Banished to the Earth for his mischievous ways,
Prince Susano would soon make an unlikely name
for himself near the River Hi in Uzumo. Orochi
of Yamata, an eight-headed dragon with an insatiable
appetite, had emerged from a nearby lake year
after year to devour the seven siblings of Princess
Kushinada. The moment was drawing near when she
too would fall victim to the serpentine beast.
Susano swiftly took charge of the situation, transmogrifying
the princess into a humble wooden comb. Her parents
were charged with the task of preparing eight
vats of particularly potent sake. The trap was
... a fell wind blew, lightning crackled across
night sky, and water heaved into the atmosphere
like some sort of unnatural storm. The lake overtook
its shores and the writhing many-headed wyrm slithered
onto land to imbibe copious amounts of the unusually
strong sake. That dreaded beast, said to cover
eight valleys at once and also said to possess
a stomach never devoid of blood, quickly fell
into an alcohol-induced slumber and slept as peacefully
as such a wretched creature could possibly be
said to sleep.
Prince Susano approached, and an eerie glow of
primal hatred beamed from the beady eyes of the
eight-headed monstrosity once more. In its drunken
stupor, it was lured into a tactical disadvantage.
A gnarled, seemingly ancient tree stood between
the prince and the dragon, and as deadly slashes
rained down upon the once proud beast, it began
to weaken. It's serpentlike body and eight tails
were the last to show any signs of life. A final
swipe revealed an unearthly golden glow within
the creature, and the sword that was to be called
Murakumo was recovered. It would be handed down
throughout the ages to defend the country.
Meanwhile, Susano returned Princess Kushinada
to her natural form and the two were soon thereafter
wed. The defeat of Orochi of Yamata became the
stuff of legends!