A soundtrack
for Hiroyuki Onogawa's score to the 2000 feature film
Gojoe, directed by Sogo Ishii. Unfortunately,
this score makes for a fairly lackluster standalone
experience. There are a few good tracks here, such
as "Oni," while also a couple of bad ones,
such as "Hesitation" and the highly annoying
"Final Battle". More often then not , though,
the themes here end up just being fairly unmemorable.
Onogawa certainly has his own type of style, though,
as he meshes more traditional sounding music from
Japan with digital effects, although the result is
sometimes questionable. This CD is also on the short
side with a running time of only 43 minutes, and,
to be completely honest, it's probably one of my least
favorite soundtracks that I own. So, overall, there
isn't much to recommend about this release or the
score in general, and unless this disc can be found
for a very reasonable price, or one is a huge fan
of the film, it's likely best left forgotten.
Rating:  |