray
Region 1 Tokyo Trials King Records (2004)