Extras |
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Menus (English) |
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Chapters (8) |
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Trailers: Gamera:
Guardian of the Universe (ADV Films),
2: Advent of Legion (ADV Films), Yokai
Monsters: Along With Ghosts (ADV Films),
Yokai Monsters: One Hundred Monsters
(ADV Films), Yokai Monsters: Spook Warfare
(ADV Films), Daimajin Trilogy (ADV Films) |
Captures |
Review |
Anthony Romero |
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ADV Films never had the best quality control
for their titles. They had a few well done
releases, but by in large a lot of their catalogue
was rather sub par in the effort put into
the creation of the DVD. This 2004 release
of Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis is a
perfect example of the company simply putting
in the minimal amount of effort required.
Truthfully, the quality here is so poor it
might as well have been the original VHS copy
one is buying, and things like the lack of
a anamorphic video track back up that ADV
Films phoned this release in from whatever
source they probably used for their earlier
release in 1998 on video cassette. To the
point, this DVD features a very poor video
presentation, the adequate audio track mixed
with almost no extras to speak of do little
to elevate the overall worth of this release. |
Video: |
The video presentation here leaves a lot
to be desired. The most apparent setback is
the very noticeable artifacting, as the entire
movie appears very blurry. The colors, outside
of a very few select scenes, are also pretty
lackluster, not at all vibrant as they could
be. The print used in the transfer is in okay shape as it does contain few scratches. Noise level is an issue, though, as the movie has a very thick layer of grain through
out and has an almost "textured paper"
like quality to it. Should also be noted that
ADV "hacked" up the film's introduction
pretty good for their western audience. If
one thought the black boxes placed conveniently
over the Japanese with English green text
placed inside of them for ADV's presentation
of Gamera:
Guardian of the Universe (1995) was
shameless, wait till they see the opening
work for Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis.
For this intro, ADV simply cuts to a black
screen with English text on it every time
Japanese text would have appeared in the introduction,
or it simply uses a scene freeze framed with
English text placed over it; the ending result
is pretty horrendous and adds a very low budget
quality to the production. Thankfully, the
credit sequence here is left alone, and ADV
instead added a English credit sequence after
the Japanese one finishes, adding four minutes
to the running time as ADV does a very thorough
job of detailing the entire cast of the production
in English.
Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis is presented
in its original aspect ratio of 1.85:1. Sadly,
the print is not Anamorphic which is shocking
for a DVD released in 2004. |
Audio: |
In heavy contrast, the audio presentation
is easily the disc's strongest point, although
still not something to give high marks about.
There is one audio track found on this release,
which is a two channel stereo presentation
of the original Japanese audio. In terms of
the shape of the source, there are no pops
in the audio track, but the the stereo presentation
isn't quite as rich as it could be. The one
audio discrepancy which should be pointed
out, though, occurs during the long music
cue that plays during the credits. For the
most part, the ending theme sounds spot on,
until the credits near their closing point,
which is when the audio track sounds slightly
scratchy as the orchestra music increases
in volume.
The audio can be accompanied with, removable,
English subtitles. Unfortunately, Japanese
text which appears in the film is not translated
for the viewer.
Extras: |
The extras found on this disc are stock
in terms of an ADV release, as the only supplement
is a collection of six trailers. However,
these are ones ADV created to promote these
titles, not the original Japanese trailers.
Now something else that should be noted is
that the disc only has eight chapter breaks,
with two of the chapters leading to different
parts in the four minute introduction. What
this results in is chapters that are 20-35
minutes apart from each other, which almost
defeats the purpose. Oh, and the menus are
also extremely generic looking, as is likely
overly apparent from the screen captures above.
The bright blue menus, besides being dull,
are also very out of place when combined with
a more gothic film like Tokyo: the Last
Megalopolis. |
Overview: |
line, if one doesn't have a large interest
in the rather twisted nature of the "Megalopolis
films" then they would probably be better
off skipping this release of Tokyo: The
Last Megalopolis. As a side note, this
title was revisited by the company in 2009,
given a new release with a new cover. If this
DVD is any different or not is unknown, although
it is likely the same given that the company
repackaged Gunhed
(1989) on DVD using the same exact disc a
couple months before. The 2009 re-release
of Tokyo: The Last Megalopolis is pretty
rare today, however. ADV Films went out of
business later the same year it was released,
and it's possible this resulted in a very
limited run. Regardless of reason, this earlier
2004 disc tends to be the one most will be
familiar with from the firm. |
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