The central warship of the Messiah 13 aliens, who hail from the third planet of the Yomi system, the Daimakan was a mobile war fleet. Equipped with immense armament and housing 75 Hell Fighters inside, the ship traveled the immense 22,000 light year distance between the alien home world and the Milky Way galaxy. The extraterrestrial beings set up Venus as their temporary base, as they planned to conquer Earth.
For the alien's first attack, the Daimakan, positioned in the blackness of space, launched a legion of Hell Fighters toward the Earth. The first signs of the attack were gradual, with electric wave interference and a "comet scare". By Autumn of 1988, the disturbance was hard to ignore as America and other locations stopped space shuttle travel due to the electro-interference. These finally gave away to scattered sightings of UFOs, with most reports originating from the United States, and data to indicate some of the comets had "touched down" on Earth.
The first overt act of war from the aliens came from the Daimakan itself, breaking the cloak and dagger campaign. With the Space Station Terra orbiting Earth, the Messiah 13 warship attacked it. While in communication with the Japanese branch of the UN Space Federation, the Daimakan destroyed the orbiting space station, but not before the crew was able to notify Earth that a huge "Roman ship" was approaching.
Following the destruction of Space Station Terra, the Daimakan stationed itself on Venus and acted as a central base to the assault. As the aliens learned of the Goten, getting access to it became their number one priority. Ultimately, the invaders failed and the Hell Fighters on Earth were destroyed by the Goten.
With the local alien forces defeated, the Goten set course for Venus. Along the way, the craft came into contact with a destroyed piece of the Space Station Terra. Despite signs of something being wrong, as the wreckage was far away from Earth where the Daimakan had attacked it, the crew explored the debris and brought aboard the body of one of the fallen station members. Unfortunately for the crew of the Goten, the incident was orchestrated by the Messiah 13 aliens and the fallen station member was one of their soldiers in disguise. Kidnapping Jun Takigawa, daughter of Goten captain Masato Takigawa, the aliens brought her aboard the Daimakan back on Venus. Sending an electro-wave signal, the Hell Commander, leader of the Messiah 13 aliens, taunted the Goten crew and warned that further action would leave the drill tipped ship "drenched in blood."
Ignoring the threat, the Goten touched down on Venus about six kilometers away from the alien's warship. Wanting to gather reconnaissance first, they sent out the Land Rover to investigate the Daimakan. Stationed below a cliff, the Daimakan was shielded using its barrier generator as the Land Rover approached. The Messiah 13 warship, however, sensed the small craft even despite it hiding in a ravine. Hoping to strike quickly, the barrier was briefly removed so it could unleash a volley of shots from 18 of its Vice Cannons. The Land Rover narrowly escaped.
Surveying the Messiah 13 warship, and planning to enter through the air duct-like "mouth", the Goten crew started their attack. Unleashing a wave of Space Fighters, the ships attempted to destroy the cliff above the Daimakan while direct attacks were deflected by the barrier. Retaliating, the aliens unleashed a wave of Hell Fighters as the barrier was briefly removed on the Daimakan before being generated again. While the attack ships exchanged fire, one of the Space Fighters was destroyed and crashed into the cliff, causing it to collapse on top of the Daimakan.
While the alien warship was not damaged by the collapse, the barrier had been removed by the incident. Seeing an opening, a small attack team from the Goten entered the Daimakan through the "mouth-like" area of the craft. Once aboard the alien craft, the team discovered a variety of security features. This included electromagnetic barriers contained in cages, capable of destroying a knife that the barrier was tested against. The aliens themselves patrolled the craft extensively as well, both out in the open and also through gun holes found in wall statues in the shape of the Hell Commander. Suffering early casualties, the remaining two members of the attack team stormed what appeared to be the central power area of the ship. However, the Messiah 13 aliens quickly ascend on them, killing one and throwing the other, along with Jun, in a jail cell.
Sending an elctro-wave communication to the Goten, the Hell Commander informs captain Takigawa of the events, asking for his surrender. The captain refuses. Before the Messiah 13 aliens can retaliate, though, Jun exploits the hexagon computer controls of the Daimakan to escape. Together with the other captive, the pair drive back toward the Goten via a parked Land Rover outside.
Ready to strike back, the Daimakan extends its multi-dimensional stabilizer and takes flight. Its first action is to shoot down the last of the Space Fighters, prompting the Goten to take flight as well. The two giant warships exchange firepower, doing strafing runs against one another. The crafts seem evenly matched, with their weapons damaging but not stopping each other. A turning point is arrived, though, through a combination of the Goten's Revolver Beam followed by the use of its drill, which first knocks out 18 Vice Cannons and then the multi-dimensional stabilizer panels on the Daimakan. Sensing an opening, the Goten unleashes an all-out assault with its weapons, greatly damaging the Messiah 13 warship in the process. Responding in turn, the Daimakan unveils its Gravity Gun and quickly begins blasting the Goten. The powerful weapon tears into the ship, sending it crashing to Venus' surface below and turning the tides of the conflict. As a last resort, the Goten fires off its drill which contains inside it a powerful Ether Bomb. After unsuccessfully trying to fend it off with the Gravity Gun, the drill punctures a hole in the Daimakan and detonates. The blast sets off a series of explosions inside the Daimakan until the Ether Bomb takes full effect and destroys not only the warship but all of Venus along with it. |