For fans of Toho’s Jujutsu Kaisen anime, online retailer sent over a few items for a look. A note about the photography – I thought I’d try something new, which is to take shots of the items and have them be the focal point without a distracting background.
Satoru Gojo Black Tee & Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event Black Tee
First up are a couple of shirts, the Satoru Gojo Black Tee and the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event Black Tee respectively. The shirts are made of a thicker cotton material and not that cheesy thin material that sticks to your body if you’ve got even the slightest bit of weight on you. The designs and pretty cool and there’s not blemishes or fading on the shirts.
Tokyo Jujutsu High Varsity Jacket
Next up is something that I haven’t seen much of out in the world and that’s the Tokyo Jujutsu High Varsity Jacket (or any anime themed varsity jacket for that matter) and it’s pretty cool. The embroidery is excellent and the white/black patches down the arm looks great against the black sleeves. The jacket itself is very warm and has a pretty good weight to it. The jacket is a real standout with the mix of purple body and black sleeves. At $140, it’s a little on the higher side but considering what it is, it’s worth spoiling yourself a little.