Godzilla: Monsters and Mutants

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Godzilla: Monsters and Mutants

Post by DinoMaster »

Edondonas Island, Enewetak Atoll, May 1st, 1951

The third largest island in the Enewetak Atoll, Edondonas Island was the one island that had not received human habitation since the first visit to the atoll back around 1000 B.C. The lack of accessible beaches and the precarious rocky paths were deterrents except for the most brave, and flybys of the island in much more recent years had learned that the inner geography was mainly crags and rocky shards left over from the mountain island that had erupted from the ocean back in the Cretaceous Period. These had proven to be too hard to surmount for a base construction, and with such wonderful real estate nearby, had been overlooked.

The one thing that the island had done and hidden from the rest of the world however, was the prehistoric ecosystem contained. While millions of years had worn the island down to what it was today, it had preserved a variety of extinct wildlife forms that were previously rendered extinct by a disaster that had choked the entire globe in a cloud of ash and death. Life had continued on as it had for millions of years, adapting and radiating into a variety of forms.

Only within the last shrinking of the island into the atoll today had things become a violent struggle for survival. What had once been an ecosystem of a variety of beasts had been rendered down to a small smattering of a ruling kingdom that had dominated the globe. What had once been a variety of 20 different dinosaur species alone had been reduced to a mere six.

One species in particular had adapted to the shrinkage of the islands without much change in their habits. Clambering over the rocks with a few hops and bounds, a small scaly animal landed onto the one good beach with a little hiss. Lifting its boxy head, it sniffed the air with the search of something. The bright blue plates on its back rattling as it shook itself. It scampered down the beach, the fleet footed creature giving a small screech as it tore down through the sand. Catching it’s eyes upon a dead fish, it rushed forward and grasped it in its jaws. Holding it triumphantly, it plodded down the beach towards a small burrow. Another animal popped its head out, being slate grey all over. The female cooed to her mate, taking the fish and dragging it into the nest.

Giving a small chirrup, the male turned to the beach to hunt for more when it stopped suddenly. Vibrations rocked the beach, and the sounds of ancient birds fleeing the trees in the nearby. The small dinosaur gave a shriek, and dashed into the burrow to hide quickly. Two shapes quickly crashed out from the trees, slashing and slamming into one another down into the sandy beaches below.

The first one into the sand slid, using it’s four legs to land in a slide, sending a plume of sand upwards. When stopped, a spiny tail lashed outwards, flicking to and fro in the air with a deadly intent. The armored carapace showed that it was the last of the ankylosaurs, a lineage that had been prevalent throughout the Cretaceous era. Descended from a nodosaurian line, the Angiliasaurus dominus roared out to the beast it had been fighting. Unlike its ancestors, it was highly aggressive, and with the crown of horns and a stubby bump on its snout, it was better advanced for the top predator of the island.

The attacker stepped out onto the beach, three footed toes stepping into the sand and splaying outwards. A narrow head sneered out at the braying herbivore, showing a mouth lined with sharp teeth. Its tail swished back and forth, as hands clenched shut and open. Giving a snort, the beast reared back on his hind legs, a special kink in the hips of the beast allowing for the nearly vertical position. It roared out, arms opening wide and claws splaying out towards the ancient enemy in front of it. The top predator of the island, Godzillasaurus tanaki was a descendent of the Abelisaurs, born from a lineage that retained their arms from a more ancestral stock than those of Carnotaurus. The closest relatives left on the island were the small creatures hidden within their burrow not too far off.

The two hesitated little as they clashed, claws slashing into armor and spikes slicing into flesh. The Angiliasaurus slammed its head into the predator’s leg, shaking the spiked tail and spines on its back to and fro in an attempt to gore the saurian. They sliced into his flesh, but the carnivore held steady. It grasped its hands around the beast’s armor, and lifted. Giving a shriek in surprise, the herbivorous dinosaur could only thrash as it was chucked to the side, slamming into a rock formation and hitting the ground unconscious.

Giving a satisfied growl, the towering dinosaur lowered to a more horizontal position and began to advance on his prone foe. Jaws opened to show dagger like teeth, claws flexing at the chance for fresh meat. As it stepped forward however, a loud sound made it stop in its track. It turned back towards the water, eyeing the now noticeable strange thing out in the ocean. Seeing it as the source of the long wailing noise, the dinosaur roared back to it in an attempt to establish dominance. The sound lasted longer, and was more constant than the roar that died down.

A flash ended the last dinosaur stronghold of the world, as mankind accelerated to a new place and age with a single atomic bomb’s detonation.

The immediate flash blinded the Godzillasaurus, who attempted to scream in pain as sight was lost. The cry was muffled however, as the air became supercharged and blasted outwards. The shockwave knocked the entire scene back, strewing the dinosaurs across whatever rocky formation survived the wave. The burrow of the smaller animals was uncovered, and sent the two small animals crashing and dying among the rocks, before reburying the burrow with sand. The next came the radioactive primary cloud, shooting steam and water full of radiation across the island, burning and sizzling all life that it came into contact with. As the world drowned and burned at the same time, a secondary covering hit the remnants of the coastline, setting another cloud of radioactive water over the previously battling saurians and what remained of the nest.

As the once proud Godzillasaurus sat burning, once beautiful brown skin warping into a grey mess from the fires and boiling waters, a change happened in its genetics. An inactive gene changed in the sudden exposure to the mutagenic abilities of radioactivity. The warping scales twisted moreso, and slowly, the body began to change. As the tail whipped into the standing position by the blast fused to retain such a state, the world around it began to crumble. The once fierce ankylosaur was buried beneath a series of falling rocks, soon covered by the avalanche of boulders and being submerged in water. The burrow of the nest, holding deep within and miraculously in perfect condition six eggs, was soon submerged by the hot waters and buried beneath silt laced with radioactivity. Even the perch that the Godzillasaurus had been shoved upon cracked and crumbled, before slipping beneath the waves. It screamed out a cry it could not hear itself as it did, being sucked into the radioactive waters and dropped out of sight beneath the wave.

A good distance away from where the blast had occurred, two men stood on the observation deck watching the clouds of water crash back into the ocean. Flicking the off switch on the camera, he covered the lens with the cap, he packed the camera up. Turning to the more decorated officer, the man in the tan suit lowered his binoculars and spoke.

“Lieutenant, it looks as if the fallout and clouds reached that island over there. Should we be concerned?”

The head of the ship gave a small chuckle, patting the man next to him on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it Corporal Spielberg. It’s just an island that the natives avoided like the plague. There’s nothing there to worry about. Call over the radio to the headquarters that George was a sucesful operation, and that Operation Greenhouse is nearly out of the way done.”

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Re: Godzilla: Monsters and Mutants

Post by DinoMaster »

Beneath the Ocean, May 12th, 1951

The beast that had once been a dinosaur sat at the bottom of the ocean, moaning in pain. Radiation rocked its body, only being fueled by the aberrant growth that plagued its body. It would have drown hours ago, had the lungs of the beast adapting to the watery conditions. Its heart had been going underneath mutation, taking in the excessive radiation and using it to fuel a new organ based upon this newfound source of energy.

To respond in kind, the body of the beast stretched and changed to respond in kind. Scales and scutes tore and split, solidifying into their own pieces and stretching out longer than what the animal had been in the first place. Stem cellular growth accelerated, adding new basis for all cells across the body. The head warped, the teeth becoming uncovered and jagged. They sat along the rounded jaws, with a widened gape and a more blunt snout. The eyes remained completely white, with sight being brought back not too long afterwards. Along the back, where more prominent scutes had once sat, plates grew out, warping into long triangular shapes slowly but steadily.

Its mouth opened wide, a low moan echoing out from the rush of bubbles that left the lungs of the beast. While it should have drowned with the rush of water filling its lungs days ago, the gene that had started all of this allowed for water to be superheated into air upon entering the body of the growing creature. A single gene, later on to be identified as the Advanced Adaptive Gene; Strain G, had been activated by the sudden exposure to radiation. What had saved the dinosaurs from extinction on that island back over 65 million years ago was now running haywire throughout the dinosaur’s body. It gave a cry once more as a spine erupted out from its back, sending a small plume of maroon and blue blood leaking out into the waters.

The cries did not go undectected. Aboard the U.S.S. Roosevelt, a man sat at his table with a cock eyed stare, unsure of what was really going on. Listening once more to the deepening cry that was picked up from the static of the ocean, he called out to his superior.

“Corporal Spielberg, you should come hear this.”

The superior gave a small sigh, and moved over to the station. The lower ranking technician scooted to the side, quickly passing the headphones over to Mr. Spielberg. Slipping them on, he froze slightly at the sound of the moaning cry that was picked up on the anti-submarine microphone system. The technician spoke, clarifying the situation.

“The cries came up when we moved into the local quadrant. At first, we thought it to be some sort of masking device for the microphones, but the sound seems more… natural. Like some creature is out there making that noise, rather than a mechanically made one.”

Still wearing the headphones, listening to the morose cry that permeated through the speakers, the corporal simply stared down, lost in his thoughts. Taking the headphones off, he passed them back to the technician giving orders.

“Probably just some wounded shark or whale Ensign Benchley. Probably looking like a monster right about now after the last few tests and all. Bet it’ll be a fun tale for your boy, Peter wasn’t it?”

“Yessir. Can’t wait to get back to him, as he’s just starting to be able to go out boating.”

October 12, 1952; the South Pacific Ocean

A low cry echoed out into the waters of the Pacific, the sound bouncing around the empty waters better than they would in the air. A breach in the surface of the water occurred, and a stream of heated water arched outwards and crashed back into the blue-green waters of the Pacific. Dark grey skin permeated with white surfaced for a brief second, and then dove back down. This had been the animal’s habit as it traveled along the ancestral navigation paths through territories where man had tread little in the entirety of existence.

Little was known of the Right Whale’s migratory patterns, which had prevented their slaughtering by a lesser degree than those of their close cousins. When a species could vanish in its majority for months at a time, safety could be earned from those that stung with sharp harpoons and catching nets. The whale that purveyed the lone expanse had the scars of encounters many a year ago, with the remnants of harpoons and nets hooked on its body in various areas. Luck and instinct had brought it through many breeding seasons and escapades with humanity, and resounding successes.

Luck and experience would not save it from what was coming.

The first and only sign that it would ever feel the end coming was a sudden change of pressure from the deep waters below. If one looked straight down from the sky, the first visible part would be the mangled maw lined with sharp teeth lunging upwards, accented by a gray face and stark white eyes. The whale was sucked into the jaws as the beast from the depths surfaced, and the crunch of the body severing from the tail could be heard above water. The attacker moved its head in an upward motion, slightly chucking the whale carcass into another direction before swallowing it whole.

The severed tail fell into the water, bouncing off of spiked scales and landing more in shreds than in a single piece. The beast swallowed, sending the body down into the depths of its massive internal organs. Shaking its head, a low roar unlike anything else the world had ever heard echoed outwards into the silent air. The once dinosaur had survived it’s ordeal of pain and suffering, becoming something that the world had never seen before.

What had once been a normal animal had grown into a 75 meter tall monster. Water rushed down twisted spikes that echoed the cooling towers of nuclear power plants, pouring across the large dorsal spines that now dominated its back. Pure white eyes surveyed the world above, the beast surfacing for the first time in over a year. All that greeted it’s sight was empty water for miles. Seeing no reason to stay surfaced, it gave a grunt and sunk back beneath the waves once more. There was no reason to remain above the waters, and it had learned that food was far more plentiful beneath the waves below than up above on the surface.

The beast began to sink beneath the waves, sliding smoothly into the waters below. The beast that would one day come to be known to terrorize the world around was not yet ready to return to the world above, preferring to stay in the depths beneath than arise and bring troubles. As the waters enclosed it’s head, they churned for a bit and became smooth. The King of Monsters would not arise just yet. Only time could tell when the beast would surface once more, and create havoc for the world to truly fear.

Waters of the Coast of Odo Island, October 21st, 1954

The waters were smooth in the later October evening as the Eiko-Maru sailed through the ocean. The freighter was headed for port in Okinawa, before heading towards more distant shorelines of coastlines such as Australia, Cape of Good Hope, Calcutta, Hong Kong, and more. It was a general freighter, taking cargo from corporations all around Japan and exporting what goods she had. The ship was going through lesser used waters that shipping routes usually went through. Due to a switch in power that had occurred in the region, their shipment had been requested far earlier than what had been asked of them.

Leaning over the railing of the boat, Kenji Itsu huffed in the smoke of his cigarette and took it out to dab on the railing. He exhaled a small puff of smoke, flicking the butt into the waters beneath as the boat slowly chugged forward on to it’s future destinations. The man had never pictured this as his fate, always seeing himself a little more successful and running a restaurant rather than going on long voyages to help more freight around. But it paid the bills, and the money was better than working in the back kitchen somewhere back in Osaka.

Out in the distant waters, beyond where the dim lights of the boat reached, movement caught his eye. Squinting outwards, the disillusioned sailor tried to see what was out there. Was it a shark or a whale? Perhaps it was a sea serpent even. That could have been an interesting lure in for the restaurant now, if its owner had seen some sort of sea creature that science had not found yet.

This soon all changed, as the water beneath the ship suddenly went from a black color to a bright blue. The sudden change of it all awed and frightened the man. It was a haunting bright blue, as if it held promises of beauty and pain all in one. That could have been his body however, as the blue light soon was shown to be a painful fire that warped the metal and boiled his flesh. As the ship began to explode, the last thought that entered Kenji’s mind was that sickeningly beautiful blue.

The flash of the explosion could be seen even from the coastline of Odo Island. The ship became a fiery inferno, leaving precious little time for any person to escape. There would be no survivors from the disaster as it would be labeled later on, as the sea itself seemed to catch aflame before being extinguished out by the ocean’s great depth. While people scattered about the village to see what was exactly going on out there, the village’s elder made his way to the old shrine at the top of the hill. Lighting a series of candles, he began to follow a tradition dating back to the ancient times of his island. He waved a fan in front of the flames, their dim light flickering on an old carving that sat purveying the small village beneath.

“Tōsha no teikyō o tori, anata no ikari no Gojira ga kyōdaina meisō.”

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