An alternate form that would have appeared in the unmade 1992 movie Godzilla's Counterattack, Red Godzilla was the result of terrorists triggering a nuclear reaction inside Godzilla via an unspecified device. In order to stop Red Godzilla's resulting wrath from destroying Japan, a number of humans shrunken down to microscopic size would need to infiltrate Red Godzilla's body and deactivate the terrorists' device while Mechani-Kong stalled the beast. The most noteworthy visual effects of Red Godzilla would have been a glowing red patch of skin on its chest, and its body spewing hot gas.
While its intended movie was never made, the concept of a "Red Godzilla" would eventually come into play years later in the form of Burning Godzilla in Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995). |