International Title
Japanese Title
Production: P.C.L. (Pre-Toho Merger)
Distributor: Toho Eiga Distribution Corp. Japan: 1937
  Time: 59 minutes
Initial US Title
US Distributor: - Time: -
Alternate Movie Titles:
Avalanche [Literal Translation]

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews

A love triangle erupts one year into Goro Kusaka's marriage with his wife Fukiko. Goro has discovered that the woman who he had loved so dear, Yayoi, truly does have feelings for him. His intent is to break things off with Fukiko as quickly as possible, but Goro's father feels that his son is shirking his responsibilities. As Goro digs himself deeper and deeper into an emotional crisis, he eventually concocts an alarming plan of escape...

Directed by Mikio Naruse
Written by Mikio Naruse, Jiro Osaragi
Music by Nobuo Iida
Cinematography by Mikiya Tachibana
Production Design by Takeo Kita
Assistant Directors Ishiro Honda, Akira Kurosawa
Sound by Isamu Suzuki
Fukiko Noboru Kiritachi
Yayoi Ranko Edogawa
Goro Hideo Saeki
Goro's Mother Yuriko Hanabusa
Goro's Father Yo Shiomi
Fukiko's Father Sadao Maruyama
Koyanagi Masao Mishima
Keisuke Akira Ubukata
Monster Appearances Aliens, SDF, Misc
None N/A

DVDs and Blu-Ray

Miles Imhoff Star Rating
June 21, 2014