K.W.C.E. #47- Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

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K.W.C.E. #47- Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by KaijuX »



Author: shippersdreamer
Word Count: 2,855 words
Posted: October 30th, 2019


In less than 2 years, New York was under threat again. Not from the supernatural, the Ghostbusters managed to clean the city once and for all of the rampage that had happened that fateful night. As long as cleaning up the various remnants of Mr. Stay Puft and putting the spirit of the titanic marshmallow man in the containment grid, they finally managed to get the city to leave it alone and let the Ghostbusters do what they do best: Bust Ghosts.

Of course, they didn’t expect in about 2 years, the Earth would be invaded by a singing, alien plant.

Born from the blood and tragedy of Skid Row, the Ghostbusters had been out of town in New Jersey when Audrey II began her rise to world domination. Within weeks the plant had grown so large that Ray had quickly determined that their regular proton packs just wouldn’t work against something so large. With access to Lady Liberty blocked, the Ghostbusters had one final option left.

The only issue was getting to him.

The Ecto-1’s siren rang loudly in the empty and deserted streets of New York. Ray pursed his lips unhappily and spoke into the walkie talkie as he swerved the hearse to avoid a burst of tendrils launching itself at the vehicle. “Egon, any luck on your end getting to the firehouse?” He glanced over at Winston, who was leaning out the window and firing a stream of proton energy at a wall of vines. The plant matter erupted into flames and shriveled up, the Ecto-1 exploding out of the mess.

There was a hiss of static before Egon replied. “Negative, we’re trying but Audrey II has plants everywhere. I think it’s multiplying Ray.” There was a noise and Winston swore, forcing Ray to juke the Ecto-1 away from a crumbling building, the large teeth of Audrey II glistened in the moonlight.

“Uh… Ray?” Ray frowned at the hesitation and confusion in Peter’s voice, and he realized Winston was staring out in amazement.

“Go ahead Peter. What’s new?”

“It’s singing.”

Those two words nearly made Ray slam on the breaks. The Ecto-1’s sirens seemed painfully loud now as he carefully lifted the walkie talkie to his mouth. “Say that again, Peter?”

“I said: It’s singing. The plant. Is. Singing.”

He glanced over at Winston, then leaned over slightly to see what he was gaping at. Ray’s jaw hung open. “Holy shit.”

It was the largest Audrey II they had seen yet. It completely towered over the city, rooting itself onto the Empire State Building. The large plant cackled wildly into the night, and despite the fact it didn’t possess any eyes Ray could swear it was looking down at them. “Now isn’t this cute! Do you Ghostblusterers really think that you can stop me?!” The plant swooned with laughter at the idea. “Your stupid little proton packs can’t even damage me! What do you think you’re going to do, tickle me to death?!”

Ray grit his teeth, distinctly aware of the harmonizing beginning to form. Winston sat back in his chair, and shook his head. “I can’t believe this. They’re actually going to sing.”

“Winston, shut up and make sure none of them get on the car.” With the loud thump of metal, Winston jolted. Ray shook his head. “Too late.”

Another Audrey II peeked down on the window, sharp teeth sleek with blood. “If there’s something strange in your neighborhood! Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!”

Ray swung the car around, trying to shake off the singing plant as it struck out with its tendrils and cracked the Ecto-1’s windshield. “If there’s something weird, and it don’t look good Mmmm! Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! HAHAHAHAAAAA!”

Winston fired up his proton pack and completely shattered the windshield, the glass exploding around the green-coated streets of New York as the Ecto-1 screamed down towards the firehouse. The Audrey II on top flailed her leaves around and seemed completely unmoved by the fact the two Ghostbusters were trying to shake her loose. “I ain’t afraid of no Ghostbusters baby!”

The ground cracked slightly, tendrils rising up out of the sewers and forcing the Ecto-1 to ramp over the waving vines and snapping heads. Ray honked the horn a little as the Audrey II appeared next to his head. “If you’re all alone! Pick up that phone and call… Ghostbusters!”

He swerved the Ecto-1 and scraped the side of it against a row of buildings. Sparks flew as the plant squealed. Whether it was in pain or pleasure Ray really didn’t want to know. Winston aimed and fired directly at the ceiling, the beam piercing through the metal and Ray saw shredded and burning plant matter fall behind them. “I aint afraid of no Ghosts! I hear the like the girls…” The plant purred, causing Ray to shudder.

“If you’ve had a dose of a, freaky ghost baby! Who you gonna call?!” There seemed to be a whole chorus of them now, cropping up like weeds as the firehouse loomed into sight. The thick smell of burning plant matter filled the Ecto-1 and Ray’s eyes stung as he slammed on the brakes and dove out of the vehicle, firing his proton pack and shredding the harmonizing plants.

Ray stood there, watching the burning plants with more satisfaction than he cared to admit. He looked at Winston and they both basked in the silence before a cackling laugh broke them out of their stupor. “The big guy.” They nodded, dashing into the firehouse.

Vines and weeds had grown into the building. Leaves rustled as they burst through the doors and they had to fight their way through a wall of vines just to reach the help desk. “Good thing we gave Janine the day off,” Ray muttered, stomping on budding Audrey IIs in the making. “Come on, it can’t have gotten to the containment unit yet.”

Winston grunted, swatting away a curious vine. “Let’s hope so, otherwise we’re really-”

“Fudgepops,” Ray said, staring at the way down to the basement in horror. “Winston? Things just got a lot more complicated.” Joining his fellow Ghostbuster, the two watched as miniature Audrey IIs scurried around, laughing and scatting. They were all blocking the way to the containment unit. They all turned in unison, and even though they had no eyes Ray got the impression that they were staring at them. Slowly, he unsheathed his proton pack. “Winston?”

“Yes Ray?” They switched on their proton packs and they hummed to life, the low whine sounding like music to their ears.

“You know how we should be careful not to fire around the containment unit?” They aimed slowly, as the Audrey IIs started scurrying up the stairs.

“Yup.” They watched in silence, waiting.

“To hell with that.” They fired with wild abandon, being mindful to watch the streams as they shredded the Audrey IIs, the cloying smell of burning plant matter filled the air as they all screeched in agony. The streams slammed into the containment unit and it sparked dangerously. “Come on!” Ray yelled, thundering down the stairs and reaching the power switch.

Winston joined his fellow Ghostbuster, kicking away at twitching Audrey IIs. “Ray, are you sure about this? We’ll be unleashing them all. Again.

Ray threw the switch, and all hell broke loose.

They were both bowled over as the ghosts were free once again. They flew out of the firehouse in every direction possible, screaming and screeching. The whole building rumbled as a giant, white marshmallow hand surged from the flowing energies. Ray and Winston scrambled up and out of the basement as a deep bellow thundered in the air, rattling the windows. They dove out the doors as the roof to the firehouse exploded outwards in a show of power. A big white fluffy foot slammed down in front of them. Car alarms blared and Ray sighed in defeat as the one entity he wished dearly he didn’t have to release began to march towards the Empire State Building. “Hello old friend,” He said quietly, as Mr. Stay Puft was once again unleashed onto New York.

There was a tension in the air. Everywhere Mr. Stay Puft went on his way to the Empire State Building, there were weird plants that seemed to be looking at him, watching his every move. He snarled, he didn’t like these weird little plants.

He swung one of his arms and it crashed into an apartment building. Plaster, steel, and glass shattered everywhere as the little plants squealed and latched onto his arm. He waved it about, giving a moan of unhappiness as they tore little chunks of his fluffy and delicious skin apart. He flailed his arm violently and they flew off, slamming into the streets. Taking no chances, Mr. Stay Puft ripped off another part of his arm and threw it down after them. The Marshmallow Minis oozed molten marshmallow and hissed at the little Audrey IIs. With a loud squelch they threw up a fireball that caused the plants to erupt in shrieking flames. Mr. Stay Puft threw more Minis into the city, watching as they exploded on the ground in gooey delight.

Hanging on the Empire State Building, Audrey II shivered with unbridled anger. “I cannot believe this!” The plant screeched angrily. “Those puny little humans send a marshmallow man after me?!” With an offended scoff, the plant leered at Mr. Stay Puft, who was glaring up at her. “I’ll deal with your fluffy rear end and I’ll turn those Ghostbusters into paste.

Whether or not Mr. Stay Puft understood the plant mattered little, and with a roar the marshmallow man began to scale the building, digging his puffy fingers into the building to reach his target. Audrey II unlatched herself from the building and whipped Mr. Stay Puft across the face, deep gashes appearing in the fluffy creature’s face but he seemed completely unaffected by the assault, his face slowly morphing back into shape and he bellowed in anger.

He reached up his giant hand and snatched at empty air as Audrey II scuttled out of the way. The building trembled slightly at their combined weight but neither paid it any attention as Audrey II lashed out again, whipped her tendrils at Mr. Stay Puft’s groping hands.

Fingers were lopped off and splattered against the pavement below, but the determined marshmallow gripped Audrey II’s vines in a vice-like grip. With a rasping noise, Mr. Stay Puft yanked as hard as he could. Glass and steel fell around the two as Audrey II desperately tried to stay rooted to the building, and Mr. Stay Puft unlatched himself and grabbed Audrey II with both hands. With an undignified shriek, the top half of the Empire State Building began to break apart, and with a screech of complaining steel and iron, both monsters plummeted to the ground.

Thinking fast, Audrey II quickly slammed her vines into the remaining half of the ruined building. Groaning in pain as they were stretched to the limit. Mr. Stay Puft, either oblivious to the carnage around him or uncaring, simply dug his heels into the building and kept pulling at Audrey II.

“You get off of me you overgrown piece of fluff!” The plant yelled, swiveling her head down and biting down on Mr. Stay Puft’s head. Her teeth sunk easily into the malleable and weak flesh and she yanked, ripping the whole thing off entirely. The headless abomination flailed for a moment before it keeled backwards and crashed to the ground, which caved under his weight and collapsed into the sewers. A hideous stench filled the air as Audrey II swallowed the marshmallow in her mouth and shrieked with laughter. “Is that the best you got, Ghostbusters?! That was pathetic!”

The gigantic plant slunk down, spitting into the sinkhole it caused. “I’ve never seen anything more pathetic in my life, and I’m barely a year old!” The plant guffawed happily. “Now where are they—what the?!”

With a shriek of alarm, a giant white hand burst through the concrete and grabbed onto Audrey II. To the plant’s horror, a headless Mr. Stay Puft rose slowly, his body stained with grime and plaster. Audrey II squealed as the beheaded marshmallow man began squeezing the life out of her. “Get. Your hands. Off of me!” She shrieked, stabbing into the big stomach of the headless marshmallow man. The burst out the other end and the headless abomination let go of her, swatting at the tentacles. “That’s right, not so tough now are ya?!” The plant cackled until one of the flailing hands caught her and smacked her into a building.

Even without a head and his chest pierced, Mr. Stay Puft was relentless. He slammed his bulk into the plant and send them careening through the apartment building they were battling near. With a shriek, Audrey felt the dirty white fluff press against her body. She flailed her limbs, trying to push the gigantic man off of her as the headless spirit reared up and slammed its fists down on her. She moaned as she felt her teeth shatter from the impact.

“I said...GET OFF OF ME!” With a violent scream, Audrey II summoned as many tendrils as she could muster and they wrapped around Mr. Stay Puft. As he struggled against the vines, she hauled him into the air and with a mighty heave, tossed as far away as she could.

Mr. Stay Puft soared in the air and crashed down with a sickening splatter near Central Park. Marshmallow was sent flying everywhere as a decent chunk of Mr. Stay Puft’s torso was ripped apart by the impact.

Panting, Audrey II watched the unmoving corpse of the marshmallow man for a few moments. She wouldn’t make the mistake of having the damn thing get up again on her watch. “Time to feed…” She hissed. It wasn’t her meal of choice, but it would do.

A swarm of little Audrey IIs began to descend on the downed body of Mr. Stay Puft. They quickly began tearing chunks out of him, swallowing and giggling with demented giddiness.

Then they began to burst into flames.

Mr. Stay Puft twitched and Audrey II’s jaw dropped. Against all odds, with most of his right arm missing, the marshmallow slowly began to push itself back up. Mini Marshmallows hissed and spat globs of molten mallow, drowning the little Audrey IIs in the hot sticky mess. “What are you?!” Audrey II shrieked in fear, backing up in alarm as Mr. Stay Puft reached for the remainder of his arm and threw it as hard as he could at Audrey II.

The hurtling marshmallow exploded with violent force into Mini Marshmallows, and they clung into Audrey II as hard as they could. The plant shrieked and thrashed about, slamming her bulk into buildings left right and center to try and shake the burning confectionaries off of her. Her skin burned and her leaves began to smolder as they belched up their fireballs onto her body. “No! No get off of me!”

Mr. Stay Puft’s mangled body thundered forward and slammed its remaining fist into Audrey II’s bulbous head. Sap-like blood oozed out of the various injuries the plant was sustaining now, and only the oncoming fear of death kept her fighting as hard as she did. A massive wall of tendrils rocked up and slammed into Mr. Stay Puft, forcing the deformed creature stumbling back before toppling over, limbs flailing.

Smoke curled into the air and Audrey II felt her leaves finally start to catch fire. She squealed and slammed them down, desperately trying to put them out as the Mini Marshmallows crawled all over her body. “No! No no get off of me! Get off!”

The fires began to get bigger and hotter. Audrey II rolled around, desperately trying to put out the flames until Mr. Stay Puft’s body rocketed forward and smothered Audrey II. The flames did nothing other than melt more of his body against her own, and soon she began to suffocate on the melting marshmallow being poured on top of her.

With an unearthly scream of defiance, the burning plant shuddered as her roots were burnt and the flames consumed her on one side, and the burning and melting Mr. Stay Puft choked her on the other. It took a few more moments, but soon Audrey II grew still, and the fires were put out.

Mr. Stay Puft’s melting body stood rigidly as the smoldering form of Audrey II lay still. In silence, it turned and marched off deeper into the city, ready to resume its reign of terror.

At the ruins of the firehouse, Ray and Winston watched Mr. Stay Puft walk away in awe. “Thank god he wasn’t that tough last time we fought.” Ray commented.

Winston took a long drag of his cigarette. “And now we gotta put him away again.”

They glanced at each other, and piled into Ecto-1. The sirens wailed as they tore off into the city, ready to rejoin Egon and Peter to capture the ghosts again.
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by GmkGoji »

Cool fight.
Stay puft can strangle things? Thats cool.
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by GodzillavsRayquaza »

Great match in all regards. Charming, tense, and actually pretty disturbing. Perfect match for Halloween, even if it is a day early.
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by Gigantis »

What happened to the 50th being on Christmas X? :P
This match is honestly kinda funny. I don't know just the thought of a giant marshmallow man and a giant talking plant fighting give me the giggles. :lol: Also i loved how Stay Puft beat Audrey.
Last edited by Gigantis on Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by SoggyNoodles2016 »

This sounded like a gag match but it was honestly dope hahahah. Lotta fun for the last match of the year
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by UltimateDitto »

Pretty fun match! Happy to have another Stay Puft match, good way to end the year, excited for next year!
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by soulgodzilla »

Really enjoy this match, especially for a Halloween match. Really tense, really fun to read, and I did find it fitting for Audrey II to tie in the Ghostbusters universe.

Did a good job there Shippersdreamer.
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by KaijuX »

tyrantgoji wrote:What happened to the 50th being on Christmas X? :P
Change in plans. ;)

To reiterate, this will be the last KWCE for the year until February. Anguirus vs. Yongary was always part of the line up, as Venom had asked that to be an October match a long time ago. I originally had a different match in mind for the Christmas one, but Harley came up and said "YoU doING anYTHInG??" and I greenlit the idea... And here we are. That part may or may not have been an exaggeration. :lol:
KWC Co-Operations Manager and Resident Wumbo.
Soggy Noodles wrote:Anno brought back Showa ambition by doing smaller scales, morals and trying to examine humanity.

Seshita brought back Heisei ambition with absurd powerscaling, rad fights and fat asses.

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MoarCrossovers wrote:We snorted crushed Morbius DVDs and snail shells

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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by shippersdreamer »

KaijuX wrote:
tyrantgoji wrote:What happened to the 50th being on Christmas X? :P
Change in plans. ;)

To reiterate, this will be the last KWCE for the year until February. Anguirus vs. Yongary was always part of the line up, as Venom had asked that to be an October match a long time ago. I originally had a different match in mind for the Christmas one, but Harley came up and said "YoU doING anYTHInG??" and I greenlit the idea... And here we are. That part may or may not have been an exaggeration. :lol:
Oh suuuurree blame me for all of this :P
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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by fanofstuff »

It makes sense that the natural enemy of a plant is sugary fluff. I do like how despite the natural comedicness of these two, the match still makes you realize "Oh yeah, they could end existence if they really wanted to."

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Re: K.W.C.E. #50 - Stay Puft Marshmallow Man vs. Audrey II

Post by TitanoGoji16 »

Nicely done, Shippers! The crossover of Little Shop of Horrors and Ghostbusters feels surprisingly natural and I loved how Audrey II taunted the team by singing their theme song. :lol: The fight was nice and brutal too, with Stay Puft's body coming apart throughout the match and each monster's "minions" were used effectively as well. Very fun match.
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