The End of Summer

Japan Release: 1961
Running Time:
103 minutes

The End of Summer

Japanese Title

[Kohayagawake no Aki]

Distributor: Production:

Takarazaka Eiga

Manbei Kohayagawa, head of a small brewing company, is the father to two daughters and one widowed daughter-in-law. Having children of their own, the Kohayagawa family is quite large. Manbei's eldest daughter, Fumiko, helps him run his business with her husband and son. Interested in making his daughters happy, Manbei works with his brother-in-law to find suitors for his youngest daughter and daughter-in-law. However, skeletons are let out of the closet. While trying to setup his daughters, the head of the small brewing company continues to see an old mistress named Sasaki Tsune. Sasaki has a daughter of her own, which might be Manbei's. As his trips to see Sasaki during the summer increase, his eldest daughter Fumiko finds out. She then attempts to confront her father about the truth...

Live Action

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Background - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews


International Title

The End of Summer

Initial US Title

Early Autumn
US Distributor: Toho (1962) / Time: 103 minutes

Alternate Titles

Autumn for the Kohayagawa Family




Directed by Yasujiro Ozu
Writing credits Yasujiro Ozu, Kogo Noda
Produced by Sanezumi Fujimoto, Masakatsu Kaneko, Tadahiro Teramoto
Music by Toshiro Mayuzumi
Cinematography by Asakazu Nakai
Film Editing by Koichi Iwashita
Production Design by Tomoo Shimogawara
Assistant Director Shigekichi Takemae
Manbei Kohayagawa Ganjiro Nakamura
Akiko, Daughter-in-Law Setsuko Hara
Noriko Kohayagawa, Daughter Yoko Tsukasa
Fumiko, Eldest Daughter Michiyo Aratama
Hisao, Fumiko's Husband Keiju Kobayashi
Masao, Fumiko's Son Masahiko Shimazu
Eiichiro Isomura Hisaya Morishige
Sasaki Tsune Chieko Naniwa
Yuriko, Sasaki's Daughter Reiko Dan
Katou Shige Haruko Sugimura
Yanosuke Kitagawa Daisuke Kato
Teruko Kitagawa Haruko Togo
Nakanishi Takako Yumi Shirakawa
Teramoto Tadashi Akira Takarada
Yamaguchi, Chief Clerk Kyu Sazanka
Maruyama Rokutarou Yu Fujiki
Banpei's Brother Tatsuo Endo
Farmer Chishu Ryu
Farmer's Wife Yuko Mochizuki
Isha, Doctor Asao Uchida


DVDs and Blu-rays

United States Region 1 Eclipse Series 3: Late Ozu Criterion (2007) Order
Japan Region 2 Autumn for the Kohayagawa Family Toho (2004)

Background and Trivia

  • Takarazaka Eiga submitted the movie to the US copyright office on February 10th, 1989. The registration number was PA0000412971. The production was submitted with both its Romaji title, Kohayagawake no Aki, and its international title, The End of Summer.