In Ichiro Miki's dreams, the land mass of Monster Island was densily populated by a variety of kaiju. From Anguirus to Kumonga, the isle hosted a diverse and sometimes hostile population of creatures.
After taking a Pan American Airways flight, Ichiro lands on Monster Island to visit the various beasts for himself. He first encounters Godzilla and a trio of Kamacuras, who are locked in combat. The King of the Monsters easily gains the upper hand and defeats the giant mantises. With the battle over, Ichiro becomes distracted after hearing a roar in the distance. Climbing a tree for a better vantage point, he witnesses Gorosaurus and other kaiju like Manda nearby.
Unfortunately for the young boy, his location in the tree places him in harms way as a nearby Giant Eagle starts to circle. Ichiro quickly climbs down and attempts to hide, while the avian monster instead engages Godzilla. The bird creature attacks it's target furiously, scratching and pecking at its foe. Godzilla slams the beast with his forearms, causing it to crash into some rocks. This briefly disorients the avian monster, but does not halt it's continued attack. Eventually the Giant Eagle decides to fly away to gain some distance, intending to dive bomb Godzilla. The plan backfires as the King of the Monsters utilizes the opportunity to charge and unleash his atomic ray. The blast scores a direct hit, burning away feathers and engulfing the Giant Eagle in flames and smoke. The avian beast attempts to flap it's wings to stay airborne, but ultimately succumbs to it's wound. It first crashes into some rocks before it's body falls into the sea. |