Dagahra ダガーラ

Dagahra - Dagahra (Final Form)

Length : 73 meters
Wingspan : 36 meters
Mass : 17,700 tons

Powers / Weapons

Flight at mach 10; Barem Toxin; Poisonous Jet Stream; Vertical Poison Cannon; adept swimmer; Thundering Toxic Crimson Vortex


Rebirth of Mothra II (1997)

Series // Heisei (Rebirth of Mothra)

Sound Effect


About 15,000 years ago, a powerful and ancient civilization ruled the land of the rising sun. Known as the Nilai Kanai, these people were technologically and mystically advanced, holding power over science and magic unknown before or after. Yet, there's was not a perfect society. Like the humans of today, they polluted their waters and corrupted their skies with toxins. Rather than change their ways, they chose to play at being gods, and created a being to dispose of their wastes. Known as Dagahra, this creature would consume the pollution that the Nilai Kanai produced, thus cleansing the waters. Dagahra did consume pollution, as it was constructed to, but produced a toxic side effect: Barems. As a result, the giant creature quickly became dangerous. It began developing attacks that were infused from its own toxic by-products. Releasing thousands of the acidic sea stars from its body, Dagahra destroyed its creators, then fell into a deep slumber below the waves.

DagahraMany thousands of years later, Dagahra was reawakened by a new insurgence of pollution into its domain. Awakening to fulfill its purpose once again, the toxic monster emerged from its lair, consuming man's waste and releasing its deadly spawn. Soon, the oceans ran red with its lethal sea stars. As the creature's aggression rose, a Harushio Class Submarine stumbled on its resting grounds. Dagahra's wraith was swift. The sub was quickly encrusted with Barem that were launched from the toxic monster's shoulder cannons. With the smaller creatures eating away at the sub's exterior, Dagahra ended the confrontation before it started. Colliding with incredible force directly into the 2,700 ton machine, the ancient monster destroyed it in an explosion.

Thirsting for more destruction, the toxic beast made its way toward Ishigaki Island. Witnessing the recently surfaced Nilai Kanai temple, once home to its creators, the monster was filled with rage. Releasing its arsenal, Dagahra blasted at the ancient structure. The temple had defenses of its own, though. Unleashing its firepower, Dagahra was driven away by the temple. Angered, the creature left in frustration, emerging itself on the shores across the water. As it made landfall, the toxic beast spread destruction to humanity which had feed it so much waste. Creating a wake of devastation, pillars of smoke rose into the sky that could be seen all the way from the temple.

The cruelty did not go unnoticed, as it was met by a powerful entity known as Mothra Leo. Racing into the sea, Dagahra first engaged Mothra over the ocean before taking the battle on land. There, it fought Leo in the forest and skies with all of its might. However, Dagahra was still unable to overcome his foe. Retreating back to the water, the noble Mothra continued to best the toxic beast. A turning point came, though, when the creature released its poisonous Barem into the water. Dagahra then proceeded to spin its body, creating a violent, lighting infused vortex. Traveling above the water, the vortex engulfed Mothra, covering the noble monster with the toxic sea stars. With Mothra Leo badly injured, Dagahra dragged its enemy below the water. The advantage was his, and he encrusted the noble warrior with even more of his toxic spawn. With a hidden surge of strength, Mothra barely escaped the waters, aided by the natural defenses of the Nilai Kanai temple. The ancient structure shelled Dagahra with blasts, causing an underwater avalanche that momentarily stopped the toxic beast.

Robbed of his victory, Dagahra stirred in the waters. Suddenly, the ancient monster bathed itself in its own lighting blasts. The effect magnified the monster's capabilities as new shoulder points grew out of its wings and the creature transformed into its final form.

Powers / Weapons
Flight at Mach 10

Flight at Mach 10

Dagahra could fly at an incredible rate, reaching speeds of up to mach 10.

Despite the impressiveness of its speed, it did not match the mach 15.5 speed of Mothra Leo. As a result, even though Dagahra had three times the mass of its winged foe, Mothra was still able to collide head-on and send the toxic monster falling in pain. However, when grabbing Mothra's wing in its jaws, the creature was able to overtake it in speed, pushing the noble monster backwards into a mountainside.

Barem Toxin

Barem Toxin

The creature's shoulder cannons were able to fire a concentrated mixture of Barem and crystallized toxins.

Appearing as a quickly moving red cloud, the attack could be utilized underwater, above the surface and while the creature was flying.

Poisonous Jet Stream Shockwave

Poisonous Jet Stream

Infused with Barem, the toxic monster could fire a burning jet stream from its mouth. The beam packed concussive force, blowing pieces of the Nilai Kanai temple away.

Despite the fact that the beam was laced with Barem, adding to its toxic properties, the attack did not appear to leave the poisonous starfish on opponents that were struck by it.

Adept Swimmer

Vertical Poison Cannon

The ancient creature was able to fire crimson energy beams from its dorsal fins.

Firing upward, this poisonous attack could only be used in the water. It was most effective when used as a surprise attack as Mothra Leo flew overhead.

Adept Swimmer

Adept Swimmer

Dagahra could move underwater at 150 knots, which is roughly 278 kilometers per hour.

While the creature was able to move quickly underwater, its speed did not measure up to its aerial capabilities of mach 10, roughly 12,348 kilometers per hour. This is possibly why the creature choose to engage Mothra Leo in the air, even though many of its weapons are water based.

Thundering Toxic Crimson Vortex

Thundering Toxic Crimson Vortex

The poisonous creature was able to fire its Barem Toxin and then spin underwater at an incredible rate. While spinning, lighting would begin to fire from the creature's body. When finished, a giant lighting laced vortex will erupt from the water into the sky.

This attack, which takes awhile to prepare, was used against Mothra Leo to trap the monster within the tornado-like vortex. Once the attack was finished, Mothra Leo was covered in Barem.

Background and Trivia
  • Dagahra was portrayed by suit actor Mizuho Yoshida.
  • The Giant Picture Encyclopedia of Godzilla: Toho Special Effects Movie World (ISBN: 4873765587) lists Dagahra's powers as "Barem Toxin" (ベーレム毒素 - Beremu Dokuso), "Lightning Shockwave" (輝雷衝撃波 - Teru Kaminari Shogekiha), "Thundering Vortex-Toxic Red Bullets" (轟渦赤猛毒弾 - Todoroki Uzu Aka Modoku Dan), "Dragon-Burst Crimson Light Waves" (爆龍赤塊光波 - Bakuryu Sekikai Koha), "Vertical Poison Cannon" (縦列毒撃砲弾 - Juretsu Dokugeki Hodan) and "Poisonous Jet Stream Shockwave" (噴灼毒撃波 - Penzhuo Dokugekiha).
  • In the book Everything Godzilla: The Complete Super Encyclopedia (ISBN: 4063045579), Dagahra's ability to fire Barem from his shoulders is given a different name of "Barem Bullet" (ベーレム弾 - Beremu Tama).
  • For the Godzilla Defense Force video game, Dagahra's beam weapon is called simply a "Poisonous Jet Stream".
  • Rebirth of Mothra II (1997) director Kunio Miyoshi requested that Dagahra's theme resemble "Darth Vader's Theme," known as the Imperial March, from the Star Wars series. Composer Toshiyuki Watanabe built upon this idea when creating the music, giving the water creature a slow paced march-like motif. Discussed in Toho SF Special Effects Movie Series Vol. 12 (ISBN: 4924609692).

Dagahra (Final Form)
Dagahra (Final Form)

Length : 73 meters
Wingspan : 36 meters
Mass :

Powers / Weapons

Flight at mach 10; Barem Toxin; Poisonous Jet Stream; Super-Extreme Dragon Explosion; Vertical Poison Cannon; adept swimmer; Dragon-Burst Crimson Light Waves; Thundering Toxic Crimson Vortex


Rebirth of Mothra II (1997)

Series // Heisei (Rebirth of Mothra)

Sound Effect


Transformed into its final form, the ancient monster was ready to begin its battle anew with Mothra.

As Dagahra pursued his foe onto the Nilai Kanai pyramid, he closed in to finish the job. Yet, his ancient creators sought to foil him from beyond the grave, as temple traps activated and bombarded the toxic one with bolts of rainbow lightning. Persistent and unwilling to be robbed of his victory, Dagahra tried again, only to once more have the pyramid send the monster back to the waters. Forced to temporarily retreat, the toxic monster circled the pyramid, seeking a way to continue his assault on the heroic Leo.

DagahraJust as the tide seemed in Dagahra's favor, the water spirit Ghogo released his power into the damaged Mothra, reviving him and allowing Leo to rise from defeat and battle against Dagahra. This time, Dagahra was at a disadvantage, as Ghogo's magic gave Leo a powerful boost in energy that transformed it into Rainbow Mothra. On land, the toxic monster stood no chance, as Mothra deflected the beast's arsenal.

Realizing it couldn't best its foes on the surface, the toxic monster leapt beneath the waves. There, it continued the assault using its Vertical Poison Cannon. However, Ghogo granted Mothra even more powers than its toxic adversary realized. This included the ability to follow Dagahra under the waves to continue his assault as it transformed into Aqua Mothra. Try as he might, Dagahra couldn't fight of the empowered Leo. Then, his foe did something startling. Splitting apart, Leo dove into Dagahra's stomach. The toxic one was wracked with agony as his enemy literally carved his internal organs apart. As his last dieing scream echoed through the depths, Leo dragged his venomous carcass from the water. Purified by the Nilai Kanai temple and Leo's combined power, Dagahra returned to seawater, and was dispersed by Leo. Thus ending the reign of the toxic beast Dagahra, the product of civilization's foolish pride.

Powers / Weapons
Flight at Mach 10

Flight at Mach 10

The toxic fiend was able to fly at mach 10. Dagahra could even leap directly from the water and take off into the sky at incredible speeds.

Barem Toxin

Barem Toxin

Dagahra's new shoulder points were able to fire off Barem Toxin, a mixture of its starfish offspring and crystallized toxins.

The Barem for this attack are created internally. When Aqua Mothra divided itself into smaller versions to attack inside Dagahra's body, the toxic starfish were produced in an effort to defend the ancient monster.

Poisonous Jet Stream Shockwave

Poisonous Jet Stream

The ancient monster could unleash a purple-hued beam from its mouth. This powerful jet stream was enhanced through the monster's Barem, adding toxic qualities to the attack.

Super-Extreme Dragon Explosion

Super-Extreme Dragon Explosion

One of its newly acquired powers, this attack utilized the new shoulder points to fire two powerful beams at its opponents.

The Super-Extreme Dragon Explosion could be launched both with the shoulder points closed or open.

Adept Swimmer

Vertical Poison Cannon

Dagahra was able to launch an energy beam upward to assault its prey. Originating from its dorsal fins, this attack would travel down the spine, each shooting a blast upward.

As in its earlier form, this attack could only be used while Dagahra was underwater.

Adept Swimmer

Adept Swimmer

Like its first form, Dagahra could move in the water at a speed of 150 knots.

While fast, it was not able to match the 200 knots that Aqua Mothra could swim at during their confrontation.

Dragon-Burst Crimson Light Waves

Dragon-Burst Crimson Light Waves

The ancient monster is able to rotate its body to fire energy rings at its opponent.

This attack, which could only be used underwater, takes little prep and is able to fire off energy attacks quickly after the initial movement is started. Despite how frequent the light waves can be fired, though, the actual energy released is relatively slow moving and Aqua Mothra was able to avoid them.

Thundering Toxic Crimson Vortex

Thundering Toxic Crimson Vortex

In its earlier form, Dagahra's Barem Toxin was fired into the water before the creature created a lightning infused vortex through spinning its body.

This attack was never used in its final form.

Background and Trivia
  • Like its first form, the final form of Dagahra was played by suit actor Mizuho Yoshida.
  • Both the Mothra 2 Super Complete Works (ISBN: 4091014615) and The Giant Picture Encyclopedia of Godzilla: Toho Special Effects Movie World (ISBN: 4873765587) credit the creature as having three forms. Besides its normal form, one is a "Flying Form" (飛行形態 - Hiko Keitai), even though the creature doesn't make any transformation to become airborne. The other form is a "Final Form" (最終形態 - Saishu Keitai), which is an actual transformation and involves the growth of the wing points.

    Each form has its own power list, citing "Super-Extreme Dragon Explosion" (超重龍爆炎 - Cho Omo Ryu Bakuen) as unique to the final form. Due to this approach, the publication lists that most of the creature's powers could not be used in its flying or final form except the "Barem Toxin" weapon and the previously mentioned "Super-Extreme Dragon Explosion" weapon. This is contradictory to what the movie showed, as powers like the "Poisonous Jet Stream" were used while flying and in the final form.
  • In publications that list an individual bio for the final form, like The Giant Picture Encyclopedia of Godzilla: Toho Special Effects Movie World (ISBN: 4873765587), the monster's weight and length are listed as unknown. However, the new shoulder tips do not extend past the creature's head, meaning at least its length would have been unchanged.