Looking for the latest Godzilla 2014 trailer? How about all the Godzilla 2014 trailers and TV spots? This blog compiles the video adverts for the Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros. Godzilla (2014) film that is out in the US on May 16, 2014. It includes both the theatrical trailers along with the TV spots. It is ordered chronologically, from latest to earliest. Trailers are presented in their full 1080p resolution, offering the highest level of quality available online.

Title: “Asia” Trailer (with Mandarin subtitles)
Released: April 28, 2014


Title: Nature Has An Order TV Spot
Released: April 18, 2014 


Title: Extended Look TV Spot
Released: April 5, 2014 


Title: Whatever It Takes TV Spot
Released: April 3, 2014 


Title: I Can’t Believe This is Happening TV Spot
Released: April 2, 2014 


Title: It Can’t Be Stopped TV Spot
Released: April 1, 2014 


Title: Official Main Trailer
Released: February 25, 2014 


Title: Official Teaser Trailer
Released: December 10, 2013 


Title: Official Teaser Trailer (with Introduction Title Card)
Released: December 10, 2013 

Note: A different version of the launch trailer. Preceding the trailer is a title card with the production date info along with audio information. This version is also MUCH higher in visual quality than the previous version. Also to note is that because the source file is a 2 audio channel video, Vimeo’s limitations allow the playing of only one audio track. The speech at the start of the trailer and other sound effects will be missing thus creating somewhat of an “alternate version” of the launch trailer.


We will work to add more trailers in high definition as they become available. Looking for something more on Godzilla (2014)? Check out our news rundown, October 2012 up to the film’s release in May 2014. It covers the film from pre-production, casting, script changes and finally to promotion.

Directed by Gareth Edwards, the movie is the second American produced Godzilla movie and also the first since last decade’s Godzilla: Final Wars (2004).