after immense research from 1964 to 1973 by Sakyo
Komatsu, Japan Sinks was a story about the
possibility (though at times extreme) that the country
of Japan undergoes a traumatic experience that literally
destroys the entire country via the force of Mother
Nature. When first published, Japan Sinks allowed
Komatsu to win the 27th annual Japan Mystery Writers
Association Award.
In terms of the plot, the book starts out following
a small Japanese fishing boat that anchors near
a small island off the southern coast of Japan.
The next day, the anglers wake to see an empty ocean
as the island literally disappeared beneath the
waves. Geologists and specialists in deep-sea research
begin to investigate the matter. However, the answer
that they find stuns them all and will eventually
stun the world as the evidence piles up that the
island archipelago of Japan, one of the great economic
powerhouses of the world, will sink into the Pacific
Ocean. The race is on to save as much of the population
of Japan before their physical homeland disappears
The novel itself would appear in the US in 1976
with Michael Gallagher handling the translation
of the novel into English.
Shortly after the Kobe Earthquake of 1995, the
author allowed for a second abridged English version
(which is the version reviewed here) to be published.
Before the main story, there is a forward by the
author as he talks about writing the book, his own
experiences in relation to the Kobe quake, and the
fact that the devastation drew comparisons to Japan
Shortly after the book hit the shelves in Japan,
Toho Studios would obtain rights to produce a movie
version of the novel to huge financial success,
commonly known as Submersion
of Japan (1973). It would also start a trend
of Japanese disaster movies during the rest of the
decade. Eventually a television series would be
produced by Jun
Fukuda in 1974 and a remake, directed by Shinji
Higuchi, would hit theaters in 2006, titled
of Japan, also to huge financial success.
Out of the two movies and the television show, the
first movie would be the closest to the novel although
it did have its own changes due to the actors involved
in the movie.