International Title
Japanese Title
 [Joyu to Shijin]
Production: P.C.L. (Pre-Toho Merger)
Distributor: P.C.L. (Pre-Toho Merger) Japan: 1935
  Time: 72 minutes
Initial US Title
US Distributor: - Time: -
Alternate Movie Titles:
The Actress and the Poet [Literal]

Box Office - Stock Footage - DVDs - CDs - Pictures - Concept Art - Cut Scenes - Reviews

Though the poet Geppu's wife Chieko is a talented actress who has achieved some degree of fame, Geppu is frequently ashamed by the fact that she's the main breadwinner of the household. Life begins to imitate art when the pair become embroiled in an argument over an issue eerily similar to a scene they had earlier rehearsed for an upcoming play. Will this real encounter end just as violently as its fictional counterpart, if not worse?

Directed by Mikio Naruse
Written by Ryuji Nagami
Based on a Novel by Minoru Nakano
Cinematography by Hiroshi Suzuki
Film Development by Kenji Ono
Art Direction by Kazuo Kubo
Edited by Koichi Iwashita
Sound by Koichi Sugii
Music by Noboru Ito
Hiroshi Uruki Geppu Futatsugi
Sachiko Chiba Chieko Futatsugi
Kamatari Fujiwara Baido Nose
Haruko Toda Ohama Hanajima
Kinba Sanyutei Kintaro Hanajima
Hideo Saeki Young Man
Chizuko Kanda Young Woman
Masao Mishima Actor
Teruko Miyano Actress
Yoko Nitta Tobacconist
Monster Appearances Aliens, SDF, Misc
King Kong (mentioned only) N/A

DVDs and Blu-Ray

Miles Imhoff Star Rating
July 19, 2014