DVD Title
 Godzilla: The Series - Monster Mayhem
International Title
 Godzilla: The Series
Movie Length: 65 minutes Original Length: 65 minutes
Company: Sony Release: 2006
Aspect Ratio: 1.33:1 Anamorphic: No
Region: 1Discs: 1
Language/Sound: Order
English (2.0 Surround)
· Menus (English)
· Chapters (3)
· Trailers: Open Season, Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild, Zathura
Anthony Romero

Released alongside Godzilla: The Series - Mutant Madness, this DVD is one of three that Sony released for the 1998 cartoon series. This particular disc contains episodes What Dreams May Come (#8), Bird of Paradise (#10) and DeadLoch (#12). Although not a particularly great release, the DVD is a marked improvement over the earlier DVD for the series in regards to both video and audio quality, although still lacks in regards to any significant extras.


In contrast to the earlier Godzilla: The Series - The Monster Wars Trilogy release, this disc has vastly improved video quality. There is still noticeable compression going on and noise during the actual episodes, outside of the pristine looking intro, but the colors are vivid and the video certainly looks sharper in contrast. There are a few scenes where the color gets over saturated in the first episode on the disc, What Dreams May Come, but otherwise the presentation is fairly decent.

Godzilla: The Series is presented in its original aspect ratio of 1.33:1.

 Audio: Star Rating

For the disc, Sony included a two channel surround track for the three episodes in their original English language. The two channel aspect is a little strange given the touted surround format, but there is a bit of directionality that make it impressive for a two channel feed while the track is also devoid of notable inconsistencies.

The audio can be accompanied by, removable, English subtitles.


This DVD release is bare bones. It has three trailers, but none are relevant for Godzilla fans and otherwise this disc is void of supplemental material.

 Overview: Star Rating

Bottom line, this disc still feels like a tease for a complete season release on DVD, which at this point Sony probably has no interest in. While it tends to retail for more than the first disc made for the show, Godzilla: The Series - The Monster Wars Trilogy, its also an improved DVD release overall.