City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

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City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Rodan »

Crossover post from the spoilers thread, but now that this is out, I figured we should get one up for reviews. Tag spoilers for the meantime.

Saw the movie this morning. Full plot summary below. Full disclosure: My Japanese is upper-intermediate. I'd say I got about 90 percent of the movie, though I definitely couldn't always follow along word-for-word and will note any potential gaps where they're relevant. I'm fairly confident in anything posted below, but please don't take this as the word of god if there are mistakes here and there. I only offer this as it seems no one has offered one in the meantime, and I'm not sure how many English-speaking kaiju fans are currently in Japan with the language ability to do a write-up.

Overall reactions: I really enjoyed this! Much like the last one, it's not a movie I'd recommend to those who aren't interested in the genre, so it's not transcendent. But as an entry within the genre, it nails just about everything I'd like it to. Elements from the series' more colorful sci-fi history are cleverly remixed, the interconnecting and often conflicting motivations of the cast members are engaging, there's enough real-world weight to back up the spectacle (even if it doesn't embody the hyper-contemporary, urgent politics of the series' best), and I felt genuine tension during its climax. My heart was racing. It's about all you can ask for, and my impression coming off of both entries so far is that this is the kind of project many of the Millenium films and, say, IDW comics, so badly wanted to be: a distinct and interesting new story spun out of old elements and set in a self-contained world.

Onto the summary. Spoilers abound:
Haruo wakes following the events of the last film in a small hut at the bottom of a cliff. He's covered in a mysterious powder. He isn't sure where he is, but recognizes signs of humans in the room—jars and pots. He's also surprised to find himself able to breathe without his suit. Figuring he isn't in heaven or hell, he decides to step outside, where he briefly encounters a humanoid girl, who backs away in fright, quickly bolting up a cliff-side ladder. Haruo, now suited up, decides to follow.

Haruo tracks the girl through the forest while failing to establish contact with either Central Command or any of his teammates, and he wonders if they're okay. Central Command, meanwhile, has received footage of the larger Godzilla and, noting its identical form (genetics?) despite the size difference, conclude it's the original Godzilla after 20,000 years' growth. Worse yet, after analyzing its previous attack, they conclude its beam is capable of reaching and destroying their ship, should they be noticed, although the possibility is low.

Haruo nearly steps into a monster-filled lake but is warned telepathically by the girl he's been following. He thanks her and introduces himself, and she's able to mimic his name. Hearing noise, she soon runs away.

A group of other survivors, including Yuuko, who managed to make brief contact with Haruo, are being engaged by anther humanoid. This second girl, identical to the first, dodges their fire with superhuman reflexes and tossing spears at the group. Haruo arrives, along with the other girl (the group initially thinks it's the same person who attacked them, though viewers will pick up on the fact that there are two—the Mothra twins of this universe), and after a brief standoff, the group, ammo depleted, is surrounded by other humans and surrender.

The new group of humans lead the main characters into a series of caves that house their civilization—their culture is quite advanced, showing signs of a written language and social structure. The group is lead into a holding cell, where they meet up with another set of survivors. Hashing over what they're going to do next, they wonder if they're going to be killed. They note that their cell has rows of skulls lining its walls (whether the dead of the civilization or their victims is uncertain). Haruo states that he was saved by one of the girls, and if they were going to kill them, surely they wouldn't have gone through the trouble of bringing the group this far. Yuuko says she hopes that's true. Meanwhile, an argument breaks out over whether they intend to engage Godzilla again, with Haruo steadfast in his belief that they can win with the knowledge they gained from defeating the first. During these scenes, they also discuss the origins of this new group of humans, supposing them to have evolved from the remnants of humanity millennia ago. There may be a bit of nuance to this discussion I missed.

The group is eventually brought into a ceremonial room where the girls reveal themselves to be twins. Channeling everyone's thoughts together telepathically, they demand to know why the main characters have been attacking the planet. Haruo again makes the case that they can kill Godzilla. The girls and the elders of their civilization aren't sure. During this scene, reference is also made to their god, whose current life-cycle has left them with only an egg.

The group is left free to go, though only after further arguments about whether they should attempt to kill Godzilla again or remain in this culture. Points are brought up about how the monsters seemed to have wiped the natural slate clean. In this area, flowers resembling what the main characters know are again beginning to grow, and the atmosphere is breathable.

The twins ask to go with the group, and are allowed to. After the group notes that it's inconvenient for the girls not to have names, they offer up Miana and Maina. Haruo singles out Miana (I think) as the one who saved them. Belu-be (Galu-gu?) wonders how Haruo can tell them apart, and Haruo offers that he just gets a certain feeling from them. Belu-be (?) is flummoxed over the way humans think with their emotions.

The group is attacked by creatures after Yuuko wanders toward the lake Haruo almost stepped into earlier. During combat, one of the twins fires arrows that instantly kill the creatures, catching Belu-be and Galu-gu's interest. The twins call the arrows "poison." Somewhere around this time, the group meets up with Metphies and further survivors.

After the attack, Belu-be and Galu-gu are filled with renewed confidence. As the others recover, they go off in search of something. They get the Earth humans to reveal that the source of their weapons is a chunk of nanometal—remnants of the uncompleted Bilusaludo superweapon, Mechagodzilla. If they can trace the metal back to its source, they can defeat Godzilla.

A ship arrives, sent by Central Command, to pick up the survivors around this time and retreat from the Earth. Three of the most disillusioned return, but Haruo, bolstered by Belu-be and Galu-gu's discovery, convinces most to stay.

The group eventually heads to the original Mechagodzilla research site. Monsters attack them once again, but are killed instantly and coated with nanometal by the area's defenses. The group is shocked by what they find—a sprawling city. The nanometal has copied and rebuilt the original factory, and (I believe) is continuing to spread. The twins once again comment that the city is "poison," and depart with other members of their tribe. The group cautiously head into the city, and Galu-gu assures them that it's safe to remove their helmets. The nanometal will only infect the beasts, acting out its original orders to target Godzilla's DNA.

Still feeling uneasy, the rest of the group follow the newly confident Belu-be and Galu-gu into the catacombs of the city, discovering a nanometalized body along the way. The group is horrified, but are assured once again by the Bilusaludo-ians that this won't happen to the living. In the center of the facility, they find the remnants of the Mechagodzilla project and, activating them, the nanometal assembles new control terminals in the room and restores the city's power. From here on out, the group makes Mechagodzilla City its base of operations (named for the nanometal that assembled it having come from the original Mechagodzilla).

The team spends the next few days devising a plan to lure Godzilla to a trap point, coat him with nanometal near the perimeter of the city, and plunge two harpoons into his dorsal fins to overload his energy, similar to the previous Godzilla. The nanometal will assemble the harpoons, along with three new aerial mechs called Vultures, based on scans of the team's walking mechs.

During the down time, Haruo begins to have doubts about their mission, after conversing with others about the possibility that Godzilla and the other monsters were part of a natural cycle, and that it may be humanity's fault for both strengthening them and bringing them in. The threat of the nanometal, perhaps the survivors' best shot at restoring previous human technology, as a spreading disease also weighs heavy. The group is unsure of the plan, and many members feel uneasy about trusting in, and living around, the nanometal.

During this time a few interesting conversations take place: Yuuko, chosen as one of the Vulture pilots, is struck by the beauty of the city. Walking with Haruo at night, and noting his unease, she asks if walking through cities like this is the kind of thing humans used to do. Haruo says yes, though he doesn't remember well. Yuuko reveals that taking back the Earth isn't all that important to her. She simply wishes to follow Haruo. Living aboard the ship, the previous Earth society was mostly just stories she was told by her grandfather. But seeing Haruo's passion and drive—lacking within most in the remaining society—she resolved to follow and help him. She pulls him in for a kiss.

Meanwhile, Metphies questions the Bilusaludo's intentions again—surely they would have conquered Earth had they succeeded against Godzilla back then. It doesn't matter now, since they have to defeat Godzilla together. Metphies hands Galu-gu a circular emblem, and asks if the nanometal can repair it.

In space, the Exif leader holds a prayer in which he references waiting for the day their god descends into the world.

In a cave, Metphies has the nanometal at work on "fixing" his emblem, though he doesn't divulge what exactly it is. He has a private conversation with Haruo, who is still racked with doubt. Metphies tells Haruo that the Bilusaludo and their nanometal may not be so different from the kaiju, both seeking to reshape the Earth. Haruo asks Metphies to confirm that his civilization was destroyed by kaiju as well, and Metphies says it was; all they have left are their words. He offers to share one of their sacred words with Haruo. He whispers something in his ear, but we don't hear what it is.

Godzilla awakens and begins his trek toward the city, having sensed its activation. The group is horrified when they see a Bilusaludo-ian absorbed by the nanometal in the city, and think the technology is running wild. Galu-gu and Belu-be assure them that it's not running wild. That Bilusaludo-ian had willingly shed his flesh to become part of the city's intelligence. They view this as an ideal outcome. The group is horrified. The Bilusaludo-ians reveal that they dream of recreating a world that runs on logic, without feeling; bodies are hindersome. Now with more reason to fear the spread of the nanometal, the group seems at odds, but are at least temporarily united after a Yuuko speaks on behalf of the Bilusaludo-ians. Regardless of any differences, they all need to work together to rid the Earth of Godzilla.

Godzilla approaches the city and Haruo, Yuuko and Belu-be pilot Vultures to lure him in. The harpoons are still being completed, requiring about 30 more minutes. They manage to lure Godzilla into a trap and coat him with nanometal. During the battle, the twins, communicating with the pilots telepathically, manage to help them dodge Godzilla's beam a few times.

The group manage to successfully lure Godzilla into position to be pierced by the newly-completed harpoons. His energy begins to flow back into him, creating an intense and growing heat.

However, unlike the previous Godzilla, rather than exploding, the heat continues to build. Conditions in the city and in the mechs become unbearable. With one more strike, Belu-be and Galu-gu figure they can kill Godzilla. The nanometal goes haywire in the heat (I believe; not sure on this point whether this was an intentional move on the part of the Bilusaludo-ians or not; Galu-gu allows himself to be coated in nanometal and connected to the intelligence of the base intentionally at this point at the very least). Most survivors scramble out of the city. Inside the mechs, the nanometal begins coating Belu-be, Yuuko and Haruo, much to the latter two's horror. Belu-be tells them it’ll only hurt at first.

Something I'm unclear on happens around this point; Haruo isn't fully affected by the nanometal and is able to brush it off. He briefly converses with Metphies about this telepathically; I'm unsure if his exposure to Metphies' artifact had something to do with it, or if another reason is teased. Someone else may be able to offer more insight on this after they see it.

At any rate, Yuuko is dying, and Haruo manages to catch her mech with his. Belu-be is suggesting a potentially suicidal attack on Godzilla while they have the chance. Metphies communicates to Haruo that if kills Godzilla now, the nanometal will spread unchecked. If he destroys its epicenter, the Mechagodzilla chamber to which Galu-gu has merged, he can stop it, but lose his chance to defeat Godzilla.

Belu-be and Galu-gu plead with Haruo to help them defeat Godzilla now, but Haruo ultimately opens fire on the Mechagodzilla chamber, killing Galu-gu and allowing Godzilla to move again. Belu-be dies, his consciousness having become connected to the nanometal, and Godzilla smashes his mech into a building. Godzilla then demolishes the rest of Mechagodzilla City with his breath.

Haruo manages to crash-land his and Yuuko's mechs on a cliffside. He pulls Yuuko out of her cockpit, but it's too late. The heat and the nanometal have killed her.


After the credits, we're treated to a flashback scene to Metphies and Haruo in the cave. Metphies states that the Exif have a word for a destructive force which even Godzilla doesn't compare to. We finally get to hear the word he whispered to Haruo earlier: "Ghidorah."

The pattern on Metphies' emblem forms the logo for the next film, from which three golden rows of scales emerge. The next film is called 星を喰う者: Planet Eater.
Again, I really enjoyed it! The action is tense, I like the way Mechagodzilla is re-positioned as a threat in this film (though it features only in name, really, providing the origin of the city and new mechs), the way the humans, the technological and the religious aliens play off, betray and cooperate with one another, and I think the Bilusaludo-ians provide a really clever, relevant reimagining of the Black Hole aliens of the original series.
Yuuko's death is quite telegraphed to provoke more guilt in Haruo with his Ahab complex, after her revealing she has no particular interest in Earth, but it works well enough. The characters feel fleshed out. And that Ahab dressing (a harpoon, even!) is both present enough and light enough to provide a fun extra layer. Like the previous film, this all pulls from sci-fi and genre conventions, but it's executed an interesting and tense way here. Looking forward to the next one. These aren't amazing, genre-transcending movies, but they're certainly enjoyable and interesting entries. I expect Mothra in the next film, given continuous references to its egg, and that Metphies will summon Ghidorah using his newly restored emblem/talisman, given earlier references to awaiting a god descending from the heavens (降臨).
Edit -- Including for completeness: Here's another English summary/review that fills in a few gaps in my understanding.
Apparently the nanometal coating Haruo, Yuuko and Belu-be is intentional on Galu-gu's part, attempting to have them be able to survive the heat in order to land the killing blow on Godzilla. The reason for Haruo's immunity is not explained.

This poster also comments that Metphies comes right out and says Ghidorah is their god. I was specifically listening for that and came away thinking he was more oblique about it, but it's completely possible I didn't catch it. Either way, it's no stretch given all the ways the movie goes out of its way to imply it. Double-checking.
Last edited by Rodan on Mon May 21, 2018 1:32 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Monster X »

Thats a vey good review and plot synopsis. 10/10

I'm looking forward to this film even more now.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by GojiDog »

Thanks for the review!

Based on the non-spoiler description, they are doing what I wanted and building off of what was established in the first film to deliver something more dynamic. That is great to hear. Can't wait to see it!
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by MechaMinya »

I saw it on opening night at the Humax Cinema in Ikebukuro.

I liked this film much more than the previous entry. Even without English subtitles, the film was fairly easy to follow. Having seen part one with subtitles bolstered easy comprehension of part two.

Act one was terrific. Atmospheric and exciting. Act two was a little talky. Act Three was beautiful.

There are some allusions to Mothra and King Ghidorah that are very nice touches. The portrayal of MechaGodzilla was diminutive if you get my drift.
I also visited the Roppongi Toho Cinema a couple of days later to check out their theatre merchandise. There were a few nice items for sale. I bought a nice tiny figure and an aluminum coffee cup.

Overall, I am much more enthused about this series now!
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Rodan »

MechaMinya wrote:I saw it on opening night at the Humax Cinema in Ikebukuro.

I liked this film much more than the previous entry. Even without English subtitles, the film was fairly easy to follow. Having seen part one with subtitles bolstered easy comprehension of part two.

Act one was terrific. Atmospheric and exciting. Act two was a little talky. Act Three was beautiful.

I also visited the Roppongi Toho Cinema a couple of days later to check out their theatre merchandise. There were a few nice items for sale. I bought a nice tiny figure and an aluminum coffee cup.

Overall, I am much more enthused about this series now!
Dang man, we were probably in the same area just one day apart.

We probably got the same tiny figure too. I passed on, but was tempted by, the mug.

If you know Japanese and want to fill in any more details missing (or potentially misunderstood) in my post, feel free too!
Last edited by Rodan on Wed May 23, 2018 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Tyrant_Lizard_King »

Monstrosities spoiler review.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Rodan »

Tyrant_Lizard_King wrote:Monstrosities spoiler review.
-No reference to Mothra: There's extensive reference to an egg

-Size never factors in (with Godzilla): I mean ... yes and no? I'm not really sure what you want. This one is noted to pose a threat even to the mothership in space, and his increased mass plays heavily into how things do (or rather don't) go in the end. The fact that he's basically a wide-spread natural disaster as he heats up is neat. Nothing they couldn't have done with a "normal"-sized Godzilla? Maybe; but a distinction is drawn between this Godzilla and the smaller one in this films. (I also don't really feel this matters.)

-A bit of a misreading on the conflict at the end there, as it isn't just about saving Yuuko or not, but the threat posed by the nanometal, which is a thematic wrinkle through the film (technology vs. nature, the ability to reshape the Earth, etc.)

Otherwise, good review!
Last edited by Rodan on Fri May 25, 2018 2:29 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by LSD Jellyfish »

Movie was fantastic yet somehow underwhelming. As a Kaiju fan and CHILD, I was dissapointed there was no BIG SMASH, of Godzilla punching MG. However, as an adult I love the film’s climax, and the slow burn ending to the film.

IGNS review is horrible, btw.
Last edited by LSD Jellyfish on Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by BlankAccount »

I actually ended up liking this movie. Still think the first one was boring.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by KillCrites »

I thought the first movie was okay but I honestly ADORE City on the Edge of Battle. I love that they actually developed and fleshed out some of the previously one dimensional characters from the first movie. The world building is my favorite part of the movie though, I loved learning about different alien cultures and how the nanometal works and how the ecosystem adapted to Godzilla. It's all great stuff and really interesting to me.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Jomei »

I ended up liking this one even more than expected.
LSD Jellyfish wrote:Movie was fantastic yet somehow underwhelming. As a Kaiju fan and CHILD, I was dissapointed there was no BIG SMASH, of Godzilla punching MG. However, as an adult I love the film’s climax, and the slow burn ending to the film.

IGNS review is horrible, btw.
Exactly. Check reactions for references to monster screen time and Mechagodzilla not being a traditional punch and smash kaiju for this film. Those are signs that people are reacting as children and not giving the movie a fair shake for what it is instead of what they expected. I mean, it is possible to think, Ah, too bad we didn't see a traditional mech in action... but also get into the intense hard sci-fi we did get. Adjust your mindset if you're frustrated.

Anyway, the reason this film works so much better is that the human tensions are finally coming into play. What was only hinted at in part one, thus resulting in a fairly dry, mechanical, expository sort of film, was given full realization in City on the Edge of Battle. This series is really about various civilizations, having advanced to dangerous points and created monsters, at their potential ends. They band together, at least for a while, until their competing interests and strongly differing worldviews inevitably cause strife. AniGodzi 2, with the reintroduction of nanometal technology into the situation, turns the heat on the grill, and we get to see how the groups react.

Something like an 8/10 for me after a first viewing. Excited for the finale!
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by vibramrunner »

As someone who, like a lot of commenters here, was pretty disappointed with the first entry, I was very pleasantly surprised with this one. Instead of awkwardly trying (and failing) to built compelling character motivations and backgrounds through unnecessary and hackneyed exposition, this movie pretty much flows with the story. (One of the most unintentionally funny parts of this movie was Haruo phonetically spelling his name to the Mothra twin.. It's like he was doing it for us too, because he was so non-descript in the first movie that I had forgotten his name!) It's not that Haruo is suddenly the most interesting protagonist in the world (or his love interest for that matter), but they don't try to make him something that's his not, and his actions and motivations make sense and I found myself getting invested in the story.

I thought the whole "monster worlds" concept was pretty neat concept, as was the nanometal concept. The two alien races had a interesting dynamic this time around, which is also a welcome change. Enjoyed how the line is blurred between monster and human and right and wrong. Overall, very different, but enjoyed it! A good hold-over until KotM comes out.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by SoggyNoodles2016 »

Just finished watching this. To say this is an upgrade from Planet of the Monsters is like saying water is wet. This film was fantastic. Characters were interesting, especially the Houta. I'm generally amazed they made Haruo likeable and change his mind in a believable way. Metiphes is still the best character, I'm conflicted on whether he is a villain
because he seems pretty anti-Ghidorah
. Mechagodzilla was a fantastic antagonist.
I wish it made an actual appearance
but just like all the other incarnations, it was still a worthy enemy and foil to Godzilla. Speaking of the big guy, he barely showed up but he still made an impact,
especially with that new form. (Since he's Godzilla Earth and he's burning, would that make him Godzilla Magma?
I also love the themes present, like that final speech about Haruo trying to be more then human? All in all, great stuff. My only complaint is the needless romance. Miana had no reason for any hints of a crush and Yuko was only built up briefly
to give Haruo a new reason to angst
. Besides, dude has way better chemistry with Metiphes. All in all, fantastic stuff. 9/10.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by kaijukurt »

Before watching the film, I was really bummed out to hear about the lack of monster-vs-monster action. That plus the IGN review made me fear for the worse.

However, I really really enjoyed this!

I found the first one okay but this was definitely great for me.

In my eyes, the animation was much more smoother and polished compared to the first film! Character movements arent distracting anymore and the new environments are rendered well.

Actually interesting character dynamics & drama (especially for a kaiju film!) and a very thougtful re-imagining of the Godzilla universe's various humanoid races make for some good stuff even when Godzilla isnt around.

Godzilla has brief screen time but hes peppered throughout the film & takes center stage during the climax. Add to the fact that hes a constant topic of the film's dialogue, and his presence is felt throughout the movie.

Dont expect a monster mash, and go in expecting what we all expected these movies to be: a sci-fi reimagining of the Godzilla universe.

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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Cookson »

Good second part. If your expectations are in check about Mechagodzilla then you can enjoy this take on the character. The nanometal is a great concept. Still a lot of build up in this film like the first film but with great action sprinkled throughout and a great climax. The CGI is still a little jarring but still acceptable. I'm very curious with how they plan to end this trilogy. It's a 7/10 for me.

Overall this trilogy has been a fun holdover till the big films come out(GKOTM and GvsKong).
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by Relair »

The fact that the poster features an intact MechaGodzilla looming menacingly over Godzilla, and all the hype and advertising is very MG centric, the film felt like a huge let down. Had I not gone into it eagerly anticipating a G vs MG battle I would have liked it alot more, because it was a really solid movie otherwise. Definitely built upon the first and I like where they're headed. The Mothra twins were really fun, and the foreshadowing for Mothra and King Ghidorah has me excited for the finale. But no real MG was so anticlimactic, it was hard not to be disappointed.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by darkcancer »

^ I'm in the same boat and what sounds like the minority. I think I preferred the first movie more as there was no real expectation of monster vs monster fights, with a little back story about the other monsters, world building, and the alien arrivals. I really was hoping the nano-mental would form a new MechaGodzilla out of the city for Godzilla to fight at the end. Otherwise, it's almost a typical gray-goo story with the implication that it would take over the whole planet after they killed Godzilla.

On the positive side, I did like the explanations about the ecosystem and learning about different characters motivations and backgrounds. Also, Godzilla's attack on a city that could fight back was kind of a table-turning of the usual city destruction scenes.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by GodzillavsZilla »

MechaMinya wrote: SPOLIER ALERT!
Remember to put spoilers in the spoiler tag, it'll be easier than warning people about it and spacing it out.

Anyway, continue with your reviews people! :D
Last edited by GodzillavsZilla on Sat Jul 21, 2018 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
BrashAlaskan95 wrote:
UltramanGoji wrote:I hope you plan on mounting this thing. :lol:
On my wall. ;)
I'll call it "Bob: The One Who Was skreeonk From The Start". :lol:
skreeonk scary shit though if it is just scratches.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by JAGzilla »

A major improvement over its predecessor. I was much more invested in the characters this time, and the world building in this series is actually pretty cool. The new Mechagodzilla incarnation was bold and appropriate for the setting, and I approve. I was a bit disappointed that Mothra didn't make an actual appearance, but I'm glad they aren't rushing the story, so no real problem. Her worshippers are an interesting reimagining, in any case. Godzilla himself is still the dullest incarnation of the character yet.
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Re: City on the Edge of Battle - Reviews

Post by tbeasley »

I enjoyed it for the most part but I have to admit I was underwhelmed by the finale, which I felt was too much of a repeat of the first film's ending - trying to overload Godzilla and make him explode. The Vulture mechs were cool (I really dig the worldbuilding and technology on display here - they seem to be covering all their anime bases) but the lack of an actual Mechagodzilla was kind of a bummer - I wonder if Mothra and Ghidorah will even show up in Part 3, which I feel has to deliver some kind of monster mash for the overall trilogy to be worthwhile.

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