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Post by HillyHulk »

Like before, feedback would be appreciated.

Legend told of a golden creature that lived in a different plane of existence than our own. Should it ever come to our world, it would destroy all that lived. On the planet Earth, the three headed dragon with these qualities came to be known as Ghidorah. It alone was powerful enough to challenge the living monolith known as Godzilla Earth. Only through cutting off a certain item was he able to send it back from once it came.

That item would be known as Garbetrium, made of the bigger equation known as the Gematron calculation. The wielder of the item was known as Metphies. The destruction of the bead that replaced his eye and his subsequent fall led to Ghidorah’s defeat. Alternate dimensions meant more chances to rise however, a being that could transcend the realms of reality knew that full well. It was only a matter of time.

That day would come in a place called Prime Earth. Archeologists had found another bead of Garbetrium in an ancient temple. Intrigued by the item they had never seen before, the researchers studied it thoroughly. Once information on how the item worked dried out, it was sold to a new museum in Gotham City. That information would also come of one of the most infamous faces there.

One threat of toxin on one of the archeological founder’s family was all it took to squeeze the knowledge out of him. Of course, no one ever said he was a man of his word, but that’s neither here nor there. Now, the stocky man with beady red eyes was disguised as a janitor of the establishment. Attached to his ear was an ear piece to talk an accomplice of his crime.

“Laffitte to Rose, do you copy?” the man asked under his breath.

“Why do we need codenames...” a woman complained form the other side before saying “I copy.”

Lovely, now listen up... “the stuff” is primed and ready. I’ve got everything under control for now, just get your babies ready for when I need them” he informed her, a cocky smirk on his face.

“Right... you have any signal to tell me of something?” she asked, throwing her red hair behind her.

He placed his head on his hands, keeping the mop in those hands steady to lean on as he pondered.

“Nah, I’ll just tell you... Laffitte out” he settled with before looking back at the glass case it was kept in.

One of the bosses walking across the exhibit gave him a scornful scowl for standing around. “Laffitte” simply stuck his tongue with a cheeky grin before going back to mopping. The man always kept within range of the item of interest as he mopped floors and wiped clean other glass cases. The bead was meant to be introduced last during the grand opening since it was such a new find. What better way to have a grand audience than that?

Looking at the layout of the museum first, he looked at the liquid of the bucket he was using. His toxin turned out be rather resistant to contamination as it blended well with bleach. Said bleach hid the smell of the toxin and that made covering the floors with it easier. All he needed to do was wait... and that’s what he did. Hours went by before it was time to open.

As he waited, Gotham’s personal eco-terrorist did the same in an apartment close by. It turned her stomach to work with a man like “Laffitte”, but he promised the reward for it would go to her. Her plants were just as enthusiastic, tightening around her through her power over plants.

She petted her plants and gently shushed it saying “I know dear... just be patient.”

What interested her however was what she wanted with their goal. There were plenty of criminals with big prizes to steal it for her, but he told her he’d give the cash to her. He had a “bigger picture than money” apparently. She didn’t think too heavily on what he wanted though. A paycheck was a paycheck, simple as that.

Night would fall eventually as time usually does and “Laffitte” watched as customer walked in. Museums weren’t new to Gotham in of themselves, but advertisement for the new item caught the attention of the population. The disguised man’s excitement grew as there were plenty of people to watch him make his move. The time would come as closing hours came at midnight.

“We appreciate the support of everyone here! We know why you’re here and it’s time to lay witness to it!” the announcer and owner of the museum exclaimed, catching everyone’s attention.

Everyone politely cheered, including the employees if they had the time.

“Without further ado, we have an item that belonged to an ancient civilization...we present to you...” leaving the people in suspense, he grabbed the sheet to the exhibit and flung it off the reveal the bead.

That’s when people got excited, they indeed were here for this moment. Now thart it was time, they all either wanted a photo of information of it for themselves. Among those to cheer was “Laffitte”, letting out his best whistle.

“Isn’t this just something, everybody?!” I can feel your excitement just filling the room! That’s not all he has to show you either!” he shouted in excitement, stealing attention from the boss.

The confused audience turned toward “Laffitte”, much to the irritation. Of the announcer. He had worked hard for this, who did this man stealing his thunder think he is?!

“That’s right my people, our friend here has one more gift!” He shouted, grabbing a box of matches and lighting one.

His excited smile turned into a sinister one as he said next” Prepare to be amazed...”

When that match hit the ground, the place erupted in gas. The audience weren’t sure how to react to such a random set of events. Then they started to laugh... this was not voluntary. No matter how hard they tried not to, they just kept laughing their heads off. As they laughed against their will, “Laffitte” took a handkerchief and wiped his face.

What he revealed terrified them to the depths of their souls... very familiar and very ghostly skin and a pair of dark red lips greeted them. The clown prince of crime, The Joker, had decided to visit this museum. Taking off his hat, he revealed his buzzcut hairdo he sported instead of gelled back hair.

“Had to get a haircut to make this little act work, but small potatoes really” he said to himself as he stroked his head.

As everyone began dropping to the ground, Joker took his sweet tie watching all literally laugh themselves to death. It was the best part of his passion after all, leaving big smiles on everyone’s face. Digging into one of the inner pockets of his jacket, he took a big decorated cylinder of wood out. Taking the head off the mop and replacing it with the cylinder, he pulled his mallet back and swung hard against the glass. It didn’t stand a chance, shattering completely against the force.

“I have you to thank Harley, may god rest your soul” he said, holding the mallet close.

Just before he could take the bead however, someone else ecided to make their appearance. In a red flash of light, person stepped out of it. Walking out of something referred to as a boom tube was a man of dark blue and grey rocky skin. With a frown across his face, his red eyes stared down at the confused Joker. He wasn’t the only one to have his eye on this new item; Darkseid too had his sights on the Garbetirum.

Joker regained his composure as he said with confidence “So it does do what it says on the tin... why else are you here?”

“You know not what you trifle with, clown... give me the Garbetirum bead” he demanded, extending his hand to Joker.

“Sorry but this clown doesn’t take orders from anyone, and you... aren’t... special” Joker responded, emphasizing the last three words.

“I warn you, you only have yourself to blame for what comes next” he warned, stomping toward the clown.

As Darkseid came closer to the clown, Joker exclaimed “Now!”

On command, giant plants popped out of every vent it went in the facility. Yellow flowers slid out of the fents, expelling the Joker toxin out of them. The already heavy cloud became thicker, Darkseid covering his mouth from the amount. Joker meanwhile ran his way up a stairway, laughing mockingly all the while.

“Fool...” was all Darkseid said as he watched him flee.

Running for the fire exit at the far end of the hall reaching the top of the upper right set of stairs, Joker leapt at the ladder once he was in reach and climbed with great haste. Pushing the door open to the roof, he checked his back underneath his jacket. Sure enough, his parachute was there. He would’ve kept running had something not flew up through the roof. He didn’t need to turn around to know who was behind him.

“Darkseid... you never said anything about Darkseid” Pamela Isley said in a hushed yet panicked voice upon seeing him.

“I didn’t know he’d show up” he said with a nonchalance she found disturbing.

Darkseid looked up to the window of the apartment, hearing her thoughts as she speaking them aloud. She froze in horror as Darkseid shot red beams that flew straight toward her. For only a moment she ran, but the beams chased her down before wiping her off the face of the Earth. Omega Beams always hit their target for whatever reason he needed them to. After dealing with her, he looked back down at Joker.

“Give me the bead or face the consequences” he demanded, the force in his voice stronger than it already was.

All he did was grin at him, defiance on his face. Suddenly, a phenomenon appeared over their heads. A ring formed in the middle of the sky, Joker looking up to it expectantly. It did not disappoint as three heads flew through the portal before the rest of the body came in tow. He had a thin and extremely with many pointed edges to his body, especially his three tails.

“Well look who decided to show up” Joker said, looking back at Darkseid with a strong sense of confidence as he pointed the bead at him.

Darkseid looked angrily at the clown. He was a god, a conqueror of worlds, the ruler of Apokolips... and how did this fool talk to him? With arrogance and defiance, two things someone as below him as he should never have.

“Our business is far from finished” he told the clown beforeing beginning to grow to massive size.

Joker ran as fast as he could, bead in hand, before jumping off the building and opening his parachute. On it was a caricature of his smiling face. He took one last look at the golden dragon descending from among high.

“As long as I’ve got this baby, that big lug over there needs me...” Joker said to himself as Darkseid grew ever larger to meet the size of King Ghidorah.

“Starting tonight, The Joker is in the major leagues now” he finished his thought before flying onto a fire exit.

He climbed up until he reached the building’s roof to get a good look at what he was going on. Darkseid, meanwhile, waited for the dragon coming towards him. His followers had told him of the Gematron Calculation and how dangerous it was. Seeing a threat to his power, he aimed to destroy it before could come. Thanks to the petty criminal however, it seemed like a clash with King Ghidorah was inevitable.
Added in 1 hour 6 minutes 41 seconds:
Oh and before I forget, when I describe The Joker I'm referring to this version of Joker: Image
Last edited by HillyHulk on Sun Jun 04, 2023 10:49 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dunkeeni »

HillyHulk wrote: Sun Jun 04, 2023 10:48 am Like before, feedback would be appreciated.

Legend told of a golden creature that lived in a different plane of existence than our own. Should it ever come to our world, it would destroy all that lived. On the planet Earth, the three headed dragon with these qualities came to be known as Ghidorah. It alone was powerful enough to challenge the living monolith known as Godzilla Earth. Only through cutting off a certain item was he able to send it back from once it came.

That item would be known as Garbetrium, made of the bigger equation known as the Gematron calculation. The wielder of the item was known as Metphies. The destruction of the bead that replaced his eye and his subsequent fall led to Ghidorah’s defeat. Alternate dimensions meant more chances to rise however, a being that could transcend the realms of reality knew that full well. It was only a matter of time.

That day would come in a place called Prime Earth. Archeologists had found another bead of Garbetrium in an ancient temple. Intrigued by the item they had never seen before, the researchers studied it thoroughly. Once information on how the item worked dried out, it was sold to a new museum in Gotham City. That information would also come of one of the most infamous faces there.

One threat of toxin on one of the archeological founder’s family was all it took to squeeze the knowledge out of him. Of course, no one ever said he was a man of his word, but that’s neither here nor there. Now, the stocky man with beady red eyes was disguised as a janitor of the establishment. Attached to his ear was an ear piece to talk an accomplice of his crime.

“Laffitte to Rose, do you copy?” the man asked under his breath.

“Why do we need codenames...” a woman complained form the other side before saying “I copy.”

Lovely, now listen up... “the stuff” is primed and ready. I’ve got everything under control for now, just get your babies ready for when I need them” he informed her, a cocky smirk on his face.

“Right... you have any signal to tell me of something?” she asked, throwing her red hair behind her.

He placed his head on his hands, keeping the mop in those hands steady to lean on as he pondered.

“Nah, I’ll just tell you... Laffitte out” he settled with before looking back at the glass case it was kept in.

One of the bosses walking across the exhibit gave him a scornful scowl for standing around. “Laffitte” simply stuck his tongue with a cheeky grin before going back to mopping. The man always kept within range of the item of interest as he mopped floors and wiped clean other glass cases. The bead was meant to be introduced last during the grand opening since it was such a new find. What better way to have a grand audience than that?

Looking at the layout of the museum first, he looked at the liquid of the bucket he was using. His toxin turned out be rather resistant to contamination as it blended well with bleach. Said bleach hid the smell of the toxin and that made covering the floors with it easier. All he needed to do was wait... and that’s what he did. Hours went by before it was time to open.

As he waited, Gotham’s personal eco-terrorist did the same in an apartment close by. It turned her stomach to work with a man like “Laffitte”, but he promised the reward for it would go to her. Her plants were just as enthusiastic, tightening around her through her power over plants.

She petted her plants and gently shushed it saying “I know dear... just be patient.”

What interested her however was what she wanted with their goal. There were plenty of criminals with big prizes to steal it for her, but he told her he’d give the cash to her. He had a “bigger picture than money” apparently. She didn’t think too heavily on what he wanted though. A paycheck was a paycheck, simple as that.

Night would fall eventually as time usually does and “Laffitte” watched as customer walked in. Museums weren’t new to Gotham in of themselves, but advertisement for the new item caught the attention of the population. The disguised man’s excitement grew as there were plenty of people to watch him make his move. The time would come as closing hours came at midnight.

“We appreciate the support of everyone here! We know why you’re here and it’s time to lay witness to it!” the announcer and owner of the museum exclaimed, catching everyone’s attention.

Everyone politely cheered, including the employees if they had the time.

“Without further ado, we have an item that belonged to an ancient civilization...we present to you...” leaving the people in suspense, he grabbed the sheet to the exhibit and flung it off the reveal the bead.

That’s when people got excited, they indeed were here for this moment. Now thart it was time, they all either wanted a photo of information of it for themselves. Among those to cheer was “Laffitte”, letting out his best whistle.

“Isn’t this just something, everybody?!” I can feel your excitement just filling the room! That’s not all he has to show you either!” he shouted in excitement, stealing attention from the boss.

The confused audience turned toward “Laffitte”, much to the irritation. Of the announcer. He had worked hard for this, who did this man stealing his thunder think he is?!

“That’s right my people, our friend here has one more gift!” He shouted, grabbing a box of matches and lighting one.

His excited smile turned into a sinister one as he said next” Prepare to be amazed...”

When that match hit the ground, the place erupted in gas. The audience weren’t sure how to react to such a random set of events. Then they started to laugh... this was not voluntary. No matter how hard they tried not to, they just kept laughing their heads off. As they laughed against their will, “Laffitte” took a handkerchief and wiped his face.

What he revealed terrified them to the depths of their souls... very familiar and very ghostly skin and a pair of dark red lips greeted them. The clown prince of crime, The Joker, had decided to visit this museum. Taking off his hat, he revealed his buzzcut hairdo he sported instead of gelled back hair.

“Had to get a haircut to make this little act work, but small potatoes really” he said to himself as he stroked his head.

As everyone began dropping to the ground, Joker took his sweet tie watching all literally laugh themselves to death. It was the best part of his passion after all, leaving big smiles on everyone’s face. Digging into one of the inner pockets of his jacket, he took a big decorated cylinder of wood out. Taking the head off the mop and replacing it with the cylinder, he pulled his mallet back and swung hard against the glass. It didn’t stand a chance, shattering completely against the force.

“I have you to thank Harley, may god rest your soul” he said, holding the mallet close.

Just before he could take the bead however, someone else ecided to make their appearance. In a red flash of light, person stepped out of it. Walking out of something referred to as a boom tube was a man of dark blue and grey rocky skin. With a frown across his face, his red eyes stared down at the confused Joker. He wasn’t the only one to have his eye on this new item; Darkseid too had his sights on the Garbetirum.

Joker regained his composure as he said with confidence “So it does do what it says on the tin... why else are you here?”

“You know not what you trifle with, clown... give me the Garbetirum bead” he demanded, extending his hand to Joker.

“Sorry but this clown doesn’t take orders from anyone, and you... aren’t... special” Joker responded, emphasizing the last three words.

“I warn you, you only have yourself to blame for what comes next” he warned, stomping toward the clown.

As Darkseid came closer to the clown, Joker exclaimed “Now!”

On command, giant plants popped out of every vent it went in the facility. Yellow flowers slid out of the fents, expelling the Joker toxin out of them. The already heavy cloud became thicker, Darkseid covering his mouth from the amount. Joker meanwhile ran his way up a stairway, laughing mockingly all the while.

“Fool...” was all Darkseid said as he watched him flee.

Running for the fire exit at the far end of the hall reaching the top of the upper right set of stairs, Joker leapt at the ladder once he was in reach and climbed with great haste. Pushing the door open to the roof, he checked his back underneath his jacket. Sure enough, his parachute was there. He would’ve kept running had something not flew up through the roof. He didn’t need to turn around to know who was behind him.

“Darkseid... you never said anything about Darkseid” Pamela Isley said in a hushed yet panicked voice upon seeing him.

“I didn’t know he’d show up” he said with a nonchalance she found disturbing.

Darkseid looked up to the window of the apartment, hearing her thoughts as she speaking them aloud. She froze in horror as Darkseid shot red beams that flew straight toward her. For only a moment she ran, but the beams chased her down before wiping her off the face of the Earth. Omega Beams always hit their target for whatever reason he needed them to. After dealing with her, he looked back down at Joker.

“Give me the bead or face the consequences” he demanded, the force in his voice stronger than it already was.

All he did was grin at him, defiance on his face. Suddenly, a phenomenon appeared over their heads. A ring formed in the middle of the sky, Joker looking up to it expectantly. It did not disappoint as three heads flew through the portal before the rest of the body came in tow. He had a thin and extremely with many pointed edges to his body, especially his three tails.

“Well look who decided to show up” Joker said, looking back at Darkseid with a strong sense of confidence as he pointed the bead at him.

Darkseid looked angrily at the clown. He was a god, a conqueror of worlds, the ruler of Apokolips... and how did this fool talk to him? With arrogance and defiance, two things someone as below him as he should never have.

“Our business is far from finished” he told the clown beforeing beginning to grow to massive size.

Joker ran as fast as he could, bead in hand, before jumping off the building and opening his parachute. On it was a caricature of his smiling face. He took one last look at the golden dragon descending from among high.

“As long as I’ve got this baby, that big lug over there needs me...” Joker said to himself as Darkseid grew ever larger to meet the size of King Ghidorah.

“Starting tonight, The Joker is in the major leagues now” he finished his thought before flying onto a fire exit.

He climbed up until he reached the building’s roof to get a good look at what he was going on. Darkseid, meanwhile, waited for the dragon coming towards him. His followers had told him of the Gematron Calculation and how dangerous it was. Seeing a threat to his power, he aimed to destroy it before could come. Thanks to the petty criminal however, it seemed like a clash with King Ghidorah was inevitable.
Added in 1 hour 6 minutes 41 seconds:
Oh and before I forget, when I describe The Joker I'm referring to this version of Joker: Image
OOOOH baby this is lookin good! Nice to see the D.C. universe finally make its way into the K.W.C.E.
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Post by Gigantis »

Through the power of a fandom gave, a scrapped project comes back from the grave..
Atlantic Ocean. Time, 2:00 AM

Roliscian pride wasn’t necessarily at a high.

Beaten out by America, Russia, Japan and every other country in the world in most categories, most would be forgiven if they had forgotten Roliscia completely existed in the first place. The semi-European country was eager to finally get its name back on the map, and they saw no better way to achieve that than to fund one of the world’s largest expeditions. The sole goal of it all? Find something that could change the world..

Despite not really being in close proximity, Roliscia’s culture and legends always had a bizarre tie to the Atlantic Ocean. Some said it had to do with strange lights coming from the seas when migrants made their way to the Americas, while older tales passed down legends of old artifacts that eventually became their home country, now lost to time. Whatever the case, it was finally time to gather the answers. Whether it’d be something related to the world’s kaiju, or something far greater, the people of Roliscia could at least say it was there’s, and there’s alone.

Many people across the world came to the “Hunting Zone”, people online playfully called it, either cynical that their bosses sent them out to document an exploration that would ultimately amount to nothing, or optimistic in the hopes that the country could finally score the next big scoop. Either way, it was a gamble Roliscia was willing to bet on..

.. it was also something that dominoed into a battle much more than they would bargain for.


The constant beeps of metal had basically become the soundtrack of Yo Nakano’s life.

While plenty of Roliscian born men took part in the journey, some people from overseas decided to lend a helping hand.. even if they didn't want to. But the country practically begged in order for the "union" to make them look good, so essentially most on board were doing it against their will.

He couldn’t say it was all bad though. All things considered, the people in charge of the operation treated him and his colleagues well, and everyone else on board was rather hospitable. But considering how he expected this all to turn up a dud, he’d much rather put his focus on something that felt a bit more worth his time..

Yo lazily looked at the tech in front of him again. Their course hadn’t changed all that much. Straight down, the sub itself, nicknamed ‘Nautilus’ , slightly tilted depending on where certain signals wanted them to go. It was entirely red and white colored, and also pretty spacey in case someone needed to stretch their legs.

“Hey, Nakano!” A voice suddenly called to him. “Are you doing alright?”

He turned, eyeing the middle aged man next to him. Jason, he believed his name was. Someone who's been in the business of submarine searches much longer than he had. Jason, he believed his name was. Most called him “Armstrong”, but it was more of a funny nickname rather than his actual surname.

“O-oh! Yes, I’m fine, thank you.” Nakano said hastily. Despite his boredom, he was still trying to keep some sort of professional attitude. It was rather embarrassing that he was caught nearly dozing off. He was trying to think of something that would genuinely make him seem like he was at work, but nothing was coming to him.

“Hey, I know you weren’t entirely fond of this whole thing,” Jason replied. ‘But think about the aftermath! If we do find something, you’re gonna have your whole name down in the history books. If we don’t see anything unusual? Well, at least you have something of a neat story to tell to your kids.”. That made Yo chuckle somewhat.

Pictures were also being taken from somewhere outside. Beyond some sea life though, it didn’t seem like it would get much. There was also some sonar that could allow the Nautilus to drive off any diving kaiju that might have gotten too close, but thankfully it didn’t seem like it would be needed as of now.

Nakano rubbed his temple a bit. “Ugh, I’m going to use the bathroom. These beeps are starting to give me a headache.”

Beep.. beep.. Beep.. beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!

Suddenly, a signal, once droning, suddenly sped up like a heart rate monitor. It focused most of its energy into something only a decent distance away. A massive menhir, standing tall amongst the sea floor. One too well shaped to be natural..

Now the real hunt begins.


“MR. President!” an ambassador from the United States shouted, bursting into the room. “They found something! Big monolith! Looks like something out of 2001! Congratulations sir, it looks like your hunch was-!.. Uh, sir?”

The President of Roliscia was silent. For he had no words to say about the recent discovery. It was strange for such a usually lively man to be so silent, but once the ambassador looked to the screen, he too seemed to have lost any word that began to form on his tongue..

Inside the menhir, something slept. Something the submarine had trouble locating, but was now locked onto like a magnet to metal. It was warm. It was breathing.. Yet, it seemed to only be hibernating.

But nevertheless, it was alive.


The task to actually get it out of the sea was a deal within itself; and actually took quite a few days. It was huge for one, and some outright joked that it seemed to “weigh infinite pounds”. But eventually, it was pulled from the depths. Gently placed in a place safe to research, many felt it was time to examine what exactly was inside, planning to build a massive x-ray to get a closer look.

Hailed for their efforts, Jason and Nakano tried to break away from their newfound fame and fortune, watching New Kirk City from afar. Sitting on top of a tree, they felt a rather cool breeze come through as night dawned lights illuminating their discovery.

“They said that thing was about 160 meters tall!” Jason said, clearly wowed. “I can’t imagine what could be inside that thing if its tomb wound up being that large.”

Yo seemed a bit more uneasy, however. “They definitely had their reasons. I heard they were planning to toss it back into the sea depending if they thought the monster inside was truly that dangerous. Probably for the best.” His colleague nodded his head at this, though both kept their eyes peeled. And as dusk began to set on Rolisicia, spotlights flared to life, always keeping the monolith front and center of it all.


“After quite a few days, it seemed like Roliscia is about to change the world simply via nothing more but looking back to its bizarre past and a gut feeling!” Yelled a reporter, trying to talk over the local crowd. “Unfortunately, we couldn’t get word in from our President, but we got just enough time to talk to the scientists about the process of the “Mega X-Ray” just before the big unveiling! Sir, would you mind telling us the main process?”

The scientist next to him looked outright ecstatic. “Why yes! We had to find a good way to get past the stone in order to find out who or what was inside. But, since it was made out of granite, we just needed some sort of forensic light that was strong enough to see through it, eventually reaching what lies beneath. Admittedly, we had this on standby for a while. Originally I wanted to have it look into something I found in American territory but.. Well, Area 51 got to it first.”

“.. Hm? Oh! W-well, always leave it up to the smart guys, am I right?” Said the reporter, leaving his interviewee rather dejected looking. “But check back in in just a minute folks! It’s almost about time to unmask this monster!”

By the time night finally struck, a red light began to buzz to life. Wiring with power, it began to scan the sheer mass of its target, before slowly and steadily peeling the outer wall away.

The first thing they saw was something green. Reptilian in nature. Although it also appeared to be covered in a bizarre, blue ooze. As if before being locked away it was outright drenched in an entire pool of fluid. Soon enough, the light began to take away everything else, leaving the citizens of the world’s many nations to go from curious to mortified in the span of only a few seconds.

“Ladies and gentleman the kaiju is coming into view and..” The reporter suddenly lost any words that tried to come out of his throat, eyeing the very familiar, dinosaurian beast; whose dorsal plates still seemed to be aglow. “O-oh God. It’s..”


Lagos Island.

A pure red eye opened amongst the darkness.

Nobody had tried to come to Lagos in years. Despite recovering from the nuclear test it and the rest of the Bikini Atoll suffered, the radiation was simply still too much for any normal man. But he could. And they knew better to challenge him at what was still considered to be his home turf.

And so, he welcomed himself back home.

But suddenly, he felt a presence from far away. A nigh identical presence. He had faced clones of himself before, be it made from humanities technology, or a menace from beyond the stars. But this felt different; as if it was a being that was born long before him.. Or at least, before he became what he was now.

He couldn’t tell if its intentions were benevolent or malicious. But either way, it did not matter. It was just about to awaken in full, and he sought to meet with this lifeform for himself. Getting up, his massive legs carried him forth, entering the sea as he began his route to Roliscia.
Feedback is welcome!

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!
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Post by ShinGojira14 »

Gigantis wrote: Mon Jun 26, 2023 9:03 amthere’s, and there’s alone.
Grammar correction: theirs, and theirs alone.

Aside from that, this trailer was really well-done. I'm anxious to see how this scrapped concept plays out!
"William Knifeman! AH! AH! AH!"

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Post by Gigantis »

Trailer 2 because.. Why not?

Some things are probably going to be updated.

Despite the power of multiple nations at their side, no amount of maser cannon technology could remotely phase Godzilla, missiles and guns bouncing harmlessly off his charcoal gray scales. The King of the Monsters is on a mission, and he failed to see any reason why humans should halt his path.

Whenever he was in front of a battleship, he would speed up and plow right through it as the chunks of metal fell into the waves. Jets either failed to land a good hit on him, or were swatted out of the sky by his tail. He had cut through the entire fleet in mere minutes.

“Sir, it’s no good!” Yelled a soldier. “He’s phasing through us like a knife cutting through butter!”

The commander, however, refused to yield. “We can’t let him get near the other Godzilla! We don’t have any choice but to keep fighting! Aim for his eyes, ANYTHING to drive him back!”

But it mattered not. It didn’t matter how many times they aimed, or exactly what weapons they used, the Titan refused to yield to the same beings that failed to stop him so many times before. He wouldn’t rest again until his curiosity could finally be satisfied.

And much like mankind itself, he too perhaps got more than what he bargained when two faces finally met..


A little further away, the tomb of the engineered Godzilla continued to fly to its desired destination. The trip itself had been going smoothly, but a sense of unease continued to set in as the other Godzilla continued to make way.

The being trapped inside laid still, and barely moved. But at this point, whatever liquid still remained had finished turning into rock. Its effects were bound to wear off., and none on board had time to prepare.

"Pilots, is everything still going well?" Said the president over the speakers. There was a bizarre case of static over the line.

"S-so far sir, but our machines are getting some bad interference. Everything feels heavier.. It’s like something is trying to fight off the technology."

This was no coincidence. From outside, one could barely see a faint, white glow from outside the makeshift sarcophagus, humming with power as the being inside began to use his weight to his advantage. Blue stone suddenly crystalized, before shattering like glass, giving the massive dinosaur room to freely move his limbs. Still trapped in his thousand year prison, a raw sense of anger began to seep to each and every vein.

There was a loud BANG, and none of the helicopters were prepared. Caught off guard and spiraling out of control, two of them quickly crashed, blades getting tangled and destroyed. With only two left, and the monster rapidly waking up, there was no chance to successfully carry him back to the water base, which was still some miles away.

“MAYDAY! MAYDAY!” The pilot shouted, terror ringing in his voice. “GODZILLA IS AWAKE! WE’RE GOING DOWN!”

With what was supposed to be their cargo now carrying them, they were faced with their inevitable doom as their vehicles uncontrollably sped towards the sea. Faster, and faster they went..

Until all sensation was lost.


Unmanned Island

On top of an island unnamed, and not usually inhabited by man, a group of soldiers were stationed there so the pilots would know they officially reached the halfway point. But it appeared they hadn’t arrived the time they were supposed to. Even before their higher ups called, they got a strong sense of dread..

“Gentleman? I’m afraid we have bad news.. The copters carrying Godzilla have fallen. We haven’t seen any sign he’s busted out of his prison yet, but he’s somewhere out at sea. Be ready if you see anything.”

With only a group of 18, the army men looked at each other with nervous eyes. “They only gave us guns and a couple of missiles!” One cried out. “How are we supposed to take down something 100 meters tall!?”

“Things may seem dire, but we’ll have to find some sort of way!" said the captain. “If we don’t, things are going to look dire for mankind.. At least things can’t get any worse.”

Trying to calm his nerves, one trooper tried to look towards the sea; but only found even more dire news ahead. “HEY, LOOK!”

With all looking abroad, hearts dropped the moment they saw a massive hump with hundreds of fighter jets chasing after it, followed by a group of familiar dorsal plates bursting out of the big blue.


He thought he sensed a disturbance..

Godzilla bursted out of the sea, yet again ignoring the constant hellfire that was shot onto his back. While they were joined by the other men stationed on the island, it just got on his nerves. But he didn’t want to waste his reserves on a simple atomic ray, even if it WOULD mean wiping them all out instantly. He had no idea if this new being was friend or foe, and if he really was winding up in a fight, there was a good chance he would need all the power he could get.

Soon, the army men would hold their fire as it appeared the King of the Monsters wanted nothing to do but stand and wait for the encounter that would inevitably come.


“What’s going on? What made him just stop like that?”

Still testing the amniotic fluid, Jason and Nakano continued to watch coverage over the television. The report used footage straight from the Roliscian military.

“He appears to be.. Observing.” Yo stated. “Whatever happens next, he knows it's only a matter of time. I definitely don’t believe we’ll have this liquid finished before all hell breaks loose.”

Jason began to look grim, but he knew this was not a time to succumb to despair. “If we can’t do that, we’ll at least find a way to stop this before the whole world comes crashing down. Come on! We have no time to lose!”


Despite being temporarily unconscious, the emerald reptile yet again began to stir. The sheer force of the crash forced him back into the land of sleep, but he already knew he resided in his own dreams for far too long.

It was time to wake up.


He pounded on the walls with both fists, just as the current began sending his tomb towards the surface.


He felt himself on a beach, hearing the calls of some other lifeform up ahead.


His entire form raised towards the sealing, struggling to move. His spines and eyes glowed with pure white power, and before anyone knew it….



The entire fleet of soldiers had to move from the sudden sandstorm kicked up, as the massive monolith suddenly screeched onto the sand. Muscles already tensed, Godzilla snarled at the prison like a rabid bear. Making sure the new arrival knew he wasn’t alone, his signature howl echoed across the entire island.

.. He waited only a few minutes..



Before he got nearly the exact same one in return.

Now that they were standing only a few feet away from one another, the obvious similarities also gave way to the key differences. Beyond the difference in color, it appeared that the engineered Godzilla seemed slightly lankier in frame, yet still carried ferocious muscle beneath it all. The tail also seemed slightly shorter, and the feet also looked a bit more saurian.

Nonetheless, there could be no mistaking it. The world had to bear witness to not one, but two Kaiju Kings.

.. But would they be friends? Or shall they be foes?

The mutant Godzilla took a single step simply out of curiosity. His counterpart snarled in response, ferocity clear in its voice. This pretender fooled him not. The general outline it may have had, but he could clearly see through whatever facade it was trying to pull.

What reason did he have to believe his creators had truly made another of his kind? He made sure they were all wiped away far before they got the chance. Even one with imperfections wouldn’t have resulted in such terribly charred skin.. Unless, perhaps, these new people of modern day had tried to recreate his “masters” success. In that case, he’d make sure all of them would die. Once he was done here of course.

The irradiated Godzillasaurus realized his doppelganger's true intentions right off the bat. He lacked any thought of settling this peacefully, saw only a foe. From the way he looked, he wondered if the Jade beast even saw another of his kin in whatever life he lived.

Somewhat of a shame.. But perhaps, this could still work out in his favor.

For if the other of his kin wanted to see who was the superior being, perhaps knocking some sense into it would make it see the error in its very thinking. His entire reputation revolved around being the one kaiju above all, and now he needed to play the part.

Eyes narrowed. One pair a blood red, and the other a gleaming yellow. Godzilla looked at his emerald adversary and roared to the heavens. The message was clear. "Take the first strike, if you dare!".

With his own battle cry, the man-made Godzilla prepared his signature attack. A white beam of atomic energy soon fired, aiming to burn his counterpart's skull to the bone.

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!
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Post by Gigantis »

Final trailer, I swear lmao

Similarities to today's K.W.C are coincidental.
“Are we almost ready to go?” Jason said. “It sounds like things are getting serious!”

“The amniotic should be ready very soon, but since we’re in a rush, it’s still likely it won’t be as proficient as we’d have liked.” Said the scientist. At the very least, they would know it would work to some degree, but it was unlikely to cast Godzilla into another thousand-year sleep. Or however long he was down there..

While that happened, Yo jumped between watching the coverage of the fight and looking for more clues. The more he tried finding a definitive origin for the new Godzilla, the more things didn’t seem to add up. If it was bioengineered, then who made him to begin with? And why? More things were found where the menhir was, full of stone artwork, but everyone was still trying to piece the language together.

Some things did have a sense of familiarity, however. One of the rocks had a drawing, picturing a group of explorers seemingly coming across a group of living dinosaurs. Notably upright dinosaurs. They must’ve been a group of Godzillasaurus’, before their remaining numbers plummeted, and only one remained, turning into the Cold War behemoth mankind knew today.

But then there were other things that still didn’t seem quite right. There was another that showed a flaming meteor beginning to crash into a great city, and another seemingly showing a shape-shifting beast taking many different forms. The main one that caught his eye was what he assumed was the same beast, with wings of a bat and the body of a panther, fighting Godzilla in a sea of flames.

“A massive fight.. City up in flames.. What happened all those years ago?” He muttered. He began thinking. Only one big name city was known for thriving, yet sinking into the Atlantic sea, but he needed to be certain before jumping toward any conclusions.

Someone next to him looked at a piece of art, depicting a bearded, and somewhat familiar man. The others in it appeared to be dying, yet pleading at him. They handed him artwork, gold and jewelry, as if giving him things as a way to have their legacy live on. Them, plus others, seemed to float away on another piece that appeared to be connected. The boat they were on sailed away, eventually reaching a small place between Europe and Asia to settle on. They brought nothing else with them, likely knowing their legacy would end here. It was far too soon for any colonizers to join them and reproduce.

But that man. The beard, the face, the clothes he wore.. It all made sense.

“T-that man!” He stuttered. “That must be Plato!”. He felt everything connected. Of course, the only man who wrote about the famous sunken city and its demise would be the one who knew its inhabitants, the grander details just lost to time. And it was made even clearer when he saw the final piece of artwork. It appeared to show the last of the grand civilizations’ forces, firing whatever weapon they had until Godzilla fell into a well built, stone trap. Said trap then lowered into the sea, as the rest of the city fell away. Somewhere in the very back, there looked to be a massive corpse. The shape-shifter he presumed, burnt from what he could only think was the atomic ray, gone with the same place it sought to attack.

And in one single day and night of misfortune, all your warlike men disappeared into the Earth, and the Island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared into the sea..

“Yo!” Nakano suddenly heard someone behind him, and a hand on his shoulder. It was Jason. He had the quote running through his head, but he was so entranced he wound up muttering it with the widest eyes imaginable, not even realizing it at all. “You look like you saw a ghost. What’s up with you?”

“Jason, everything makes sense now!” Yo said, still in something of a daze. “This Godzilla, it didn’t just come from any civilization, it came from Antla-!”

“BREAKING NEWS FROM ROLISCIA” Alas, his new discovery was interrupted by the news, although Armstrong still started to get the general gist. “Word has it that both of the currently warring Godzilla’s are making their way closer to New Kirk City! People are advised to not be in any public areas, and find any shelter they can in case of the worst.”

A bunch of ants trying to hold back two gods.

If any of the military personnel could describe how they felt while trying to fend off two of the strongest monsters on Earth, that’s how they would say it. Getting ships too close to them meant they were at risk of being caught in the crossfire if they got closer to the surface, and even air jets were at risk of being blown to smithereens by a stray atomic breath. The main idea was to strike them down with bunker buster bombs, but they both moved so fast and had gone in so many odd loops it was hard to really hit them at all.

The usually blue sea was tainted red from the blood running from both behemoth’s, wounds running across both bodies. But whereas one could heal from them in varying degrees of speed, the other would always have those wounds, a new scar being formed every other minute. A claw ran down his side, trying to cut past the green skin and reach the softer tissue underneath. The creature from Lagos Island was stopped from a well timed drop-kick however, causing the Atlantean to finally get some breathing room. A constant sting raced through his body, as if massive hornets were having their stingers go up and down his whole frame.

This battle had gone on far longer than he had hoped, and this foe was much more durable than the being that dropped down from the Heavens oh so long ago. If he didn’t get a good hit in soon, he’d eventually run out of stamina long before he had another chance at victory.

Just one good strike at the pressure points. One hit to just get this damn thing to stop moving!

He dove back in, aiming for a headbutt right at the jugular notch. He was too fast for the Heisei era dinosaur to counter, and it hit home, knocking him even further back. He felt all feeling in his body from the neck down go numb, but also a slight feeling of his healing factor trying to heal the damage. But even though he still couldn’t do anything else at the moment, he still had another tactic at play. When his counterpart went in to bite his head clean off, he forced his head back, then launched it forward again. It hit home, right to the dome of his competitor. And as he felt a bit more movement in his neck, he moved his head wildly, striking like an elephant would with its trunk, barely caring about any of the missiles continuing to strike down and explode around him.

A bit more movement in his chest and arms. But the emerald goliath struck first, grabbing him by the still paralyzed tail, dragging him even deeper down. But as they moved even further west, the closer the capital of Roliscia got without them even realizing it at all.

“THE MILITARY! THAT MEANS THEY’RE COMING!” Screamed a woman as everyone raced to a bunker. Tons of battleships and warplanes tried to locate both beings from above, but had little in ways of luck. They moved too much for any radar to get a good grip and allow their weapons to strike. But if they could be still even just for a good second, they might have had a chance. And they needed to do everything they could to prevent either from heading to the surface.

Suddenly, there was a heat source, and it built up exponentially. It was obvious what it was, but they could only assume it was one of the dots firing it at one another..

Until one of them began to shoot towards the surface. And fast.

“INCOMING!” a navy crew member shouted, right before a bright, white flame bursted out of the sea with the force of a small nuke, rupturing and melting part of a ship and outright killing a crew member who was unfortunate enough to have gotten too close. Such an attack was not intentional, although some would proclaim if the kaiju was alone, it could have happened regardless.

Right before the atomic ray had a chance to strike him right in the stomach, Godzilla grabbed his opposition's head, rearing it into the sky before it shot off. He heard the impact of something else being hit, though he really didn’t care what. The jade beast broke off, neck sore from being moved at such a forceful speed. Roaring in frustration, his claws raked across the mutant Godzillasaurus’ chest, sparks flying out as it did so. Striking back just as hard, the gray Godzilla bit right into the right shoulder, shaking like a rabid dog. He was trying to tear the arm from the socket, the bioweapon could feel it. He acted quickly, shooting a quick fireball at the foot, which was regaining some of its feeling. With his opponent squinting in pain, he shot behind him, grappling the tail with both arms. At first, the modern Godzilla was confused.. Until he felt what happened next.

The beast of Atlantis began to tug, and when he gathered enough energy, began to swing his foe in a circle. Faster and faster he went, sending the Heisei’s kaiju king into a daze. The world looked like an ever turning blur. Just before he could fire off another pulse and regain control..


With a final toss, the mutant was sent flying into the air just as his attack went on, burning his enemy’s arms, but doing no more damage as he shrieked as he uncontrollably hurled towards the surface. The Atlantean smiled, dorsal plates flashing once more as he too raced towards the blue skies above. Now he would finish him..

“Report! One of them is heading towards the surface at rapid speed sir! Everyone on ship and in the air should get away immediate-AAAAAH!”

Even if they tried, NOBODY could have foresaw just how fast such a gigantic creature shot out of the waves. Godzilla quickly blocked out the sun, then almost looked like he was being swallowed into it before he finally began to slow down. Just before the military had time to recover, another loud BOOM emerged from the water as the great figure arose. The second Godzilla, whose fins were so bright anyone who dared to stare into them would be rendered blind within minutes. He looked at them, scanning left to right, but they meant nothing in the long run. He was here to finish things. Once he perfected his shot, this would be over with.

Just as he prepared to strike, the Cold War kaiju began to finally fall, gravity taking hold at last. He tried to reposition himself, attempting to dive straight into the water, but a familiar face caught his eye. Yet again his enemy was trying to finish him off.

And yet again, he would try to catch him off guard.

The bioweapon watched as he saw the 80’s era monster to prepare his signature ranged attack. So that was how he would try to play, was it? Very well then. Even if their beams clashed again, it would likely only delay the inevitable. Bring it on!

It would almost appear both attacks would collide again, a dangerous move. With the modern Godzilla’s incoming speed, even using the atomic breath to try and slow himself down would be potentially catastrophic for both if he was trying to aim right for him and he got even the slightest bit too close. But that wasn’t the plan..

Both fired at once. One aimed for the fellow monster, the other aimed right at the sea. And while the white atomic ray did manage to chip off a piece of the Heisei Godzilla’s largest fin, it mattered not. Head aimed right towards the big blue, the charcoal menace shot out the Spiral Ray, violet light circling his azure blast with even more power than before. Neither man nor monster had time to even remotely think about the last minute change he had just pulled before ravenous BOOM shattered the eardrums, and the gigantic shadow covered all.

Even with the crowd temporarily mesmerized by the sight of the world’s most famous monster being thrown like a ragdoll, the police still tried to get the citizens to safety. "This Ain't a sightseeing trip! Come on people, move, move, move!"

Another cop watched as the Godzilla from Atlantis bursted from the depths, towering all of the warships that tried to stop him. "Holy crap. Things are getting serious! What the heck are we supposed to do if those things get here!?"

"You really think I would know!?" Jis teammate shouted. Listen, all we gotta do is get everyone to safety. It's the least we can do before either of those things-!"


"... Reach the city?"

The ground shook like New Kirk was undergoing an earthquake, but the culprit lied in the distance. As a gray body disappeared into the ever rising mushroom cloud, the sheer force of the Spiral Ray forced the water into the air, a full blown tsunami forming and quickly racing right to the capital.

And from the sheer force, entire warships and even the emerald kaiju were uncontrollably riding the wave!

"THEY’RE COMING RIGHT FOR US!" Shouted the policeman. "EVERYBODY, GO, GO!"

But it wouldn’t matter how fast any of them went. Fate would catch up to them all the same.

The ships, raised high by the waves, crashed into buildings and made the rubble collapse onto unlucky civilians. The tsunami itself crashed down, the sheer force breaking bones of hundreds, if not thousands, too weak to escape the powerful tide. And Godzilla himself, spinning out of control and colliding into anything in his path, effortlessly turned once normal people into nothing but red paste.

In a single moment of tragedy, the capital of Roliscia was swallowed by the sea, perhaps never to be rebuilt to its former glory ever again….

A golden eye groggily opened, feeling the waves now lightly splash against his skin. He felt a massive migraine in his head, and he felt like he had been laying down a lot longer than he’d had liked, even though he was only out cold for a few seconds. He wasn’t paying much attention to the city at first, but now that he was actually in it, he got a good look at the damage caused. Everything was destroyed, buildings falling apart at the seams. Beneath him, he saw the floating bodies of the humans below. Barely any of them could escape when the wave came in, bodies full of broken bones lifelessly floating all around.

Godzilla just kicked them away, paying them no mind at all afterwards. There was a much bigger fish to fry..

And soon, it would come out of hiding.

The Heisei Godzilla soon emerged from the ocean, swimming right towards the new river he had created. He wasn’t actually aiming to destroy the city, but he had done his work well, while also getting the jump on his inferior counterpart in the process. He swam to the other side of New Kirk, rising like a demon as the ocean’s waves fell off of his skin. Roaring in superiority, he entered the neigh-apocalyptic landscape, seeing his quarry in the distance.

Even though his ears still rung, Atlantis’ greatest creation would know that sound anywhere. Spinning around at impressive speeds, he looked at his nemesis with perhaps outright unrivaled rage.

It thought it could get the jump on him, it thought he could come here and make him look like a complete fool!? NO! He would not stand for this! He refused to reawaken only to lose his life to this pretender!

As both beasts circled each other, each aiming to have it be the last time, power raced through their veins as sheer determination raced through their heads. A simultaneous roar echoed throughout the ghost town, and while the language of monsters was foreign to humanity, the meaning of both were very clear.

This conflict ends now!

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!
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Post by ShinGojira14 »

Since I’m getting somewhat close to finishing this match, I decided that for the first and only time, I’ll release a Trailer 2 for it:

Cape Churchill

From the moment his head rose up from the depths, the True Apex could sense he was at the right continent.

He saw nothing out of place. No stones uprooted or trees bent from their usual spot; yet he knew for certain that whatever had caused such a ripple in the fabric of The Lake, it was here. Maybe not on this beach, maybe not in the estuary that seeped further into the continent itself. But somewhere out there lurked something rancorous, this he knew for certain. The Monster King also knew there was no use searching here, for there were no results to yield. If he wished to find the entity that didn’t belong, he would need to trek inland.

The water was absolutely frigid, and would normally chill most terrestrial creatures to the bone. But it was barely noticeable to Godzilla. Was this land naturally this cold? It had been ages since the last time he had been anywhere near here—and ages more since he had gone about a task like this. This was no mere territorial patrol. Nor was it a simple bout of sightseeing, much as he would’ve liked it to be. Nay, the King of the Monsters was hunting. His eyes were sharper than blades, his senses trained to their very maximum, every bit from hearing and touch to taste. Not a single abnormality had crossed his sights, yet the Ultimate Creature was on topmost alert. Godzilla grumbled as he began to wade out of the frigid bay, Gaia paying her respects to his might in her trembling to his steps. He hadn’t hunted like this since…

The titan felt a chill run through him, and he shook that thought off in a haste.

Freezing waves crashed into the shore when Godzilla waded onto land, his first footfall cracking like the shock of a thunderbolt. Far to his left, the floral colossus was met with the distant chorus of walruses, grunting and belching to one another as they lounged about in a massive gathering. And to his right, his auditory receptors were met with the honks of geese as they took flight in terror of his presence. Whether they even knew who he was mattered not, they all knew to stay out of his way. It might’ve been hundreds, possibly thousands of winters since the last he had seen such creatures. These animals’ very ancestors may have seen him when they were young and living, only for such memories to be lost in their passing.

Godzilla spared a glance at the walrus herd while he tromped inland. They could live for ten, or fifty, or even seventy years for all he knew, and in the end their lives would still be inevitably fleeting compared to his own. How many entire generations of these animals had passed him by in his immeasurable rule over Gaia’s majesty? How many generations of daughters, mothers, grandmothers, cousins, sisters and aunts had birthed, lived and died across the time he had ruled this planet? How many of their ancestors’ bones lay unseen beneath the soil he trudged upon? Even two hundred winters of existence was but a blink when put next to an immortal life such as his. Such were the attributes of an ageless existence.

One he was now destined to spend alone…

For the sake of all that was around him as well as his own, the King of the Monsters shut off his thoughts and lumbered on; a living earth tremor on the move. His eyes needed not behold his foe to know where to seek it out. Simply, Godzilla followed his senses as always. A perfect blend of sheer instinct he knew never to disobey, and an uncanny sixth sense that compelled his sense of direction, served the cornerstone that drove his thunderous steps. The sun and moon might pass through the sky once, maybe seven times before he finally found whatever it was he sought. Yet the Burning Mountain was unbothered by such a notion, for he could go dozens, maybe countless suns and moons without sleep.

Whatever revulsion that had caused such a ripple in The Lake so as to wake him, was living on borrowed time. He had only to track it down, and command the power of destruction to assimilate its existence.

Voicing his motives through the bowels of Gaia with a low growl, Godzilla began to hunt.
Last edited by ShinGojira14 on Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gigantis »

ShinGojira14 wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 3:59 pm Since I’m getting somewhat close to finishing this match, I decided that for the first and only time, I’ll release a Trailer 2 for it:

Cape Churchill

From the moment his head rose up from the depths, the True Apex could sense he was at the right continent.

He saw nothing out of place. No stones uprooted or trees bent from their usual spot; yet he knew for certain that whatever had caused such a ripple in the fabric of The Lake, it was here. Maybe not on this beach, maybe not in the estuary that seeped further into the continent itself. But somewhere out there lurked something rancorous, this he knew for certain. The Monster King also knew there was no use searching here, for there were no results to yield. If he wished to find the entity that didn’t belong, he would need to trek inland.

The water was absolutely frigid, and would normally chill most terrestrial creatures to the bone. But it was barely noticeable to Godzilla. Was this land naturally this cold? It had been ages since the last time he had been anywhere near here—and ages more since he had gone about a task like this. This was no mere territorial patrol. Nor was it a simple bout of sightseeing, much as he would’ve liked it to be. Nay, the King of the Monsters was hunting. His eyes were sharper than blades, his senses trained to their very maximum, every bit from hearing and touch to taste. Not a single abnormality had crossed his sights, yet the Ultimate Creature was on topmost alert. Godzilla grumbled as he began to wade out of the frigid bay, Gaia paying her respects to his might in her trembling to his steps. He hadn’t hunted like this since…

The titan felt a chill run through him, and he shook that thought off in a haste.

Freezing waves crashed into the shore when Godzilla waded onto land, his first footfall cracking like the shock of a thunderbolt. Far to his left, the floral colossus was met with the distant chorus of walruses, grunting and belching to one another as they lounged about in a massive gathering. And to his right, his auditory receptors were met with the honks of geese as they took flight in terror of his presence. Whether they even knew who he was mattered not, they all knew to stay out of his way. It might’ve been hundreds, possibly thousands of winters since the last he had seen such creatures. These animals’ very ancestors may have seen him when they were young and living, only for such memories to be lost in their passing.

Godzilla spared a glance at the walrus herd while he tromped inland. They could live for ten, or fifty, or even seventy years for all he knew, and in the end their lives would still be inevitably fleeting compared to his own. How many entire generations of these animals had passed him by in his immeasurable rule over Gaia’s majesty? How many generations of daughters, mothers, grandmothers, cousins, sisters and aunts had birthed, lived and died across the time he had ruled this planet? How many of their ancestors’ bones lay unseen beneath the soil he trudged upon? Even two hundred winters of existence was but a blink when put next to an immortal life such as his. Such were the attributes of an ageless existence.

One he was now destined to spend alone…

For the sake of all that was around him as well as his own, the King of the Monsters shut off his thoughts and lumbered on; a living earth tremor on the move. His eyes needed not behold his foe to know where to seek it out. Simply, Godzilla followed his senses as always. A perfect blend of sheer instinct he knew never to disobey, and an uncanny sixth sense that compelled his sense of direction, served the cornerstone that drove his thunderous steps. The sun and moon might pass through the sky once, maybe seven times before he finally found whatever it was he sought. Yet the Burning Mountain was unbothered by such a notion, for he could go dozens, maybe countless suns and moons without sleep.

Whatever revulsion that had caused such a ripple in The Lake so as to wake him, was living on borrowed time. He had only to track it down, and command the power of destruction to assimilate its existence.

Voicing his motives through the bowels of Gaia with a low growl, Godzilla began to hunt.

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!
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Post by Gigantis »

Sort of a mini trailer.
Near the shores of Okinawa, an exhausted king tried to swim to safety. The land was frigid, the usually warm beaches covered in sleet and snow; but he cared not. He needed a new place to call home..

Skull Island had fallen. Sunken into the sea just like other ancient locations before it. None of the dinosaurs survived. Nor the serpents, or the tribes. He was truly the last remnant. A king who ruled over none. Yet he refused to let himself drown with the rest; for it would simply prove the forces of the universe right. That he would join the rest of his kin in death.

He couldn’t let them win. Even with everything else he cared about gone, he refused to let them win.

He had found an iceberg. What remained of the island's winter glaciers. He held on to it as tight as he could and kicked his legs even when the glucose ran across them and turned the muscles sore. It had at least been a complete day since his home sank, maybe even more; and only now did Okinawa grant him sanctuary. He went till he reached the shore, pushing his makeshift raft until his entire body made contact with the frozen beach.

It had been years since he experienced the mainland, but the last time he was, he didn't remember it being this frigid.

It almost matched the similar feeling he felt in his heart. He was renowned for being the strongest one there is. But what did that title mean if the only ones he could prove his strength to now were the same people that feared him the moment he was forced to come to their home? A place where only few truly showed him anything close to kindness?

Kong continued to move forward, even when his mind reached full blown despair and the ongoing blizzard covered him head to toe with snow. His signature call echoed amongst the fog, hoping he could eventually reach some sort of companion through the mist.

A piece of him wondered if any other being would even want to move around in the seemingly ever lasting cold.

Between his own doing and the already bad Winter, the snow had spread across every inch of Japan. Temperatures so below barely any other lifeform beyond ones like himself could possibly live day to day.

Not that there was any other member of his species left…

What kept him going? Perhaps the strange radioactivity of that creature that had slain the rest of his loved ones played a part, but it was also a sense of vengeance. Not just against the reptile, just a general wrath that it wanted to cast to the rest of the world. It just wasn’t fair. Why did the rest have to die while he was still forced to march forth?

If that was how this universe would treat him, then the rest would suffer the same fate. If the other creatures beneath him couldn’t resist such cold, he planned to cover them all in ice and snow, then stomp the frozen corpses underfoot. With only his footsteps alerting humans to his existence, his pure white fur covered the rest of his form as he disappeared back into the fog.

A guy who randomly stumbled upon this place one day, invested much too much time into it, and now appears to be stuck here for all eternity..and strangely enough, i do not regret it!
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Post by ShinGojira14 »

Gigantis wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:42 am Sort of a mini trailer.
Near the shores of Okinawa, an exhausted king tried to swim to safety. The land was frigid, the usually warm beaches covered in sleet and snow; but he cared not. He needed a new place to call home..

Skull Island had fallen. Sunken into the sea just like other ancient locations before it. None of the dinosaurs survived. Nor the serpents, or the tribes. He was truly the last remnant. A king who ruled over none. Yet he refused to let himself drown with the rest; for it would simply prove the forces of the universe right. That he would join the rest of his kin in death.

He couldn’t let them win. Even with everything else he cared about gone, he refused to let them win.

He had found an iceberg. What remained of the island's winter glaciers. He held on to it as tight as he could and kicked his legs even when the glucose ran across them and turned the muscles sore. It had at least been a complete day since his home sank, maybe even more; and only now did Okinawa grant him sanctuary. He went till he reached the shore, pushing his makeshift raft until his entire body made contact with the frozen beach.

It had been years since he experienced the mainland, but the last time he was, he didn't remember it being this frigid.

It almost matched the similar feeling he felt in his heart. He was renowned for being the strongest one there is. But what did that title mean if the only ones he could prove his strength to now were the same people that feared him the moment he was forced to come to their home? A place where only few truly showed him anything close to kindness?

Kong continued to move forward, even when his mind reached full blown despair and the ongoing blizzard covered him head to toe with snow. His signature call echoed amongst the fog, hoping he could eventually reach some sort of companion through the mist.

A piece of him wondered if any other being would even want to move around in the seemingly ever lasting cold.

Between his own doing and the already bad Winter, the snow had spread across every inch of Japan. Temperatures so below barely any other lifeform beyond ones like himself could possibly live day to day.

Not that there was any other member of his species left…

What kept him going? Perhaps the strange radioactivity of that creature that had slain the rest of his loved ones played a part, but it was also a sense of vengeance. Not just against the reptile, just a general wrath that it wanted to cast to the rest of the world. It just wasn’t fair. Why did the rest have to die while he was still forced to march forth?

If that was how this universe would treat him, then the rest would suffer the same fate. If the other creatures beneath him couldn’t resist such cold, he planned to cover them all in ice and snow, then stomp the frozen corpses underfoot. With only his footsteps alerting humans to his existence, his pure white fur covered the rest of his form as he disappeared back into the fog.
I’m already invested in this premise! Count me excited!
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Post by HillyHulk »

As usual, criticism is appreciated!
A quadruped with horns and a sail across its back like a Spinosaurus sat within a cage underwater. Humans had found him and planned to take him to the Lawless Monster Zone as part of a project. They were going to use it as a new form of Monster Island. On their travels however, the ship that carried him had suffered severe damage. They couldn't keep going in thier current state, so they docked in on a uninhabited island.

Deep gashes bore into the submersible with what they assumed were teeth marks riddled into the ship. While they stayed on the island, they kept the dinosaur underwater to prevent him escaping. What they couldn't have accounted for was where they were keeping him. Most of the history of Kingsaurus III was kept in mystery; for all they knew, it was just another dangerous kaiju. Kingsaurus himself didn't remember anything other than the basics of what he is... so what was going on?

The ruins of the city they kept him in... he remembered this place. Somewhere in the fog his memories, his mind told him he knew this place. Try as he might however, nothing specific came to him. He was so lost in thought he never noticed the shadow that resided within the city. In the darkness of the land of a lost empire lay another dinosaur eying his cage.

With him trapped with nowhere to go, he made for an easy meal. Kingsaurus wouldn't notice a thing until he was looming over him and by then it'd he too late. He only saw the tip of his tail before his mind went on high alert. With him being in the entrapment, there was nothing he could do but brace for impact. Surprisingly enough however, his life wasn't what he was thinking about.

Instead his mind right back to the city of Atlantis. Whatever this place was, his mind told him to protect it! The inevitable would happen, a crash of powerful proportions would slam into the case. Over and over again, the dinosaur would keep tackling the case until it broke. Kingsaurus III, having held his breath knowing this was coming, immediately shot waves into the face of the attacker.

Having bought himself some time, he took a good look at his enemy. It resembled a Tyrannosaurus with a smaller sail than his trailing from the back of its neck to its back. If they weren't underwater, he likely would've been roaring. Instead, bubbles rushed out of the mouth of the blinded Poseidon Rex. Kingsaurus III immediately attempted to dig away, but the water made the sand too loose to tell if he was making progress.

Pushing through the cloud of sand, Poseidon Rex bit down on his neck. It took all his inner strength not to cry out in pain. That didn't stop Rex from trying to get one, grinding into and squeezing onto his throat. When he saw it wasn't working, he pulled him up onto the surface. When they surfaced, Rex sent him flying through the air flailing about.

Kingsaurus III heard the cries of alarm coming from the people close by as they ran away. Poseidon heard them as well and rushed toward them in his greed with Kingsaurus in tow. When the two of them reached the beach, Kingsaurus thought fast and activated his shield. The defense pushed away Poseidon Rex, Kingsaurus breathing in as much air as he could now that he was free. It hurt to breath and he couldn't help but cough, but after the mix of drowning and being strangled he could live with it.

He looked back at Poseidon Rex, small splashes from his footsteps could be heard as he looked toward him in annoyance. He snarled, ready to feast on him whether he wanted him to or not. Kingsaurus III snorted before taking a few steps back himself before digging into the ground like a bull. It was only done to kill him, but Poseidon Rex had still freed him. Now he had to make sure he didn't go from being in a glass cell to going into some animal's stomach.
Last edited by HillyHulk on Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ShinGojira14 »

HillyHulk wrote: Sun Oct 01, 2023 12:24 pm As usual, criticism is appreciated!
A quadruped with horns and a sail across its back like a Spinosaurus sat within a cage underwater. Humans had found him and planned to take him to the Lawless Monster Zone as part of a project. They were going to use it as a new form of Monster Island. On their travels however, the ship that carried him had suffered severe damage. They couldn't keep going in their current state, so they docked in on an uninhabited island.

Deep gashes bore into the submersible with what they assumed were teeth marks riddled into the ship. While they stayed on the island, they kept the dinosaur underwater to prevent him escaping. What they couldn't have accounted for was where they were keeping him. Most of the history of Kingsaurus III was kept in mystery; for all they knew, it was just another dangerous kaiju. Kingsaurus himself didn't remember anything other than the basics of what he is... so what was going on?

The ruins of the city they kept him in... he remembered this place. Somewhere in the fog of his memories, his mind told him he knew this place. Try as he might however, nothing specific came to him. He was so lost in thought he never noticed the shadow that resided within the city. In the darkness of the land of a lost empire lay another dinosaur eying his cage.

With him trapped with nowhere to go, he made for an easy meal. Kingsaurus wouldn't notice a thing until he was looming over him and by then it'd he too late. He only saw the tip of his tail before his mind went on high alert. With him being in the entrapment, there was nothing he could do but brace for impact. Surprisingly enough however, his life wasn't what he was thinking about.

Instead, his mind went right back to the city of Atlantis. Whatever this place was, his mind told him to protect it! The inevitable would happen, a crash of powerful proportions would slam into the case. Over and over again, the dinosaur would keep tackling the case until it broke. Kingsaurus III, having held his breath knowing this was coming, immediately shot waves into the face of the attacker.

Having bought himself some time, he took a good look at his enemy. It resembled a Tyrannosaurus with a smaller sail than his trailing from the back of its neck to its back. If they weren't underwater, he likely would've been roaring. Instead, bubbles rushed out of the mouth of the blinded Poseidon Rex. Kingsaurus III immediately attempted to dig away, but the water made the sand too loose to tell if he was making progress.

Pushing through the cloud of sand, Poseidon Rex bit down on his neck. It took all his inner strength not to cry out in pain. That didn't stop Rex from trying to get one, grinding into and squeezing onto his throat. When he saw it wasn't working, he pulled him up onto the surface. When they surfaced, Rex sent him flying through the air flailing about.

Kingsaurus III heard the cries of alarm coming from the people close by as they ran away. Poseidon heard them as well and rushed toward them in his greed, with Kingsaurus in tow. When the two of them reached the beach, Kingsaurus thought fast and activated his shield. The defense pushed away Poseidon Rex, Kingsaurus breathing in as much air as he could now that he was free. It hurt to breathe and he couldn't help but cough, but after the mix of drowning and being strangled he could live with it.

He looked back at Poseidon Rex. Small splashes from his footsteps could be heard as he looked toward him in annoyance. He snarled, ready to feast on him whether he wanted him to or not. Kingsaurus III snorted before taking a few steps back himself, before digging into the ground like a bull. It was only done to kill him, but Poseidon Rex had still freed him. Now he had to make sure he didn't go from being in a glass cell to going into some animal's stomach.
I underlined some edits to make to punctuation and struck some bits that are best crossed off.

As for the trailer itself, it’s really good. A really interesting premise, with a dark and foreboding edge to it.
"William Knifeman! AH! AH! AH!"

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Post by kaijufanforever »

Enjoy another trailer for my match
Redman grunted as he struggled to keep tree branches out of his face, debating whether or not to just whip out another one of his signature weapons to just hack his way through. His train of thought was cut off when a sturdy branch that he was pushing out of the way slipped free from his silver grasp and thwacked him square in the head. Taking by surprise, the Red Phantom Killer let out a shout as he stumbled backwards and fell flat on his back.

Redman just lay there, rubbing his head, wondering if he should just turn around and go find someplace to rest and sleep once night arrived. After all, Kaiju and Seijin weren't just fighting him, but each other as well. It was probably just something like that…


Propping himself up on his elbows, he stared in the direction he was going. No, it wasn't one of the battles being waged across this strange land, he already deducted that. The warrior really was looking for an excuse to turn and walk away. But he just couldn't. It was as if he was being drawn deeper into the forest, like someone, or something was calling him. His antenna shaped Red Ears rotated and twitched, trying to find any noises in their 300 kilometer range that could clue him in.

He heard nothing worthwhile.

Clenching his fists, Redman got back up, grunting a bit, twigs snapping and leaves falling as he stood tall. No, he needed to continue forward, he needed to know what made that scream, and what made its owner produce it. With this goal in mind, Redman continued onward. He didn't know how long it took, but at long last, he made it past the trees that impeded his vision. Yet still, he marched forward like a machine. Dead branches snapped and leaves crunched, all the while he kept an eye and ear out for anything off putting. Movement atop a branch made his head snap over to see…the Litra?

The small bird cocked her head to look at him before letting out a friendly trilling cry, confirming to Redman that she was indeed the same Litra that was keeping him company in the meadow. Though he couldn't show it, Redman was surprised. She wished to join him? To help him? Why? Did she wish to assist him?

Redman continued pondering on this development for a short while before brushing it aside. He had more important things demanding his attention, and if she wished to come with him, then for now, there were no complaints. With a single nod, he resumed his trek.

Unbeknownst to the Red Phantom Killer, there was another Kaiju near him, hidden from view until the Crimson Killer was far enough away. Fading in from behind a tree was a tan skinned Kaiju, standing bipedal on a pair of three clawed feet. There was little fur on his wrinkly body, most of it trailing down his back from his head like some balding mohawk. He had five clawed fingers, and a moderately long tail, and trailing from his face was a long trunk with a pincer shaped end.

The Ninja Monster Sartan ran his clawed hand down the length of his trunk before he turned his attention to a burrow nestled in the roots of a tree. He beckoned, not daring to make any noise, lest he attract the attention of the Kaiju Hunter…or the other being lurking in these woods. His action was noticed, and a black, horned head poked out, twin tusks jutting out from either side of her jaw, and yellow, fearful eyes. The Subterranean Monster Magular cocked her head to get a better look at the elephant Kaiju, who ceased stroking his schnoz and gestured with his truck the way the Red Warrior came, silently telling her that they needed to leave this place of death. Magular tilted her head in consideration, as her kind were not the bravest of beasts and often burrowed away from a fight, but on the other hand, she too was aware of what called these woods home, and she would gladly take any chance to leave, even if it was alongside a Kaiju she wasn't familiar with. She nodded back at Sartan, who returned the gesture. Together, the two of them made their way to the wall of trees, eager to get out of this place. If that Red Giant had a death wish, so be it. But they were getting out of that…THING'S territory pronto.

Little did they consider that the commotion of them walking through the leaf litter, snapping and breaking branches and crunching leaves drew the attention of the Red Phantom Killer. Redman stared at the retreating Kaiju, wondering how he missed them. He quickly decided to not worry about it, and refocused on his mission. Those two weren't attacking him, in fact they were doing the opposite. So he'll let them live. For now.

Turning, he continued his journey. As he continued forth, his mind started to wander, and his body went to autopilot. The warrior often zoned out in moments like these, his mind retreating to better times, times before he wound up in the strange land filled with Seijin and Kaiju, times of yellow eyes looking at him with awe, unmoving mouths asking questions filled with the same emotion, times of sitting down with his fellow beings to talk, to laugh, to…

Redman was snapped out of his reminiscing when his foot caught on a root and caused him to stagger forward in order to not fall flat on his face. Recovering, Redman stood there balanced on one leg, rubbing his sour foot while looking around. He noticed he was deeper in the forest, realizing that quite some time had passed. He wasn't sure how much, the forest canopy prevented him from getting a good view of the Sun's position. As he placed his leg back on the leaf litter, he spotted a smidge of red, far in the distance, very easy to dismiss. Normally he would have dismissed it, but considering his reason for being here, he started towards it, breaking into a light jog.
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Post by HillyHulk »

As always, criticism is appreciated!
"The city of Townsville... IS UNDER ATTACK!!!"

It definitely was as a giant monster had come through the town with a redundant name as was often the case. A giant brown monster with bladed weapons on its hands, feet, tail and especially face marched through the land. Destruction tore through the city as his tail sliced buildings in half and fists punched through others leaving them in rubble. His roars sent people into a panic, running every which way in a desperate attempt to escape.

Someone needed to save them and someone would indeed come. In fact, when a trio of colors flew through the air they immediately brought security to the people. The pink came from a girl with a bow on her head, the blue from a girl with pigtails, and the green one from a rather aggressive girl.

"The Powerpuff Girls, thank goodness! Stay strong people, help is on the way!" The narrator exclaimed in excited relief.

"Okay girls, this is what we're going to do! Buttercup, hit him with everything you've got!" Blossom directed.

"You don't need to tell me twice" she responded, an eager smile brightening her face as she sped up.

"Bubbles, you and I are going to slow him down. Scream as loud as you can to disorient him" she ordered next, Bubbles nodding.

Bubbles let out a sonic screech, the waves flying right into his ears. Blossom meanwhile flew around him, breathing her ice breath across his body. Buttercup rushed him, aiming for a strong tackle right into his stomach. Instead of knocking the wind out of him like it was supposed to, she bounced off rather violently.

"Dang this guy is tough...better step up my game" the green Powerpuff muttered to herself.

While Buttercup rammed into him over and over again steadily going faster, Bubbles kept on screaming. She was getting hoarse, but she stayed the course. What made her stutter slightly was Badaxtra's reaction. The monster was getting angry, staring them down in a rage as he covered his ears. Badaxtra thrust his stomach against Buttercup, sending her away.

He jumped into the air before slamming back down, the ice flying off in different directions. Blossom covered her head as her trap was undone. To deal with Bubbles, he picked up a small apartment and threw it at her. With a yelp, Bubbles caught it in her small mitts. Groaning in her efforts to keep it from falling apart, she slowly brought the building down.

Buttercup caught herself midair, growling at the monster swinging his tail at Blossom. While she charged back at him, Blossom tried to quickly analyze her opponent while she flew over and under his tail.

"His overall toughness makes getting up close too unreliable... we'll need to change dynamics" she thought to herself.

Channeling energy into her eyes, she shot red laser beams.

"Physical combat is too risky, Buttercup! Try switching to long range!" She shouted in hopes it would get across to her.

It would and Buttercup began shooting beams of her own. Badaxtra roared in fury as the beams kept coming, but no physical damage was being dealt.

"Not strong enough, huh.. how about you try this on for size"? The green Powerpuff challenged, rubbing her hands together before throwing a fireball at him.

The beam flew at him like a sniper shot, aiming right for his face. He saw the blast coming and closed his eye soon enough to protect his eye. With a snarl, he grabbed Buttercup and threw her at Blossom. With a gasp, she redirected an energy blast she was going to fire to the air.

"Hold on, I've got you!" She exclaimed, catching her midair.

She was given a small thanks, but her attention wasn't directed to her. Instead, she looked toward Badaxtra as his tail swat them through the air. They flew through a building before falling to the ground. Blossom sat up with one hand clutching her head while Buttercup still laid down groaning in pain. Bubbles came up to them shortly after with a worried expression on her face.

"Blossom, Buttercup, are you okay?!" She asked, her eyes darting between them.

"We're fine, don't worry Bubbles" Blossom answered with a small comforting smile.

"Speak for yourself..." Buttercup shook the cobwebs from her brain as she said this.

They all looked toward the monster, his attention away from them as he continued attacking Townsville.

"If I could just get one good hit on him..." Buttercup muttered under her breath.

"No Buttercup, standard combat just isn't working" Blossom countered, considering the situation.

"This is bringing up bad memories..." Bubbles muttered next, a giant orange monster that seemed invincible flashing in her mind.

"Don't worry girls, we're seasoned veterans at this point and we have plenty of tricks up our sleeves" Blossom responded.

Suddenly she reached out toward the both of them. They didn't quite understand until she said the name of what she had in mind out loud.

"Razzle Dazzle?" She asked rhetorically, a confident smirk on her face.

Buttercup smirked next saying "Screaming petals of doom" and held her sister's hand.

"Sassafras" Bubbles called out, taking a hand next.

"We'll consider a permanent nickname later, bigger fish to fry" Blossom thought under her breath before focusing.

The girls took off in the air, spinning faster and faster like an amusement park ride before their colors changed into a bright white. Badaxtra would've walked away had it not been for the shape wrapping around them. He looked at it, confused at what he was seeing before he was lifted into the air. Just as was a good couple of meters high, he was slammed into the ground with authority, the monster crying out in pain all the while! It wouldn't end there as it was quickly lifted back up and slammed back down over and over again.

The last time they did this, their enemy was hopeless to stop their defeat... this time however, they would not be so lucky. The creature stubbornly fought to raise his arms into the air, pushing with all his might. Blossom heard Bubbles cry out her name in alarm when she saw his struggle against them.

"Keep going, don't slow down!" She shouted, trying to keep her sister on the task at hand.

Said task would go incomplete as Badaxtra successfully thrust his arms into the air, the girls tumbling through the air as his hands smacked them out of place. With their formation broken, they were unable to stop him from turning in a complete circle slamming his bladed head into them. The girls cried out in pain before he swung them down to the pavement of the streets below, a crater forming from their crash.

"Oh no, girls... please get up, we need you!" The narrator cried out in dismay.

Suddenly, a race car appeared from behind them with a giant D emblazoned on its side driving around the lip of the crater. Inside, a boy about their size sat looking at the monster. When he opened the door to the car, he took off his helmet to reveal an orange tuft of hair.

"Wait a minute, what's this?" The narrator questioned.

"As I thought, strong as you are you simply aren't strong enough" he acknowledged, his mind analyzing the situation.

The girls groaned in terrible pain as they pulled themselves out of the crater beside him. The first to look toward the boy was Buttercup.

"Thanks for reminding me... who are you?" Buttercup asked, her throbbing cranium in her fingerless hand.

"I'm Dexter, boy genius, and I have the solution to your problem... come with me" he said before driving off.

The girls looked at each other in confusion considering the option. Ultimately coming to a decision, they fought against their aching muscles and followed his league. Suddenly, a portal appeared out of the ether and took them all inside. When they reached the other side, they saw a rather extensive laboratory. Bubbles felt slightly guilty at thinking it looked much cooler than Professor Utonium's.

"Sorry dad" Bubbles unintentionally thought aloud.

"What are you sorry about?" Blossom asked, causing Bubbles to clam up immediately.

The car stopped just short of hitting his rather large computer, Dexter jumping out of it.

"Computer, play footage of the following" Dexter commanded.

She would obey, multiple screens appearing and featuring Badaxtra among other things in a series of screens.

"Simplified, Badaxtra is a science experiment gone wrong. The greatest minds of Japan banded together to defeat him and seal him away in a volcano. One year ago, the monster would be freed by a mishap of mine" Dexter explained, taking out a baton from a drawer and pointing it at the monster bursting from the volcano he mentioned.

The girls simply listened as Dexter continued to speak, "When he was freed once again, he was a near unstoppable force. The military forces of Global Security, the Justice Friends, and even Monkey, who I've estimated has equal power to you, could not defeat him."

"That explains why we couldn't slow him down, let alone stop him" Blossom spoke mostly to herself than him when he said this.

"Correct, only my family, my latest invention at the time, and our familial unity was able to destroy him" he said next, pointing to his machines combining and a Japanese boy on a cloud speaking to the machine he spoke of.

He left the part out that he recovered his memory of all this through a machine he invented to research this monster. Time was of the essence so it was important to focus on why they were here.

"Wait, this guy was destroyed?" Buttercup asked, confused.

"Yes he was, I saw it with my own eyes" Dexter answered.

"Then why is he here now? He looks pretty alive to me" she asked next.

Suddenly, Dexter began to grow quiet... sheepish even. The three looked at him confused. Bubbles called out his name tamely to rouse him to attention.

"Well you see... my point is..." his words were uncertain and unfocused.

"Dexter, this is something we need to know" Blossom declared firmly.

"I might have been responsible for him returning?" He answered, an uncomfortable smile on his face.

In response, they all cried out "What?!"

"This might need a moment to explain..."


"Space-time modulator fully operational" computer declared in her sultry voice.

"This should mean all systems are ready, correct?" Dexter asked, scanning his screens displaying their statuses.

"This would be correct Dexter" she answered.

He took a look at the developing machine before him. It resembled his time machine, but at a much grander scale. If his time machine resembled a grandfather clock, this was Big Ben itself. It reached twenty meters tall and was incredibly wide.

"At last, the Time Chamber is finally complete!" He exclaimed with pride.

He took a moment to admire his handy work. This might've been his most ambitious experiment yet as he did this for one major reason...

"Now if we simply show the government this, I will be guaranteed their funding. My brilliant mind has already accomplished so much, with government support the possibilities are endless!" He spoke to himself as he tended to do at times.

"I must ask however… Are you sure about telling your family about all of this should you succeed?" she questioned, her monotone masking her worry.

"Yes computer, I think I'm ready... if I am to ever achieve my future potential, I must be ready to reveal who I truly am to my family" he responded resolutely.

Now it was time to take their first trial. Snapping his fingers, a group of small robots identical to him walked toward the machine. Quickly running through the required sequences of button presses and lever pulls, Dexter turned the machine on. A great white light flashed the entire lab, revealing a massive time portal. This would be when disaster struck.

Outside the lab, a thunderstorm had been raging down in the country for weeks. The monsoon had been causing complications like flooding and occasional fires. The most relevant problem issue would rear its ugly head... power outages. Before the robots could walk through, an outage would complicate things right this moment.

"Oh no... computer, turn on the generator immediately!" Dexter rushed his computer in great haste.

He knew he had very little time for a process this delicate to go horribly wrong without his control. Unfortunately, the exact moment things went wrong was also the exact moment it was too late. The time portal grew bigger and bigger, out of control even when the power came back on. No matter what he did now, it would not close. If left unchecked, it could rip a hole in the space-time continuum!

Thankfully, that didn't happen and the portal collapsed on itself... but that wasn't to say there were no consequences. Just before it broke down, a pair of claws would pull itself from the portal. The rest of the beast would follow, revealing the horrifying splendor of Badaxtra.

"Oh dear..." Dexter quietly said as Badaxtra announced its return to the world.


"So it's your fault Townsville's in danger!" Buttercup roared, grabbing him by the collar about to cave his face in with a fist.

"Buttercup, get a hold of yourself!" Blossom cried out, pulling him off.

"I admit that I'm responsible for this, but I want to fix my mistake!" He exclaimed, trying to put distance between him and the hot-headed girl.

"You better if you know what's good for you!" She threatened, Dexter gulping down the lump in his throat as his eyes shrunk in fear.

"Anything you can offer would help Dexter," Blossom told him, still wrestling her furious sister.

"I believe you all are familiar with this machine" he said, pointing at a screen.

On the screen featured a machine they were indeed familiar with... their father created it after all. It was a girl in their shape, with red hair in pigtails along with a red dress clothing her steel gray body. Decorating her was a blue ribbon and black shoes. Its yellow eyes highlighted its face in the footage.

This was the Powerpuff DY.NA.MO, created by Utonium to assist them against major threats.

"Yeah we know it, why?" Bubbles asked curiously.

"I've seen how it was used in its initial battle... it was less than impressive" he said, more relaxed than before.

The girls were clearly annoyed, but Dexter went on to say "I've taken it upon myself to give the machine adjustments to improve on its battle capability."

Blossom could see where this was going. She considered her options. They couldn't even get him to budge on their own. The people of Townsville had no time for their heroes to butt their heads against a wall hoping for a different result. There needed to be affirmative action while there was still a chance.

"I understand, lead the way Dexter" she said, reluctant but firm in her decision.

Buttercup wanted to object; she was the warrior between all of them and she was stubborn about getting help. Even so, any verbal response wouldn't come to her. Both girls could see her conflict on her face however.

"Buttercup, I know you don't want to use weapons, neither do I. Our friend here has a lot to be responsible for too" she reprimanded the young scientist with the last of her statement.

Subconsciously, the boy rubbed the back of his neck and looked down in shame.

"But this is the only way... I'm willing to swallow my pride if you are" she encouraged, extending her hand to her.

She looked from her hand to Dexter to footage of Badaxtra's current attack on the city and back.

With a frustrated sigh, she took the hand and said "This better work."

The two of them looked toward Bubbles who immediately nodded her head.

"I'll do it for Townsville!" She exclaimed, determination born from a sense of duty flowing through her.

Blossom let out a relieved smile and said "Thank you girls..."

"Alright, I'm glad that's settled. We must begin preparations at once" Dexter called out, the girls nodding their heads and following his lead.

Flying right into their seats residing under the face of the machine, they got in their seats as Dexter checked all systems on the machine. Dexter calling on the prep sequences, the girls called on all systems and technical aspects were up to par. When it was confirmed that they were, the girls called to engage. The laboratory's roof opened up like the launching zone for a rocket, ready for their departure. Without another moment to lose, DY.NA.MO set off to clash with the monster attacking Townsville.
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Post by kaijufanforever »

HillyHulk wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:11 am As always, criticism is appreciated!
"The city of Townsville... IS UNDER ATTACK!!!"

It definitely was as a giant monster had come through the town with a redundant name as was often the case. A giant brown monster with bladed weapons on its hands, feet, tail and especially face marched through the land. Destruction tore through the city as his tail sliced buildings in half and fists punched through others leaving them in rubble. His roars sent people into a panic, running every which way in a desperate attempt to escape.

Someone needed to save them and someone would indeed come. In fact, when a trio of colors flew through the air they immediately brought security to the people. The pink came from a girl with a bow on her head, the blue from a girl with pigtails, and the green one from a rather aggressive girl.

"The Powerpuff Girls, thank goodness! Stay strong people, help is on the way!" The narrator exclaimed in excited relief.

"Okay girls, this is what we're going to do! Buttercup, hit him with everything you've got!" Blossom directed.

"You don't need to tell me twice" she responded, an eager smile brightening her face as she sped up.

"Bubbles, you and I are going to slow him down. Scream as loud as you can to disorient him" she ordered next, Bubbles nodding.

Bubbles let out a sonic screech, the waves flying right into his ears. Blossom meanwhile flew around him, breathing her ice breath across his body. Buttercup rushed him, aiming for a strong tackle right into his stomach. Instead of knocking the wind out of him like it was supposed to, she bounced off rather violently.

"Dang this guy is tough...better step up my game" the green Powerpuff muttered to herself.

While Buttercup rammed into him over and over again steadily going faster, Bubbles kept on screaming. She was getting hoarse, but she stayed the course. What made her stutter slightly was Badaxtra's reaction. The monster was getting angry, staring them down in a rage as he covered his ears. Badaxtra thrust his stomach against Buttercup, sending her away.

He jumped into the air before slamming back down, the ice flying off in different directions. Blossom covered her head as her trap was undone. To deal with Bubbles, he picked up a small apartment and threw it at her. With a yelp, Bubbles caught it in her small mitts. Groaning in her efforts to keep it from falling apart, she slowly brought the building down.

Buttercup caught herself midair, growling at the monster swinging his tail at Blossom. While she charged back at him, Blossom tried to quickly analyze her opponent while she flew over and under his tail.

"His overall toughness makes getting up close too unreliable... we'll need to change dynamics" she thought to herself.

Channeling energy into her eyes, she shot red laser beams.

"Physical combat is too risky, Buttercup! Try switching to long range!" She shouted in hopes it would get across to her.

It would and Buttercup began shooting beams of her own. Badaxtra roared in fury as the beams kept coming, but no physical damage was being dealt.

"Not strong enough, huh.. how about you try this on for size"? The green Powerpuff challenged, rubbing her hands together before throwing a fireball at him.

The beam flew at him like a sniper shot, aiming right for his face. He saw the blast coming and closed his eye soon enough to protect his eye. With a snarl, he grabbed Buttercup and threw her at Blossom. With a gasp, she redirected an energy blast she was going to fire to the air.

"Hold on, I've got you!" She exclaimed, catching her midair.

She was given a small thanks, but her attention wasn't directed to her. Instead, she looked toward Badaxtra as his tail swat them through the air. They flew through a building before falling to the ground. Blossom sat up with one hand clutching her head while Buttercup still laid down groaning in pain. Bubbles came up to them shortly after with a worried expression on her face.

"Blossom, Buttercup, are you okay?!" She asked, her eyes darting between them.

"We're fine, don't worry Bubbles" Blossom answered with a small comforting smile.

"Speak for yourself..." Buttercup shook the cobwebs from her brain as she said this.

They all looked toward the monster, his attention away from them as he continued attacking Townsville.

"If I could just get one good hit on him..." Buttercup muttered under her breath.

"No Buttercup, standard combat just isn't working" Blossom countered, considering the situation.

"This is bringing up bad memories..." Bubbles muttered next, a giant orange monster that seemed invincible flashing in her mind.

"Don't worry girls, we're seasoned veterans at this point and we have plenty of tricks up our sleeves" Blossom responded.

Suddenly she reached out toward the both of them. They didn't quite understand until she said the name of what she had in mind out loud.

"Razzle Dazzle?" She asked rhetorically, a confident smirk on her face.

Buttercup smirked next saying "Screaming petals of doom" and held her sister's hand.

"Sassafras" Bubbles called out, taking a hand next.

"We'll consider a permanent nickname later, bigger fish to fry" Blossom thought under her breath before focusing.

The girls took off in the air, spinning faster and faster like an amusement park ride before their colors changed into a bright white. Badaxtra would've walked away had it not been for the shape wrapping around them. He looked at it, confused at what he was seeing before he was lifted into the air. Just as was a good couple of meters high, he was slammed into the ground with authority, the monster crying out in pain all the while! It wouldn't end there as it was quickly lifted back up and slammed back down over and over again.

The last time they did this, their enemy was hopeless to stop their defeat... this time however, they would not be so lucky. The creature stubbornly fought to raise his arms into the air, pushing with all his might. Blossom heard Bubbles cry out her name in alarm when she saw his struggle against them.

"Keep going, don't slow down!" She shouted, trying to keep her sister on the task at hand.

Said task would go incomplete as Badaxtra successfully thrust his arms into the air, the girls tumbling through the air as his hands smacked them out of place. With their formation broken, they were unable to stop him from turning in a complete circle slamming his bladed head into them. The girls cried out in pain before he swung them down to the pavement of the streets below, a crater forming from their crash.

"Oh no, girls... please get up, we need you!" The narrator cried out in dismay.

Suddenly, a race car appeared from behind them with a giant D emblazoned on its side driving around the lip of the crater. Inside, a boy about their size sat looking at the monster. When he opened the door to the car, he took off his helmet to reveal an orange tuft of hair.

"Wait a minute, what's this?" The narrator questioned.

"As I thought, strong as you are you simply aren't strong enough" he acknowledged, his mind analyzing the situation.

The girls groaned in terrible pain as they pulled themselves out of the crater beside him. The first to look toward the boy was Buttercup.

"Thanks for reminding me... who are you?" Buttercup asked, her throbbing cranium in her fingerless hand.

"I'm Dexter, boy genius, and I have the solution to your problem... come with me" he said before driving off.

The girls looked at each other in confusion considering the option. Ultimately coming to a decision, they fought against their aching muscles and followed his league. Suddenly, a portal appeared out of the ether and took them all inside. When they reached the other side, they saw a rather extensive laboratory. Bubbles felt slightly guilty at thinking it looked much cooler than Professor Utonium's.

"Sorry dad" Bubbles unintentionally thought aloud.

"What are you sorry about?" Blossom asked, causing Bubbles to clam up immediately.

The car stopped just short of hitting his rather large computer, Dexter jumping out of it.

"Computer, play footage of the following" Dexter commanded.

She would obey, multiple screens appearing and featuring Badaxtra among other things in a series of screens.

"Simplified, Badaxtra is a science experiment gone wrong. The greatest minds of Japan banded together to defeat him and seal him away in a volcano. One year ago, the monster would be freed by a mishap of mine" Dexter explained, taking out a baton from a drawer and pointing it at the monster bursting from the volcano he mentioned.

The girls simply listened as Dexter continued to speak, "When he was freed once again, he was a near unstoppable force. The military forces of Global Security, the Justice Friends, and even Monkey, who I've estimated has equal power to you, could not defeat him."

"That explains why we couldn't slow him down, let alone stop him" Blossom spoke mostly to herself than him when he said this.

"Correct, only my family, my latest invention at the time, and our familial unity was able to destroy him" he said next, pointing to his machines combining and a Japanese boy on a cloud speaking to the machine he spoke of.

He left the part out that he recovered his memory of all this through a machine he invented to research this monster. Time was of the essence so it was important to focus on why they were here.

"Wait, this guy was destroyed?" Buttercup asked, confused.

"Yes he was, I saw it with my own eyes" Dexter answered.

"Then why is he here now? He looks pretty alive to me" she asked next.

Suddenly, Dexter began to grow quiet... sheepish even. The three looked at him confused. Bubbles called out his name tamely to rouse him to attention.

"Well you see... my point is..." his words were uncertain and unfocused.

"Dexter, this is something we need to know" Blossom declared firmly.

"I might have been responsible for him returning?" He answered, an uncomfortable smile on his face.

In response, they all cried out "What?!"

"This might need a moment to explain..."


"Space-time modulator fully operational" computer declared in her sultry voice.

"This should mean all systems are ready, correct?" Dexter asked, scanning his screens displaying their statuses.

"This would be correct Dexter" she answered.

He took a look at the developing machine before him. It resembled his time machine, but at a much grander scale. If his time machine resembled a grandfather clock, this was Big Ben itself. It reached twenty meters tall and was incredibly wide.

"At last, the Time Chamber is finally complete!" He exclaimed with pride.

He took a moment to admire his handy work. This might've been his most ambitious experiment yet as he did this for one major reason...

"Now if we simply show the government this, I will be guaranteed their funding. My brilliant mind has already accomplished so much, with government support the possibilities are endless!" He spoke to himself as he tended to do at times.

"I must ask however… Are you sure about telling your family about all of this should you succeed?" she questioned, her monotone masking her worry.

"Yes computer, I think I'm ready... if I am to ever achieve my future potential, I must be ready to reveal who I truly am to my family" he responded resolutely.

Now it was time to take their first trial. Snapping his fingers, a group of small robots identical to him walked toward the machine. Quickly running through the required sequences of button presses and lever pulls, Dexter turned the machine on. A great white light flashed the entire lab, revealing a massive time portal. This would be when disaster struck.

Outside the lab, a thunderstorm had been raging down in the country for weeks. The monsoon had been causing complications like flooding and occasional fires. The most relevant problem issue would rear its ugly head... power outages. Before the robots could walk through, an outage would complicate things right this moment.

"Oh no... computer, turn on the generator immediately!" Dexter rushed his computer in great haste.

He knew he had very little time for a process this delicate to go horribly wrong without his control. Unfortunately, the exact moment things went wrong was also the exact moment it was too late. The time portal grew bigger and bigger, out of control even when the power came back on. No matter what he did now, it would not close. If left unchecked, it could rip a hole in the space-time continuum!

Thankfully, that didn't happen and the portal collapsed on itself... but that wasn't to say there were no consequences. Just before it broke down, a pair of claws would pull itself from the portal. The rest of the beast would follow, revealing the horrifying splendor of Badaxtra.

"Oh dear..." Dexter quietly said as Badaxtra announced its return to the world.


"So it's your fault Townsville's in danger!" Buttercup roared, grabbing him by the collar about to cave his face in with a fist.

"Buttercup, get a hold of yourself!" Blossom cried out, pulling him off.

"I admit that I'm responsible for this, but I want to fix my mistake!" He exclaimed, trying to put distance between him and the hot-headed girl.

"You better if you know what's good for you!" She threatened, Dexter gulping down the lump in his throat as his eyes shrunk in fear.

"Anything you can offer would help Dexter," Blossom told him, still wrestling her furious sister.

"I believe you all are familiar with this machine" he said, pointing at a screen.

On the screen featured a machine they were indeed familiar with... their father created it after all. It was a girl in their shape, with red hair in pigtails along with a red dress clothing her steel gray body. Decorating her was a blue ribbon and black shoes. Its yellow eyes highlighted its face in the footage.

This was the Powerpuff DY.NA.MO, created by Utonium to assist them against major threats.

"Yeah we know it, why?" Bubbles asked curiously.

"I've seen how it was used in its initial battle... it was less than impressive" he said, more relaxed than before.

The girls were clearly annoyed, but Dexter went on to say "I've taken it upon myself to give the machine adjustments to improve on its battle capability."

Blossom could see where this was going. She considered her options. They couldn't even get him to budge on their own. The people of Townsville had no time for their heroes to butt their heads against a wall hoping for a different result. There needed to be affirmative action while there was still a chance.

"I understand, lead the way Dexter" she said, reluctant but firm in her decision.

Buttercup wanted to object; she was the warrior between all of them and she was stubborn about getting help. Even so, any verbal response wouldn't come to her. Both girls could see her conflict on her face however.

"Buttercup, I know you don't want to use weapons, neither do I. Our friend here has a lot to be responsible for too" she reprimanded the young scientist with the last of her statement.

Subconsciously, the boy rubbed the back of his neck and looked down in shame.

"But this is the only way... I'm willing to swallow my pride if you are" she encouraged, extending her hand to her.

She looked from her hand to Dexter to footage of Badaxtra's current attack on the city and back.

With a frustrated sigh, she took the hand and said "This better work."

The two of them looked toward Bubbles who immediately nodded her head.

"I'll do it for Townsville!" She exclaimed, determination born from a sense of duty flowing through her.

Blossom let out a relieved smile and said "Thank you girls..."

"Alright, I'm glad that's settled. We must begin preparations at once" Dexter called out, the girls nodding their heads and following his lead.

Flying right into their seats residing under the face of the machine, they got in their seats as Dexter checked all systems on the machine. Dexter calling on the prep sequences, the girls called on all systems and technical aspects were up to par. When it was confirmed that they were, the girls called to engage. The laboratory's roof opened up like the launching zone for a rocket, ready for their departure. Without another moment to lose, DY.NA.MO set off to clash with the monster attacking Townsville.
I eagerly await this one
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Post by ShinGojira14 »

The streets of Nemuro were filled with the panicked cries of thousands.

The late afternoon skies, once a peaceful overcast gray, were now mixed with a putrid shade of orange from the flames that burned below. Crowds of frightened civilians fled in droves, covering their ears from the roar of firing tanks in the distance. Explosions strong enough to injure eardrums rang through the air in thunderous BANGS—the telltale impacts of tank shells and missiles detonating against something monstrous. The sound barrier was rattled by the roar of fighter jets whizzing overhead, firing barrages of missiles into their monolithic target which remained shrouded by smoke.

The ground trembled from the force of a colossal tremor, one that originated from no explosion. A tremor so great it knocked hundreds off their feet. A tremor that was soon followed by another, one that was stronger than its predecessor. Buildings shuddered like leaves, the ground felt ready to tear at any moment; the booms of the distant explosions gradually becoming smothered by something far mightier in scope. The pounding tremors continued, echoing like than bangs of detonating bombs, but packed with the force of an earthquake.

It was in that frightful moment, that a dark form began to tower out of the distant plume of smoke…

Any and all noises were drowned out by the thunderous roar that abruptly split the air. A loud, screeching crescendo that evolved into a booming drone. It was a cry from another world, a sound from a bygone age in Earth’s history. Thousands screamed in terror at its advent; the ears of many bleeding from the sheer auditory force of that roar, while others were simply knocked sprawling like dominoes.

That’s when the bearer of the sound fully revealed himself. A bipedal dinosaur of vast proportions loomed like a primeval god above the landscape, his orange eyes glistening with a terrible rage. Craggy gray scales adorned a body packed with magnificent muscle. Two long arms ended in bulky hands, each finger tipped with a vicious claw. Pointed teeth the size of the tallest man lined his jaws, bared in a furious snarl. His serpentine tail smashed the earth behind him, echoing forth with the impact of a thunderbolt. A forest of bony spines lined his back like an ivory crown, betraying the behemoth’s prehistoric nature. Another mighty war cry erupted from his fanged jaws, soaring above all other sounds with the power of an atomic bomb.

Godzilla had arrived.

More explosions detonated off his ancient hide, the tanks and missiles erupting with yet another wave in an attempt to stem the monster. The fighter gets returned for another round, expelling their own explosive cargo into the saurian’s face. But no matter how hard they tried, their weapons were less than irritants against the creature’s rugged, impenetrable hide. Godzilla curled his upper lip, snorting almost in a scoffing manner. The forces below only continued firing their weapons, refusing to accept the futility of their efforts.

And failing to see the cerulean hue that began to adorn the monster’s dorsal plates…

One moment, the battalion continued their stand against the prehistoric giant as the bravest men and women known to have walked the earth. And the next, a flash of blue was followed by their erasure from life. Nothing but plumes of fire and ash bloomed where they once stood, while Godzilla’s vengeful eyes scoured the aftermath of his handiwork. The jets had crashed and burned. The soldiers on foot were now vapor on the wind. The tanks had been wiped out by a wall of flame.

Neither man nor his machines were able to stop this creature.

The earth was besieged by reverberant tremors as Godzilla continued his march. Buildings crumbled like wet paper, four-toed craters were smashed into the ground from his taloned feet. Even the strongest structures were smashed to flying pieces by a single swing of his massive tail. Glass shattered from the volume of the roar he made infamous, the sound soon to be the most feared on the planet. Nothing stood in his way for long, as the nuclear menace vented the rage he had been so starved to let out.

Upon lumbering deeper into the prefecture, however, Godzilla slowed to a halt. His senses started to act up, gradually beginning to touch on his fight or flight response. As if he wasn’t alone, that there was something else in the area with him…yet, he couldn’t see anything. A growl rumbled from the saurian’s throat, his head turning this way and that in an effort to detect the unseen entity…

Up ahead, an electrical power plant suddenly malfunctioned. Sparks flew in a loud conflagration—and for a brief moment, Godzilla did see something. A ripple of movement, vaguely hinting at a large shape before disappearing back into obscurity. At the same time, lights all over the city flickered out one after another, as any and all electronics went out. In less than half a minute, the entire city had entered a complete blackout. The surviving civilians, scattered all about the untouched regions of Nemuro, were lucky; for had it been nighttime, they wouldn’t have been able to see a thing.

Unfortunately for them, differences in daylight would not equal a better day.

An unseen mass began to plow through a selection of buildings, headed in Godzilla’s direction. The atomic dinosaur hunched defensively, curling his lip in a snarl as his fight-or-flight instinct roared to life. The mass was moving at impressive speed, yet remained invisible the entire time. No matter how hard he tried to look, he couldn’t see anything but the trail of destruction in the mass’ wake. His eyes broadened as the entity drew closer, until eventually coming to a halt just fifty meters in front of him. His heartbeat elevated, Godzilla held perfectly still; muscles tended to attack at the slightest movement.

For just a moment, nothing happened. The atomic saurian simply continued to hold his ground in silence…

A blur of movement preluded something transparent smashing right into the monster’s upper body. Something sharp plunged deep into multiple sections of Godzilla’s face, feeling an awful lot like sharp teeth lining a pair of vice-like jaws. A thundering groan of agony boomed from Godzilla’s closed muzzle as he toppled off his feet, falling to the earth with a painful CRASH!

A wave of color rippled across the transparent force, as the entity finally revealed itself. His attacker was a quadrupedal reptile with a robust, bear-like build, and lengthy metal horns pointing backwards behind its head. Its ridged back and tail were painted a vibrant yellowish-green, a stark contrast to the rest of its earthly gray skin. A single nasal horn adorned the new Kaiju’s snout, like a rhinoceros. Its claws digging into Godzilla’s skin, the newcomer shook its head from side to side, its teeth tearing further into his face.

His pain turning to anger, the monster from the sea curled his right hand into a fist and punched his enemy in the snout. The first blow lessened its grip, and the second made it release entirely and recoil. With almost cat-like reflexes, the quadruped jumped off its quarry, narrowly avoiding a punch that would’ve knocked its teeth out.

Godzilla threatened the newcomer with a throaty growl, rolling onto his stomach before standing back up. The holes where the beast had clawed and bit him began to seal up, healing rapidly at a pace quicker than any other earthly animal. But the four-legged beast didn’t seem to heed his warning, and instead responded by rearing up with a bass-toned roar. The Invisible Monster, Neronga, made his intentions crystal clear: he would not be backing down. This was his territory!

If anyone would be leaving, it would be the bipedal brute before him!

Godzilla pawed the earth below him and roared back, accepting the territorial challenge. If this creature wanted a fight, it was sure to get exactly what it wished and then some.
"William Knifeman! AH! AH! AH!"

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Post by HillyHulk »

As usual, criticism is appreciated!
I live in a little place called Rockwell, somewhere in Portland. It's a neat little place, nothing too special for the most part. I say “for the most part” though because we did have one pretty big thing once upon a time. A giant metal man used to stick around this place to hang out with people. I was the first to really meet the guy.

Someone saw him before I did, but I was his first real friend. He was pretty cool for a little kid in a big world. Things got messy when the military got involved, some crazy official trying to get them to sic him which got way out of hand. In the end, he sacrificed himself to save everybody. It's been nine years after that day and things have cooled off since.

I was that kid… the name's Hogarth by the way. Nowadays I've been getting ready for college, starting with getting a job as a janitor at the diner my mom works at. It doesn't pay very much but it's enough to help around the house at least. That's where I'm headed right now. As I walk through the park to get there, I look at the statue an old friend of mine made in his honor.

It used to make me miserable, looking at that thing and remembering the pal I lost. It does the opposite for me nowadays though and that's for one reason. You see, my friend can literally pull himself together every time he falls apart. One night, that's what he was trying to do as one of his bolts glowed and beeped, trying to leave my house before I helped him out. That only meant one thing, my friend was alive and out there somewhere.

As I pass the statue now, I can't help but smile. Someday, we were going to see each other again someday… I just knew it. Eventually, I make it to the diner and apparently it's a mess right now. Food
is thrown all over the place, kids are laughing and screaming everywhere, and steamed customers are leaving in droves. My mom's trying to get everything under control, but it's a lost cause.

“Hey mom, care to tell me what's going on?” I asked her, watching the anarchy around me.

“The birthday boy started a food fight with his friends” she tells me exasperated with her eyes darting to every wild rugrat running around the establishment.

I want to ask if I could help, but I wouldn't know where to start. Cleaning wasn’t possible with all these kids running around and their parents are at their wit's end trying to catch them. I see some kind of crime movie on the TV and I have an idea. I take the remote on the counter and raise to max volume just when the shooting starts. Everybody freezes and I mute it when I see that I do.

With the kids shocked into staying put, the parents recover and take control from there. Mopping, sweeping, and wiping off the tables is going to be a nightmare with so much stuff on them. I go to take a look in the closet to see if we have enough detergent and stain remover for the seats. What just happened right now would be small potatoes compared to what was to come. Just as I see that we have enough of what we need for today, small quakes start sounding off.

I look at mom as she's staring bewildered what she was seeing outside and when I look where she's looking, people are freaking out. Being a monster movie buff both as a kid and now, this setup seemed very familiar. It could be a case of wild imagination, but what my brain was telling me compelled me to look out the shop and see for myself despite mom calling out to me. When I looked outside the corner of the diner, there it was… a giant Wolfman. The human body covered in fur with a face like a wolf topped with pointy ears attached to an ugly face gave it away.

The thing was stomping its way through town like it really was a monster straight out of a B-movie, complete with our already small town looking like a miniature set compared to him. He was heading straight for the diner and my brain was scrambling for an answer. My mom was there and I had to do something. Thinking fast, I ran back to the diner and took her keys straight from her purse.

“Don't have time to explain right now, you'll see later!” I shouted without thinking.

Rushing into her car, I honked the horn. I got the thing's attention and even got halfway across town before he got sick of me and slammed the ground, throwing me through the air. Next thing I knew, everything was upside down and he had me in his hands. With the irritated snarl he was letting out, I could stare in horror knowing what was coming next. That was when things took another turn as instead of ending up crushed like a tin can, some kind of force slammed into us.

I was in free fall for a few seconds before I was caught, something the Wolfman couldn't say for himself as he crashed to the ground. Meanwhile, whatever caught me gently placed me down.

I couldn't see, but there was no mistaking his voice.

That gravelly tone of his was a breath of fresh air as he commanded “Leave him alone.”
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Post by kaijufanforever »

HillyHulk wrote: Mon Nov 27, 2023 2:16 pm As usual, criticism is appreciated!
I live in a little place called Rockwell, somewhere in Portland. It's a neat little place, nothing too special for the most part. I say “for the most part” though because we did have one pretty big thing once upon a time. A giant metal man used to stick around this place to hang out with people. I was the first to really meet the guy.

Someone saw him before I did, but I was his first real friend. He was pretty cool for a little kid in a big world. Things got messy when the military got involved, some crazy official trying to get them to sic him which got way out of hand. In the end, he sacrificed himself to save everybody. It's been nine years after that day and things have cooled off since.

I was that kid… the name's Hogarth by the way. Nowadays I've been getting ready for college, starting with getting a job as a janitor at the diner my mom works at. It doesn't pay very much but it's enough to help around the house at least. That's where I'm headed right now. As I walk through the park to get there, I look at the statue an old friend of mine made in his honor.

It used to make me miserable, looking at that thing and remembering the pal I lost. It does the opposite for me nowadays though and that's for one reason. You see, my friend can literally pull himself together every time he falls apart. One night, that's what he was trying to do as one of his bolts glowed and beeped, trying to leave my house before I helped him out. That only meant one thing, my friend was alive and out there somewhere.

As I pass the statue now, I can't help but smile. Someday, we were going to see each other again someday… I just knew it. Eventually, I make it to the diner and apparently it's a mess right now. Food
is thrown all over the place, kids are laughing and screaming everywhere, and steamed customers are leaving in droves. My mom's trying to get everything under control, but it's a lost cause.

“Hey mom, care to tell me what's going on?” I asked her, watching the anarchy around me.

“The birthday boy started a food fight with his friends” she tells me exasperated with her eyes darting to every wild rugrat running around the establishment.

I want to ask if I could help, but I wouldn't know where to start. Cleaning wasn’t possible with all these kids running around and their parents are at their wit's end trying to catch them. I see some kind of crime movie on the TV and I have an idea. I take the remote on the counter and raise to max volume just when the shooting starts. Everybody freezes and I mute it when I see that I do.

With the kids shocked into staying put, the parents recover and take control from there. Mopping, sweeping, and wiping off the tables is going to be a nightmare with so much stuff on them. I go to take a look in the closet to see if we have enough detergent and stain remover for the seats. What just happened right now would be small potatoes compared to what was to come. Just as I see that we have enough of what we need for today, small quakes start sounding off.

I look at mom as she's staring bewildered what she was seeing outside and when I look where she's looking, people are freaking out. Being a monster movie buff both as a kid and now, this setup seemed very familiar. It could be a case of wild imagination, but what my brain was telling me compelled me to look out the shop and see for myself despite mom calling out to me. When I looked outside the corner of the diner, there it was… a giant Wolfman. The human body covered in fur with a face like a wolf topped with pointy ears attached to an ugly face gave it away.

The thing was stomping its way through town like it really was a monster straight out of a B-movie, complete with our already small town looking like a miniature set compared to him. He was heading straight for the diner and my brain was scrambling for an answer. My mom was there and I had to do something. Thinking fast, I ran back to the diner and took her keys straight from her purse.

“Don't have time to explain right now, you'll see later!” I shouted without thinking.

Rushing into her car, I honked the horn. I got the thing's attention and even got halfway across town before he got sick of me and slammed the ground, throwing me through the air. Next thing I knew, everything was upside down and he had me in his hands. With the irritated snarl he was letting out, I could stare in horror knowing what was coming next. That was when things took another turn as instead of ending up crushed like a tin can, some kind of force slammed into us.

I was in free fall for a few seconds before I was caught, something the Wolfman couldn't say for himself as he crashed to the ground. Meanwhile, whatever caught me gently placed me down.

I couldn't see, but there was no mistaking his voice.

That gravelly tone of his was a breath of fresh air as he commanded “Leave him alone.”
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Post by SoggyNoodles2016 »

.....the six tapes you are about to watch were long ago hidden away.

Deemed unfit for public consumption by Tsuburaya Productions after their production, they were locked away, aside from a few rare pirate bootlegs.

Legends of these tapes grew, especially from communities who found parallels between their plots and prescient media made years later.

Recently, however, these tapes have became even more infamous as they were labeled key evidence by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Homicide Unit in a spree killing case that seemed.... inspired by them, leading to their wide release by legal law.

The original names of these episodes is unknown.

They would forever be known however as....

Redman: Reddokāpetto Gyakusatsu
Last edited by SoggyNoodles2016 on Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »

SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:20 pm .....the six tapes you are about to watch were long ago hidden away.

Deemed unfit for public consumption by Tsuburaya Productions after their production, they were locked away, aside from a few rare pirate bootlegs.

Legends of these tapes grew, especially from communities who found parallels between their plots and prescient media made years later.

Recently, however, these tapes have became even more infamous as they were labeled key evidence by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Homicide Unit in a spree killing case that seemed.... inspired by them, leading to their wide release by legal law.

The original names of these episodes is unknown.

They would forever be known however as....

Redman: Reddokāpetto Gyakusatsu
This is gonna be great, I already know it.
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ShinGojira14 wrote: Neither. Hideki Anno wins because he writes a hilarious comedic satire movie where Shin and Legendary have to team up to destroy a grotesque crap-monster created by the constant toxic bickering of Shin fans and Legendary fans.
SoggyNoodles2016 wrote: Yup, my dad works at Legendary, the Nebulans are gonna be in the next movie and they're gonna get beat because Madison throws coffee in the leaders face.

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