Battle of the Multiverse

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Xilien Halfling
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

Dante rose forth in a flash of gold, now suited in his armor. The outside of his chest was still smoking, but he otherwise brushed it off, cracked his neck, and faced the corrupted Heart.

“Weak!” He confidently declared.

Meanwhile, as the conglomerate of sharpened blades swiftly lashed out at Evron, the ninja was swifter still. He dodged and weaved around several, and then in one smooth motion, summoned his own sword to begin parrying and blocking any and every one that came his way. Even within the claustrophobic confines of his makeshift cage, Evron had no issue fighting the metallic blades; in fact, one could clearly see from his face that he was having fun. It felt like a rigorous training regimen, one that he would no doubt implement a version of into his own routine when he had some free time to tinker. For now, as a wide grin spread across his mouth, Evron was thoroughly enjoying himself.

“Heh, I almost wish my headphones weren’t broken right now!” He stated whilst twisting around one blade, then ducking under another. Soon, with a flash of his eyes, Evron summoned a clone of his on the outside of the cage, one that immediately got to work in rescuing his own self. The carbon copy conjured a Neutron Saber and used its energies to cleave straight through the vile mass of the prison. Now free, Evron teleported closer to where Dante stood, and began to laugh. Harder and harder did he cackle, nearly to the point of tears. But, the reason for such wasn’t because of the fun he just had, but instead due to the revelation from the Heart.

“Mother?! YOU?! You’re... You’re Persephone’s Mom?! Holy shit, that’s rich!” He howled with more laughter. Without warning, 20 or so clones of Evron popped into existence, all surrounding the Corrupted Heart on every side... All of which laughed incessantly at her admittance to being the tyrant Queen’s Mother.

“I honestly almost feel bad for her now! Like, our Mom may have disappeared on us and everything, but at LEAST she wasn’t this batshit crazy, bloodthirsty, bottom of the barrel shithead!”

Evron sighed and wiped the tears from his eyes. He tried to collect himself, but found so increasingly difficult whenever his mind went back to that. “I know for a fact she hates you, and you DO work for her; why else would you even be here? You kiss your own daughter’s ass, and she probably walks all over you, doesn’t she? HA, I knew it! You may talk a big game, and you might just be the ‘all powerful’ Heart of the Multiverse now... But in reality...”

The arrogant ninja and his clones all stated in unison, “YOU’RE JUST A DOORMAT!”

With that, both he and his doppelgängers extended their dominant hands forth, aiming them towards the tall woman, and red electrical Ki started to surge and twist down their arms in large trails, leading to the tips of their fingers, before conglomerating in their palms. Evron summoned his armor onto himself, used his other hand to clutch the one building with energy so to mitigate the recoil, and looked over to where Dante was. “You ready to go, Em?” He asked.

Dante nodded, “Ready and waiting, Rube!” He replied, having been charging his own Ki this entire time. The Ninja Prime set his sights upon the Heart, and aimed his hand right at her.

Then, without warning, two clones of Evron’s ceased their charges and teleported to either of the Heart’s long arms. They grabbed ahold of them to try and restrain her, while an additional ninja appeared behind and wrapped her head in a solid headlock.

“Don’t worry, babe!” One of them said.

“We promise we won’t let go!” Stated another.

Dante smiled, “Stay where you are.” He calmly taunted. And then, with a flash of his green eyes, the golden Ki bellowed from his palm, soon forming into a massive column of energy. A second later, Evron and his clones unleashed their own Ki in a violent eruption that shrouded the entire realm in red. A giant Ki Wave, and over 20 Ki Surges screamed towards their regal target, threatening to shred her down to her most basic anatomy, before destroying that also.


Hayden opened his eyes after having braced for the inevitable impact, the one that never came. Instead, he found himself, his teammates, and Piccolo all safe and sound.

“I’m- I’m alive?” He asked aloud, patting himself down just to make sure. He brought his hands up to his face, rubbed along it carefully, and sighed in relief. “I’m aliiiive!” He hollered.

Alexei turned to Nichelle to give her a grateful nod. “Thanks for the save, Nichelle, we owe you one big time.”

“Definitely, we’re in your debt.” Vale confirmed. Then, she soon lined her vision up with where Dea loomed, and a smirk nestled in the pocket of her mouth. “Looks like you’re outnumbered 5-1, Dea, and there are only going to be more allies coming to investigate as we speak. Nichelle’s right, tell us why you’re really here.”

While she spoke, Alexei turned and motioned to Hayden for the two of them to flank Dea once more. The latter was quick to acknowledge, and, they swiftly got into position on either side of the demigod, weapons pointed and at the ready. Alexei’s left arm flared to life as his tattoos glowed intensely with flame, and soon transitioned into his staff to imbue it with power. Hayden clutched the length of his spear tight, ready to launch it into the woman’s skull should she try anything funny.

Piccolo glared silently at Dea, yet there was an air of curiosity in his leer. She wielded immense power, but it she clearly lacked the proper training nor discipline to use it in other ways outside of brute force. She also wasn’t inherently evil, at least, Piccolo didn’t get that vibe from her. Why she was fighting for the wrong side, he hadn’t a clue, but right now, this Dea was an intruder on this beautiful land, and she needed to leave while she still had the chance.

“You’d better start explaining quickly, as the ninjas have already been told about your intrusion here.” The Namekian warned.

Vale glanced at him quick from the corner of her eye, before returning it to Dea. Smart move of him to try and bluff the woman, but Vale had a feeling that Dea wasn’t a fool, least not in certain areas. Hopefully, Piccolo had a convincing poker face.

Piccolo crossed his arms, “By my estimate, you probably have less than a minute before one of them gets here, and even less when the other three arrive. Not only that, but like the girl said, there are allies all over this realm, ones that probably aren’t happy about your little tantrum... And that includes me. So, unless you have a death wish, tell us why you were stupid enough to come here, and then leave while you still can.”


“Booled and Boore are right, Owlzarus, I won’t risk your safety with someone like Drillgore; I’d never forgive myself if something happened.” Aphrodite responded, and then reached out to delicately touch his pillowy shoulder. “Plus, your work here, making sure that the multiverse’s history is saved and properly told... Is far more important than any of the atrocities out there.”

She took her hand away. “I’ll stop Drillgore before he can hurt anyone else, it’s the least I can do after letting him escape the first time. I just need to find a way of getting to him-”

A terrible, high pitched scream plowed into the goddess’s ears, one that she both recognized, and was shaken to the core by. Home... The kids... They were in danger! Instantly, her priority switched from locating Drillgore, to saving her home, and her people. The puppet master would once again, have to wait. Aphrodite looked to Owlzarus once more.

“I’ll have to hunt Drillgore down later, Owlzarus, the kingdom is in danger... The children need me.”

Though, in her eyes, there was regret and guilt. She closed them, sighed, before staring off to nowhere. “I’m sorry, Booled and Boore, I know how much he’s tormented the two of you; I’m honestly right there with you now. And I promise, we will bring Drillgore to justice for his crimes... But...”

With a sharp snap of her fingers, Aphrodite was consumed by what could only be described as a flower of lightning. And soon, it blossomed to reveal the entity inside: the goddess of love and lightning. This time though, she was in complete control; Zeus controlled her no longer. Clad in her thunder armor, Aphrodite turned to the knowledge god, housing a righteous ferocity that she lacked only moments prior.

“The forces of evil have invaded my home for the last time. I shall see to it personally that they never set foot on its divine soul ever again.” She stated with a firmness. As she turned to depart, Aphrodite paused to look over her shoulder. “And, do keep me updated on the whereabouts of my beloved, and brother. If there is anyone whom wields the ability to find them, it is you, Owlzarus... I know it.”

And then, in a brief flash of electricity, Aphrodite disappeared from the library, now dead set on destroying whomever dared to threaten her home.


Ubel pinched the ridge of his nose in growing stress. Where the hell had Evron vanished off to? The Other had quickly gotten to work to locate him, but how long such a process would take, Ubel hadn’t a clue. However, he didn’t even have much time at all to think any more about his lost brother(s), when all of a sudden, he heard a horrible scream billow through his mind. It seemed that Aphrodite wasn’t the only one whose ears it reached. Ubel felt a shiver run up his back, for he too immediately knew where such a scream came from, and more importantly, what it meant. He quickly turned to the pirates, whilst summoning his armor onto himself.

“Trouble back at home, big trouble. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve handled it, and hopefully, Evron will have returned by then. I shouldn’t be long.” He said, before using his hand to slice a cut into the cosmic plane, pull it apart to create a violet portal back home, and leaped into it.


Back in the Realm of the Ninja, the pinkish orange glow of the morning sky was soon grayed out from the swift grouping of hundreds of mighty storm clouds. With their arrival, came a cacophony of roaring thunder that sounded like the holy drums beating from Heaven itself. Vale, Hayden, Alexei, and even Piccolo craned their necks to look up at the clouds, the latter of which being rather confused and somewhat concerned by the sudden change in weather. But, the budding warriors weren’t concerned at all. In fact, they were filled with bouts of relief and confidence now. And, as streaks of lightning ripped across the sky in brilliant displays, Vale could only smile.

Soon enough, moments behind the arrival of Aphrodite, so too did a flash of violet energy signal the coming of one of the guardians. Far behind where Dea currently stood, a huge portal emerged out of nowhere, and a glint of it caught the attention of the kids and Piccolo. And, once again, the three of them were relieved by its familiar presence.

“Prince Ubel is here, and Lady Aphrodite too.” Vale mentioned.

Hayden nodded, “They’ve come to help us out, the kingdom is safe!”

Piccolo smiled to himself. So, one of the ninjas really had come home, along with the love goddess herself. Looks like his bluff actually worked.

One streak of lightning seemed to have a mind of its own as it trailed from the air, and honed in on the source of where the scream had come from.

- - - - - - - -

The Wyvern King didn’t even know what hit him. In a bright flash, he was struck dead in the chest from a bolt of lightning so hard, that it carried him towards the wall behind, and hurtled his form straight through it. Now, standing in front of the group of Yakuza children, and Quatheral alike, Aphrodite had finally returned, and she wasn’t happy.

“Lady Aphrodite!!!” One boy yelled and ran up to her, soon followed by the other six children as they crowded around her. She turned and knelt down before them, hugging and checking each and every one of them carefully. While they weren’t her personal class of students, Aphrodite felt an internal responsibility for each and every one of the kids in their realm, a responsibility that she was happy to carry.

“Are you all alright? Did they harm you in any way?” She asked.

All heads shook from side to side, which granted her instant relief... But, that still changed nothing; this winged coward would face judgement for threatening the lives of mere children. Aphrodite rose back to her feet, and turned to face... Heather of all people. Her cold, whitish blue eyes stared deeply into the tiny pest; there was no mercy for her here, not anymore. She walked over to Fiotto, nodding to Uquillious also, and knelt down to meet with him.

“Are you alright, Fiotto? Tell me what happened, how did that monstrosity arrive here?”


Before the chimera could tear into Yzazil, a portal appeared several yards away. “Incoming!” Ubel’s voice yelled from within, and in the blink of an eye, the ninja erupted from the vortex, hammer at the ready. He swung the blunt end of it into the twisted thing’s face and blindsided it with the equivalent force of a shooting star. The chimera was rocketed away at an incredible rate of speed, leaving Ubel and Yzazil alone for now.

The tallest of the ninjas turned to the Judgement god, cradling his hammer along his back. “Watch your back there, Yzazil, we can’t have you slipping up on us.” He winked. Ubel’s attention was then drawn to his realm, from what he could see of it where he stood. The estate was fine, but the fields had been ripped up by something incredibly powerful, an energy that he sensed, but couldn’t quite put a finger on the identity of. He frowned, “They’ve really made a mess of things, whoever was dumb, or reckless enough to come here. The land will heal soon, but it looks like Hale will have to up the security and defenses even further. We’ve never had this many attacks before...”

Ubel looked into Yzazil’s burning eyes with a determination of his own. “Let’s make sure that this one’s the last.”


Daeva grinned up at Fray, before she was now sitting atop her broad shoulders, with her legs dangling in front. “Looks like we’re on the hunt for a hunk, Fraybird! Come on, whaddya say we start looking?”

To Daeva’s surprise, she felt her stomach rumble and gurgle for food. “Oof, guess I haven’t exactly eaten anything since... The party? Has it seriously been that long?” She pondered to herself, and glanced to Magparker. “Say, Maggy, after we’re done finding your friend, do you know anywhere we could maybe get something to eat? I’d even settle for snow, if it was edible snow... Not all snow is good for food, you know?”
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Sat Jan 09, 2021 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Corzak The Mighty »

"The beast seemed to have calmed down when we encountered it on Niflheim," Immanuel stated, thinking back to that frost-rimed hellscape as he kept pace with the strange pink-skinned aliens. "Though still unfriendly, it was much more cooperative with us than it had been before. Tengri's further assault on the multiverse seems to have galvanized it into action. Perhaps you will find better luck in evading its ire, and perhaps coming to terms with it rather than to blows."
Yzazil channeled massive amounts of Prana into his blade as the beast emerged, steeling himself to sweep to the side of the tri-headed chimera and deliver a punishing counterattack into the beast's undefended flank, but Ubel's meteoric blow hammered the malformed creature and hurled it into the distance. The God of Judgment turned towards Ubel, offering him a silent nod of affirmation. It was good to fight alongside the ninja once more; it had been far too long since the two of them had shared the field of battle.

The God of Judgment's gaze fell back upon the form of the monstrous amalgamate entity, seeing it since recover from Ubel's attack on it. "Yes... let us make sure this is the last!"

In a flare of sapphire Prana, Yzazil dashed toward the abominable chimera, appearing by the beast's side before he lashed out with a blinding flurry of strikes with his blade, each blow simmering with burning life force...
Nyx's nostalgic memory trip made it difficult to focus on what exactly was happening around her. She could hear the low noises of Lilith crying out in confusion, the rumble of the metallic droids collapsing in a heap, but everything was distorted and seemingly distant. It was like Nyx had pulled herself into a dream, a dream that she herself had not really bothered to fully explore and understand. As a result, Nyx had found herself lost in a maze of her own making, a weaving complex where the memories of the past and the realities of the present mingled.

As a result of this mingling, Nyx had lost track of both time and space, resulting in her being unable to react properly to Belfrit's attack. The floor liquefied enough that Nyx's balance was lost, snapping the woman out of her dream-like state, and forcing her to take evasive maneuvers. The woman a stumbled barely out of the way of the crashing wave of floor.

"Fuck..." Nyx pushed herself to her feet, feeling the daze of her daydream beginning the wear off. That meant Lilith would be back online soon enough. She'd need to finish this quickly, before she was able to escape. Crawling along the floor and into cover behind another set of terminals, Nyx kept her pistol ready, listening closely for an opportunity to attack Lilith's diminutive ally...
The Quatheral stepped out of the ship, noticing that they were not on the ground at all - instead, the ship seemed to be hovering hundreds of feet in the sky, above what looked to be a massive kingdom littered with towering pyramids of stone and metal. Below were dozens of massive ships, possibly over 400 meters in length and in a similar pyramidal shape, along with untold numbers of smaller ships and what seemed like an endless sea of beings working below. The Quatheral were soon greeted by a strange, dish-like vessel the two suited engineers ushered them into.

"Sit tight. This vessel will take you to Tengri. Good luck, and hopefully he will be able to answer any questions you have." From behind the thick glass panel on the engineer's suit, the Quatheral can make out an amicable smile on the engineer's face.
Molly's wave of anxiety did not go unnoticed by Shayatin, who had still retained a light grasp on the human's arm.

"Why do you panic?" Shayatin asked coldly, looking down at her. "You have already been captured. The danger you are in is mostly over. You would be best off calming down and accepting your new position."

Looking back ahead, Shayatin pulled Molly forward, before stepping into a side entrance of the massive palace of Tengri. The two soon found themselves journeying through the massive halls of the ancient structure. It was obvious from the architectural style that it was not of Tengri's own making; Egyptian style hieroglyphics depicting a battle between Sutekh and his own people, the Osirans, adorned the walls of the palace, along with numerous icons representing both his own armies and the armies of another, completely unknown faction to Molly. Strange mummy-like robots wandered the halls of the palace, eyeing Molly with keen suspicion before going back to their business.

In little time at all, the two found themselves in a small chamber lined with numerous racks filled with beautiful clothing, all of them sequined or embroidered with brilliant gems and colors. Sitting with their back to the door was a hunch-backed, six-armed figure, working hastily on some sort of regal attire.

"I have a job for you," Shayatin stated firmly, prompting the entity to comically drop their thimble and twine. The figure turned around, revealing a monstrous mingling of human and spider features. Their face looked mostly like a human's, albeit with eight black, spider like eyes adorning the upper half of their face. A pair of chelicerae flicked themselves on either side of the figure's face, rubbing against themselves in observance of the two. A pair of glasses sit in front of the being's largest eyes.

"Ah, you've brought me a visitor?" a feminine voice chittered out from the arachnid like creature's lips, as the being rotated to face Shayatin and Molly.

"Yes," Shayatin replied matter of factly, releasing her grip on Molly's arm. "I have brought one Tengri wishes to make his concubine."

The arachnid woman chuckled, clasping two of her six hands together. "Does he now?" The figure adjusted her glasses and leaned in closer to look at Molly. "My oh my, he found himself quite a fine specimen, didn't he?"

Shayatin seemed to brush off the spider-woman's comment before she continued. "I assume Tengri has given you instructions on her attire. Get her measurements and begin work immediately."

"Of course, dearie..." the monstrous seamstress whispered as the fallen Yakuza disappeared in a swirl of inky black mist. The being looked to Molly. "Come closer, lovely. I need to get your proportions to make sure your attire fits you properly."
Tengri stood back, watching as the armies before him continued to assemble. The great war machine of the Red Desert... it would never cease to impress him. The mightiest army in all the mutliverse, assembled here for him to command - it was something beyond Tengri's wildest dreams! and yet, he could feel his mind drifting... a distraction had wormed itself into his mind. As he watched the engines of war rev up, as he saw the mighty flagship that heralded his quickly arriving victory near completion, he could not help but continue thinking about the woman he had just claimed. Molly... he still could feel the soft touch of her skin, imagine her scent, the smoothness of her features... it was vexing and distracting to him.

Had... had he fallen for the woman? No... no, that wasn't possible...

Suddenly, Shayatin appeared once more beside him, disrupting his train of thought. "I am assuming the girl is having her attire prepared?"

"Yes." The fallen Yakuza nodded calmly, crossing her arms. "what would you have me do now?"

Tengri placed a taloned finger against his chin. "There is still Jake that is unaccounted for. I want you to seek him out. It is MY destiny to strike him down, for it is only my spear that shall be allowed to slay him."

Shayatin nodded; she knew this was a task her master had been desirous of seeing to completion. "Of course. I shall not return unsuccessful."

The Yakuza soon vanished once more, leaving Tengri to ruminate on his own...
Down below, the machine of war had greatly expanded. Untold legions had assembled in the name of the Conquering Star, prepared to smite down their emperor's enemies in order to usher in a new era across the multiverse. But not all who served under the Conquering Star's banner were satisfied with the actions of their king's newest course of action. Among them was Scaroth, who sat ruminating near his nearly prepared flagship, head downturned as he examined a small computer display. How had he managed to get himself roped into such a despicable and pathetic display of power? Tengri's growing ambition had steadily been shaved away, leaving little more than madness and a thirst for carnage, two things Scaroth utterly despised. He had no qualms with torment and suffering if there was a goal to it, but what goal did Tengri's ambitions have? He was going to kill off life in this multiverse anyway, what was the point in initiating a pointless war if his victory was all but assured with a click of his button?

It was pure and simple dick-measuring, that's what it was. Nothing more, nothing less. Scaroth desired no part in this meaningless conflict; he merely wanted to go back to finding a way to become whole again, as he had done before Sutekh roped him into joining him long ago.

"If you are so dissatisfied with him, why do you not try to depose him?" A voice suddenly spoke behind Scaroth.

"Huh?" The Jagaroth huffed in confusion, glancing about wildly. "Who said that?"

A figure suddenly appeared quietly beside the scientist - an older man clad in dark robes. "I can see it in your face, and in your tone of voice when speaking of Tengri. You are dissatisfied with your current... position within their hierarchy."

"Oh, great, it's you," scaroth grumbled, rolling his singular, cyclopean eye. "What about it? It's not like I have much hope to challenge Tengri in his current state."

"Not alone," the shadowy figure said with a smile. "But with allies... perhaps it is possible for you to, shall we say, tip the tables in your favor."

Scaroth narrowed his gaze and smirked. "I like the deal you're pushing. But what's in it for you?"

"I'm glad you asked." The shadowy despot folded his hands together. "You see I, too, desire power. But I recognize that sometimes, in order to achieve the power you want, you must be willing to make compromises. So here is my proposal - when we destroy Tengri, we split his kingdom between the two of us. Half to you, and half to me. You will be free from my influence, and I will be free of yours." The dark-rimed tyrant extended a pale hand. "Do we have a deal?"

After a brief moment of thought, Scaroth took his hand and shook heartily. "Deal. Let us become the kings the red Desert TRULY deserves!"
Elsewhere within the grandiose fields where Tengri's armies had assembled, the figure of the violet-clad woman stood atop a massive platform. Swarms of machines gathered before her, working overtime to get everything for the forthcoming conflicts prepared.

"Come on, put your backs into it!" The woman shouted viciously., cracking a steel-tipped whip grasped in her free hand. "We don't have all day! Tengri was expecting our forces to be ready to deploy twenty minutes ago!"

At her reprimands, the osiran machines kicked into overdrive, moving at great speeds to appease their overseer. While the commanding lady was busy focused on the tasks at hand, she noticed a shimmering light light appear not too far to her left side. The domineering woman turned, lavender eyes glaring intently at the light in annoyance. The light soon faded, revealing a slim, feminine form clad in white, with long flowing white hair that swirled in an insensible breeze. "Greetings. I presume you are a leader here?"

"Yes, indeed I am. And who are you?" the purple-dressed woman inquired irritably. "You another one of those angels that were in the ceremony? Tengri already sent your people out to meet with Abaddon; you should meet up with him so you know where you're going next."

The angelic figure merely smiled pleasantly - a gesture that put the woman on edge. "What's with the smile?"

"Well... I'm afraid that I'm not here on behalf of those other angels." The pleasant smile of the heavenly being suddenly shifted into a malicious smirk, as the angel's hand extended out to the female commander's neck, prompting a surprised choke from her.

Before she had much time to counterattack, she suddenly felt a wave of fatigue wash across her body, followed by a sickening numbness that consumed her entire body. a wave of sickly black energy wormed itself into the woman's body, causing the entirety of her body to rapidly fall into decay. In a matter of seconds, the woman in purple disappeared into nothingness... and from the cloud of dust that remained, a new, similarly dressed woman appeared, smiling evilly like the angel before. Reaching down to grasp the whip that lay lifeless among the woman's ashes, the doppelganger cracked it in her stead, acting as if nothing had happened...
Owlzarus nodded in acknowledgement to Aphrodite as she left. "As you wish, Aphrodite..."

The antiquarian turned to look at Boore and Booled. "There are many others who can be of service, but it will be difficult to gather them, now that the ninjas have their homeworld under assault once more... though there is always Jake. I do not sense his presence there. Perhaps he will be able to assist you in besting Drillgore better than I."
Last edited by Corzak The Mighty on Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by HayesAJones »

After seeing the purple-scaled woman off with a small smile and a gentle pat to her heidrun's rump, Alex set his jaw and circled back into the ivory ruins. A hard lump formed in his throat as he saw the chaos inside. Bodies littered the floor, some crushed by rubble, some apparently trampled, a few even looking to have been assaulted by their peers, bearing deep wounds on their breasts or between their shoulder blades. Had it just been the panic of it all? Or did a few cruel opportunists take the chance to kill rivals?

Perhaps even more distressingly, Alex saw no sign of most of his party. Molly, Crigan, and Demmy were all gone. Only Jackie was left, still entangled with the enraged Salome. What had happened? Where had they gone? Was it less or more worrying that there was no trace of them? On one hand, that meant to blood, no bodies, no signs of the worse. On the other, maybe there was even worse than he could imagine.

Though nausea closed in on him, seizing his stomach tight, Alex pushed on, scrambling towards his target: the half-buried Zeye.

Kneeling down by the bloodied mechanist, the stranded dimension-jumper drew Vigr's long knife, a hefty sword in his small hands.

"You've done awful things," he said softly. He lowered the iron blade towards the despot's neck, but there was no violence in his eyes. "And you should at least have to look the people they affected in the face."

Hovering the flat of the blade before Zeye's mouth and nose, Alex looked close to see if breath would fog it, to see if Zeye still lived...


Bug's tall, devilish ears, the silhouette of curved horns against her skull, snapped towards the faint footsteps. With a flick of her wrists, the black-furred fiend vanished her smoking, calcified shield and retracted her thorny claws, splattering the walls with blood as they whipped back into shape. Head twisted towards the source of the sound like that of a viper fixed upon its prey, the dog-headed demon began to yawn her cruel maw, the fanged gob stretching wider and wider, splitting not only her face, but also her neck, chest, eventually her entire truck, her whole body unzipping into one great hellmouth, its inside blacker than black and devoid of light, like a hole in reality. In fact, light seemed to disappear into the gigantic, gaping mouth, the golden runes that broke up the beast's abysmal coat flashing as they helped her consume matter itself.

Then, with a deep, belch-like rumble, a wall of blue-tinged hellfire gushed out!

Delivered straight from a burning world half a universe away, the tidal wave of azure flames filled the hallway, threatening to consumed whoever approached...


Short hair standing on end, Dea whipped towards the bolt of lightning. Snarling, she stomped the ground with measured strength, raising, but not shattering, a wide plate of rock and soil that shielded her.

"You jokers are really calling me stupid?" the superhuman shouted, raking her charcoal eyes across those who encircled her. "Look in a mirror, bozos! Come on, you just assumed I'm alone! How do you know? Did you send someone back to check? Did you somehow get surprised by me, but now have perfect awareness of your surroundings? Seriously, how do you know I'm not the big, loud distraction for someone quietly taking out all your friends that I scared off? I'm not, because, despite what everyone thinks for some reason, I'm no liar, but you didn't know that. You just assumed. And that's the whole problem!"

Heaving up the slab of earth, Dea whirled around and flung it at Piccolo, flinging herself shortly after. While the Namekian easily destroyed the stony plate with a ki blast, he was unprepared for Dea to deliver a vicious kick to his stomach through the resulting dust cloud, launching him away at Mach speeds with a pained roar. She drowned out his bellow with her own to expedite the process, carrying him away with her voice.

"Dante isn't smart enough to know saving people isn't worth it, and too plain dumb to actually save people! I guarantee you your boss has killed more people than I have! Look at you all! How are you helping evacuate people? Are you evacuating at all? Because it looked to me like you just let the civilians book it by themselves! I would have been skinned alive if I did that back in basic training!"

As Piccolo disappeared over the horizon, Dea turned back to the others. "Persy sent me to kill you all, but I already told you I'm no liar. I really am here to school these kids. Even if it's only in the next life, I just them, want just someone, to hop off of Dante's royal scepter and use their head for a second! Maybe planets would stop blowing up if you did!"

"So with that clarified," the Chinese woman growled, kicking up a pair of fist-sized rocks from the ruined earth, "why don't you extras clear off!"

Restraining her strength so that the stones reached lethal speeds without fragmenting, Dea hurled both stones, one at Evoex, one at Nichelle...!


Magparker giggled as she looked up at the totem pole of women. One of her long, thin-skinned hands searched her cloak.

"<Well, it's not much, but I do have some cured venison,>" the native answered, producing a tube of salt-preserved meat. "<Problem is, it's thoroughly frozen.>"

To emphasize her point, she tapped the venison against her lantern, producing a sharp, crystalline ring.

"<But a bit of flame should warm it quick! In the meantime, perhaps I can fetch us some winter greens and berries? Generous new friends such as yourself deserve full bellies.>"

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

In a flash, Vale shot in front of both Evoex and Nichelle, and formed an ice shield that stopped both stones in their tracks. As the rocks fell harmlessly to the ground, so did the barrier, revealing an angry Vale in its wake.

"They're not going anywhere." She threw back, as Alexei moved to take position next to her, while Hayden stayed where he was on Dea's flank. "Night Owls, attack!"

Hayden and Alexei both stared at her in confusion. "Uhh, 'Night Owls'?" Hayden parroted.

"Yeah..." Vale looked on innocently, "It's a team name, you guys don't like it?"

"Why, 'Night Owls', though?" Alexei questioned.

"I dunno, it sounded good in my head! Look, we'll lock down the name later, just attack!"

Vale's tattoos then took on a frigid white glow, and she brought her hands up to forcibly shove a great cloud of ice towards the demigod. Meanwhile, Alexei started to chuck volleyball sized fireballs at Dea in an attempt to chip away at her monstrous defenses, and broke away from Vale to keep on the move to himself a harder target. Whilst his teammates assaulted Dea from nearly every angle, Hayden took the opportunity to use himself as the tank and bum rush the Chinese woman, braving the ice and intense heat with gritted teeth. Soon enough, Dea found herself wound in a headlock from Hayden's spear tight against her windpipe. Alexei and Vale kept up the pressure, both of them knowing and trust their friend's ability to soak up damage like one big sponge.

"You're one to talk. You criticize Lord Dante's ability as a leader and guardian, when you've been sent here to kill us by your boss like an attack dog. His flaws are nothing compared to working for some warlord!" Hayden chastised. "Get it through your thick skull: We don't need, or want teaching from the likes of you, so why don't you clear off!"


"Oooo, I think it'll be just fine!" Daeva said, staring at the meat with ravenous eyes. She aimed her pointer finger at the vension, and fired a tiny bit of Ki at it to instantly cook the meat. The smell filled her nostrils, causing for her stomach to growl even louder. And yet...

Daeva looked down at Fray, "Eat up, dude, you better hurry before it freezes again." She smiled and turned to their friendly native. "Greens and berries sound wonderful, thank you, Magparker."
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Tue Jan 12, 2021 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Demon Lord Gira »

Breath did indeed fog the blade, but Zeye himself was motionless. He lived, but his eyes were glazed over. He was unconscious, but alive.

Several dozen feet away, Salome swerved to parry the staff with a swipe of her chain. The veins in her eyes only grew as murderous hatred built within her. These fools had ruined everything, EVERYTHING! Her empire, her chance to finally build a force to eclipse that damned Prateria and lead the Holy Knights herself, all of her dreams were crashing down because of these meddlesome brats!

That was when she noticed Alex, standing over Zeye's body. It was a moment of distraction, and all Jackie needed. Her chain was impaled into the earth in her carelessness, and before Salome could move away, the blade connected with the base of her neck. In one fell swoop, her head was severed from her body, and the woman went limp, her face frozen with shock and terror. Zeye's empire on Noraage was no more...

A portal opened up beside Alex, and from it came out Demmy with Mara beside her. The demon looked around at the carnage, a low whistle escaping from her lips. It seemed everything here was wrapping up nicely... But Molly, she was out there somewhere, in Tengri's possession. The Dragonball was here, so at least they had gotten what they had came here for, but once this was returned back to the Ninja Stronghold, she was making a beeline straight to help Molly, no matter what anyone else said.


"I agree with the God of Light." Mulek said. "Right now, we need all the allies we can get to deal with Persephone and Tengri. Even if you don't like the big lizard for some reason, maybe wait until later to settle any possible scores? I'll admit, I'm a stranger to whatever matters you pirates have with Godzilla, but... just my two cents."


Molly wanted to back away from the strange spider creature. She wanted to back away from all of this, to run in the opposite direction, to run and hide, but she knew any such attempt was futile. How could she escape from things that much faster and stronger than her? So, she walked up to the spider like being, arms to the side.

"P-p-please be g-g-g-gentle." She stammered. Her knees shook against each other, but that was the best she could do to keep from outright collapsing on the spot.


"Hey, let me go you -------- imps! I don't deserve this!" Heather screamed as she was slammed into the tea door. "Wyvern King, dispose of these pea-"

Her words died in her mouth as the primary source of her ire, Aphrodite, struck the hulking frame of the great wyvern away with a blast of lightning and sent its body through the wall. Now Aphrodite stared down at her, all mercy gone from her eyes, and not a single fuck to give. She had banked everything on the Wyvern King, the so called Usurper of the Gods, being more than enough to handle even a worst case scenario, but it was clear now to the tiny fae who could only manage a soft "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" from her mouth that this was the end of the road for her. Any excuse she could conjure up, any sort of lines she could think to keep herself alive, any blame she could shift to anyone else that wasn't herself, nothing came to mind.

She was, well and truly, fucked.

That was when a low rumble echoed through the room, from the opened wall the Wyvern King had been sent through. The great serpentine head rose up from the debris, then the rest of the great wyvern's body. Though its chest was marred and scorched by the lightning, it seemed that was all that had been done to it.

"You carry it, the scent of a decrepit carcass, of my inferior half." The great beast's horns began to flash, before everything began to feel.. wrong for the Quatherals and Aphrodite. Their limbs felt so heavy, so very heavy, and they collapsed upon their hands and knees before the towering beast. The tea door that had Heather trapped swung open,and the diminutive fae, seemingly unaffected by what was happening, flew toward the dragon and behind it.

"Get me out of here! They're all yours to kill, as I promised your master! I fulfilled my end of the bargain! Now you do yours! Make them BLEED, Wyvern King!"

"As intended. You will be made a king, as promised." The air around Heather warped, and the fae was gone. Now they were only with the Wyvern King, whose horns flashed yet again as it arched its head back in a deafening bellow, and Aphrodite felt herself grow ever heavier, ever weaker, as the gravitational forces around her intensified, threatening to crush her upon herself...


The great chimera hissed as Yzazil's blades plunged into its chest. Blackened blood dropped from the opened wounds, yet the creature was swift to retaliate even with its mangled central head. Jagged claws slashed at the God of Judgement and carved into his armor, before swiping him across the field. The three eyes snake it had for a tail snapped at Ubel, its fangs threatened to plunge deep into his neck past his armor.

All the while, more rifts materialized within the shield. Abominations and monsters far more alien than anything seen in the armies of Sutekh, Miyoshi or Tengri fell down from the opened rifts and crashed to the ground below, over a dozen of them. They were serpent like, but that was all they had in common with each other, along with numerous eyes. Some were merely the upper halves of serpent like beasts, carried on dozens of sharpened legs, while others were great wyrms that slithered and dragged themselves along with two powerful arms. Their jaws dripped with black blood, and they began to move toward the Ninja's palace, toward where Dea and the others were...


Nichelle couldn't help but be amazed by the tenacity of the Ninjas, even those that weren't Dante and his immediate family. No matter the intruder, no matter the fighter, they refused to back down, and yet...

Dea's words stung deep. There was a point the woman was making, one she had been too blinded by the immediate danger to realize. If people were at risk, who would help get them to safety? Who would help evacuate them? No, she was doing her job! Her task was to eliminate the threat then and there. Heather had been the one to evacuate the others to...

Something wasn't adding up for Nichelle. There was something deadly wrong with this scene and how it was playing out, but what it was-

The strike came from the left. A great serpentine purple head erupted from the ground and struck at her. Nichelle only barely evaded the lunge, and stabbed her blades into the roof of the mouth of the creature. Flames surged up her blades and down the monster's throat, yet it refused to relent. It continued to push, to try and devour her where she was, rancid poisonous air billowing from its opened maw...


The Heart of the Multiverse didn't struggle against her binds, nor did she waver as the giant wave of Ki barreled toward her. Had it been Miyoshi in her position, or even her own daughter, their options for escape would have been limited, and desperation would have set in.

But The Heart merely stood there, and her emerald eyes glistened. The wave and surges of Ki that came from all directions rippled and thinned as it suddenly vanished mere feet from Chang'es face. For but a moment, Dante and Evron's faces were confused as to what had happened, and The Heart chuckled.

"Evron..." The Heart turned her head to face the primary one, even through all the clones and even with her head locked, as if the clone that was keeping her restrained were not even there. "For someone who is but their own brother's doormat, you are assuming a lot." Her grin widened and her eyes narrowed. "The truth may surprise you."

From behind all of the clones, and behind Dante, the Ki wave and surges rematerialized, but there was something off with the energy. no longer was it the power of the Ninja's own, but something instead tainted by The Heart, something foul and ungodly, something unholy in its sickly red and black hue. The fell energy waves consumed the clones that had encircled The Heart, turning them back into dust and atoms. Dante himself was consumed within the dark power, which twisted and curled around him like a voracious serpent, striking him again and again as it bound tighter around him and constricted him.

"Now, let's turn off the stars, shall we?"

With a now freed hand lifted high into the sky, the dim lights that shone in the desecrated realm darkened and expanded, until it became clear they were not truly stars but several giant blackened comets. With but a snap of her finger, the comets fractures into thousands of sharpened speeding projectiles that rained down upon Evron, while those that missed turned back around and came up from behind him, to run him through...


Karzhni meekly nodded. Good hands, eh? He had heard that statement before, many times in his past. It seemed to be a favorite for each and every Ruler of Sheol to tell him that he was truly in good hands, but those hands never lasted. Hopefully, Hercules would be different.


The azure flames consumed all in their way down the hall, and they surged through the turn toward their unknowing victim...

Yet, the flames stopped past the corner. No, they were being blown back toward Bug, and the source revealed itself as it rounded the corner, twin scythes spinning in its hands.

With a final strike into the ground, Minos scattered the flames across the charred walls. From behind her mask, her golden eyes narrowed at the sight of Bug. Clawed feet flexed and carved the ground, and a low grumble escaped from her mouth as she sized up her opponent.

An unwanted guest, someone who reeked of as much bloodshed as her, and with nothing but animosity and rage toward Persephone. So this was Tengri's first line of attack. An assassin to cut off Persephone's head, or kill those around her. Not on her watch.

Her scythes spun faster and faster, until they became but flaming wheels that carved the ground, and with a feral snarl, she bolted toward Bug, a rapidly advancing wall of fire and death ready to gouge her apart...


Elsewhere in Sheol, just before the courtyard into the Palace, Proditor manifested from a rift. The angel shuddered upon entry. Sheol was a far cry from the aetheral lands of Heaven or even the neutral ground of much of reality. This was a land soaked in Nether, and the element was particularly troublesome for his kind. The less time he spent here, the better.

In his transparent human guise, he walked through like a ghost, unseen by the Gyu Oni guards. Were he the Ruler of Sheol, where would he keep his standing army? Where would the barracks be? And what sort of defenses would be in line? He knew there was a shield that surrounded the city, but that could be bypassed with rifts and teleportation. No, he needed to find what else was going on here...


Beneath Nyx, the floor once more began to liquify.

"Running won't save-"

A sharp "YEEP!" made Belfrit stop. If there was an expression behind her black masked face, Nyx couldn't see it. She turned, and saw that Lilith had been pinned beneath one of her own Magnaguards, and a cheeky grinned Aseya and Lae were atop of that.

"Your master is restrained, Belfrit." Lae called out. Beside him, Aseya's right hand sharpened into lengthy claws, which she held down at Lilith's neck.

"G-get away from me! And stop thinking such disturbing thoughts!"

"Not unless you call your attack dog off, and maybe work with us. We need a little... thing or two from you."

"As if!"

The claws tapped her jugular, and pressed against it. Belfrit stepped forward, but Lilith mouthed a silent "Stay", so Belfrit stopped.

"You don't have a choice, three eyes. Give in, or pay. And any sudden moves, and your jugular is gone."

Yet, from where Nyx could see, she saw several of the vines on Belfrit's staff slither behind her arm and down her leg, before entering into a hole hidden from Lae and Aseya's viewpoints. The plant tendrils slithered across the ground toward the two fae...


The town was in dissaray when Goku landed. Many bodies lay strewn across the streets, and small fires raced through. There were people who tried to douse the flames, but they were struggling. Others were stuck under rocks, and other lay wounded upon the ground, with gouges and opened wounds from spear thrusts and claws. As Goku descended, many of the people stared at him in confusion and reverence. He could hear them mutter to themselves, asking if he was one of the gods, or one of the Evil One's followers in disguise. No one seemed to know what to make of him.

Before him, the ground liquefied and churned. A small girl, no taller than Goku's chest, formed from the rising mound of earth and rubble. She had long brown hair and wore a darker brown dress that was covered in floral patterns. In her hands was a long wooden staff, and across her body and the staff were numerous vines. Her eyes were a light blue, and her arms were folded across her chest. "I receive word of Persephone's forces running wild over here, so I get here after sending the fox packing, and what do I find? Some orange suited weirdo with strange black hair!"

She tapped the ground with her staff, and several giant fronds appeared. She stepped up on each one until she was a head higher than Goku, then she leered down at him. "Hmmmm, who are you? You don't look like one of Peresphone's men, but you aren't one of the gods I know. And you don't seem human either. How peculiar. You are in the presence of the Earth Goddess Lavidana, the protector of this world. Tell me, was it you who drove off the army that was here?"


The woman chuckled as Jake came in. "Ah, but of course. You are such a peculiar one, not one of the usual players I'm aware of. Nor your friend out there... An actor I have never seen."

She stood and began to walk around Jake. "Oh, no need to worry about me. I won't bite. I'm not much into fighting personally. Sure I can flex my creative muscles if need be, but I would rather just sit back and watch the drama unfold. A piece here, a pawn there, manipulation and sidetracking there..." She stopped, and held a hand to her mouth. "Oh forgive me, how rude of me not to introduce myself. You are searching for one named Persephone, correct? The one who orchestrated this entire long bloody war?"

Her eyes shone like emeralds as she leaned against a chair. " Or, are you perhaps looking for the one in charge of this current warfront? Either way, I know the answer you may be seeking, and where you can find them."


Everything Crigan had thought he had known, everything he had assumed, had been flipped upon its head in this one moment. Nothing made sense to the God of Death. Why... Why had Aram assumed this form? Why did... Why did the God of Suffering have so many different souls within them? Why this power, this power over light? Had this, truly been Aram's goal? To be freed of Mara's body? Yes, it had been. He had flat out told him as such back with the Varuls.

He had been played, played by a god who had simply told him the truth at face value and nothing more, and that god now laughed at him in a form he had not seen in hundreds of years.

"THIS POWER, CRIGAN! YOU CANNOT FATHOM THE POWER I NOW HAVE!" Aram cackled. One hand of the female frame clenched, and the entire arm glistened with a divine aura. The other arm lifted a finger, and the skies shuddered with a dancing array of lightning. "I AM NOW THE MOST POWERFUL GOD THAT HAS EVER LIVED, ACROSS ALL REALITIES! I AM THE SUPREME GOD, THE ONE ABOVE ALL!"

Despite the pain that came from the light constructs that had him impaled, the God of Death had kept the flames that churned within his mouth still fueled, and in a roar of defiance, he unleashed them down upon Aram, a torrent of a mixture of hell fire and divine flames, two elements opposed to one another yet melded into one.

"YOUR DEFIANCE AMUSES ME, WORM. NOW SHIMMER AND WILT!" Aram raised both of his arms above his head, and a sickly purple fire built within the hands. He swung them forward, and the Supreme God's own flames clashed with Crigan's own.

No, they didn't clash. They simply surged through and engulfed Crigan. The God of Death's screams of pain were music to Aram's ears, yet as the flames and smoke died away, the god was nowhere to be seen. The Supreme God looked around, yet all across the ground was nothing but shadows.

"YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM MY LIGHT!" Aram's arms and legs intensified in their glow, and a blinding light engulfed the entire torn realm. At the same time, the air began to heat up, the stone ruins of the statues bubbled and melted into the ground, and the floating rocks turned into swirling pools of magma. Amongst all this brightness, was a sole dark spot, and at once Crigan lunged from his unveiled hiding spot, and sliced at Aram with all six of his claws.

His momentum ground to a halt. Each of his claws had been caught between Aram's fingers, and the Supreme God's grin widened into a sickened grin as the fingers clenched tight. The claws cracked, then shattered, and Crigan was left reeling back in shock and pain. A hand covered Crigan's mouth, and a second grabbed the back of his skull.

"I GAVE YOU SOME OF MY POWER, NOW I'M SEEKING A RETURN ON THAT DEPOSIT!" Beams of pure light raced down Crigna's throat, and the God of Death felt every inch of his body erupt into unrelenting agony. His skin ruptured and burst as light blasted out from within, first from the opened wounds that had been torn into him, and then through his own nostrils and eyes. Then, his back burst open with light, before finally the entire god vanished within the power of Aram's light. The beams surged upward into the skies, then turned back down and rained down upon where Crigan was once more.

Slowly, the resulting dust cloud settled, and where once there had been the main floating island, now there was but a floating ring of dripping magma, and a small section of rock that Aram stood on. Within his hands was Crigan, a barely living husk of his former self. Gone was his divine form, as instead was only the small young boy, his body charred and covered in cauterized wounds. Aram let go, and Crigan crumpled at the god's feet, his eyes glazed over and with smoke that flowed from his opened mouth.

Aram burst into laughter once more, but as the god laughed, there was a change in the tone. The laughter became softer and quieter, the voice slowly lost its depth and edge. The laughter devolved into a few chuckles, then into a low soft hum. The Supreme God's eyes closed, and a sigh escaped from their mouth. Their face softened as well, and when Aram spoke, the once clearly male voice had been replaced with a gentle tender one, not terribly high pitched yet not unnaturally low either. It was softer than the voice Aram had when possessing Mara, yet there was power behind it.

"Aaaahhhh. That... That felt very good. Catharsis is such a wonderful thing, Crigan." Aram knelt down beside Crigan and moved a hand under his head. She gently lifted his head up to look at her, and with her free hand she slapped him once, then twice. Electric volts ran down his body, and the glaze over Crigan's eyes died away at the cost of control over himself. "You dying on me right now would be such poetic justice, but I know of certain people who would rather not see that happen. Since you used up all your energy just regenerating your body, all you can do is just stare and ask questions, and I know you have a few in mind. Go ahead, ask away. I'm sure you're curious about how I am this powerful, or maybe what purpose you have in my plans. Or maybe you want to know my measurements, and how they compare to-"

"How..." Crigan spat. He tried to move his arms, but they were stick in place. "How did... you gain all... of this power? Even without... Mara acting as... a seal, you-"

"Oh, my current state of power?" Aram leaned in closer to Crigan. "Well, you see, I may have had a few snacks that one time, when everything was going so badly, before the wars that I and Vastrus helped propagate..."

"You... ate... but who..." Darkness enclosed around Crigan's vision, and the God of Death slipped back into the void of his own subconcious, the last thing in his sight being the smiling sweet face that Aram had taken for herself...
Last edited by Demon Lord Gira on Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Come read my latest Fanfiction: Daily Life at the Cheshire Cafe

GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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MinorBone Good
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by MinorBone Good »

Cthelee winced as he finally pulled his leg away from the large crack in the ground. Cthelee let out a sigh of relief as he moved his foot around, making sure it wasn't seriously damaged. Cthelee soon stood straight up, getting ready to get into the ninja's castle, but felt... dread? Not going into the castle, no.. From where Fiotto went to. Cthelee stood there, looking at where the children went to, and soon heard the sound of lightning from within. His eyes narrowed slightly, turning his head back to the castle. With a worried gurgle, and slowly stepped towards his small robot friend went to before breaking into a full on sprint.

Fiotto was beeping heavily, which quite a rare occurrence. He didn't let out unintentional sounds often unless he was extremely worried. And right now was possibly one of the worst times in his life. "W-Well.. U-Uhhmm.." He reached to adjust his top hat, only to realize it still wasn't there. He groaned, keeping a hand on where Heather was stored. "I'm not not d-doing well! I can say for that much!!"

Fiotto grumbled, standing straight up fully, looking into Aphrodite's eyes. "Well.. Heather here has seemed to truly be evil from the start! Luring us in to meet THAT thing and eat us!" He pointed towards the Wyvern King, displaying a "> : (" of his face. He turned back to face Aphrodite and stomped his foot. "I knew something was off as soon as Heather here started to act selfless and helpful! I'm r-really glad you came when you did, Aphrodite! I would have been made into tea myself! That's not a pleasant thought to think about, you know?"

He stomped a foot again, looking down at his chest and tapping on his door. "I'm sure we'll have a punishm-WWWAAGH!?!?" Fiotto nearly toppled over at the sound of something big moving around. To their dismay, Fiotto and Uquillious saw the return of the Wyvern King. Their voice enough to make the two Quatheral beings shake and quiver in fear.

Uquillious shut her eyes after the scary being's horns glowed brightly. It hurt her eyes just looking at them! Was he trying to blind them? She groaned a bit as her body suddenly felt like it was shutting down. Everything was getting so heavy... Uquillious was practically holding onto the child more and more until she couldn't any longer. Her body slumped down to the ground, along with the children around her.

Fiotto was having the same problem as well. He could only watch as Heather made her way out of his tea compartment and flew up higher towards this beast. Fiotto weakly raised his hand up to her, trying to catch. But it was for nothing, as his hand quickly fell to the ground. It felt like a thousand weighted blankets were being laid on top of his metal body, forcing him down. He turned his head to face Aphrodite, only to witness her also succumbing to the same fate. He sighed out loud. It would look like he would perish after all.

Fiotto could only slightly hear the sound of a door opening. What he could hear loud and clear was the sound of Cthelee yelping out the high heavens. Oh no... He would be eaten too..

Evoex raised his tendrils up in defense, barley having time to even defend himself from Dea's attack!

[Border]"OHSHITSHITSH-... OH? I DON'T FEEL ANY PAIN!..?"[/Border]

Evoex lowered his arms, looking at the present ice sheild in front of him. It didn't last for long however, as the barrier fell and shattered to the ground. Evoex looked over at Vale and waved at her.

[Border]"THANK YOU MUSCH, MISS!"[/Border]

As the trio began to the question the name of "Night Owl", Evoex decided to give his output. [Border]"I DUNNO, A NIGHT "OWL" SOUNDS PRETTY COOL! I THINK YOU SHOULD STICK WITH IT!"[/Border]

As Evoex finished his text block, he looked over at Dea and grabbed hold of his last text box and smashed it over Dea's head, snapping it to pieces. Evoex looked down at his broken weapon and helt it a bit higher so he can look at it better.


He grabbed hold of the new text box, and formed a portal behind him. Suddenly, Dea found herself being hit over the back of her head with another textbox. He was about to smack her again, but when the sound of Cthelee's loud yell was heard, Evoex turned towards the Ninjas in training.


Evoex knew he should've stayed with the children, but he just wanted to help others. He couldn't change the past now however, he had to focus on Cthelee and the children!

Xpveinees pressed her hand against the glass, admiring the view. She rotated her head 180 degrees to face the engineers. "Ого, это красивое место! Не так красиво, как Quatheral, но это тоже хорошо." Xpveinees tapped the side of O'nugulao, a bright shine in her single eye. "Согласитесь, это чертовски круто!"

O'nugulao looked down at the view below, noting the varying amount of ships. Tengri had amassed quite an army. Didn't he say he was the last of his kind? Of course, he could have asked others for help after his visit to Quatheral, and they had simply given him their ships. Still, in such a short amount of time, it was still very much strange. A bit of himself was excited to meet Tengri in person. To study an alien species would be most interesting. Perhaps he cou-

"O'nugulao! Не игнорируй меня!" Xpveiness growled, snapping her fingers.

"Wha? Erm. Yes. Whatever. It is nice." O'nugulao blurted out. They didn't care that much to be honest. They were just saying that so Xpveinees would stay quiet.

"ДА! Это будет здорово! Мы собираемся победить этих мерзких якудза и вырвать им языки!" Xpveinees ran around the room like an excited child, accidently bumping her head against a low hanging piece of lightning. She rubbed her head for a moment before glaring at the light. "Кто ставит свет так низко!?"

Cider couldn't help but point and laugh at Xpveinees. “To be fair, you are twice the size of a tree. No surprise that you'll bump your head against things. Not like they'll be anything to damage in that head of yours."

"Что ты сказал, кролик!?" Xpveinees said with distaste, leaning down towards Cider and balling up her fingers in a fist.

"Oh, I was just.. admiring how well you control your anger." Cider said in a smug tone whilst leaning against the wall.

"Я несколько сомневаюсь в этом."

With these two together, they were making this mission much more painful than it should be. He'd honestly rather go alone. He looked towards the two engineers and bowed his head. "Thank you. We hope things go well for you two. Good luck."

"ДА УЖ! Удачи! Вас приглашают в Quatheral в любое время!" Xpveinees waved goodbye to them.

Cider groaned, hopping onto a chair and sat cross-legged in it. "Yeah yeah, enough with the sappy goodbye stuff and get on with this mission already! We got to save some Quatherals!"

Mitsif floated down from the ceiling and made herself visible, finally being able to get a chance to do something! Thank Quatheral! She was getting so bored in this place! Everything is just so bleak! Also it was making her feel... weird. The more time she spent in this stupid ship, the more wrong it felt. Like entering an abandoned house only to hear something move deep within that wasn't you. Just creepy. Whatever, now those two Quatherals and her best friend was gone, she could finally do what she wanted! She walked around the room, wondering what to start with first. Of course, she could have done something with the strange console. There was the bleak walls. Or maybe something do with that throne!

Mitsif's eyes gleamed at the sight of it! Ooooh yes! Such a mighty and imposing throne! Surly a little color change would fix that riiight up! With a small giggle, she reached into her chest to pull out a bucket of pink paint. However, she only reached in slightly, but felt the end of her own pocket dimension? What? That.. That couldn't be right! She had everything stored in there! How could it get smaller!? She lowered her neck into her heart pattern, looking inside of herself. And to her shock, it was empty, save for a few flashcards and pink paint cans and pink pens! What!? She dug around, trying to find anything else, only to be left disappointed. Did... Did leaving Quatheral limit her powers? Ohhh what a rip off! She almost wanted to go back now. What was the point of messing with the universe if she wasn't at her full potential!?

She stomped the ground and crossed her arms. Great! Just great! This was a big waste of her time... She giggled and rubbed her face, trying to calm herself a bit. Although she didn't have the paint, she did indeed have the spray-paint cans at least. She could still get the job done, just not as fast. It'll have to do! With a high pitched giggle, she reached into her chest and pulled out the pink spray paint and began her work...

Booled and Boore decided to stay behind in Owlzarus's library. They sensed that she would going into combat yet again, and they couldn't really assist. Besides, it's been quite a long time sense they have last seen Owlzarus. Booled couldn't help but feel a bit empathetic for Aphrodite. The action was truly never ending with her and Dante. How they could handle all this pressure was beyond him. Well almost. He really hoped that she would be okay in the end.

Booled looked over at Owlzarus. "Jake..." Booled said out loud. Yes... Jake. While he hadn't met Drillgore that they know of, he was the only one that had actually visited Quatheral. "Yes, Jake might work. However, there may be a problem."

Boore floated up towards Booled, tilting his head with curiosity. "What's that?"

"Drillgore wrote that message for Dante and Aphrodite. While Jake may be useful, I think Drillgore would simply execute this child if he finds out it's just him."

"So why can't we sneak him in like a stealth operation?" Boore questioned.

Booled patted the top of Boore's fuzzy head. "With the amount of power Drillgore has at this point, he may already have eyes all over the planet. I would doubt he will even take a few steps before Drillgore finds out. That being said.." Boore looked over at Owlzarus. "Drillgore did give his offer to Aphrodite as well. So this could mean a few things. He may be willing to extend his willingness towards the other Ninjas or their people. But that might lead to many more casualties." Booled sighed out loud, placing a hand over his mask.

"Drillgore is putting us in a hard position. What concerns me also is that surprise Drillgore mentioned in his note. However, he did state this surprise is time limited, so maybe we should still have enough time for when Aphrodite gets back, both she and Jake can help locate the child."

"And Owlzarus! You should come tooo! Maybe Drillgore will allow them to get that sweet poor child!"

"But Aphrodite requested he not to. It would be wise for him to stay."

"But didn't Dante say something like that Owlzarus was like a second father to him? Or something like that! I certainly felt it!"

"I don't see how any of that would change how would-"

Boore floated up to Booled's mask, placing his hand over the mouth of it. "C'mooon think! You said so yourself! He would highly be willing to let Owlzarus join if theyre like a family member or something... And since Owlzarus is like a daaaad..."
Last edited by MinorBone Good on Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Beast Blood »

Before the snake-tail could reach Ubel's neck, five clawed fingers wrapped around its girth, tight grip making the elongated reptilian appendage gag and even forcing some venom from its fangs with the sheer pressure of the squeeze. A single pull from the paw that had snatched it tore the tail clean off its owner, an arc of blood spilling from the mangled stump. The three-headed beast reared from Yzazil in pain, screaming its outrage with its remaining three maws. But the beast's angry chorus did not last long, as its own severed tail flew around its neck, strangling it! Pulling on what free, loose length remained from the snake, Ristaang twisted the chimera's necks backwards, its spine folding as she forced its hind legs and ripped extremity closer together. Despite its fiercest struggles, the beast could not stop the antlered titan from hogtying its legs with its tail, the Beastmother's brute strength an ever-so-unstoppable force to contend with. Roaring, the Beastmother raised the chimera above her head and hurled it, slamming it against the creatures landing from the rifts. The thing let out strangled gasps of pain as its ribcage took the brunt of the impact, bouncing across the area as it splattered the armies of creatures with its vast body.

Below the great Beast, the Borskall and Hunding quickly went to work. While Glaxion, Korraz and Hunding went to fight off the invading monsters, Gaiyan raised a thorny wall to defend the stranded Yakuza...

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by EdGojira »

"Well, that happened fast," Xarm said, annoyed. Did these guys often drop off at a moment's notice?

"We should just meet up with Hercules and give him the Dragon Ball," Go'ren said. "It'd be better for our mission."

"We do that, we'll just look like we stole it out from under them."

"Didn't we kinda do that?" Go'ren said. "It's not like we were planning on bumping into them."

"Yeah, we weren't planning on it right that minute," said Beetle, "but what's done is done now."

"We're moving at the speed of light," Garig said. "How the fuck are they even going to know where we are?"

"How about we follow him, wherever he is?" Beetle said.

"Yeah, let's just U-turn from where we're going."

The Other's concentration broke and he turned to face the others. He could tell that something was urgent to Ubel. There was something bad going on, decidedly. And he could tell that it had to do with their home realm. "People. This situation is more dire than what you're assuming."

"That true?" Xarm said mockingly.

"Shut the fuck up," Beetle said.

There was an uncomfortable stillness in the air. It was possible that the insect already wanted to better know Ubel. This would come in handy. The Other cleared his throat. "I would suggest we take said U-turn."

"Why?" asked Garig.

"Well, otherwise they'll lose track of us for one," Beetle said. "You know, like what you were just saying? Second Squishy, we're down a man and almost lost you. Looks pretty bad for us, doesn't it? What if we also piss off these Ninja guys? Do you really want to have to kill them?"

Xarm and Garig shrugged, "Not really..."

"She's kinda onto something," Go'ren nodded. "Also they're on a quest to get the Dragon Balls. They might have another one already that we can get from them."

"That shouldn't be our priority," said The Other. "Rescue first."

"But of course," Go'ren said, correcting themselves.

"So, how're we supposed to get there?" questioned Garig. "That place is probably, like, better hidden than Hercules's stash."

"Remove one of these chains," said The Other, "and I should be able to cast an incantation which will open a two-way wormhole between here and there."

The pirates stared down the deity. After a tense few moments, they decided that he was being sincere. Xarm approached The Other and grabbed hold of his arm. "Hold still, Miracle Man. Once this is over with, chains are going right back on."

The Other wasn't surprised that they didn't trust him. Still, the manner in which they eyed him with suspicion brought discomfort to him. Might he still be a mere prisoner? Hopefully not, but upon the removal of the chain he quickly formulated a plan to escape if need be. Beetle and Xarm were both more than a match for him on their own... this prison break would be the most dangerous in all of reality.

The Other uttered the incantation and before the Trident suddenly appeared what looked to be two massive wooden doors held together by iron bolts and cloaked in iridescence. The doors creaked open and the Trident flew through.

The ship came to an abrupt stop in the sky. "Bollocks!" complained Garig. "Word of fucking warning, please?"

"I apologize," said The Other. He and the others had to blink from the abrupt change in lighting. Once their eyes had adjusted, it was clear to The Other that this was the right place.

He hadn't stepped foot here in eons. At least, not formally.

He wished he could have come at a better time. One where he could absorb the situation. "Hercules, Golden Sword of Olympus," swore Garig. "Why the hell is it always giant monsters?"

"We should call Saint Kabuto," suggested Go'ren.

"Never mind that," Xarm said. He wished he could have been horrified by the occurrences going on, but truth was he had seen worse. "Let's set up an evacuation route."

"Aye aye," Garig said. They promptly swerved and buried themselves into the hillside, the vessel's drill penetrating the earth and tunneling some dozens of meters before coming to a stop.

"What was that?" The Other said incredulously. It was mere seconds into their visit and they had already begun to vandalize the realm.

"Suck it up dandy," Xarm said, drawing his massive gun as the hatch slowly lowered. The ship had already scanned for lifeforms and sent them to each pirate's devices.

"All right," Beetle said, checking her map. "Seems like they're clustered into large groups scattered around. Some are still stuck in buildings. I say that our toughest fan out and lead them to our cargo bay."

"Your cargo bay?" asked The Other.

"It's fitted with technology that allows it to carry a lot more than what appears. It's great for taking everything from under a rich god's nose," said Beetle.

"Please don't be doing that here," requested The Other.

"We'll try," Xarm said sarcastically as he tightened the chains and slapped The Other on the back.

"I'll stay here to guard the Dragon Ball and to move the ship if needed," said Garig.

Beetle picked up The Other and carried him down the ramp into the newly created cave. After it was done, he shoved her away. They were followed by Xarm and Go'ren.

"Let's save your world," Beetle said.

"How are they going to know where to go?" The Other said. "The chaos will surely be too much for them to--- what's that buzzing?"

It was an unsettling hum, like a mixture of electricity and rapid drumming.

"Anybody else hear me buzzing?" Beetle asked.

"No," replied the others.

"Good," Beetle said. "I have Ninja Radio." Go'ren not being able to hear was all she needed to know. Goblins' ears were sensitive to all but completely specialized sounds. Beetle recorded the sound she was making and sat small speakers along the cave's walls and at its opening as they went along.

Finally, she put one where the group had entered. Before they fanned out, she said, "Remember: 'follow the buzz."

"Yeah, all right," Xarm said. As he split off, he mumbled: "Godzilla better not pop up over here."
"I feel you should consider eating her. She's open about her manipulative ways."

As if Black Velvet were any less transparent. Jake addressed the stranger. "Me and Son Goku are from outside this planet and likely this universe. I'm more well traveled than him, I must say. Isn't it odd that those travels always seem to bring me to warlords? But, yes, I'm looking for information on Persephone. Not only location, I should add."
"I drove the army off," Goku said. He then chuckled, "Nice to meet you, goddess. You know, I woulda thought a god could do better but ya never know with how many universes there are, ya know? Supreme Kai couldn't even beat Buu! Beerus could, though."
Jackie's clones fizzled out of existence and he stood over her corpse. He had expected Salome to last longer than she had, but he breathed a sigh of relief that she and her regime had met their end. Now all there was was to ride out with the Dragon Ball. Despite this, there was a definitive feeling of loss.

Jackie looked apologetically at Demmy. This Molly girl seemed to be constantly victimized and despite this demon's attitude, it did seem to care for her. Alas, Jackie didn't think he would be able to help. To break the silence he stated, "I guess we can say good riddance to Zeye."
The pirate shrugged. "That'll have to be up to Godzilla."

The pirate flew them toward the massive ship and to the opening at the ship's bottom, where Hercules was still sitting in thought. The pirate captain had an immediate reaction, "What are you doing? Go and patrol---"

His eyes met Mulek and Immanuel. "Ah, guests! Why did you invite them when we're busy?"

He shook his head. He should wait to chide the Majin until these new people were comfortable. He addressed the pair, "Sorry about that. Climb aboard the Pegasus's Tavern."
Last edited by EdGojira on Tue Jan 19, 2021 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by HayesAJones »

"If my skull's so thick," Dea growled, reaching over her grappled head to grasp Hayden's, the brute force making his vision go white, "this is gonna hurt!"

With a snarl, the superhuman arched her back, bringing Hayden's skull into her own with a sickening crack. His nose was flattened and red dots exploded across his vision, stealing away his sight for a moment. As the young ninja went limp from the sharp blow, consciousness flickering in and out, Dea seized his collar and spun on a heel, hurling him at Alexei like a rag doll. His body crashed through several fireballs before slamming into the fire-thrower himself, sending them both into a heap of bruised limbs.

Twisting towards the advancing wall of ice, Dea drew back a fist, her body tensing, sending thunderous rumblesethrough the air. On the peripherals of her vision, she noticed Evoex withdrawing, as well as the violent wyrm suddenly ambushing Nichelle. Part of her was tempted to stop and gloat. It seemed she actually wasn't here alone. She didn't know why, and it was just another irritation for the pile that Persephone apparently didn't trust her to get the job done on her own, but the largest part of her was simply furious.

If words would not reach these misguided goons, maybe pain would.

Sound barrier shredding before her balled hand, the demigod struck the ice wall with bunker-busting energy. Instantly, the ice was was transformed into water and steam, though it still moved at such speed as to act like a rainstorm of solids, endless spears and needles that peppered Vale, slicing both her clothes and skin...!


Alex shook his head at Jackie's assertion.

"N- Not just yet," he mumbled, a hand to his mouth. He tried not to look at Salome's body. Noraage was a harsh land, and he had seen plenty of death, but not so close, so fast. Her eyes had not even had the chance to close. He feared looking into them would cause him great guilt, even considering the vile crimes she was guilty of. She had been a monster, but she was still alive. Now she wasn't.

He breathed shakily before continuing. "Z- Zeye's still alive, but... the varuls should decide his fate. They was the biggest victims of his crime. So I... I guess I'll clear away this rubble and-"

"<His fate is death,>" a deep, powerful voice rumbled.

Mattuger, moving with eerie silence despite his great size, had at some point entered the room. His scarlet eyes glowering like chunks of hot coals. His black spear was held aloft, a silver flame beginning to run down its length. The few natives remaining in the ivory ruins began to scatter like insects from a boot. Even Alex seemed cowed, squatting shocked and mute between the god and the bloodied human.

Fangs pushed apart wolfish lips. "<Move.>"

As Alex scrambled out of the way, the god lifted his glaive-like polearm even higher, its silver lighting stretching down his arm, making his already impressive muscles harden to the consistency of stone. It would not take so much to kill this man, he knew this. It would not take even a halfhearted swing to finish him off. But this was not about killing him. Not alone. This was about showing Noraage his might.

This as about showing this world the varuls' justice.

Once the silver glow had engulfed his whole body, making him shine like a star given humanoid shape, the giant thrust down. Zeye was rendered into bloody ribbons upon contact with his spearpoint. Only a stray limb or two surviving intact as they spiraled away from the resulting red mist. Noraage itself shuddered under the blow. Anything of the ruins around them left standing crumbled without protest, reducing the bones of the dead city into mere dust. Anything unable to move, such as Salome's body, was swallowed by its corpse.

Cleaning his spear of blood and shards of bone with a swift flick, Mattuger sniffed in satisfactions. "<Now we say good riddance.>"


Magparker answered with a grin. "<Of course, my sweet! It shouldn't take but a few moments.>"

The odd woman did not make it far however. As she scanned the horizon for still-leafy bushes or undisturbed snow banks that might hide tender greens, and Fray curiously investigated the venison, testing its texture with a prodding finger, the ground shook, a quake coming from the far south. Magparker swayed a bit, her face twisting into a concerned frown. She turned back to Daeva.

"<Oh my, did you feel that? I certainly did. Only a few things on Noraage are capable of that. And... Daeva, my dear, might I ask you to eat on the go? That's the same ruckus I fear may be disturbing my old friend. It's just become imperative we find him if it's going to continue.>"


Cyclopean eye narrowing to a hideous red slit, Bug ground her jaws and sent a convulsive surge of violent change down her body, splitting her down the middle. From the bleeding cavity of her body, a new pair of arms erupted, essentially creating two duplicates of herself bound at the waist. One lunged fearlessly at Minos and was promptly cleaved into charbroiled chunks. The abomination's pinwheeling scythe was too fast, too razor-sharp even at the level of clinging, clawing atoms. The other, however, circled around, flanking the rogue Death Knight by extending her hollowed trunk, blood and body fluid drizzling from its entire length.

With a vicious whoop, the dog-like fiend swung wildly at Minos, her bear-like claws lengthening and widening into miniature scythes all their own...!
Last edited by HayesAJones on Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

Evron had little time to react to the knife like projectiles, and was forced to take several shredding through his body, whilst trying to dodge around the rest. A pained scream echoed out of Evron as more and more pierced his armored form, managing to somehow negate his defenses.

"Evron!" Dante yelled. Seeing his brother in danger, he struggled harder against his binds, but they refused to budge. This corrupted power was mightily resilient and had a chemical makeup that he wasn't all too familiar with. It would take more than raw energy to break free from these chains; he needed to lean on his love and understanding of chemistry to destabilize the darkness. He quickly thought of an idea that he had no idea of the end result, but didn’t have much choice but to try. Closing his eyes, Dante began to raise his normal Ki to a level where he could better match the “surface” of the dark power, using brute force to keep it distracted. Then, he utilized his divine Ki as a means of attacking the opposing energies from the inside and weaken its influence.

Soon, to his surprise, the black “tendrils” started to glow a bright white, before scattering to the winds with a terrible hiss. And thus, Dante was freed, leaving him to focus now on helping Evron. The latter had soon grown tired of being assaulted by literal razor blades, and conjured a Neutron Saber in response. With a horizontal slash, Evron utilized the negative gravity of the saber to effectively reflect the blades right at their creator.

"Right back at you, bitch!" He screeched. Though, before they could even get close to her, the Heart rendered them completely useless, disintegrating the volley with a mere flash of her eyes. Evron sneered, "Dammit."

Dante came up next to him and checked him over for any wounds, yet soon finding what otherwise would have been ghastly holes, all completely healed up. "Are you okay, bro?" Dante asked and placed a hand on his shoulder, while also trying to lend him some extra energy, to which Evron kindly declined.

"Yeah, I'm good..." He trailed off as his eyes never left the Heart. What was a hateful scowl, soon turned into a smirk. "Hmph, this asshole thinks that she can just play around us, yeah? Well, unfortunately for her, I've got a plan."

"I'm all ears."

And so, the two brothers began to psychically speak in code, using phrases, subtle body cues, and ticks that wouldn't have made sense to anyone else, outside of their immediate family, to formulate a plan. And, when all was set in stone, Dante gave a nod of understanding to Evron to indicate that he knew his role, and was ready to proceed. In response, Evron brought his hands together to perform a series of lightning quick hand movements, but before making the final sign, paused and shouted to Dante, "Now!"

Immediately, the Ninja Prime teleported away and disappeared from view; not even a trace of him was left. Meanwhile, Evron, having committed the final sign, summoned a little over 30 clones of himself, disappearing in the sea of gunmetal grey.

"Find the real one!" They all shouted at the Heart. Then, army of Evrons hovered a few inches off the ground and started to circle around one another in a horizontal fashion, quickly picking up speed. Soon enough, they had formed what could be described as a ninja tornado, one that rampaged straight for the woman in disguise.

Whilst the honestly unsettling funnel cloud of Evrons surged towards the Heart, from above, high over her head, Evron dove towards her with Neutron Sabers at the ready. "NOW YOU DIIIEEE!!!" He roared and aimed to cleave her right in two. But then, just as he was mere feet away from striking, the blood lusted ninja exploded into a cloud of smoke right before the Heart's very eyes. Yet another infernal clone, and, the ninja tornado was swiftly approaching ever still. Without warning, the real warrior appeared on the left, a charged Ki Surge just inches away from her face. Suddenly, the ground underneath and around the fowl being caved in and sent her falling into whatever depths awaited. Dante flew in from behind and hurled a meteoric kick in the back of her skull, a blow that rocketed her back towards the surface. Then, now directly above the woman, Dante exploded into a hellfire of golden flames and blasted towards the Heart to consume it within the Inferno.

And, from behind, Evron teleported into position, and didn't hesitate when he unleashed a massive Ki Surge at her.

It was now an all out brawl in the Ninja realm, with the forces of good battling without falter against the intruders that plagued this great land. One of the most powerful strongholds in the multiverse, they could not afford to lose it to tyranny. Not a single soul would be lost today.

Piccolo stumbled out of the crater that he'd created on impact, and let out a pained breath. Purple blood dripped from his mouth, and various cuts and bruises littered his skin, but he was fine otherwise. Glaring in the direction of where he assumed Dea was, Piccolo stripped off his now dirtied cloak and tossed it to the side. An angry snarl seeped through his gritted teeth; she fought dirty, did she? He had no problem doing the same, and would deal the kind of pain that she inflicted on him, back tenfold. As Piccolo prepared to reengage Dea, a high pitched scream rung his sensitive ears, drawing his head to the right. The voice sounded young, and more importantly, terrified, desperate. It was a cry for help, one that, as he turned back to the fight that surely waged with Dea, brought another growl out of him. He would have to set his wounded pride aside for now; he was here to help defend this land and her people, and he would do just that. Piccolo took to the skies and headed in the direction of the scream.

A fresh faced mother and her daughter had somehow been cut off from the rest of the crowd, and now found themselves trapped against a wall, facing down what looked like a cross between a rabid wolf, and a grizzly whom had had its face mutilated. It shuddered and seized as it walk, green bile drooling from its maw as it bared its yellow teeth at the unfortunate pair. The mother held her child tight within her arms and as far away from the beast as possible. Their tears intermixed together, as did their scared whimpering; the horrible thing prepared to strike... And met nothing but the rock hard construction of the estate. It whipped its festering visage back and forth to regain a visual of its escaped prey, but was met with nothing.

Above, standing on one of the highest balconies of the kingdom, were the little family, now held in either of Piccolo's arms. Gently releasing them, the mother embraced her daughter and let out a huge sigh of relief. "My beautiful girl, oh thank the gods you're okay." She said and looked up at Piccolo. "Thank you... Thank you so much, I don't know how we'll ever repay you, mister..."

The Namekian smiled and shook his head, "There's no need, I'm just here to help. You can call me, Piccolo."

Nodding, the mother smiled appreciatively. "Well, thank you all the same, Piccolo. We're forever in your debt."

"My pleasure. Now, you both stay up here, and find somewhere safe and secure to hide. I need to go and see about the others."

With that, Piccolo turned and headed back down to ground level, while the pair quickly ran to the nearest safe place that they could find, and lock themselves in until this madness was over. That same abominable fiend that attacked them prior, was now joined by an additional five, writhing monstrosities, all of which were trying to plow their way into the estate, yet were staved off from its nigh unbreakable walls. Piccolo sailed towards the wolf-bear hybrid, and planted a savage kick right in its jaw, toppling it over. He turned on a dime to face the others and jumped back to gain some distance, before unleashing a relentless volley of Ki blasts on them to draw them away from the kingdom.

- - - - - - - - -

Ubel watched as Ristaang effortlessly disposed of the chimera, and slaughtered countless more beasts using only its body as a weapon. The ninja waved to grab her attention, and then shot a thumbs up. "Thanks, your giant majesty!" He shouted. That was one creature taken care of, but there was still an army to clean up, and as Glaxion, Korraz, and Hunding charged in to battle, Ubel prepared to do so as well.

"Huh, reminds me of the war against Hell, just smaller. The difference is..." Ubel paused to thrust his hand out to the side. "This one ends today! HELLSBANE! "

A thundering chorus howled above the clouds, signaling the arrival of the mythical weapon, followed by beautifully bright flashes that pierced the thick plumes. Then, in a large and wide pillar of lightning that parted the clouds and snaked to the earth, Hellsbane found solace in the grip of its master, and greeted the ninja with the familiar sting of its nigh parasitic siphoning of energy. In the morning sun, the blade gleamed with the luster of exotic jewelry, the golden housing that hid the true blade within, combined with the ruby emblazoned bronze handle and hilt, and precious gemstones sprinkled throughout. Ubel planted the end of the sword in the ground, and looked to Yzazil.

"Let's fall in to the estate, our priority now is getting anyone who is displaced to safety, and killing these things!" He stated, and rushed to the kingdom in the blink of an eye. When he arrived, Ubel made short work of a large group of creatures, with Hellsbane cleaving them apart, and vaporizing them with ease.

A group of smaller, reptilian humanoids ravenously chased down a group of Yakuza teenagers, along with a red haired and yellow eyed pixie. The speed of the former allowed for them to swiftly close ground, and their claws reached out to snatch their prey...

“Vines of Demeter!” Ubel’s voice suddenly boomed, and not a second later, did dozens of thick brown vines sprout from the ground and make a beeline for the monsters. They soon found themselves both entangled and slowly but surely suffocated, as the vines began to crush their lungs like soda cans. Sharpened tips aimed for the heads of the scaly fiends, and, with sickening precision, speared straight through all of them, splattering dark blood along the ground. The creatures collapsed in a useless pile as the vines retreated back into the earth.

Said teenagers watched in shock, mouths agape. They soon were shaken from their trance when Ubel landed before them, Hellsbane in hand.

“Y-Your highness!” One of them sputtered. “Did you do just do that???”

Ubel smiled and nodded. “Pretty cool, huh? Is everyone okay here?”

They all nodded.

“Good, now find the nearest safe zone and stay there, alright? Take anyone else you see with you, go.”

“Yes sir! Thanks again for the save!”

As the adolescent group turned to lead their Fae companion to the area in question, Ubel returned his attention to the swarm, and charged right into the thick of it. Dozens were cut down, atomized, and crushed in seconds, their numbers quickly thinning.

- - - - - - - - -

Aphrodite collapsed to her knees in a pained groan. The pressure being applied here was immense, but more importantly, constant, never ending. Through gritted teeth, did she manage to steal a glare at the wyvern king, but her head was forced down soon after. While she couldn't see them, she could still hear the painful cries of the children, the fear in their tiny voices. She could feel them beginning to slip, starting to falter, as were Fiotto and Uquillious. No... No. Aphrodite refused to allow them to fall victim to an interloper, a cretin who knew nothing but gluttony. She was the goddess of love, the Queen of lightning! She had just braved the crushing fury of a blackhole, and this, by comparison...

Slowly, and one foot at a time, the goddess battled back against the Wyvern King's will, and stood to her feet.

Was nothing!

Her eyes glowed with fury as electricity raced up and down her arms. “You dare attempt tp strike down a goddess, foul beast?! You dare threaten the lives of her kinfolk and allies?!” Aphrodite thundered as her power increased. Behind, the children and Quatheral would find an electrical force field surrounding them, one that negated the effects of the Wyvern King, and would keep them out of harm’s way.

“It is nigh time that you relearned your place, pest!”

A long javelin of lightning ignited into her hand. Aphrodite drew back, aimed, and hurled the huge lance at a perfect trajectory for her opponent’s snarling visage. Superheated energies collided and exploded in the Wyvern King’s face, such that it boiled and marred his flesh ever more, and destroyed one of his mighty horns.

- - - - - - - - -

Vale watched in horror as her teammates were dispatched so easily, and tossed to the wayside. Hale laid on top of Alexei, slipping in and out of consciousness, with the latter slowly recovering from the impact.

“Guys!” Vale shouted after them, but she would have no time to see about tending to them, when her whole brain was rattled from a supersonic “BOOM!” It felt like her bones had been warped just from the pressure of it, but as she turned to engage Dea, Vale was instead met with a literal storm of needles that screamed towards her. With her own attack having been turned against her, Vale could do nothing more currently but throw up another wall of ice as defense, and weather the storm. Even then, she yelped in pain from several of the ice sickles finding passage through her shield, and shredding through her skin. At the rate of which they traveled, it wasn’t long before Vale’s barrier was full of holes, and entirely compromised. She couldn’t hold onto it any longer, and was thrown to her knees as it shattered into thousands of pieces. Vale tucked in to shield herself as best she could from the assault, but was wracked with pain from spears of solid ice bludgeoning her form.

But, adrenaline had begun to kick in which nulled the pain, and Vale’s arms and eyes glowed in a chilling white. Through gritted teeth, she stood back up and put a stop to the continuous barrage by taking control of the projectiles herself. The steam and water from her previous attack was also utilized to create several more ice spears, ones that were even longer than those that assaulted her, and they were pointed directly at the cynical demigod.

“Back... OFF!” Vale screamed, which launched her creations like missiles towards Dea. The air directly around Vale chilled and solidified, which created even more razor sharp needles that soon followed in the paths of their predecessors. Thousands of sharped, rock solid ice pounded into Dea with incredible force, shredding through her clothes and flesh like butter.

- - - - - - - - -

Daeva’s head turned on a swivel in the direction of where the quake emanated. She could feel its intensity more than Magparker, and that was no small quake. An uncharacteristic frown found its way onto her face, and Daeva turned to see the look of worry on the normally joyful woman’s face.

“Scratch the lunch for now, Magparker, I can eat later on; let’s go find your friend, and maybe even see about telling whatever caused that quake to cut it out.” Daeva replied and jumped from Fray’s shoulders to land in the pillowy snow. “Come on, the sooner we find your buddy, the sooner we can all fill up on those sweet berries you’ve talked up.”
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Sun Jan 24, 2021 7:54 am, edited 2 times in total.


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Corzak The Mighty
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Corzak The Mighty »

Immanuel offered Hercules a respectful bow. "It is no worry. An honor to finally meet you in person, Hercules. Your reputation proceeds you."

With an aside glance to Mulek, Immanuel stepped into the vessel of the infamous space pirate, making sure to keep his wits about him. The last thing he wanted was to walk into a trap...
As the Trident entered into the celestial domain of the Ninja, the unconscious form of Gigantis slowly melted away into the walls, vanishing in a swirl of black mist...
Yzazil could only watch in shock and awe at the ferocious assault leveled upon the Chimera by the Ristaang, pushing himself to his feet as he instinctively felt the massive ruts torn into his armor. To think that such a massive creature was one of the gods of Korraz's people... he shuddered to think what her people's pantheon was capable of when fully roused to anger. Perhaps there was yet hope in this seemingly hopeless conflict against both Tengri and Persephone. Yzazil offered the colossal guardian a thankful nod, watching as she and her people strode into battle against the ever-encroaching horde.

Hearing Ubel's words, Yzazil offered an affirmative grunt, as his aura flared a brilliant sapphire hue. The God of Judgment loosed a monstrous sound, a rumble akin to a peal of thunder, as the very earth around him became supercharged with Prana. Cracks of shimmering blue energy slithered forth from where he stood, before he took to the skies, leaving a stream of energy in his wake. Yzazil soared high above, unleashing destructive torrents of azure energy towards the clambering legions, tearing cobalt swathes of power through their forces. The abyssal beasts met fell fates at Yzazil's hands, as his magic siphoned away their fell life force, causing their abominable bodies to crumble into ebony dust. While Yzazil flew overhead, he made sure to keep his eyes locked at all times on the Chimera's place of rest. Though it had been mangled, something within the God of Judgment warned him not to assume it dead so easily; after all, his failure to slay Tengri in the Abyss is what allowed him to continue his current reign of terror. And if it possessed the power to wound his armor... then the creature was certainly no slouch in a protracted fight if indeed still lived.

While Yzazil was focused on the task at hand, however, he was suddenly struck from behind! The tip of a maroon blade pierced straight through his chest armor, as crippling waves of pain washed through his body. Strands of blackened magic rippled forth from the blade, weakening Yzazil's burning aura of Prana!

Wait... this pain.... Yzazil recognized it. Could it be...?

From behind the God of Judgment, the visage of a fell, ram-horned entity emerged. The being's skin was a sickly pallor, a mottled mixture of brown and yellow. The being's face was like that of a demented ape's, with sickly yellow teeth rimed with plaque filling a demented smile plastered upon its face, and sickly jaundiced eyes glaring at Yzazil with ill intent.

"Good to see you again... Yzazil!" the being laughed, as Yzazil felt himself spun around and sent hurtling into the encroaching hordes of abyssal beasts. Yzazil's impact with the ground sent him tumbling, his momentum and body mass flattening several of the creatures before he came to a stop no more than 100 meters from one of the rifts. As Yzazil pushed himself to his feet, the monstrous figure emerged before him in full, slamming into the ground in a plume of misty purple magic, a pair of fell bat-like wings stretched to a length of over 20 feet. Clutched in its hands was a massive-two handed scythe forged of a similar purplish energy. "It's been a while hasn't it, Yzazil?! Not since that fender back at Earth!"

Flipping himself to his feet, Yzazil's stance steeled and offerd his foe no initial reply, before he lunged at the demonic creature as a sapphire blur. As Yzazil's sword came down towards his foe's shoulder, the being blocked it using the handle of the scythe of deflect it. Yzazil was quick to counter, however, and unleashed a vicious, Prana-empowered punch to the being's face, sending him hurtling backwards through another horde of multi-eyed, serpentine beasts and tearing a burning sapphire rut into the earth.

With some space to finally breathe, Yzazil spoke, ire and confusion evident in his voice. "Diabolus! You still yet live?"

The demonic being smirked, pushing himself back to his feet. "That bitch of a niece you have died once as well; are you so surprised that the dead can return?"

"You were cast beyond the veil of life and death," Yzazil proclaimed. "Not one speck of your essence survived our previous battle, and yet you stand here before me! How? It does not make any sense..."

Diabolus' smile widened. "Don't you get it? I've got a new employer now, an employer that offers great benefits! An employer that offered me a chance to take back what belongs to me and me alone! With the fragmentation of time and space, I've been given new lease on life! and, of course, a second chance at finishing what I started all those years ago!"

Yzazil clutched his blade tightly, as a surge of burning prana entered it, giving his sword the appearance of azure flames. "You shall find no such victory here. No longer do I stand alone against the forces of darkness."

Diabolus laughed a hearty, mocking laugh. "You're always alone, Yzazil! After everything you've done, you think those around you will so easily forget? That they will welcome you back in with open arms? They tolerate you out of necessity, not out of love or admiration. As soon as this conflict is over, they will abandon you, just as they always have!"

Yzazil's visage fell briefly, before his eyes locked upon Diabolus with renewed determination. "Not her. Nyx still loves me. The last of my true family. And it is for her sake that I continue to fight."

Diabolus' smile maddened, as he split his maroon-bladed scythe into a pair of one-handed, smaller scythes. "Oh, yes, your niece! Then once i'm through with you, let me have the pleasure of taking her away from you!"

With a bellow, Yzazil dashed towards Diabolus as a sapphire blur, as Diabolus raised both his weapons, channeling a swirl of purple-hued smoke around himself in anticipation...
Belfrit's vines did not manage to get very far before Nyx reacted. Quickly poking her head and arms up from behind her flimsy cover, Nyx fired off a single, precise shot directly at Belfrit's head, the impact flooring the plant wielder and causing her to slide about two feet. Thankfully for the diminutive bruiser, her mask was able to absorb most of the shot, cracking audibly from the shot before falling into three shattered pieces in front of her.

Nyx fully rose from behind her cover, keeping her pistol trained on Lilith. Her eyes locked onto the scientist with an almost predatory glint, hiding a thinly veiled desire to kill. "I know you can read my mind, so I'm sure you know I only got two shots left. But I'm also sure you know I'm not going to miss if i decide to splatter your fucking brains across your lab, so I'd suggest you start talking before my trigger finger slips."
With a final wave, the door closed shut behind the Quatherals, before the strange vessel then began its descent towards the ground below, where Tengri supposedly awaited them. The vessel moved swiftly and in an eerie silence; the only noise the disk-like vehicle made was a low hum as it glided effortlessly through the air. As the assembly of Quatheral descended down to the pyramidal palace below, the vastness of the assembled legions became apparent; it was almost as if the entirety of the ground below was covered by beings of all shapes and sizes. Some were bestial and monstrous; others were lithe and beautiful; others still were mechanical and unnatural. It was truly a wide menagerie that had been gathered by Tengri.

Before long, the ship came to a stop, opening up its hatch in front of a platform forged from a red-tinted sandstone. Roughly 20 meters from the Quatherals' position within the vessel, the group could make out a shadow-caped form making its way towards the massive, pyramidal palace that lay before them. The figure seemed to be wearing similarly dark armor, and carried a simple spear that he had rested upon his shoulder. Beside the being was a monstrous mechanical horse, wrought of a metal similar to the one that made up the spear-wielding being's armor. It looked as though the figure had not noticed them yet...
The arachnid-esque creature did not seem to pay much heed to Molly's fear. Instead, the being immediately got to work, producing several silky tape measures from the robe-like garment she wore. The creature's six hands moved nimbly, extending the tape measures and retracting them with incredible speed, measuring Molly's total height, torso width and height, hip size, and bust size. After less than a couple minutes, the creature seemed to have gotten what it needed from Molly.

"Now, dearie, it will take me a bit of time to finish our garments," the creature spoke between clicks, pressing her hands together. She gestured towards a small bench that sat next a massive rack full of colorful, if risque, clothing. "Have a seat over there and make yourself comfortable. This should only take me a few minutes to finish."

Without waiting for Molly to acknowledge her statement, the monstrous seamstress immediately got to work on Molly's outfit, quickly spinning something out of a beautiful red silk....
Owlzarus placed an inquisitive talon upon his chin, thinking out his options. "It certainly is not outside the realm of possibility that Drillgore would accept me as a suitable alternative. I have helped guide the Ninjas through their many trials and tribulations since the disappearance of Tiamat all those eons ago. Though the surprise being limited does not necessarily mean time is on our side. Perhaps the surprise is something Drillgore wishes for the ninjas to see in an attempt to break their spirits and, should he get bored enough, will simply execute the plan without them."

Owlzarus crossed his arms and lowered his head. "Either way, we cannot risk waiting for long. Drillgore is violent and unpredictable; anticipating his next move, even with my foresight, is difficult, for his futures are fluid and inconsistent. In order to save the child, diving into this situation unprepared may be the only viable option."
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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Clash of Gods (Shin Gojira vs Legendary Godzilla story, completed)

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Demon Lord Gira
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Demon Lord Gira »

It was a flurry of action that surrounded The Heart. Evron's clones that flashed before her and vanished just as quickly, the ground beneath her giving way as she plummeted down into the murky darkness below, only to be sent back upward by a deafening kick from the Ninja Prime, straight toward her adversaries: Dante himself wreathed in golden fire, the approaching maelstrom of Evron clones, and the real deal that had teleported in behind her, three separate threats all which approached at once...

And yet, something nudged at the back of Dante's mind as it seemed all time began to slow before the triple impact. As he plunged toward his foe, he saw it, the the formings of a smile creep across the woman's face, and a single chuckle escape from her.

The golden Ninja Prime blasted through her as if she weren't even there... No, he had felt no resistance, nothing but air. No flesh, no bones, nothing... Instead, he simply phased through as Chang'es body wavered from the strike. Instead, he nearly collided with Evron, and had to veer away at the last second to avoid the Ki surge. This time, he could see as the blast of Ki seemed to vanish from before The Heart. No sooner did it, than the maelstrom of Evrons was blasted apart as Evron's own Ki blast erupted out from within them. The clones were sent sprawling into the blackened mud below, and as the two Ninjas saw, the bloody mud came to life and ensnared the clones, engulfing each and every one that came into contact with it before pulling them deep into its depths.

The Heart loomed high above the heads of the two Ninjas. Her arms were stretched out far to the sides, as though she were a living cross. "You two really are bone-headed. Clones and more clones, ki strikes and ki strikes. They never work, yet you keep trying. Is this what Persy calls 'insanity'? I guess insane actors are well received... No matter..."

The tips of her hands vanished from view, and both Ninjas felt sharpened nails and powerful hands grip around the insides of their skulls, around their brains.

"I'll just have to fix that thick headed nature, internally." From pores across her arms came forth the blackened blood, which raced down her hands into the invisible displaced air, and into the insides of the skulls of the two Ninjas, threatening to seep into their brains...


Demmy gave a second whistle as she watched Zeye and Salome's remains be reduced to nothing but a crater in the ground. "Well, he certainly is deader than dead... both of them are."

A soft voice came from the woman in Demmy's arms. "I... I'm sorry but... I'm kind of lost here." Mara turned to look at Alex and Jackie and Mattuger. The harshess that had been in her voice and eyes when they had last met was nowhere to be seen, nor the demonic markings that had covered her face. Her posture was more proper, her face softer, and all that remained of the prior Mara still visible was a small jagged fang that stuck out on the right side of her face. "I.. I was not quite myself if we met before, as someone else was using my body. What exactly is going on here? You all seem familiar but... " She placed a hand on her head. "It's like a faint dream, a shrouded vision I cannot recall."


Mulek felt uneasy as her gaze landed upon Hercules. There as something off about this guy, something that felt just WRONG, an air of unease that seemed to radiate around him. An air...

An air just like Persephone.

Still, she kept as calm a smile as she could and followed Immanuel onboard. "A pleasure to meet you-"

Her eyes spotted a robed pterodactyl like being, and her left eye twitched. No wonder she had felt something off about this vessel. A winged rat was in here, a very aged winged rat.

Karzahni scooted back a ways from Mulek's glare. This... this angel, he recognized her! No, of course he would! "What an unexpected guest indeed... The God of Light Immanuel, and Cercil's second in command, Mulek..."

"I had no idea you were a collector of trash, Hercules." Mulek cast a long gaze at the Abyssian Demon....


The ravenous hordes had met their match. The might of the Borskalls were greater than what they had expected, but the near mindless predators refused to relent. Korraz found herself beset by a pair of charcoal grey Lindworms, as one leaped upon her and began to constrict its neck around her torso and began to plunge its fangs into the back of her head, while another charged from the front, claws splayed out to gouge into her...

only, it never connected. A wall of vines wrapped around the leaping serpentine beast and bound it down to the ground. The vines had come from several Dryads, who had merged together to form one giant Dryad which grabbed the bounded Lindworm by the head and began to stomp it down into the ground.

Several hundred meters away, another serpentine beast coughed out blood as sharpened stone pillars skewered through its body. The ground beneath it parted, and the impaled beast fell deep into the hole which closed behind it. A proud Tenkarus smirked to herself, before she lifted her hand and willed the ground to swirl up into a vortex of mud, which she bound into a walking eel like abomination and constricted around it, until the beast was encased in the newly formed rock.


The maimed chimera caught itself in its tumble, and shakily rose to its feet as it turned to face the much larger Ristaang. The middle head of the fiend, shaped like that of a baleen whale, inflated its throat as the chimera took to the skies once more. As it approached Ristaang, the jaws parted to release a powerful shockwave of sound and concussive noise that battered the Borskall god's ears and sensitive tissues,all while her flesh began to rip and tear from the vibrations. At the same time, it swung its fell claws into her, hoping to expedite the pain...

A second ear rending bellow echoed that released from the chimera as a large draconic frame descended upon Ubel. Jagged claws ripped into his back, and the ninja was send sprawling across the ground. His attacker hovered in the air, a great dragon with blackened purple scales and twin horns that jutted from the front of his head. Spiked scutes covered his shoulders and ran down his chest, and jagged tusks rose from his lower jaw. The dragon's eyes locked upon Ubel, as his horns surged with a dark purple lightning.

"You carry the scent of the blasted Fae Queen, and you shepherd her people." The dragon's claws flexed. "Just as I have burned her kind to cinders, so too will I, Dybatrox, burn you!" He flapped his wings and he flew through the air toward the largest of the Ninja siblings, jaws wide agape and claws dripping with blood...


"RNWAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" The Wyvern King howled as the divine lance shattered one of its horns. The great beast recoiled backwards, its skin charred and scales blasted through from the power of the strike. As it recoiled, it saw its shattered horn fell to the ground, and the empowered gravity dispelled by Aphrodite.

Im... Impossible. For a horn to be shattered... Not since...

Not since...

Before Aphrodite's eyes the form of the Wyvern King began to ripple and balloon in size as it grew larger and larger. The room around it, and the castle itself, began to crumble as it assumed its full size, a beast as large as Ristaang herself, and one whom utterly dwarfed Aphrodite and the Quatheral residents.

"I AM THE USURPER OF GODS! THE TRUE MANIFESTATION OF DEATH! BE GONE FROM MY VISAGE AND PERISH!" The great beast raised its tail high into the heavens, then swung it down upon Aphrodite to crush her where she stood...


Without much in the way of resistance, Molly placed herself where she had been instructed. The bench creaked, but otherwise it was comfortable. Her eyes drifted to the different sets of clothing near the bench, and she had to admit, they all were pleasing to the eye in some way or shape. Admittedly, her clothing options had been somewhat limited since before the attack of Miyoshi and...

The attack of Miyoshi... The death of Doris.

She stared at the blood red silk, and for a moment all she saw was Doris's own blood as she lay upon the ground, giving her final words to her and Nichelle. It had seemed like such a long time since then, yet only a day at most...

"I kept this hidden... in fear you would hate me. But all I did... was hurt you even more. You cannot forgive me... but I am... I am still... happy to be... with you."

Back then, Molly could have only assumed she was speaking of her true nature, and in a sense, it was correct. But now, was there more that Doris had been hiding from her? That she, Nichelle, and the others had been hiding? What had happened... to her world?

Her hands shook on her lap, and Molly found herself short of breath. Her world... Her people... Everyone she had known, everything was... Everything...

It took everything for Molly to not break down, and as she struggled to keep it together, she failed to notice a dark mist rise up from the ground around the spider being. She failed to notice the weaver stiffen for a moment, then resume her work. She failed to notice the head of the person turn to look back at her, and a brief flash of a light green flare in the eyes of the seamstress...


The dark skinned woman chuckled. "Your mental friend is quite the character. So straightforward and to the point."

She cracker her neck. "But yes, information on Persy- Persephone. I can tell you all about her, and where she is."

The woman held up a finger. "First, she's the last survivor of a race of highly advanced people who called themselves Celestials. She was raised by their king, before an oh so terrible tragedy struck. Then, the Goddess of Makai, Cercil, raised her afterwards. But she made a mistake here and there, and got kicked out of her new paradise before she found her way to Sheol and became its ruler. Oh, and she has a worthless sister who you smell faintly of."

A second finger came up. "Secondly, Persephone is a master of using ice. She can manipulate water molecules in the air and solidify them by rapidly cooling them down. She can even do this to the water inside of bodies. Of course, being a user of ice naturally means a weakness to fire, and to physical blunt strength. Remove her ice powers, and what is Persephone? An overblown child who hides behind those stronger than her."

She walked right up to Jake and clasped her hands around his cheeks. " Get up close to her like this, and she's helpless as a lamb." She quickly stepped back to over several feet away. "I'm sorry social distancing and all that. But anways, I do hear she's learning how to circumvent that..."

Then, came up a third finger. "And lastly, she is terrified of bea-I mean death and dying. It's why she has so many powerful allies surrounding her. A former Death Knight, a mad scientist, a three eyed mind reader, and the God of Death's own warped wife. So many are under her control, all so she feels she truly is in control. But once things go awry, once she really feels she can and will die? She becomes completely submissive, a bottom you can say."

With that, she spun on her heels and turned away from Jake, as she tapped on the table. The table faded from view, and in its place was a rift, a rift that seemed to lead into a massive cavern. " As for where she is... Well, in a way, you can say she's right here, the form you are speaking to.♥"


A vein bulged across Lavidana's face. "Excuse me?!" The diminutive goddess snapped. "There's only so much a single entity can do when so many places are under attack! Several of the cities that surround my temple were being attacked and I only just finished repelling Persephone's armies from there! I cannot be everywhere at once, and neither can my younger brother! We're all that's left of our pantheon, but that doesn't give you the right to insult us!"

Lavidana's cheeks inflated out as she glared daggers at Goku. Her light blue eyes sparked with a vigor and anger to them that showed of life. "I don't know what you're talking about with this 'buu' or 'Beerus' crap, but whatever deities they are, they pale to me. Were you dropped on your head to think so little of the gods, or are you just --------? Yet, if you really did drive off Persephone's forces from here..."

Her childish face lightened up. "In that case, all that's left is their base of operations. Brother is on his way there right now, but in the current state he's in, I don't know if he can handle that many by himself..."


Her mask destroyed, Belfrit turned to face Nyx. The older woman could see that Belfrit was like a child, older than Persephone but still short with a childish face. Her eyes were scarred over, with only the tiniest hint of light blue evident past the decayed and dead flesh, and there was no life or spark to them. They felt hollow to look at, dull and with no energy behind them. It was as if she was staring at a puppet, one with a large bulge that writhed beneath her forehead.

Lilith's mouth twisted into a snarl, yet only a second later did she loosen. "I surrender..." She weakly said. "Whatever you need me to say, I'll say it. This is a no win scenario, I can tell that much."

"Bad end for you." Aseya muttered.

Lae glared down at Lilith with a look of disgust, yet he couldn't help but feel something was off. This had seemed... all too easy. " The attack on Nyx's world... why?"

"I... I don't know!" She blurted. When Aseya's claws came closer, she stammered, "Honest, I don't remember why. Persephone told me and Belfrit only to send in enough to ensure Nyx's capture. She didn't want to waste materials or men, in the case we came to blows with Tengri or the Ninjas sooner rather than later. Well, when I heard things went south with the negotiations, I felt a voice in my mind tell me to send everything down there and level the city in retaliation. The voice just, it kinda overtook me. For daring to attack Lord Persephone, for spitting upon her words, you had to pay. That emotion overrode every other thought in my mind, so I authorized and sent down everything, including Scylla, to make your people pay. And I know you think I'm lying, I don't need to be a mindreader to know that, but it's the truth!"

Lae's eyes narrowed. He knew Lilith better than most. While she prided herself in being logical and scientific like he, she was much more easily swayed by emotion and things not easy to be attributed to logic, a fact he had been made well aware of given their prior arguments on Project Titan. Yet, to lose sight of all logic over emotion so easily....


Minos reacted at speeds far beyond what a human could have, but even then she was nearly too slow. Only at the last moment did she manage to twist her body fast enough to intercept Bug's mimicry of her scythes, one for each handful of the bladed weapons. Yet, several of Bug's impromptu scythes lengthened and slithered toward her. It was only with a swift powerful kick to the gut that sent Bug far enough away to save Minos from the mimic.

Not willing to give the intruder a chance to recover, Minos swung her scythes forward, sending a volatile mixture of divine and hellish fire toward Bug in an attempt to consume her...


Everything around Crigan was fire and brimstone. The air was filled with smoke, and blood filled his mouth. It was a thick black haze that shrouded his vision, as forms wavered in and out before him.

This memory... No, this dream... It was one he had before, one he was well used to, yet hated all the same. It was the death of Lavidana, the death of his older sister, the last remaining god he knew, the last family he had. He watched as the icy blade of Persephone plunged through Lavidana's face and blinded her. He listened as the girl called out for her brother, for anyone to help her, and he watched as Mara and Minos moved in to finish the job...

And then, everything went silent. The cavern, the forms of Persephone, Minos, and Mara, and that of Lavidana as well, they all melted away. They turned into a viscous black fluid that merged together before the immobile God of Death, and the black fluid rose before him. Sixteen burning spheres stared out from the fluid, and the same voice as before echoed around him.

"Child of the Creator, why do you struggle in vain? Truly, you are the monument of Jinengus's failures, of the one who desecrated all that I was. Why do you keep fighting, when there is no hope? You have lost everything, God of Death, yet you refuse to bend the knee. Such resilience is futile."

Weakly, Crigan raised his head to face down the sixteen eyes. "Because... So long as I breath, so long as I can draw breath, I won't ever give in or back down. Those whose lives have been lost, I will avenge them. No matter who you are, no matter what you are, what powers you or Persephone or Tengri may have, I will never turn my back on those in need! I WILL NEVER!"

The shrouded form let out a deep resonating chuckle. "Such tenacity, like the one whose blood flows through their veins. For a decrepit corpse, your resolve is greater than the angel's own. But can your body share that same fortitude? Especially before your own kind?"

A sharp stab of pain brought Crigan out of the land of dreams and back to the world of the living. He was in his human form, stripped of much of his clothing and enchained within a sphere of solid light. The pitch black stone that surrounded him made it clear there was only one place this could have been: Persephone's palace. His blood dripped from wounds opened in his side and palms, and it ran cold down his feet to the ground below.

On the other side of the cage stood Aram in her towering female frame. Her once exposed frame had been replaced with segmented golden armor that covered her except for her head. The God of Suffering's eyes glistened with an evil aura as a soft smile crept across her face. "Awake finally, Crigan? I almost feared your injuries would have been too severe to awaken from. Thankfully, who would know better of your own limitations than I?"

"How... How did you... You said you... ate others..."

Aram's smile only grew wider. "Ah yes, I did say that. When the Twilight of the Gods befell our pantheon, many of us perished in that terrible hour. However, the catalyst was not the main killer of many of them. No, some survived the claws of the horror, but were left oh so very weak and asking for help..."

She leaned in close and knelt down so she was eye to eye with Crigan. "And I helped them out. They've become part of a greater purpose, part of a new whole. You should have seen them, brother. Poor Pacefia, begging me for help with her broken legs and disfigured face. That useless lub of fat Laverus, never knowing his pitiful existence would be snuffed out. And before you ask, this isn't like how Persephone takes in only the powers and memories of those she absorbs in. Everything they were is now a part of me. All of their strengths, their essence, everything is now a part of me. They, Vastrus, Artos, and your oh so beloved Astrelus... Their authority is now mine, Crigan. Now... Now stand before the sole radiating hope that mankind will have in the world that is to come."

"You... you murdered them..." Crigan spat. Blood dripped from his mouth as he tried to reach through the binds that kept him enchained, yet once more pain raced through his body. His eyes bore daggers into Aram's own. "They were your brothers, your sisters! They were your family, Aram! How could you, when they needed you?! How could you turn on them and kill them?! Have you no shame for your own family DO YOU NOT?!"

The smile that was on Aram's face shallowed out. "Why do you ask what you already know the answer to? So long as they lived, I could not fulfill the true extreme of my desires."

Her hands reached into the cage, and her nails dug into Crigan's skull. They were like razors that dug through the bone, and the pressure was overwhelming for Crigan. He gritted his teeth as he felt his head threaten to crack and shatter beneath Aram's grip. He wanted to fight back, to lash out and try to escape, but he felt so drained of energy, and the pain prevented him from focusing on using his powers. All he could do was endure it.

"I exist to feed off the suffering of the world. Without suffering, there can never truly be life. If everyone lived a perfect life, how would they know it was perfect without adversity, without pain? It would become a meaningless existence, a hollow excuse of life. Yet, Astrelus dared to think I should be restrained, that there should be a limit to suffering. Limiting a god... Does that not sound foolish to you, brother? The epitome of foolishness, from the greatest of us.And everyone agreed with her... What a farce. So, no more are they, and no more is she. All that remains of her legacy is you, her beloved. Well, technically her body exists as me, but that is beside the point. No, now I am no longer just the God of Suffering, but the God of Love as well. A love that shall be the sole thing mankind can treasure in the darkest days that are to come."

"What... What are you... What are you-"

The door to the room they were in swung open, and both Aram and Crigan turned their gazes to that which entered. All that came across Crigan's face was even more confusion at the sight of the child who bore Persephone's appearance. Was this... Was this what this timeline's Persephone looked like? A child, one no older than perhaps eight, yet who carried the same expression and aura about them as the adult Crigan was so familiar with? The entire right side of her face was covered in a thin white mask, yet from the corners Crigan could see dark cracks run past the edges of the mask.

"Ah, Lord Persephone...." Aram was quick to begin to say. "I was going to tell you immediately-"

"Of what? That you failed to bring back the Dragon Ball and instead chose a different prize to bring back, Ma-... no, Aram?" The little girl snorted as she strode forward, each step making the room grow colder and colder. "Or perhaps that you lost Mara's body to Crigan? Yes, I would have been very interested in hearing those things from you, but first..."

She turned her head to the captive God of Death, and their eyes locked. For Crigan, it felt like all the sins of the world were bearing down upon him beneath Persephone's gaze, that even despite her different appearance, the power she radiated was even greater than the Persephone he had known. Yet, there was a gentleness in her one exposed eye.

"Crigan... It has been a long, long time since we've last seen each other. This is a sight I am certain neither of us would have expected not even a week ago. In your world, you have won and I am dead. For me, it is the reverse. Yet here we are, once more a part of this song and dance. Once more, you are my prisoner. Once more, nothing ever really changed."
Last edited by Demon Lord Gira on Sun Jan 24, 2021 11:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by HayesAJones »

As the horizontal rain of ice spears pounded her, Dea dropped low, hugging the ground as closely as she could with her forearms braced in front of her, protecting her face, neck, and chest. There was a rumble like distance thunder and she tensed all her muscles, tightening up her defenses. The thin edges of the icy needles, sharp on even an atomic level, could cut her, but the finest edges dulled quickest. They breached her skin, but not the muscles beneath. The damage was wide, covering everything her arms or the ground not shield, but shallow.

As the needle storm ended, and the superhuman rose to her feet, Dea shot Vale a nasty smirk.

"Sure thing, Ink. You take a breather. I'll play with them instead."

Turning her back on Vale, the demigod plucked up two javelins of ice- one from her left forearm, one from besides her feet- and took aim at the recovering Alexei and Hayden. With a measured grunt, she let loose, sending the pair of projectiles out like surface-to-surface missiles, complete with vapor trails of water as the air friction melted their tips into lethally fine points...


"<Thank you, dear Daeva. We should be->"

Before the tall, cloaked woman could finish her, a second quake moved Noraage. The new tremor was not from the south however.

It was practically from beneath them.

Daeva was scooped into large, hairy arms before the rumbling earth could take her. Fray had slipped back into her dog-headed form, a pair of long, tapering, thinly furred wings erupting from her back and lifting both her and the blonde ninja safely into the air. It was just in time too. No more than a few second after they rose into the sky, the compact snow they had stood on exploded into airborne powder, the earth it had pressed down on shattered completely. Whining like a scrap metal against a circular saw, a massive pillar, dark gray and shaped like a tall, flattened pyramid, rose thirty feet into the air.

It was the double-edged blade of a massive sword, and an equally massive arm followed it, leading a muscular, coarsely haired body to freedom from the cold, hard ground.

"That... bad," Fray grunted into Daeva's ear as the creature, ape-like in build and covered in matted, reddish fur rose over fifty feet into the air, its naked, ruddy face level with the airborne duo. The face itself was very close to human, even sporting a thick, dark-colored beard, if a bit broad of cheekbones and flat of nose, but its eyes- black as dolls'- had no soul, no intelligence behind them. They were flat and depthless as those of a shark.

They were the eyes of a beast, or perhaps more accurately a madman's, predator eyes set in a human face.

Hoisting up its sword high, slinging snow and soil in all directions, the giant let out a roar, blasting Daeva and Fray with hot, rank air...!


Mattuger ripped his spear from the ground. It had been buried almost halfway down its shaft. It did not need cleaning, because even the blood of the despots had been blown away. Turning to Mara, the titanic varul leaned over her, his eyes narrowed and his fangs bared.

"<You are certainly not the same. What happened to the god you were? Are they lost, or dead?>"

Alex, meanwhile, struggled to answer. In fact, he struggled to go anything, even think, such was his shock at the execution of Zeye, the absolute obliteration of what had once been a living being, wretched as he was.

"W... W- Where's Molly?" he finally managed yo choke out, looking weakly to Demmy.


Pushing herself from the dented wall she had slammed into, Bug snarled at the wave of supernatural fire. Her parted jaws twisted and snapped away from each other, splitting the fiend in two bilaterally. The fiery surge traveled harmlessly between flailing tendons and twitching ribs, only scorching the deformed metal at her back. Lurching forward, the shapeshifting devil landed heavily on her clawed hands, a light forming deep within her exposed gullet.

With a crack of golden lightning, an entropic bolt of destruction shot out, Bug's pronged body guiding it like a rail gun...!

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by MinorBone Good »

Cthelee's eyes were wide, staring at the electrical field Aphrodite had made. Thank goodness! For a moment there he'd thought they would perish! Before Cthelee could make his next move, Evoex soon teleported near Cthelee, looking over towards where Aphrodite was.

[Border]"I'M NOT LATE AM I?"[/Border]

Cthelee shook his head, motioning towards the group fighting with his wing. Cthelee quickly explained to Evoex to what happened. Once he finished, Evoex rubbed both his glitchy tendrils together and waved his ruined legs around.


Cthelee smiled, motioning Evoex to help fight alongside Aphrodite. Evoex's smile seemed to stretch for a second before the distorted Quatheral darted towards the Wyvern King. Whilst the parts of the estate started to crumble down to the ground, out of the very corner of the King's eyes, they could see a... text box? Just as they turned his head, Evoex was right below him.

[Border]"HEAD'S UP, BIG ONE!"[/Border]

The Wyvern King soon found themselves being smashed in the chin with a large text box, smashing into bits. The King was slightly disrupted, causing them to just barley miss their tail attack against Aphrodite.


Evoex took hold of his long text and wrapped his tendril around it tightly. Waiting for the right moment. When the Wyvern King opened up their mouth, Evoex's time to strike was now. He ungracefully floated a bit more upwards to gain a slight height advantage, forcefully jabbing his textbox down The Wyvern's King's throat. However, that wasn't the attack. The Wyvern Kings's mouth began to tingle a bit before outright starting to burn their tongue and skin. It was like they were like.. melting? Was that the correct way to describe it? Melting, but burning, but something a bit more alien feeling.


"Ой, чувак! Это будет так мило! Действие! Приключение! Кровожадность! МЕСТЬ!" Xpveinees had set her spear down momentarily, looking out of the window to see the beings down below. It was kinda cool. Seeing different kinds of species all over the place. It was sort of like back home, but they had small groups of each creature. Like a family!

"Yo! Lemmie see! I can't see that high!" Cider shouted, jumping up and down to try to get a few glimpses of the area below. In a rare act of kindness, Xpveinees shrugged and lifted up Cider by her armpits so she can look down at the creatures below.

O'nugulao soon joined the duo looking at the window. Not only was it a good view and pretty sight, but the mass amount of creatures down below also caught O'nugulao's attention and interest. "I must admit, Tengri does seem to have his supporters." Too quickly it seemed. Didn't he say he was alone and running from the Yakuza when he came to Quatheral? Or was that just O'nugulao misremembering things? Either way, with the amount of creatures at Tengri's side there was a significant chance of Tengri lying. O'nugulao hissed as things started to come together in their head. They would wait to see Tengri's response, perhaps he would clear things up.

As the ship landed, Cider was the first one to exit, sniffing the air a bit as she hopped out. "Eugh, lack of humidity is evident." Cider lowered herself down and placed her claw against the ground, brushing it up against the coarse ground. She lifted up her paw to her face, inspecting some of the sand fragments up close before brushing her hand off against the side of her chest. "Hrrm. Pretty sandy too. I don't like it." Cider tapped her foot impatiently before spotting the mysterious stranger just up ahead. With speedy jumps, she began to head towards the being up ahead.

Behind Cider, Xpveinees had just gotten out of the ship, spinning her staff around and whistling a tune. However, when she saw Cider run off, her whistling ceased and she glared at the crystal rabbit. "Привет! Куда ты собираешься, маленький кролик!? Верни Quatheral сюда!"

Cider ignored Xpveinees's shouting, and moved up close to the new being. "Hey heyyy!! You going to Tengri!? 'cause we are too! We're kinda new here! and don't really know this place. You wanna help out a lady gal like me, right?" She stood proudly in front of the being for a second before having Xpveinees soon cataching up to Cider.

"Ты идиот! Вы не должны просто прыгать ко всему, что видите. Маленький коротышка." Xpveinees scolded, pointing a finger at Cider.

"Who you callin' little, chump?"

Xpveinees glared down at Cider before her attention shifted to the new being in front of her. She took a look at the spear that they were holding. Her eye gleamed at it. "У тебя тоже есть копье, да? Это круто. Должен сказать, что у меня немного круче.

Boore cheered out loud, floating up and down rapidly. He patted Owlzaurs on the shoulder. "That's great to hear buddy! I'm sure you, Jake, and whatever pals he brings should be able to take care of this Drillgore fiasco easy peasy!" Boore giggled, placing their hand against their chin.

"Am I the only one here that still has some sanity left? I don't mean that as an insult of your intelligence, Owlzarus. But this is far beyond even your and Jake's powers if Drillgore's note is to be taken seriously; which it most likely is. Drillgore will have complete control of this battlefield. As soon as you arrive, Drillgore could simply exterminate you the moment you get there. That's not even mentioning this surprise he has. I think it would be in everyone's best interest for you to simply wait this out until Aphrodite or Dante comes back.

"WHAAAT!?" Boore shouted out loud. He turned to face Booled, who was crossing his arms and looking down at Boore. "B-But we gotta! There's a kid there we gotta save! There's no telling what he could do to that child if we don't get there quickly! Well, probably kill 'em. But we have to stop that! We NEED too!"

"Well, would you want our feather friend to join us in the afterlife? because that's what will happen if he decides to go to Logithee."

"A-Are you kidding!? You're considering letting a child die!? Did us being dead for so long make you soulless as well!!?"

"I'm sorry, but I would rather have one soul die than two. Espcially someone as important as Owlzarus."
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Godzilla165 »

The two ninjas both screamed in pain, dagger like nails digging into both their heads. They soon found themselves pinned against a muddied wall of the ravine that had been created. Locked in place, Dante and Evron fought against their invisible bonds, but with every movement eliciting more pain to drill into their skulls. That blood, Dante caught a glimpse of it, and for once... He felt a pang of desperation. If that colorless poison found residence within them, there is no telling the kind of havoc it would wreak on their bodies. Theoretically, there was an easy way out of this, but Dante wanted to try something else first. It was something that, if Evron were willing, could surely net them a victory against the Heart. Convincing the former to do such a thing would be easier said than done, but Dante had hope, hope that, in this perilous situation, that Evron would look past their absolute failure of the prior attempt... And accept.

"Evron... Evron, I... I have an idea!" Dante yelled.

"Alright, well let's hear it then!" Evron grimaced.

"You're uh... You're not gonna like it!"

"Just spill it!"

Dante went silent, and only stared at Evron with a, "pained but sneaky", expression. Feeling that Dante's eyes were on him, Evron turned to meet his gaze, and, like a light switch flicking on, his face twisted into one of shock and disbelief as he put two and two together.

"Ohhh HELL no. No, no, are you serious right now, dude? No... No, fuck no!" Evron spat angrily.

"Come on, Rube, it's the only way we can get out of this mess!"

"I genuinely would rather die to this bitch, than try that again. I'm honestly mad that you would even suggest it!"

Dante looked vaguely disappointed, but at the same time, he didn't know what he was expecting. "You don't mean that." He replied.

"Don't I? I've still got fucking PTSD from the level of embarrassment I felt that day. There's a reason why we've never tried that again, Dante." Evron jeered.

"Aren't you being a just a little dramatic? It was bad, yeah, but it wasn't that bad."

"Well, you and I must remember that day very differently, then. I'm not doing it, end of discussion, find another way to get us out of this bullshit."

Dante sighed, exasperated. Well, at least no one could say he didn't try. "Alright... Alright, fine, the easy way, then. We were close, though, to be fair."

Evron grunted in response, "You have a weird definition of 'close', Em."

Ignoring his brother's rant, Dante closed his eyes to try and focus. He took in a series of deep breaths to allow for his mind to evacuate whatever thoughts ran through... But something was off. It seemed that, the more he tried to undergo a tranquil state of mind, the more pain struck his skull. The Heart's terrible, vice-like grip was making it impossible for Dante to focus, impossible for him to go angel. Without his divine form, Dante was unable to call upon the Celestial Angel, either. And, as her blood drew close, so too did the agony increase.

"We-We have a problem! I can't get us out of here!" Dante exclaimed.

Evron was bewildered, "Why the hell not?!"

"I... I can't focus! The pain is making it hard to; my mind feels like it's on fire!"

There was a long pause before Evron finally spoke. It was one of revelation at how dire this situation truly was. If neither of them couldn't figure something out, then...


Dante continued to struggle, doing everything he could to even falter the woman's steely grip. "We'll make it out of this, trust me!" He valiantly assured, though he didn't know how.


A low, soft, and pleasant voice massaged the ears and minds of both ninjas. Soon after, the clawed hands that wrapped around them were peeled off in an almost spiteful manner, and thrown back at the Heart. Such was the same for her corrupted blood, having both been cleansed and vaporized by an unknown source. The burning pain that staggered the brothers had ceased, and was replaced instead with tranquility, allowing for them to now move freely. Evron massaged a temple in his forehead, and looked at Dante, confused.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

Dante just shook his head, not having an answer. That voice, though... That warm, soothing voice... He recognized it. Could it really have been...

"Hey, Em, come on, we're not out of this yet." Evron said, which shook Dante out of his trance.

He nodded that he was ready. For now, he would simply have to wonder; he and Evron had a witch to burn. And so, now that he was free, Dante could finally ascend. "Wanna see something cool?" He asked Evron.

He shrugged, "Go for it."

That was the warrior needed to hear. Without hesitation, Dante closed his eyes, took in a few deep breaths, and set them free. His body was relaxed, now it was time for his mind to be the same. Every thought, every feeling, every branch of stress was allowed passage through his subconscious, so that they could then escape and leave Dante's mind free of everything. This pleasant, reassuring warmth crawled up the length of his spine. It pressed against his chest like a soft pillow, it filled his stomach like a warm meal, and wrapped around him like a loving parent. And then, after one final exhale, this cascading expulsion of a divine white light swallowed both Dante and Evron. The only sound was a low hum as the light washed all across the once dark realm, parting the inky black clouds to reveal the bright sky within, canceling the fell energies that ran rampant.

When the light finally disappeared, the ruined landscape appeared less so, like it had been kickstarted into a state of recovery. And, the sole person responsible for this, stood valiantly before the floating Heart. The Ninja Angel was here, and it was nigh time that the Heart was sent back from which it came. Evron stood beside of Dante, mouth agape, and eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

"W-Wha... Dante... Where the hell did this come from?!" He demanded.

Dante grinned, "I'll tell you on the way home, cross my heart."

Evron didn't say anything; he was far too busy staring at every little detail of whatever this new form was. The type of energy was vastly different also, different from anything else he'd felt before. Had Dante become something else entirely? Had he... Was he... Truly divine? And, the most important question of all, the one that Evron was most curious about...

"Are those... Angel wings?" He snorted.

Dante gave them a passing glance. "Yeah, they're pretty cool, huh? What, you don't like them?"

Evron returned with a cheeky grin, "I mean... Sure."

A fake smile came in response, before Dante returned his attention back to the Heart. His elongated scythe appeared in one hand, whilst his helmet shrouded his face in protection. "I put all of my faith, my trust, and my devotion in you for so long. You were my friend, a part of my family... I worshipped you... And you betrayed me, you betrayed us... You betrayed yourself." He stated, not angrily, just matter-of-factly. He was done letting his anger have dominion over him. "And now..."

The angel calmly rose into the air to meet the woman head on. Meanwhile, Evron crept along to the rear and kept his distance. When she wasn't looking, he would strike.

Dante flared his wings out far and wide. "I must set you free."

Ubel braced for Dybatrox to slam into him, just buying his time whilst the dragon grew closer and closer. Once he was nearly upon the ninja, Ubel smirked and shouted, "Souls of the Underworld!" Hellsbane was then encircled by a cyclone of dark energy, with some of it dripping into the ground.

Suddenly, dozens of shadowy arms sprouted from the surface and grabbed at Dybatrox. Long fingers wrapped around his arms, legs, and wings, and a couple even held his mouth shut. With surprising strength, they all worked together to pull the dragon down and pin him on the ground.

"Not so fast." Ubel taunted. He raised the great blade high above his head, where orange flames ignited and circled around it. They soon conglomerated into the blade itself to give it a terrifying glow. "Flames of Apollo!" Ubel bellowed, and swung Hellsbane to and fro. In a second, he unleased 10 wide and thick strips of fire towards Dybatrox, threatening to slice him apart with divine flame.


Aphrodite smiled in thanks to Evoex, before returning her ire to the winged rat. She levitated off the ground and up to the same level as him, crackling electricity surrounding her. "And I am Aphrodite: Goddess of Olympus, shepherd of love, protector of these great people, and Queen of lightning!" She declared and blasted more of it into the Wyvern King's face. The sheer force of it all was enough to topple the being over, leaving the goddess to continually punish her with volleys of lightning.

"I order you... To slither... Back to the hole you came from, WORM!"


"NOOOOO!" Vale screamed and charged at Dea like a madwoman. She leaned back and let fly her whip with all her might, which wound tightly around Dea's left arm, and dug into her skin. The weapon was quickly infused by her ice abilities, which quickly had an effect on Dea's arm. The temperature was low enough to soon numb and even frostbite the appendage, turning it black and blue within moments. Vale yanked and tugged on the monumentally dense woman, feeling the muscles in her arms, neck, and chest starting to strain from the weight. She only ended up forcing the demigod to stumble a bit, but that was enough, or it simply had to be. Vale looked in the direction of the ice spears, but with how fast they were going, she could only focus on one. So, she chose the one that was flying slightly slower and less stable than its counterpart, and froze it mid air.

Then, the young warrior turned the javelin on itself and pointed it at Dea instead. From a whistling of her lips, the projectile shot towards the woman with frozen lethality. For the remaining javelin, Alexei had slowly gotten to one knee, and looked up in barely enough time for him to react to it. He shot it down with a well placed fireball, causing for slushy ice and kindling to fly everywhere. He looked to see that Vale was still engaged with Dea, but before he went to help, Alexei turned to check on Hayden. The latter was very much unconscious, with the area around his nose black and red. Alexei pressed a finger to his neck, and was relieved to feel a strong pulse. Hayden would be okay, if just without his striking looks for a few days. The fire bender positioned him on his back, folded his arms neatly across his chest, and gave one of them a pat.

"Rest easy, Hayes, you'll be on your feet in no time. Until then, Vale and I won't let anything happen to you, promise. Oh, and..." He leaned in to whisper in Hayden's ear. "Just ask her out already, would you?"

With that, Alexei stood up, went to collect his pole-staff that had fallen some ways away, and ran to join Vale in battle. The markings covering his right arm glowed a burning orange, and Alexei started to spin and twirl the staff every which way to swiftly enhance it. With a measured yell, he suddenly sent out three raging fire tornados, all at least 8 feet tall, surging towards Dea.


From the mountainous roar, Daeva and Fray were swatted like flies right out of the sky, where they spiraled to the whitened surface below. That is, until they were right back facing the giant a picosecond later. Daeva, now out of Fray's furry arms, held onto one of them just to stabilize her tall friend long enough to ensure that she could float on her own. When she was able to, the ninja released her grip and pretended to gag... Or was she pretending?

"I... Have never in my life smelled something that bad; I'm almost insulted. As a matter of fact, I AM insulted! You're right, Fraybird, this is bad, bad for him!" Daeva ranted. She pointed a judging finger at the wild thing. "Hey, idiot, didn't your giant parents ever teach you any manners?! And what about hygiene?! Look at that hair, those crusty nails, and oily face! I'm not kidding when saying that your breath could literally kill death! And, go put some freaking pants on! Neither of us wants to see your saggy bal... Members!"

Daeva waved her arms in its face to grab its attention. "Hey, are you even listening to me?!"
Last edited by Godzilla165 on Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:19 am, edited 3 times in total.


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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Beast Blood »

The moment the serpentine-necked beast plunged its fangs into Korraz’s fur was one filled with agony - the very instant the twin teeth touched the thick pelt, a powerful electric shock surged through its long reptilian body. Incredible voltage rocking its form, the lindworm was paralyzed not only by the pain, but also physically. Its muscles frozen in place from the shock, it was trapped, doomed to suffer until Korraz herself stopped the current a few moments later, allowing the lindworm to slump off her shoulder like a discarded scarf.

Deciding that this particular creature had had enough for now, its body twitching and smoking and its maw and nose leaking blood, Korraz turned to address the helpful dryad a respectful nod. Patting dust off her coat, the blacksmith shifted around, only to double-take at what she was seeing.

That was one big dragon.

Enraged by the sound of the bellowing beast, Ristaang hollered in aggravation, paws slapping against her ears in an attempt to block out the deafening noise. The chimera’s claws scraped against her, taking with it a clump of torn fur.

And with that, it had sealed its fate.

The brutish Beastmother reached down to grab the chimera in a pair of burly clawed hands, effortlessly hauling it into the air. She was about to tear it apart then and there, until her attention was drawn to the roaring wyvern. Lips curling over sharp fangs, Ristaang thundered forward, slamming the three-headed chimera on top of the wyvern’s remaining horn! The blow stunned both creatures, partially blinding the wyvern with the blood dripping from the behemoth stabbed on its horn, as the Aspect of Beast prepared to battle this new opponent…

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by MinorBone Good »

[Border]ENTRY: 30,103

It has occurred to me that I have never experimented (or at least thought of) with the idea of reproduction. While yes, my tests with the Thralls dabbled in that a bit, I have never truly fully gone through the idea of it. However, all Quatheral beings lack the organs needed to cause the creation of a child. The only other Quatheral being that seem to break this rule is Subject 02, but I'm sad to say I have pushed that to the limits. At least for the moment. Poor Subject 01, for I DO have the capabilities to change and recreate a Quatheral beings on a cellular level! Unfortunately for Subject 01, I very much have this power. After all, this is just my curious mind opening up more and more. I would probably have to readjust her body structure in order to fit these new organs and features in, but it shouldn't be difficult. I did have over 30 years to practice after all.

Then along comes the question of who will be Subject 01's mate. I briefly entertained the idea of using myself, but I would rather not risk these offspring having such unnatural powers and try to revolt in some way, even if I can train them. Besides, I have no use nor desire to breed. An effect of Quatheral I'm well aware, but it provides to advantage. I have no desire other than to maim and kill. And a little bit of suffering of course. Subject 02 would make for an interesting partner, but I'd rather save 2 members of the same planet for later. I'd rather have something more exotic for the first time to see how it goes. Perhaps an ordinary human? That might suffice.

Should I speed up the process as well? There is so many variables here to test! Would mental changes be in affect once she does have a child growing from within her belly? I wonder how deformed I will be able to make it? Maybe have it become my little pet like dear Lucy. Ohhh, I'm already getting excited just typing this out! Sooo many possibilities! Oh! Maybe I could wait just until the last days of the birth, only to flattened like a hammer against a nail, killing two birds with one stone. Start the painful process again and repeat!

I wonder what Quatheral will find more repulsive: Killing one of her children over a trillion times, or devouring her grandchild the moment it takes it's first first breath?

Current Quatheral Population: 600!
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Demon Lord Gira
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

Post by Demon Lord Gira »

What Dante saw as he rose up to meet The Heart head on was a change in her disposition. Before, The Heart they had been fighting had seemed whimsical and polite in her tone and voice, with almost no sense of malice or hatred aside from the very words themselves that were spoken. Yet, with the ruined landscape brightened and foliage beginning to grow across the ground freed of the blackened fluid, a new emotion had consumed Chang'e, as her eyes, which had been transfixed upon the skeletal remains of the great beast wrapped around the ruined temple, were now covered in plants and flowers.

"What... have you done?" Chang'e hissed through her teeth. Her words dripped with venom and contempt as Dante charged at her. Yet as the Ninja swerved to strike, this time the blow didn't phase through her, but instead stopped right before her face. Dante's own fist shuddered as he felt what must have been his own blow reflect against him, as the air around the impact shimmered with the same displacement properties as before. He tried to kick out, but his foot was left with the same feeling, as if he had only struck himself. The eyes of The Heart grew dark, their emerald hue turning into a swirling murky void, and the gentle divine light that shone from Dante found itself pressed against a burning red aura that radiated from The Heart. The scorched portions of her hands faded away within a second, yet more and more veins began to bubble and swell beneath the skin of her face.


Pain filled the Ninja Prime's body as a fist connected into his gut and launched him high into the air. As he flew upward, Chang'e vanished from where she had been mere moments before, only to reappear directly above the Ninja Prime. Both fists balled together, she struck down into the oncoming Dante. His entire body rippled and shuddered from the impact as he was hurled down toward where Evron was.

"You think you can free that which is fully me?!" Chang'e snapped. " I am the Heart of the Multiverse, instrument of destruction and rebirth! I am the cornerstone of reality, a reality where no one can hide or flee from what shall come to pass!"

Her hand held high, Chang'e vanished once more, and reappeared directly behind Evron, before shearing hot plasma, straight from the core of a nearby dwarf star, surged upward, to engulf him and the falling Dante...


Mara looked up at Mattuger with a confused, almost frightened expression. She stepped away from him. "I... That wasn't me you spoke to. The one inside me, the one you spoke to, they're no longer here. They're... They're fighting Crigan right now. He, he freed me from that god's control. I just hope Crigan comes back safe, that he wins over Aram..."

"He should, if he knows that damned fox so well." Demmy said. Yet, Alex's words stung for the demon. "Molly is... She's safe, I know that much, but she's not here either. Aram betrayed us and attacked, and when that happened, one of our enemies came in and stole her. She's at the enemy stronghold, far from this planet, but I can tell she's still alive. You can say we share a bond, a life debt. But make no mistake." Demmy looked off to the hole in the roof, to the stars beyond. "I'm getting her back. One way or another, I'm taking her back, and making the bitch who stole her pay. I'm sorry your world got caught up in our mess. The object they wanted landed here, and even though we got it in the end, it still turned into a damned mess."

Mara held her hands close to her chest. What kind of enemies had Crigan been facing in this world? Was it more than just Persephone? Was it... something even worse than her?


The flames of Apollo raced along the hide of the great dragon. They swirled around him, yet to Ubel's surprise, that was all they did. Dybatrox's eyes glowed as the flames flared away from him, and the many arms that had kept him bound were reduced to ashes.

"I command the flames! I AM the flames!" Dybatrox bellowed as his horns crackled with energy. Draconic lightning dropped from the sky and tore through the ground, boxing in Ubel, as a gigantic bolt struck down upon him....


From behind Korraz, three additional Lindworms slithered across the ground. Their fangs snapped and hissed as poisonous mist billowed from their maws. Two of them began to circle the Borskall, while a third began to charge up its fiendish breath...

Only for the ground beneath it to liquify. The third Lindworm bellowed in confusion as it was sucked down into the living quick sand, before it was crushed beneath by the weight of the earth. Its head managed to poke out of the ground and snap fruitlessly, before a rock covered fist struck it hard enough to knock it out cold.

Tenkarus huffed from inside of her rock golem suit. This was just too easy...


The unpleasant taste that ran down its throat forced the Wyvern King's head to shake with disgust. It was not the taste of a virgin, but of rotten carcasses! Defilement! It arched its head back, and prepared to lunge forward to put down the Quatherals who had dared humiliate it...

But its eyes had left its true target, and the new threat. Ristaang made her presence known with the chimera thrown right into the face of the Wyvern King. The one remaining horn caught the chimera on its flank, and the Wyvern King howled as it shook the chimera off of it. Blood dripped down its face, thus it could not see as Aphrodite's lightning pelted into it. The blasts toppled the great wyvern over. blackened blood dripping free from its wounds and opened mouth.

Yet, that had dislodged the chimera, who tackled Aphrodite down to the ground. The giant beast Ristaang was too large for him to face off again, so perhaps this tiny goddess would be easier pickings. A large pawed hand swiped at her, while the great baleen head turned to face the Quatherals, its throat ballooning out to prepare for another burst of air.

As for the Wyvern King, a frenzied howl escaped from its maw as it rose to its feet. The first thing it saw was Ristaang, and with speed that betrayed its size, the Wyvern King flew forward. Its talons slashed down upon the head of the Aspect, while its tail swung upwards, ready to connect with her lower jaw and shatter it...

Last edited by Demon Lord Gira on Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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GotengoXGodzilla wrote: It could be said that kaiju regeneration is like human dodging, basically.
GotengoXGodzilla wrote:That's not Mothra, that's an ugly goddamn demon!

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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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"And I command the ice," a gruff voice called out from behind Dybatrox. "You have lost already."

Just as the dragon turned around to face his new foe, a watery wave splashed against his face. The harmlessness and frivolity of such a thing nearly made the drago laugh - until the water froze solid, trapping his skull in a painful, frozen helmet. Denied from even breathing as the ice expanded, the scaly creature began clawing and hitting his cold cage, but he found he could not even scratch it. Not the faintest sign of a dent or tiny crack appeared even with his intensified struggles.

"Dragons," Glaxion scoffed. "Just as worthless as the Skallbor."

The horned warrior threw her hammer forward, sending it crashing against Dybatrox's encased skull. The ice shattered along with that portion of the beast's skull, sharp frozen shards raining upon the stunned Dybatrox in a hail of ice and spilling blood...
Last edited by Beast Blood on Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Corzak The Mighty
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Re: Battle of the Multiverse

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The clash between two ancient rivals had begun once more! Diabolus' infernal mist was thick, its foggy appearance masking an eldritch toughness more akin to stone. Yzazil's blade, razor sharp and burning with Prana, cleaved into the barrier! The swirling maelstrom of fog found itself parted, as Yzazil's blade cut a glowing line clean through it! But the God of Judgment would not find the being within as easily bested, for as his visage breached the barrier, he was summarily flung backwards by a crawling eruption of ectoplasm exhaled from Diabolus' jaws, swirling with the faces of untold damned souls!

The umber nightmare leapt forth from the dissipating cloud, wings unfurled and twin scythes aimed for Yzazil's chest! The God of Judgment nimbly leapt from his position on the ground, causing the maroon blades of the demon to strike nothing, before he delivered a vicious stab directly into Diabolus' neck, running the blade all the way through and yanking it downwards through the adam's apple, leaving a horrific wound that poured out a stream of sickly black blood. Despite the grievous nature of the wound, however, Diabolus' eyes flashed with a grim vivaciousness, as his lips curled into a mocking smile.

"Come now, Yzazil," Diabolus croaked out, blood spraying from his mouth with every word, "is that the best you got?"

Shocked by his survival, Yzazil was caught off-guard when Diabolus struck him with the backside of his wing, knocking him briefly off balance before stabbing the tip of one of his scythes directly into where his gut would be! Waves of violet-black energy lanced through Yzazil's body, pain infesting every inch of his very being! Sapphire energy visibly began to siphon from the divine warrior and into Diabolus' own form, slowly regenerating the nasty wound on his neck. As Yzazil briefly staggered, Diabolus' smile widened, as he scythed towards Yzazil's helmet with his second scythe, aiming to drain more of his power!

Even with his mind clouded with pain, however, Yzazil was more than quick enough to parry the second scythe with his sword, before attempting to thrust it into Diabolus' chest. The demon was prepared, however, as strands of sickly black ichor exuded themselves from the slowly healing wounds in his neck, qrapping themselves around Yzazil's sword arm and locking it in place! Diabolus, sensing Yzazil's waning strength, lashed out once more with his second scythe, aimed at Yzazil's helmet! Seeing little options, Yzazil willed up his strength to catch Diabolus' forearm with his free hand, halting the descent his scythe. Despite this, Diabolus continued to press his leverage, forcing Yzazil down to his knees. The God of Judgment, his strength sapped by the demon, struggled to resist against Diabolus. Each passing moment, he could feel his power wane, giving the demon more and more ground. His mind slowly lost focus, and his aura beginning to lose its luster.

"This... this is your final end!" Diabolus chuckled, the tip of his remaining scythe inching ever closer to Yzazil's helmet. "And with your power, I will become truly immortal!"

But Yzazil was not quite done yet. The ground beneath Yzazil began to wither and die, as strand of Prana began to slither into his form. Yzazil's aura flared with renewed vigor as he pushed against Diabolus, slowly managing to get back onto his feet. Diabolus' smile seemed to soften, clearly unamused by this turn of events. Impossible... even after all his efforts, his improved abilities and feats, he still was not enough to handle Yzazil?! Even when draining his power was no longer enough?! Yzazil's body flared with even greater power, before he unleashed a destructive eruption of Prana from his body, sending Diabolus sliding backwards across the ground, the front of his body visibly flayed from the blast!

A sharp stinging pain suddenly sliced along Diabolus' right side; in a flash of sapphire light and silvered steel, he found his right arm severed completely, spraying black ichor across the earth! Diabolus yelped in surprise, stumbling onto his back as he clutched his arm's ebony stump in confusion and watching as his severed limb twitched about uselessly. As he moved toward his arm in an attempt to retrieve his second scythe, he found himself interrupted by a powerful impact to his chest as Yzazil drove his fist through his flesh and into the cavity beneath! Blood spraying from his mouth, Diabolus attempted to unleash another blast of ectoplasm from his jaws, but Yzazil was prepared, thrusting his blade upwards through the demon's bottom jaw and impaling it through the top of his skull!

Sapphire energy swelled along Yzazil's arm, as he began to channel Prana into the form of his hated foe. The demon's veins began to light up with a sapphire hew, slowly burning away at his body. "And now, I shall return you from whence you came: my memories."

"Memories?" Diabolus managed to croak out, as his mouth twisted into a weak smile. "Don't make me laugh. As long as you live, I will never die in full. I will never remain a memory!"

Yzazil intensified the surge of Prana, causing the veins in Diabolus' chest to melt into a shapeless mass. Shortly after, flesh bubbled and melted away, followed by bones and muscle. "Perhaps. But I shall suppress you again and again, if I must. You will never be more than a phantom."

Even as Diabolus began to melt away, his body fading into ephemeral fog, he continued to smile. "Whatever you say, Yzazil. Just remember - after everything you've done, you'll never be the hero you want to be. You'll always be the 'other', the 'outsider'."

In a few short moments, the entirety of the demon's form faded from view, leaving Yzazil standing alone among the ever-growing chaos of the battlefield. Taking a brief moment to recuperate his strength, Yzazil took to the skies, dashing in to aid Aphrodite and Ubel in defending their home...
Nyx is briefly taken aback by the surreal appearance of Belfrit's face, but her shock is soon overcome by a much stronger emotion as Lilith begins to speak. Nyx seemed less than amused by Lilith's answers to the questions levied against her. The woman's black gaze narrowed intensely, as her face contorted into a cruel snarl. Turning her attention away from the doll-like form of Belfrit, Nyx stepped closer to Lilith, before kneeling down next to her.

"So that's it then? You just... decided on a whim that 'hey, let's go and start wrecking shit for no good reason'? Some nagging voice annoyed you and you decided to not only waste your own fucking time, but kill a bunch of innocent people for shits and giggles?"

Nyx lets out a cold, empty laugh, placing the butt of her pistol against her forehead. "What, so is all this violence is some sort of fucking game to you? You just go around throwing away lives willy-nilly like they're a bunch of fucking toys?!" Clearly agitated, Nyx lashed out with a harsh kick directly into Lilith's ribs. Her voice much hoarser and cracked now, Nyx shouted at Lillith, "If you wanted me so bad, why didn't you just sneak in and capture me, huh?! What the fuck did you need to involve a whole entourage for?! You clearly had the capacity to do that! Why's my life worth all of theirs?!"
The figure paused at the voices spoken, causing the being's grip on their spear to slack. The sounds of metal grinding and shifting into place was audible, before the figure turned around to face the assembled Quatheral, revealing the azure skinned visage of Tengri.

"You ask for Tengri, and you look upon him!" Tengri turned around to face the assembly before him full, an arrogant smirk emblazoned across his lips. "To whom do I, the Conquering Star, hold the pleasure of welcoming to my court?"
As Shayatin slithered through time and space in utter silence, like a spectral serpent winding between the sands of the multiverse, she soon found herself pulled out from her current traveling state and brought to rest on an unnamed asteroid. Shayatin glanced about in confusion; what had caused this? She had never experienced something that pulled her from her ethereal form before. Was this the work of some strange, residual magic of this region? Or... was it something more?

As she pondered this, a cloud of blackness swirled before her, as the form of Gigantis stepped forth. Initially on edge, Shayatin was calmed when, instead of the reptilian's normal voice, the voice of Raspaganje croaked out instead.

"Hold. You will not find Jake here, nor will you find him elsewhere. Jake has found himself outside the timestream... outside this multiverse..."

"How?" Shayatin replied in confusion. "Such a feat should be impossible outside of -"

"- a great disruption," Raspaganje interrupted. "Yes. And a disruption there was. Jake managed to avoid annihilation by the Machine of Unmaking. He now finds himself trapped elsewhere. With the multiverse frayed, strands of time both long past and far removed mingle and meld; what is and what is not, what can and shall not be, all exist at once now. But that is beside the point; I have need of you on a more... pressing task. Rather than chasing shadows, I ask of you to deal with a more imminent threat to our victory."

"Then where do you need me... my master?" Shayatin asked, offering him a bow. The possessed form of Gigantis smiled, before a rift swirled into view from the black fog. "You are to pursue Hercules' vessel and retrieve the Dragonballs he stores there. I will move in this form first to act as... a distraction. You will use that opportunity to steal them. Kill anyone who gets in your way."

Shayatin offered the shadowy beast a nod. "Of course. As you wish."

"Good. Then let us begin."

The two then disappeared in a cloud of ebony smoke...
"Choosing to not interact with Drillgore seems like as poor of a choice, if not more so, given the power he has already gathered," Owlzarus replied curtly to Booled, head held low in thought. "If Drillgore is as potent as his note claims he is, waiting is not something he is going to do. Who is to say he will not move on to gather more power? How many more planets will he claim if he is not at least slowed? And I have seen he has the power to clone himself, both of his own essence and using the wills of others. What will we do when we have to face a thousand of him? Or a million of him?"

The wizened figure held a talon to his chin. "Time is not on our side already, between Tengri's machine and Persephone's ambitions. The faster we deal with Drillgore, the sooner we will be able to focus our efforts. I see no viable alternative than to play into his hands, given our situation."
MDK wrote:I wish my movies about dinosaurs brought back to life with mosquitos in amber for a theme park were realistic.
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