Author: Jolene Steinard | Banner: Tyler Trieschock
A large spherical object approaches Earth from the deeper recesses of space, the reflective surface showing the blue and green of the planet as it descended. Three trapezoid ships flew toward the sphere from Earth’s atmosphere, with the large globe opening three ports. Turning around, the three vessels backed up and latched onto the ports in a showcase of glimmering light. Unified once more, the alien craft stood idly by, waiting for further commands.
The sphere was, in actuality, a mothership for an alien race known as the Xiliens; a humanoid race that was much like humanity. At least, in appearance. Their true selves differed vastly from their weak, human suits. To survive on Earth, they needed to cultivate humanity for their mitochondria. With their necessary supplies of sustenance running dry, it necessitated action to do what must be done. With that, they captured and enslaved some of Earth’s monsters as a means of blackmailing; if they did not cooperate, the monsters would be sent to attack their cities. Though it mattered little if they complied or not. They would be subject to the superior race soon enough.
Inside the mothership stood their young controller, X. A dark trench coat drapes over his black vestments all the way down to his boots. He also sported a pair of slick, thin shades like the rest of the Xiliens on the ship. He stood with his hands behind his back, smirking at the screen before him. In front of him was a screen showing him the kaiju that they’ve taken, all of which were injected with a DNA compound known as M-Base. With the M-Base, the Xiliens could control any living being, even kaiju.
The monsters stood in cages inside the mothership, no longer being in control of themselves, now slaves to the Xiliens. There were nine different kaiju; eight of them had belonged to the Earth, while one belonged to the Xiliens: Gigan, a cyborg kaiju with blue armor, blades for hands, and a red visor. The monsters that the aliens had acquired included the spiky dinosaur Anguirus, the giant lobster Ebirah, the mantid Kamacuras, the spider Kumonga, the golem protector King Caesar, the sea dragon Manda, the pterosaur Rodan, and the mutated iguana Zilla. All of these monsters could devastate any city that the Xiliens put them in, now they would have to be patient. X turned to his men, who were working the controls of the mothership.
“Are we ready to arrive on Earth now?” he asked, smirking at the crew as they pressed the buttons on the controls.
“The preparations have been made; we should be there momentarily.”
“Carry on then!” X exclaimed before he turned back to the screen.
He could hardly wait until he could ravage this planet, for now he would just watch his pets in their cages. Some were clearly better than others, he knew that Kamacuras wouldn’t stand a chance against any other kaiju, but he needed all the monsters he could get his hands on. He watched them all sit and stand in their confined areas; they would remain like this until he had given them an order. To a normal person, seeing these creatures motionless would have triggered unnerving emotions, but not X. These monsters were mere pawns, tools to help him achieve his goals.
X turned to his crew, locating the one who caught his attention. After a few seconds, one of them cleared his throat and stood.
“We have arrived on Earth.”
“Excellent. What city are we in?” X replied, his smile growing larger.
“We are in Hong Kong, but… there’s something that you need to see.” The Xilien nervously told his superior.
X raised a brow at this, his smile lowering into a frown.
“Put it on the screen then!” The Xilien Controller ordered. “It can’t be that bad compared to what we’re about to do to this cattle infested world,” he said as he turned to face the screen once more.
The image of the kaiju in their cages faded and turned to show what was happening in the city that they were in. The city of Hong Kong was already destroyed, few buildings were visible, but most of the land was covered in debris and fire. Not a single living being was visible. X looked at the city in shock. Not because of the wreckage; they would have done that anyway, but because someone or something had gotten there before them.
“What could have done this?” X asked as he turned to face his crew.
The same crew member who told him they arrived nervously looked at his screen, terrified at what he was looking at.
“H-him.” The Xilien pointed at the screen in front of his leader.
The image of Hong Kong zoomed in on some of the remaining buildings, showing a giant draconic monster with blood red eyes, horns sprouting out of the side of its head and snout; making it look like a demon, light from the fire reflected off the armor on the front side of the monster’s body; protecting its brown skin underneath, its long tail smacked a building; knocking the top off and letting it crash down to the ground. The demonic monster reared its head back and let out its terrifying roar to the heavens. The Xiliens watched in horror as the kaiju advanced toward the remains of the city, knowing full well what it was. X stared at it, eyes widened.
“It…. It’s…. B-Bagan.” X mumbled as he kept watching the behemoth destroy the group of buildings in front of it.
The crew members anxiously stared at their leader, waiting for him to give an order. They all heard stories of Bagan, but none of them ever encountered him. It was said that he used to be a forest guardian, but had fallen and turned to a life of evil. Nobody knew how he turned evil, all they knew is that he seeked the destruction of the human race, or any foolish enough to stand in its way.
“Sir….” One Xilien finally spoke up. “What… What do we do?”
The alien wiped sweat off his brow, waiting for his superior to answer. X kept his back to the crew, now cupping his chin and watching the screen, thinking as he saw Bagan attacking more of the city. The Xilien Controller gasped as he thought of an idea.
“I say…” He finally spoke as he looked back at his crew. “We send out all of our monsters to fight Bagan.”
X turned to face his fellow Xiliens who looked at each other then back at their leader, almost taken a back at this plan. They had just gotten these kaiju and now they would be fighting one of the most powerful monsters of all? Seconds passed before someone questioned this order.
“But sir…. Why? We could just take the monsters and go, conquer some other world with human life,” the crew member asked, standing up and staring his leader in the eye.
X chuckled as he heard this, beginning to pace in front of the crew.
“Well you see, not only is this the only planet that we’ve invaded that has these humans, but we could trick them into thinking that we came to save them from Bagan. Then when we kill him, we’ll be considered heroes and we can bring those foolish enough to believe such a thing to Planet X to harvest.”
X then stopped walking and turned to face his crew, waiting for a reply.
The same crew member who questioned him gulped before responding.
“But sir, what if he kills them all?”
“Then they could tire Bagan out while we wait for Monster X to arrive. This demon may have a reputation, but he is still a monster of Earth. Monster X possesses no such flaw.”
The crew members thought for a few moments, some whispering to one another as their leader waited. Finally they came to a decision, the Xilien who questioned X turned to face his leader.
“We will go through with this plan sir!” he said with up most confidence.
“As if you ever had a choice,” X mockingly commented aloud, “now, release the monsters!”
The Xilien Controller turned around to face the screen once more, pointing at the demonic kaiju turning yet another group of buildings into a sea of fire. The three ships on the bottom of the mothership detached and made their way toward Bagan, carrying seven of the kaiju inside them. A panel on the mothership slid open before Gigan flew out with his arms bent toward his torso and legs and tail stretched back, seeing his target and quickly advancing toward him.
“I hope they can kill it,” a crew member mumbled as he watched the ships and Gigan getting closer to Bagan.
Bagan crushed a building with his hand, causing it to collapse down into itself. The beast felt like laughing as he decimated the worthless object. He was about to backhand another one when he heard a noise from behind him. He turned to see that there were three triangular objects flying toward him along with some sort of cyborg monster. He decided to let them come; he would destroy them as soon as they got there. It wouldn’t make a difference if they opened fire on him. It would be like the pathetic military who tried to get rid of him earlier. This would be easy, another one-sided slaughter.
The ships kept afloat some hundred of meters away from Bagan. Gigan landed next to them, staring the destroyer of this city in the eye. A beam of light shined out of the crooked tip of the ships, and then suddenly three monsters spun out of the light. One was a dinosaur like creature with spikes on its back and a short horn on its snout; another was a giant humanoid golem with Shisa-like features on its face and paws; the last was a brown, bipedal pterodactyl with three horns on its head. From another ship, three more monsters appeared; one was a green praying mantis; another was an emerald green serpent with horns on its head and tiny arms; the last was a grey lizard like creature with dorsal fins on its back, reminding Bagan of a foe he had fought before. The last ship brought two kaiju; one was a yellow and brown spider; the other a red lobster with one claw bigger than the other.
The ships quickly turned around and raced toward the mothership, the demonic monster eyed the giant sphere. It was not of Earth, but did it matter compared to his power? He would annihilate it after he was through with this pathetic looking group of creatures.
The monsters stared at Bagan for a while, growling at him as they waited for him to make a move. Bagan had already planned how he would kill them so he was just waiting for them to attack. Through with the others waiting, Zilla roared at his foe before going into a full sprint toward him. Bagan scoffed as he saw this lizard try to attack him. Time to teach these slaves to the aliens what they dared to challenge.
Bagan let Zilla run a few meters in front of him before white hot plasma appeared in his mouth and shot toward the monster approaching him. Zilla jumped up, avoiding the beam and trying to pounce on the demon. Predictable. Bagan quickly turned around and hit the overgrown iguana with his tail, catching his opponent off guard and sending him into the ground a mile away from him, screaming with pain. Unlike the last blast, Bagan shot a concentrated breath of his plasma beam at the monster, this time hitting his mark as the white beam caused an explosion around him.
Bagan chuckled as he turned to face the other monsters, not even caring to see the dead body of Zilla. That pitiful thing was of no concern to him.
“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!” X yelled as he stomped on the floor. “That damn lizard is too frail… UGH!”
The other Xiliens gulped as they watched the fiery grave of Zilla and their leader throwing a tantrum. X suddenly stopped and made a decision himself.
“I’ll summon Monster X now. He’ll be here in an hour, so they better hold this son of a bitch off until then!” he said before looking at the screen again. “If we’re lucky.”
The small army of monsters roared at the creature in front of them, finally deciding to attack. Rodan and Gigan took to the skies as the others charged toward Bagan, both of them firing their signature beams at the demonic kaiju. Gigan’s Cluster Light Ray struck Bagan in the face, the explosions blinding his opponent for a brief time. Rodan’s uranium heat beam hit his chest, the purple beam not even denting Bagan’s strong armor. The dragon regained his vision, just in time to receive a roundhouse kick to the face by King Caesar. The golem landed beside him and delivered a punch to Bagan’s face, breaking a few of the demon’s teeth. Bagan tried to slash Caesar with his claws, but the golem proved to be too quick for him as he back flipped out of the way. The demonic kaiju growled in annoyance, but another monster interfered. Kamacuras swooped behind his target to hack and slash his back with his razor sharp claws, merely creating sparks it the wake of the attack. Bagan tried to reach behind him to grab the overgrown bug, but all of a sudden, Anguirus threw himself at the Super Monster, his spiky hide scratching his chest and face.
Anguirus pushed himself off of his enemy and landed in front of him. Roaring at the dragon, Anguirus leapt at him, biting his neck with his sharp tusks and clawing at his shoulders and chest. Bagan grabbed the dinosaur by the throat, ignoring his wounds. He was about to strangle the spiny kaiju before Ebirah, having scaled along Bagan’s back with his legs, bashed his head with his large claw, causing the dragon to let go of Anguirus. The sea monster was about to hit Bagan once more, but the Super Monster quickly turned around and grabbed hold of Ebirah, swinging him around and dislodging Kamacuras in the process. With his great strength, Bagan tossed Ebirah into Kamacuras, the praying mantis screeching in pain as his ally slammed into him. As Kamacuras recuperated and buzzed off, Ebirah regained his bearings and charged at the giant dragon. The lobster once more climbed onto Bagan and began to hit the dragon in the back with his claws. Taking his larger claw, he shoved it into the demon’s back as hard as he could, stabbing him deep between Bagan’s armor plating.
Bagan roared out as the sea monster’s claw was embedded into his backside, he reached back and grabbed the limb, twisting it and pulling Ebirah off, sending the lobster flying back. Manda now slithered his way to his target, hissing as he moved closer to the dragon. Once he was close to him, the serpent leapt at him, biting his face and wrapping his body around the Super Monster, attempting to squeeze the life out of him. Bagan tried to shoot Manda in the face with his plasma breath, but the snake like monster swiftly dodged, now wrapping the dragon’s mouth, blocking his only projectile weapon. Or so he thought.
Bagan’s horns lit up as energy crackled over them, seconds later his Diamond Storm came down from the sky, slicing Manda’s skin as well as his own. The serpent yelled out in pain as he quickly let his opponent go, sliding off the dragon and slithering away as the shards pierced his body. The Diamond Storm stopped, both Bagan and Manda were bleeding from their new wounds. However, Bagan’s injuries healed in seconds, as if he was never hurt. Manda bled extensively, breathing heavily as he struggled to slither back into battle. His body ached from each movement, dirt and ashes got into his new wounds, hurting him even more. Bagan regained his breathing and turned around to see a nearly dying Manda attempting to attack him. Normally, he would let his victims die slowly and painfully, but this time he would put this pitiful monster out of its misery. Energy crackled over the protrusions on his back as the lit up. Bagan curled his upper lip white hot plasma made its way up his throat and through his mouth. Shooting it toward Manda’s head, the emerald serpent’s head explodes on impact, instantly killing the sea dragon.
Manda’s body went limp after his head was destroyed. Kumonga quickly ran toward the dragon on his eight legs, but at the same time keeping his distance. When he was at a good enough range, he shot his web at Bagan, showering the Super Monster in the sticky webbing. Bagan growled in annoyance as the spider tried to cover him in web, the dragon slashed the webbing and tried to blast Kumonga with his plasma breath. The spider swiftly jumped out of the way, letting the beam hit the ground, replacing what would have been the arachnid’s smoldering corpse with an eruption of dirt, smoke, and fire. As soon as Kumonga landed, he sprayed Bagan once more, covering most of his back in web. Seeing what Kumonga was doing, Rodan, Kamacuras, and Gigan swooped from the sky while King Caesar, Anguirus, and Ebirah charged at the beast to keep him busy.
The six kaiju collided with the Super Monster, causing him to fall over with their combined strength. Bagan roared out as he was continually sprayed with web, struggling to get up as the web started covering his body, eventually encasing him in web. The dragon tried to claw his way out, but the web was too thick. Kumonga hurriedly scurried toward his fallen adversary, his eight legs going as fast as they could take it. The yellow and brown spider reached his prey, chittering as he got on top of him, readying his stinger. He went down on the dragon, injecting him with the toxins. Bagan roared in pain as he was stabbed by his opponent’s stinger.
In a fit of rage, the Super Monster shot his plasma breath, destroying the part of the web around it before moving his head and incinerating the rest of it. Kumonga quickly jumped out of the way, dodging Bagan’s plasma breath once more. Bagan got back to his feet, the toxins made his vision blurry and body weak. He could regenerate from this poison, but it would take a while. Luckily he could still fight. King Caesar, Gigan, and Rodan took this opportunity to attack.
King Caesar sent an earth shattering kick to the back of Bagan’s head, Gigan landed beside the dragon and immediately began battering him with his scythes, Rodan kept to the skies, shooting his Uranium Heat Beam at the Super Monster. Bagan smacked Caesar with his tail before punching Gigan in the chest then he grabbed the cyborg’s arm and tossed him at Ebirah. Gigan quickly got up and motioned his aquatic ally to help him. The two monsters ran toward their target, both of them hitting the dragon in the abdomen with the flats of their weapon like hands before Ebirah head-butted Bagan, in the stomach, causing him to stagger back. Kamacuras also joined in on the beat down, swiftly landing on Bagan’s head and stabbing his eyes, the dragon roared in pain as he was blinded. He grabbed the mantis’ scythe like claws and pulled them out, then flinging Kamacuras elsewhere.
Bagan’s eyes quickly regenerated, but the effects of the toxins were still there, he felt Rodan’s beam hitting his back, burning his flesh before it healed up. King Caesar punched the Super Monster’s face repeatedly, breaking more of his teeth before getting pushed down by Bagan’s arm, the golem quickly got back up and sent a kick into the Super Monster’s abdomen, causing him to growl in pain. Anguirus curled into a ball and began to roll toward Bagan, gaining more momentum before hitting the dragon in the backside, nearly causing him to fall over. Kumonga started shooting web at Bagan again, already covering most of his back. The demonic dragon finally had enough of this.
His horns lit up as energy danced around them, seconds later his Diamond Storm came down on the monsters attacking him, shredding most of their bodies. Some were luckier than others; Anguirus curled up in a ball to protect himself from the star shaped projectiles though he knew it wouldn’t last too long. Kamacuras, Gigan, and Rodan flew and avoided the storm thanks to their speed. Others weren’t so lucky. Kumonga screeched in pain as the small energy projectiles cut through his body, cutting some of his legs off. King Caesar went down to one knee and tried to endure the pain even though his skin had been punctured. Ebirah’s shell protected him for a moment, but soon the energy diamonds cut through it and stabbed the soft flesh inside, causing him to shriek in agony. Bagan chuckled as he watched his opponents in pain. The Diamond Storm started to die down as the Super Monster stepped forward, finding the closest kaiju to him.
The pathetic spider had most of his legs cut off, he tried to shoot more web at him, but the dragon had gotten there before the spider could web him up again.
Bagan lifted his foot up and brought it down on Kumonga’s head, forever turning his purple eyes dark.
The dragon wiped the chunks of Kumonga’s guts off his foot, the spider’s legs twitched slightly as Bagan turned around to see his adversaries recovering. The toxins in his body had finally been destroyed by his regeneration. He was about to blast the monsters when suddenly he felt his shoulder quickly get cut. The Super Monster roared in pain before looking to see who sliced him. He heard familiar chirp before getting his shoulder cut once more.
Gigan landed in front of the dragon, roaring before slashing him with his scythes. Bagan growled as the cyborg cut into his body. Thankfully he regenerated from his assault and then delivered a firm kick to Gigan’s leg. The cyborg chirped in pain, the kick could have broken his leg. Bagan tried to punch the avian-like cyborg, but Gigan glided back, shooting his Cluster Light Ray at the Super Monster’s face. The mini explosions caused Bagan to stagger back. Gigan took this opportunity by pointing his arm at his opponent, shooting his cables at him. One chain went around his throat and the other wrapped around his horns, both hook-tips burrowing into Bagan’s flesh and armor.
Gigan then did the same with his other arm, this time the cables wrapped around his torso and arms, trapping the Super Monster. Gigan chuckled as he watched Bagan struggle. The internal cable reels within his scythes began to pull the thick wires in. Although met with initial resistance, it wasn’t long before the lines had Bagan dragging by his feet. Bagan growled in annoyance as he was dragged closer and closer to his opponent, hearing the whirl of the cyborg’s buzz-saw, he kept struggling more. The dragon was almost to Gigan, the buzzsaw becoming more of a threat by the second.
Bagan finally managed to get his hand out of the cables, grabbing them and ripping them off, breaking them. Gigan shrieked as his plan failed. In anger, the cyborg attempted to wrap his arms around the Super Monster and cut his abdomen with his buzz-saw, but unfortunately Bagan knew what he was doing. The dragon looked at Gigan’s left scythe and blasted it with his plasma breath, melting it from the heat. Gigan shrieked as his claw was melted off, he tried hitting Bagan with his other claw. The dragon caught it, ignoring the blade cutting through his hand, and firmly grasps the cyborg’s arm before pulling at it, ripping it off and tossing it aside.
Gigan shrieked once more and decided to retreat, but just as he got off the ground, the dragon grabbed his head, squeezing it. The cyborg couldn’t even yell out in pain. His head crushed as Bagan let go of it, pieces of Gigan’s head and shards of glass fell off as his body fell limp.
Kamacuras decided it was his turn to attack, screeching as he flew toward the dragon at fast speeds, once he got closer to him, Bagan quickly turned around and blasted him with his plasma breath. The praying mantis shrieked in agony as the blast enveloped his body, quickly incinerating him, his fiery remains fell to the ground as Bagan roared in defiance.
X yelled once more as he saw not one, but two of his monsters be killed by this demon. The crew members nervously watched both the screen and their leader throwing a fit.
“Monster X should arrive in thirty minutes or so, but my monsters KEEP DYING!” The Xilien Controller yelled as he jumped up and down. “UUUUUGGGGGGHHHH!”
The crew didn’t know what was worse; their monsters getting killed or their leader’s child-like temper.
“Get Gigan and repair him, we might need him again!” X ordered.
Bagan started walking toward his opponents, Rodan shot the dragon with his Uranium Heat Beam as he flew around him, the dragon tried blasting the pterodactyl out of the sky, but he was too fast and quickly avoided his opponent’s plasma breath, retaliating with his own beam, hitting Bagan in the back. The Super Monster looked in front of him and saw King Caesar, Ebirah, and Anguirus charging at him.
Bagan readied himself as he felt fire coming up his throat, the dragon opened his mouth and released his Plasma Breath at his opponents. King Caesar moved in front of the blast. Bagan thought he was stupid running into the same beam that killed three of his allies only to be proven wrong as the golden shisa absorbed his Plasma Breath into his right eye and shot it out his left, redirecting the beam back at the dragon and hitting him square in his chest. Bagan growled in pain, bringing him to one knee. He made a mental note not to shoot Caesar with his Plasma Breath again.
The golem jumped up into the air and stuck his foot out, kicking the dragon in the face as he landed. Bagan fell over as King Caesar stood back up, the dragon felt blood escaping his nose as he hit the ground. As soon as Bagan was down, the golem instantly started assaulting him. Caesar jumped into the air and did a front flip before landing on the dragon’s stomach, causing Bagan to cough up blood. The golem started clawing at his chest, trying to rip off his almost broken armor.
The Super Monster tried to cut King Caesar with his sharp claws, but his head was now suddenly getting clobbered by a pair of lobster claws. Ebirah continually battered Bagan’s head with his strong claws, breaking more of his teeth and denting the nasal horn. Anguirus sank his teeth into the dragon’s shoulder, using his claws to tear at Bagan’s arm trying to rip it off. Bagan roared as he clenched his free hand into a fist, lifting it up and collide it with Anguirus’ face. The dinosaur barked in pain and staggered back. The dragon then grabbed Ebirah by the face with both of his hands and used him as a weapon, batting Anguirus in the face and Caesar in back, forcing him to fall onto Bagan’s body before being kicked off.
The two monsters fell back as they were hit by their ally. The lobster screeched as he struggled to get out of the dragon’s grasp. As Bagan got up, he decided what to do with this aquatic weakling. Grabbing Ebirah’s head with one hand and his tail with the other, licking his lips, he brought his head down and bit the over sized lobster’s back. Eliciting an agonizing shriek from Ebirah, his shell was easily broken into, weakened from both the earlier Diamond Storm assault and the dragon’s brute strength. Bagan spat out chunks of shell from his mouth and instantly brought his head back down and began devouring the lobster’s soft innards. Taking a big bite and swallowing, then following up with another and another, enjoying the taste. His broken, blue blood soaked teeth cutting through the crustacean plates and guts.
Ebirah helplessly tried to hit the dragon with his claws, but it was pointless. His struggles eventually stopped as Bagan kept eating his insides.
Rodan squint his eyes and spots the dragon putting the dead, half-eaten Ebirah down. Roaring at his target before fire like energy crackled over the horns on his head and a purple beam shot out of his beak, hitting Bagan in the head. The Super Monster growled in annoyance and once again tried to shoot the pterosaur down, but failed as Rodan flew under his opponent’s Plasma Breath. The pterodactyl shot his Uranium Heat Beam again as he flew by the dragon, hitting him in the back. Bagan roared as the beam seared his back, though that was quickly healed.
King Caesar finally got up from the ground and roared at his foe, Anguirus rose and also roared at the dragon. Caesar roared at Rodan while motioning with his hands. Understanding, the pterodactyl shot his Uranium Heat Beam at his ally. The golem absorbed the blast through his eye and looked at Bagan before shooting the purple beam at the dragon through his other eye, hitting him in the face. The Super Monster staggered back and shook his head. Through the corner of his eye, he saw one of the ships that brought these monsters teleporting something into it before flying away. Bagan paid no attention to it; he had more important things to take care of.
The demonic dragon roared at his opponents as his horns once again lit up, energy dancing around them before star-like energy projectiles rained from the sky. His foes screamed in pain as they were hit with his Diamond Storm once more. Rodan tried avoiding the projectiles again, but eventually one hit the pterodactyl in the back, eliciting a shriek. He lost control and spun down to the ground before crashing, shaking the earth. King Caesar ignored the pain, running toward Bagan and jumping, bringing his knee up and hitting him in the face, breaking his jaw.
The Super Monster roared in pain as his Diamond Storm ended, as he fixed his dangling jaw, Caesar jumped into the air and landed on Bagan’s back while grabbing the dragon’s neck with his strong forearms. Bagan roared as he tried to get the golem off of him, he tried to grab his arms to pull him off, but his grip was too strong. King Caesar squeezed the dragon’s throat harder, causing him to gag. Anguirus charged toward the duo, lowering his head, he jumped up and head-butted Bagan in the chest, breaking his armor and causing the dragon to fall once more after Caesar finally released his grip and jumped off.
Bagan grabbed the golem’s leg as he landed, tripping him as he got back up, Anguirus tried to attack his opponent once more, but was swatted away by his tail, sending the ankylosaur flying. The dragon looked down at the fallen King Caesar before stepping on his back, causing the golem to roar in pain. Bagan’s wing like protrusions on his back lit up as plasma raced up his throat, the demonic kaiju opened his mouth, a bright white glow shined inside it. Bagan was about to blast Caesar with his Plasma Breath… until green energy blasted him in the side of the face!
Bagan roared in pain as he lifted his foot and put it on the ground, letting King Caesar go. The Super Monster looked around to see where that blast came from, suddenly something jumped onto his back, clawing and biting at his skin. Bagan roared once again as his back was assaulted, reaching behind him, he grabbed a scaly arm and threw it to the ground, causing a chunk of flesh to tear off with the assailant. The dragon turned his head and saw who dared attack him now.
It was Zilla.
X stared at the screen in confusion.
“How…. How did he survive?!” He demanded the crew as they scanned the area to see anything that could have granted the reptilian kaiju survival.
“Here, sir.” One of the crew members brought up where Zilla was last seen.
In the spot where the mutated iguana had been thought to be dead was a hole, one big enough for the kaiju to fit through.
“He must have dug out of there before Bagan shot his Plasma Breath,” the crew member theorized.
“Hmm… That’s interesting, but I have one tiny question,” X said before turning around to face his fellow Xilien. “Why didn’t he show up earlier?!”
The Controller turned back to the screen after yelling at the crew member, watching Zilla get up with King Caesar, Rodan, and Anguirus following suit.
“This should be good.”
Rodan got to his feet, looking around to find his allies and his target. After scanning the area with his eyes, he finally saw Anguirus a short distance away from him, getting up and turning his head in the direction of the pterodactyl. The spiky dinosaur walked toward him before honking and motioning his head back, Rodan looked at the direction he was motioning toward, seeing Bagan and King Caesar with Zilla.
Rodan shook his head in confusion; he had thought the mutant reptilian was dead. Anguirus barked once more, the pterodactyl cackled back, flapping his wings a few times before flying above his spiky friend, lowering himself, he gripped Anguirus’ shell. Flapping his wings again, he picked up speed and aimed toward their target.
Bagan backhanded Zilla from his shoulder, sending the lizard flying into the ground. King Caesar grabbed the horn on the right side of the dragon’s head, pulling down and punching him in the blood red eye. Bagan growled in annoyance as he repeated this three more times before the Super Monster punched the golem in the face, making him lose his grip and spin away. Bagan then turned around and smacked Caesar in the back with his tail, sending him crashing to the ground. Zilla rose from the ashy ground and jumped toward Bagan, trying to bite the demon’s throat, but the dragon grabbed his throat before he got there.
Bagan was about to choke the radioactive iguana before receiving a kick to the back of the head, the hit feeling like a cannon ball hitting a wall, causing him to let go of his opponent. The Super Monster shook his head before seeing King Caesar’s fist hit his face, Bagan growled with irritation as he was punched in the face, only to have the golem jump up and kick him in the side of the face. Caesar roared at Zilla, motioning with his hands.
Zilla’s back spines glowed green as he shot his Atomic Ray at his ally’s face, letting the golem absorb the beam in his right eye before shooting it out of his left eye toward Bagan, hitting him in the face, burning his nostrils. The dragon shook his head and roared at the two kaiju in front of him, walking forward before punching the golem in the face then in the gut, the latter who collapsed from the force. Bagan turned to face Zilla and charged with his head down. The mutant had been caught off guard by this approach, giving the dragon ample time to slam Zilla in the chest with a headbutt and scoop him up with his horns, throwing him behind him like a rhino.
Zilla soared through the air and crashed into King Caesar, who was struggling to rise to his feet.
Bagan stared at his two fallen enemies. The protrusions on his back lit up, his mouth opened with a bright, white glow coming up his throat. The Super Monster was about to claim two more lives until a hard and spiky object landed on his back, forcing Bagan to shoot his Plasma Beam prematurely. He fell forward as the blast shot at the ground, sending him backward, falling to the ground on his back with an earth shaking thud.
He heard the familiar roars of Anguirus and Rodan before feeling the heat of the pterodactyl’s Uranium Heat Beam hitting his body, each burning strike only fueling his rage. The dragon was about to get up before he was brought back down by Anguirus, who instantly began biting and clawing at him. The spiky dinosaur pulled off a chunk of the armor on Bagan’s chest before tossing it away and going back to trying to mutilate the dragon.
Bagan roared in pain as Anguirus bit and clawed into his chest. Seeing such a mortal inflict this much pain disgusted him, his rage burning more. The demonic dragon grabbed the spiky dinosaur by the throat. Anguirus barked at his target as he began to scratch his arm, trying to get out of his grasp. Bagan gripped the dinosaur’s crown with his free hand and brought his other hand up, grabbing Anguirus’ mouth. The demon beast twisted his head with the resound of a sickening snap.
Anguirus’ body went limp, his arms stopped trying to scratch Bagan and fell to his side. The dragon pushed the carcass off of him, letting the dead body fall on its side. With a mighty heave, Bagan got up, standing in front of the now recovered King Caesar and Zilla, who now stood glaring at him. Without any second thoughts, Zilla leapt at the Super Monster, biting his neck as he clawed at his face.
Bagan began beating the mutated lizard’s back, but Zilla toughed through the pain, sinking his teeth deeper into the dragon’s throat and made rows of scratches on his face. Bagan roared in pain as his blood spilled into the mutant’s mouth, he quickly lowered his head and bit Zilla’s neck in return, making the overgrown iguana roar in pain.
Bagan shook his head fast, as if he were a bulldog and Zilla was a chew toy, then the dragon threw him to the ground, making the mutant lizard flop like a fish as he landed. Bagan slowly walked up to his fallen adversary, watching him struggle to breathe as blood poured out of his neck. Zilla looked up at the dragon as he tried to breathe. Bagan grinned in amusement. He raised his hand up and watched the mutated iguana flinch. Chuckling, the demonic dragon brought his hand down, his claws slashing Zilla’s throat, slitting it.
The mutant lizard’s body twitched as blood spurted out of his throat like a sprinkler, his head lowered to the ground and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.
Bagan scoffed as he turned away from the dead body of Zilla, only to be greeted by King Caesar’s fist hitting him in the face and Rodan’s Uranium Heat Beam hitting his head. The dragon stumbled back as he was attacked, shaking his head before being struck by another barrage of purple beams, one after the other. King Caesar helped his ally by punching and kicking Bagan’s exposed chest, each hit from the golem him feel like his lungs were going to burst. Groaning in pain, the dragon punched Caesar back, hitting him square in the face, causing him to be dazed for a bit.
Bagan then took King Caesar’s head and brought it down on his knee before tossing him away, the golem roaring in pain from the beating. The dragon then grabbed the back King Caesar and kicked him in the stomach before picking him up, holding the golem in the air. Bagan scanned the skies to see Rodan flying toward him, preparing to fire another Uranium Heat Beam. The dragon beast knew he had one shot at this and so he took it.
Bagan began to spin around with King Caesar in his hands, the dragon held Caesar on his shoulder with one hand. When the time was right, he stopped and hurled the golem into the air, heading toward his flying ally. King Caesar roared out as he was thrown, spinning in the air. The protrusions on Bagan’s back once again lit up before white hot plasma shot out of his maw, hitting King Caesar in the back as he collided with Rodan, causing the pterodactyl to shriek in agony. But the two continued to scream as the dragon’s Plasma Breath sent them flying into the air, scorching King Caesar’s air and charring Rodan’s wings.
Bagan continued putting more energy into the beam until the two kaiju were out of sight. The dragon ceased his Plasma Breath as he tried finding the bodies of his opponents in the sky, but they had gone too far. Bagan took a few deep breaths, He had used a lot of his energy during this battle, more than he would like to admit. He would have to rest soon. The dragon reared his head and roared in victory. He had killed all nine kaiju in only an hour. Some were easier than others, but at the end of the day, he was victorious.
Now onto the mothership.
X was stomping his feet and yelling at the screen as he saw the last of his monsters be launched into the sky. He wanted to hit something so badly. The Xilien Controller was about to take out his gun and shoot randomly around the room before he looked at the screen again, seeing Bagan walking toward them.
“Oh no…” X said before turning to the crew, who were all trying not to panic.
“What do we do now sir?” one of them asked.
“I… I don’t know… If Monster X doesn’t get here-” X said before being interrupted.
“Sir, look at the sky!”
X scanned the sky, seeing a meteorite quickly approaching Earth, the surface heating up from the ozone layer.
“Yes! He’s here!” X yelled as he saw the meteor making its way to the surface.
Bagan walked toward his new target. He wanted to blast it out of the sky with his Plasma Breath, but then he decided to turn his head back, looking over his shoulder.
An object was approaching Earth.
The dragon turned his full body around to see that it was a meteor coming toward him. He braced himself as his wing-like protrusions on his back lit up, white hot plasma quickly slithered up his throat. The white fire danced through his closed maw as the dragon aimed his head at the approaching space rock before opening his mouth, letting his Plasma Breath flow.
The white beam raced toward the meteor, causing the clouds to split apart as the plasma went through them. Bagan’s Plasma Breath hit the meteor, the white flames covering the surface of it as the dragon tried to destroy the space rock, putting more power into his beam. The meteor kept going through the beam like a truck going through a spider web. It trudged through the white beam as it got closer and closer to Earth’s surface.
Bagan wouldn’t stop, planting his feet firmly into the ground. He put even more energy into his Plasma Breath, the white beam still not doing much to the meteor as it got closer and closer each second. Bagan then realized what it was going to crash into – him.
The meteor smashed into the ground as it finally made it on Earth, causing a humongous crater in the ground. The cascading hellfire burned everything within it, even if it was all temporarily.
In the middle of the hole stood Bagan, slowly regaining his sight from the bright light as he shook the ashes off of him. The broken bones in his body locked back into place. Exposed wounds closed up as the dragon scanned the area. He realized that he was now in a hole caused by the meteor that hit him.
Was that all?
He knew that surely there had to be more. He just survived a meteor crashing into him. What else was there? Then Bagan heard a low, guttural growl coming from behind him.
The dragon turned around to see a figure floating down to the ground. It had bone like armor covering its body, a forked tail swaying from side to side. It had three heads, one on each shoulder; all three heads had glowing, blood red eyes, the central head having two black horns. It roared an almost bone chilling roar, sounding like a sinister growl.
Bagan roared back, the horrid sound not fazing the skeletal creature. Neither kaiju feared the other, but they knew one thing: this was going to be a hell of a battle. The two monsters charged at each other, fists raised as they approached the other.
Both monsters punched the other in the face at the same time. Monster X stumbled back from the impact of Bagan’s punch, shaking his head. On the other hand, Bagan’s head faced away from his opponent before slowly looking back at him, his head cracking as he looked at his growling adversary.
Monster X quickly jumped toward the dragon and turned around, letting his tail whip Bagan in the face, blood trickling down newly made scratch marks on his cheek before they healed as the skeletal monster landed beside the demonic dragon. Monster X sent a flurry of punches into Bagan’s side, each hit sounding like a gun going off, causing him to growl in pain. The dragon backhanded the skeletal kaiju, causing him to stumble back.
Bagan sent a punch to Monster X’s chest, making him growl in pain before sending a kick to the dragon’s exposed chest, still in the process of recovery. The demonic monster screamed as his ribs were broken, though they were repaired quickly, the pain was still there.
Monster X reached for and grabbed Bagan’s two horns on the side of his head and, in conjecture with his levitation, brought his knee up while pulling the Super Monster’s head down, hitting him in the face with his knee. The skeletal kaiju repeated this multiple times before Bagan charged forward and lifted his head up. Monster X lost his grip, careening through the air before crashing into the side of the crater, landing on his back and knocking the breath out of the skeletal monster’s lungs.
The protrusions on Bagan’s back lit up before shooting his Plasma Breath at his fallen opponent. With no time to catch his breath, Monster X quickly rolled out of the way, dodging the beam before jumping up and landing on the other side of the crater. All four of the skeletal beast’s eyes flickered with a golden hue before firing his Gravity Beams at the draconic beast as he turned around. The gold beams hit Bagan in the chest and arms, sending blood gushing into the sky as the demon roared out in pain.
Bagan put his hand to his chest as the wound quickly healed up. The dragon glared at his opponent before Monster X charged toward Bagan once again, jumping up. The skeletal monster was about to kick the Super Monster in the face, but Bagan grabbed his leg in the air and slammed him down on the ground, once again knocking the breath out of Monster X, the dragon let go of his leg before getting on top of the skeletal kaiju. Bagan brought his fist up then brought it down on Monster X’s face, he then did the same with his other fist, then repeating the process as the bony armored kaiju slashed at the dragon, drawing blood across his arms and chest.
X glared at the screen, knowing Monster X might not win if the battle continued.
“Is Gigan ready to send back into battle?!” the Xilien Controller insisted as he turned around.
“They have finished his repairs, but I’m not sure if he’ll be alright to fight,” one of the crew members answered.
“If the repairs are finished then he’s ready, now send him out there!” X ordered as his fellow Xilien nodded.
X took a deep sigh as he turned back to the screen to see Bagan continually pummeling his kaiju’s face.
“Come on, Monster X…” He mouthed anxiously as he saw Gigan fly out of the mothership.
Bagan kept punching Monster X’s face, almost taking a sick pleasure as he hit him over and over, creating small cracks in the armor on the skeletal monster’s face. Monster X kept slashing at the dragon’s body, each time he swiped his claws, he cut deeper, though the cuts healed as quick as they were made. The protrusions on Bagan’s back lit up once more, the dragon was about to end this once and for all.
Until multiple tiny explosions hit his back.
Bagan roared in pain as his back was punctured by the explosions, turning his head to see what attacked him only to be greeted by a kick in the eye, the point on the foot stabbed into the dragon’s blood red eye, causing Bagan to howl in pain as his assailant quickly dislodged his foot from the dragon’s eye hole. Bagan fell on his side as his eye regenerated; he then heard a familiar screech.
The demon growled as he got up and saw Monster X had also gotten back to his feet, now next to a revived Gigan, who had gotten a new head and replaced his scythes for chainsaws. The cyborg turned to the skeletal kaiju, chirping at him as he raised one of his chainsaw hands; Monster X nodded and raised his hand before lightly hitting the flat of Gigan’s chainsaw. The two nodded at each other before putting their arms down and turning to face their opponent.
Bagan roared at them before they roared back at him. Gigan revved up his chainsaws and Monster X cracked his knuckles.
The protrusions on the dragon’s back lit up once more before white hot plasma shot out of his mouth. The duo jumped out of the way, both of them moving to different sides of Bagan. Monster X quickly shot his Gravity Beams at the dragon while Gigan shot his Cluster Light Ray, both shooting Bagan on both sides. The demon roared out in pain as the golden bolts pierced his side while the red laser exploded on his other.
Bagan’s horns glowed as energy danced around them. Knowing what this meant, Gigan flew toward with his arm out, the chainsaw buzzing as he flew by the dragon’s head. With one swift move, the cyborg landed beside Monster X, his back turned away from Bagan. The dragon’s horn slid off his snout as Gigan turned back around.
Bagan roared in anger as he realized his horn was gone, staring daggers at the cyborg. He would destroy the bird like cyborg soon enough. Gigan once again flew toward the dragon, revving his chainsaws again, he cut Bagan’s arm as he passed by. Monster X also ran toward the demon before jumping up and kicking him in the side of the face. Bagan growled with frustration as the two continuously attacked him. As Monster X landed, the dragon shot his Plasma Breath out of his mouth again. The duo dodged once more and moved in to attack again.
Gigan slashed at Bagan with his chainsaws while Monster X punched and kicked the demon multiple times in the back and sides. Bagan punched the cyborg in the chest, sending Gigan stumbling back, the dragon then turned his head toward Monster X and fired his Plasma Breath at the skeletal kaiju, hitting him square in the face and sending him skidding back.
As Bagan turned to face Monster X, his tail whipped Gigan’s torso, sending the cyborg crashing down on his side, screeching as he tried to get up. The dragon fired more of his Plasma Breath at the skeletal monster before Monster X quickly dodged, running out of the way in time. The bony monster’s eyes flicker a golden color before firing his Gravity Beams at the demonic dragon, hitting him in the chest again. Bagan roared in pain as his chest was once again ruptured.
Gigan got up and screeched at the Super Monster, slamming his chainsaws into the ground in front of him and activating them, allowing him to quickly move toward Bagan. The powerful dragon turned to see his opponent charging at him. The dragon moved aside to dodge the cyborg, but Gigan had one little trick. As the alien moved past Bagan, the tip of his lithe tail curved and latched onto his neck, the pointed piece in the middle stabbing his throat.
Bagan gurgled as his throat was stabbed, but that wasn’t all. Gigan kept going, causing the dragon to fall, the cyborg dragging him the ground as he moved. Ash and dirt got in his eyes as he was dragged, blinding him. The Super Monster grabbed Gigan’s metallic tail and fired his Plasma Breath randomly. The beam hit the Cyborg’s tail and shredded it, separating it from the main body.
Gigan stopped and took his chainsaws out of the ground before turning to see Bagan taking half of his tail off of his neck, the hole in his throat closing up after taking the tip out. The cyborg shot his Cluster Light Ray at his fallen adversary, the tiny explosions hitting his face and chest, causing a fire to engulf his chest. The dragon roared in pain as he tried putting the fires out.
The cyborg chuckled as he slowly walked toward his weakened opponent, his chainsaws revving as he got closer. When he got to Bagan, he raised on of his arms up, eager to bring it down on the dragon’s throat. Suddenly, Bagan threw the piece of Gigan’s own tail in the face. The cyborg shrieked in pain as he stumbled back, the flats of his chainsaws covering the damages. His visor had been cracked, reducing his sight drastically.
Bagan got up, the fire in his chest ceasing. Gigan put his arms down just in time for white hot plasma to shoot directly at his face, causing his head to explode on impact. The cyborg’s decapitated body took a few small steps forward before falling on his back.
As Bagan turned away from Gigan’s dead body, something flew into him. The dragon’s side was pelted by punches as he was once again dragged across the battlefield, he hit the thing’s back to get it to let go. The thing threw Bagan to the ground and landed on the other side of the fallen dragon. Bagan groggily got back to his feet to face whatever monster tried to attack him now. To his surprise, it was Monster X again, but now he had dark wings on his back.
Monster X let out a low growl as he lowered his body, his wings growing larger. Power surged through his body as his limbs grew, now turning a golden shade. His body also grew in size as the two heads on his shoulders sprouted up along with his central head. His forked tail now split into two. His roar now sounded like a mix of a wheezy yell and maniacal laughter.
Monster X was now nearly the same height as Bagan, his three heads roaring into the heavens before looking at the dragon in front of him, all six of his eyes glaring at him. Bagan roared back at the golden dragon. He knew this was still just Monster X, but it felt different, more powerful, like something he fought before.
A Ghidorah.
The wing like protrusions on Bagan’s back lit up, white hot plasma traveled up his throat before he opened his mouth and shot his Plasma Breath out of his maw and at Keizer Ghidorah’s chest. The four-legged dragon didn’t even flinch at the blast. The demon looked at the Ghidorah in confusion before firing his Plasma Breath at him once again, and once again it failed to hurt the beast.
Keizer Ghidorah roared again, this time it sounded like he was laughing at Bagan. The demonic monster wouldn’t stand for this, he would not be mocked. Bagan closed his hands into fists and charged at his opponent, the Ghidorah let him get close to him. The Super Monster punched Keizer Ghidorah as he slammed his body into him, his fists hit the dragon multiple times, rivaling that of several large explosions.
The Ghidorah was not phased.
Golden light appeared in Keizer Ghidorah’s mouths, all three heads looked at Bagan before firing three Gravity Beams at him. The golden beams sent the demon back, he tried to fight it, but it was no use, the power of the attack pushed him to the ground. Bagan roared in pain as the electricity surged through his body, it felt like he was going to explode. The three-headed monster ceased his Gravity Beams.
Bagan breathed heavily as the beams stopped, he weakly got up and roared at his opponent once more. He took a few steps forward and turned, making his tail smack Keizer Ghidorah’s right head. The head hit the neck of the middle head, cackling as it shook and glared at the beast in front of him.
Bagan quickly shot his Plasma Breath at the Ghidorah, hitting the neck of the left head, causing it to roar in pain. The Super Monster had enough of this, he would kill this Ghidorah now.
All of a sudden, Keizer Ghidorah bent his legs and flapped his wings before jumping into the air, the monster in front of him widened his eyes as he watched the dragon fly into him, Bagan braced himself, but he couldn’t withstand getting pushed down by the Ghidorah’s front legs. He fell on his back with an earth shaking thud, the Super Monster growled as he turned to his side.
Bagan was about to get up when Keizer Ghidorah flew back and shot his Gravity Beams at the demonic again. Bagan roared in pain as the beams once again hit him, but after a moment the beams moved around him before lifting him in the air. The Super Monster roared in confusion before the beams moved him forward, toward the Ghidorah.
Keizer Ghidorah’s Gravity Beams went back to his mouths, taking his adversary with them. The golden beast bit down on Bagan, the left head taking his throat, the central head biting his stomach, and the right head sinking its teeth into his leg. All three heads’ teeth glowed a golden color, blue light traveled throughout his body. Bagan roared in pain as the golden dragon absorbed his energy.
The Super Monster tried slashing the Ghidorah’s neck and kicking his side, but it was no use. Golden energy went throughout his body, hurting Bagan and draining him of his life force, the grey dragon tried to shoot his Plasma Breath at the golden dragon, but the fire dwindled as it went up his throat. Bagan could barely keep his eyes open, his arms went limp as he stopped struggling.
The mighty Bagan finally met his match.
Bagan finally closed his eyes as his skin shriveled up like mud on a hot day. The Super Monster stopped breathing as the last of his energy was consumed by Keizer Ghidorah. The golden dragon let go of the lifeless husk. All three of his heads looked up at the sky and roared in victory. He then looked back down at Bagan’s lifeless body and shot his Gravity Beams at it, destroying the remains of the once powerful beast.
X jumped up and down as he looked at the screen, seeing his monster destroy the remains of Bagan. The crew behind him clapped, for after a long, tenuous battle, they finally achieved victory.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Hahahaha! Yes!” X celebrated before he turned to his crew.
“Now sir?” one crew member asked.
“Now we speak to the people of Earth. Bring Monster- Keizer Ghidorah to the ship!” X ordered before turning back to the screen. “It’s about time we get on the winning side of things.”
A very special thanks to dopepope for some of the assets used in this banner for the K.W.C. Be sure to follow him on DeviantART, ArtStation, and Instagram.