Feng Sentai Wuxinger

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Xilien Halfling
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Feng Sentai Wuxinger

Post by Cryptid_Liker »


A young man walks into a small house in front of a large mountain. He performs regular activities like making food and surfing the web before grabbing a small arrowhead-shaped object with a jewel in the middle. The man presses down on the gem, causing it to glow a blinding red. Suddenly, a fiery blotch of energy erupts from the mineral and flies around before landing on a table. It shifts into what appears to be a featureless serpent before rearing its head at its summoner. "Eiji, you have known of the Rujala for years."

Eiji nods, sitting down on an office chair. "Well, it seems that humans are dangerously close to their ancient seal. Two strange, flat structures briefly materialise from its back before disappearing. "You need to act fast: for if they awaken, the entirety of this world is in danger... The man is shocked. "W-where's the seal? How do I stop this, Taishoryu?" The fiery creature starts to dim. "Find four humans worthy of becoming Wuxingers. Only then will you be able to keep the Rujala in check." Taishoryu disappears, his energy returning to the object. Eiji looks up, gazing into the distance.


A few hundred miles away from Eiji's house, a few kids were running around and playing catch in a field. Their parents were watching from their house. One of the older kids trips while trying to catch a ball. He brushes himself off and looks at what got in his way: a rock with strange runes engraved on its top. The boy grabs the stone but when he tries to pull, it proves too heavy. He walks over to the house and grabs a rake to pry it open, succeeding this time. A void lays where the rock once was, suprising the child. An inhuman hand quickly exits the pit and grasps the ground above. As the kid backs up, a lanky creature with red skin that shines like wet plastic climbs out of the abyss.

"TEGO... TEGO..." The humanoid says in a singsong tone. More identical monsters emerge, chasing the kids around. The adults nearby try to fight one, only to be restrained and thrown into the strange pit. The children are able to run away, fortunately. The humanoids scurry towards the mountains but one looks back at the direction that the kids went instead. It runs into the distance, unable to notice that the gateway has closen. While searching for its prey, the creature is found by a hunter who starts shooting at it.

It gets chased by the gun-wielding human until eventually, a roar scares them away from eachother. Meanwhile, Eiji is notified of the attack. He grabs Taishoryu's artifact and runs outside. Right as he exits the house, a boulder breaks from the mountain nearby. It tumbles right to him before cracking. A stone head breaks out of the rock, followed by its body. It pulls its arms out and then finally destroys its prison to get its legs out. The humanoid stands up to its full 8-foot height before breaking the tips of its boulder arms to make functional hands.


The rock monster looks at Eiji before laughing. "A human? This is my first opponent? I, Emezago, will smash you into a bloody pulp!" The man loocked at the arrowhead-shaped object he was holding. "You know what to do..." Taishoryu's voice echoes through the human's mind. He nods before pressing down on the red gem in the center of the item. Fire erupted from the artifact, circling Eiji before dispersing. When the flames clear, a red figure with a horned helmet walks out. Emezago is visibly suprised but he almost immediately cools down. The golem raises his hand into the sky. Tegotegos..."

The humanoids from before run over to a spot behind Emezago. "ATTACK!" The Tegotegos start running on all fours towards the red human, who beats them up one-by-one. Meanwhile, the rock monster walks towards his opponent. Right when the person notices, he charges."Take this, WuxinRed!" Emezago punches WuxinRed in the face while running, creating an advantage for the remaining pair of Tegotegos. The creatures beat down the red humanoid, who retaliates by kicking one and slamming the other into the ground.

The golem notices that his minions have been defeated. He goes over to fight WuxinRed himself, only to discover that the ranger is more powerful than he looks. Emezago is still stronger but his opponent is able to outmaneuver and outwit him. Eventually, the stone humanoid picks up the fighter and throws him into the distance. The red-clad human lands in a small town, having no time to get up before Emezago climbs the mountain he came from and jumps all the way over to him. The Rujala monster barely misses his target, opening an opportunity for WuxinRed to create some distance between him and his opponent. The golem purposefully injures many people while running towards the humanoid.

The battle continues with WuxinRed employing a hit-and-run strategy to confuse Emezago and wittle him down. Eventually, the rock monster flees back to the mountain range. The red human runs after him. The two stop at the base of the mountain. "You can't run from justice, Emezago." The golem turns around. "I'm not running, WuxinRed. If I were you, I'd be the one running." The stone humanoid looks to the distance and sees a beetle-like creature with long mandibles hanging from its underside.


"Jalgeza, cut my strings!" The insect flies over to Emezago's back and starts snapping its mandibles in seemingly random places. With each snap, a golden energy string falls to the ground and when they are all cut, the golem falls apart. WuxinRed starts to celebrate but suddenly, the mountain starts to rumble. After some shaking, the landform rises from the ground. As Jalgeza retreats, the red ranger realizes that he is on top of the true Rock Warrior. The giant rises to his full bipedal stance before roaring into the sky.


Daidarago starts trying to shake WuxinRed off, making him fall onto the very edge of the monster's conical head. His helmet falls off, revealing that the red-clad warrior is Eiji. The ranger grabs the headgear right before it can be lost and puts it back on before using his legs to launch himself off. Suddenly, the hero is engulfed by fire which condenses into the form of a red dragon. The winged monster, who is Taishoryu's physical form, flies at Daidarago while shooting fireballs at him. The mountain warrior is eventually able to grab the dragon and throw him into the ground.

Right before the Rujala is able to smash Taishoryu into the ground, he breaths a concentrated stream of fire at the daidarabochi's face. While the creature is distracted, his opponent turns into a giant red knight. The fire god generates a sword and uses it to attack Daidarago. The two giant humanoids fight but with every punch and every kick, the mountain Rujala starts to melt. He only realizes this when his arms are half the length they used to be and by now, it's already too late. The rock monster tries to run but Taishoryu uses fire magic to transform his sword into a spear and throws it. The weapon hits Daidarago right in the middle of his spine, causing him to fall and explode on impact.

The red knight dissipates into flames, revealing WuxinRed. The hero walks back to his home. Meanwhile, a giant amorphous landmass sits at the edge of time. A couple of surviving Tegotegos run over to a strange coffin-like machine, holding the parents who were captured earlier on. They cram the humans in before shutting the door and cranking a lever, causing purple flashes to illuminate the inside of the contraption. When the door is opened, more Tegotegos crawl out. A little ways away, two silhouettes watch the procedure unfold. "It seems that the Wuxingers are making a resurgence." The figure on the right turns over to the other. "I see. As long as we kill WuxinRed before he can find hosts for the other God Beast Generals, we can stop this." A female voice explains. The left Rujala looks back at her before turning towards the stars. "The world will finally be ours..." The two say in unison.

NEXT TIME ON FENG SENTAI WUXINGER: Taishoryu's silhouette can be seen alongside four other mythical creatures. "With the threat of the Rujala growing and growing-" A monstrous kappa dances around with several Tegotegos, glowing orbs circling him. ", the Wuxingers must be reformed." The camera zooms in on Eiji's face as a multi-colored glow illuminates his face. "Get him!" The mysterious female Rujala shouts, her face being hidden behind a sharp-edged mask as she points towards an unknown character. "Find the Wuxingers, Eiji!" A giant turtle with a hole in its shell rises from the ocean, roaring as a blue energy glows from its mouth and shell. That same chelonian is then seen standing upright, facing off against Taishoryu's human form. For half a second, five colored lights can be seen combining into one.

Cut to black.

Last edited by Cryptid_Liker on Wed Sep 23, 2020 6:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Xilien Halfling
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Re: Feng Sentai Wuxinger

Post by Cryptid_Liker »


WuxinRed is thrown at a window. The one who did this walks over to his body, dragging a staff with spiked vase-like tips behind her. The Rujala, her black-and-purple dress flowing in the wind, raises her staff and whacks the Wuxinger 15 feet away. He manages to cushion the impact but the damage is too much and his costume fades away. He looks around, seeing nothing but a purple sky and debris. Suddenly, a white Wuxinger with a jewel on her helmet's forehead and wing-like protrusions on her shoulders appears in the distance before shooting a flying Tegotego variant with a bow. A blue helmet drops from the creature's grasp, catching the heroine off-guard. She picks the object up and kneels down, as Eiji notices something. He tries to get her attention but she doesn't hear and it's too late. A humanoid Rujala successfully ambushes the Wuxinger with a wrist-sword.

The female villain tells Eiji that all of his allies have been defeated. She raises her staff high abover her head and swings it downward when suddenly, Eiji wakes up. On the radio, there are reports of missing civilians. He turns off the radio before being immediately blinded by a red glow. When he wakes up a little more, he finds that the light was Taishoryu. The fiery apparition tells him that there is a descendant of the original Wuxingers who has transformed already.


Cut to Osaka, where a store robbery is taking place. Someone on a motorcycle drives towards the criminals, hitting one and breaking a couple displays. They get off before removing their gloves. One of the robbers notice that the person appears to have blue under their clothes. The person throws their jacket off, revealing a female blue Wuxinger who grabs a whip from her back and instantly knocks out an unlucky criminal. She then wraps the whip around another thief's neck and flings him towards the wall. The others try to flee but WuxinBlue creates water under their feet, making them slip onto the road. She brings her motorcycle outside before taking what the robbers stole for herself.

The Wuxinger almost rides off but Eiji is nearby, having witnessed the entire thing. He's in shock, confused that a God Beast General could allow a crook to inherit their powers. However, he keeps it from being shown outside and attempts to convince her to return the items from the store. WuxinBlue pulls her whip back out and strikes at Eiji, only for him to catch it as WuxinRed. The two struggle with Blue getting the upper hand. Eiji manages to turn the tides, though, by using his sword's handle to disarm her. He knocks WuxinBlue down and ends the fight. He helps her up before informing her on the Rujala and the threat they pose. His proposal for her to join the team is accepted.

At the Rujala base, the two humanoids from Eiji's dream watch over the Tegotegos working. The female Rujala finds out that WuxinBlue has allied with WuxinRed and releases the next Rujala warrior prematurely. A kappa emerges from a hole before sniffing around. The masked villainess orders the Tegotegos to bring the creature's first meal. They bring out the missing people described on the radio, who are all confused as they had been comatose after their capture. After seeing the kappa, they try to escape but it is too late. The Rujala warrior quickly lunge at the humans, pulling their souls out of their bodies. The kappa dances with the orbs, causing several other Tegotegos to join in, before eating them one-by-one. With the creature's ability confirmed to work, it is sent out.

Meanwhile, Eiji and WuxinBlue, real name Chise, locate the descendant of WuxinGreen, a computer nerd named Shotaro. Upon knowing he is a Wuxinger, he is confused and hesitant. Suddenly, a group of Tegotegos appear out of seemingly nowhere.

Last edited by Cryptid_Liker on Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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