The last of its kind, Leo was conceived by its aged mother Mothra in the twilight years of her life. Focusing her remaining energy into birthing its mammoth egg, Mothra settled down to live out her days in peace. However, the evil Elia Belvera, in a plot to destroy what she felt were the "worthless humans," released the world destroyer Desghidorah from his ancient prison.
When the two Elias Moll and Lora learned of this
they called in the aged Mothra to battle the armageddon
beast. However, when she began to lose, the young
Leo stirred in its egg. The two shared a strong psychic bond and sensing its mother was in danger Leo hatched prematurely. The small larva then left Infant Island, heading toward Hokkaido where Mothra was struggling in its battle with Desghidorah.
Born with increasable
power, the new Mothra selflessly charged into
battle with Desghidorah. Using stinging strings and mutating a chest beam, the larva caught the three-headed beast off guard. However, Desghidorah quickly gained the upper hand, sinking its sharp teeth into the larva and drawing blood. This time the adult Mothra came to the aid of her child, engaging Desghidorah. The armageddon
beast overpowered the mother, but this enabled the larva to escape. Cloaking itself through using its prismatic tissue, the small Mothra Leo went undetected in the vicinity.
Desghidorah's rage, though, caused him to destroy the area with his flames, striking the larva in the process. No longer cloaked, Desghidorah, at the urging of Belvera, focused his dreaded attention
solely on the larval Leo. Its mother once more intervened and eventually the battle moved toward a nearby dam. Using this to her advantage, the mother coaxed the three-headed creature into firing on the dam while trying to strike her. This caused the dam to rupture, momentarily washing Desghidorah away. Before the larva could be swept in the same waters, Mothra grasped the larva in its legs and ferried it to safety.
The two Mothra flew a great distance away from Hokkaido, far away from Desghidorah. However, this final, selfless act
of saving her only child drained the last strength
from the old Mothra. As her energy gave out, she plummeted into the
ocean, dropping the larva in the process. Try as it might, Leo could not save its
mother. The larva watched helplessly as its only family
slowly sunk beneath the icy waves of the ocean.
Now the last of its kind, Leo instinctively swam
to Yakushima island in the Kagoshima Prefecture. Locating an ancient and gigantic Yakusugi tree, the larva begin to prepare a cocoon. Once inside, the larva started to absorb the knowledge and power of the Earth, undergoing a powerful metamorphosis. |