The Eternal Zero

Japan Release: 2013
Running Time:
144 minutes

The Eternal Zero

Japanese Title

[Eien No 0]

Distributor: Production:

Toho / Robot / Amuse / Dentsu / Shirogumi / Abe Shuji Inc. / J Storm / Ohta Publishing / Kodansha / Futabasha / Asahi Shimbun / Nikkei / KDDI / Tokyo FM / GyaO! / Nippan


Live Action

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Background - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews


International Title

The Eternal Zero

Initial US Title

US Distributor: - / Time: -

Alternate Titles

Eternal 0
[Literal translation]




Directed by Takashi Yamazaki
Writing credits Takashi Yamazaki, Tamio Hayashi, Naoki Hyakuta
Produced by Keiichiro Moriya, Taichi Ueda, Hitoshi Endo
Executive Producer Chikahiro Ando, Shuji Abe
Music by Naoki Sato
Cinematography by Kozo Shibasaki
Film Editing by Ryuji Miyajima
Production Design by Asato Kamijo
Assistant Director Toru Yamamoto
Director of Special Effects Takashi Yamazaki
Kyuzo Miyabe Junichi Okada
Kentaro Saeki Haruma Miura
Matsuno Mao Inoue
Keiko Saeki Kazue Fukiishi
Kiyoko Saeki Jun Fubuki
Kenichiro Oishi Isao Natsuyagi
Izaki Isao Hashizume
Kageura Min Tanaka
Young Kenichiro Shota Sometani
Young Izaki Gaku Hamada
Young Kageura Hirofumi Arai
Hasegawa Mikijiro Hira
Kagawa Yuya Endo
- Tatsuya Ueda
- Rakuto Tochihara


Background and Trivia

  • The movie was registered with the US copyright office on January 24th, 2014. The submission was registrastion number PA0001896832. The movie was registered with its international title, The Eternal Zero, and the movie's Romaji title, Eien No Zero. The companies on the registration were the rather large production comittee that includes: Toho, Amuse, Dentsu, Robot, Shirogumi, Abe Shuji Inc., J Storm, Ohta Publishing, Kodansha, Futabasha, Asahi Shimbun, Nikkei, KDDI, Tokyo FM, GyaO! and Nippan.
  • Based on the 2006 novel of the same name, The Eternal Zero, by Naoki Hyakuta.