The Saga - A Written World (Please Read Original Post)

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The Saga - A Written World (Please Read Original Post)

Post by LazerWhale »

Hello, my friends!

This may sound rather unorthodox, but this isn't actually a game thread, more of a feedback/response thread.
As a prospective writer, I enjoy worldbuilding a good deal. The problem is that I can't share my ideas with too many people - not verbally, at least. This is where you come in.

Back in 2009, I came up with basic ideas for a fantasy-style world. A few months ago, I decided to revisit the idea. And thus far the process has been more than fruitful. In particular, I've found that one of the things that has been most helpful is just to let people ask questions about my world, which makes me think about details, which further develops the world.

So, let me begin.

This is the rough reference map I doodled.
No, it's not done yet, don't worry. Still, it gives an idea of the layout of the portion of the world that I'd focus on. It's a little messy, though, and I apologize for that.

Note: This map represents multiple continents, not just one.

As I am horribly indecisive, I'll start by suggesting details that you can ask about.

- The world itself.
- Those that inhabit it.
- Cultures, counties, etc.
- History.
- Really, whatever you may think of.

Quick bit of details to begin with:
Environments, from North to South:

Riesengrund: A territory to the far north, separated from the rest of the known world by a mountain range known as The Giant's Wall. The southmost regions are covered by a thick taiga, before transitioning into tundra in the upper regions. The territory is bordered on three sides by water. This region is the home of the Giant peoples. No humans have made lasting settlements within its borders.

The Northern Expanse: A region, plastered with temperate and montane forests, with some wetland and moorland areas. The region is dotted with old ruins of settlements long forgotten. No kingdoms exist here, but several tribes of people exist among the region, with some giving it the name "Freisland" (Free land), and the people of the Deoran kingdoms have extended into the lowlands somewhat. The western border of the region meets the Northern Sea, and the eastern border meets the long mountain range known as the Dragon's Back.

The Elarnna: The homeland of the Elven Nations. A region of temperate forests and grasslands, The Elarnna (The Homeland) provides bountiful wildlife and resources, which have supported the Elven peoples for as long as they can remember. A human country, Olendar, has been established on it's southern coast. The Elarnna is bordered by an ocean on the southern and western coasts, and the North Sea on the northern coast.

The Great Desert, and Arakoto: Beyond the Dragon's Back lies the Great Desert (ironically, much smaller than the deserts of Ghi-Hanera) an arid desert which fades into Arakoto, a region of steppes and shrubland home to the Arakashi tribes. An inland sea, The Shallow Sea, is found at the center of the region. Both regions are bordered to the northwest by the Mirror Sea.

The Deoran Expanse: The region that once held the brunt of the former Deoran Empire. Six countries (Cicera, Septe, Sevitas, Fendreland, Husega, and Czeska) exist within the area, formed from the remnants of the Empire. The region consists of temperate and montane forests, with minor Mediterranean climes on the southwestern coast. It is bordered to the east by the Dragon's Back. This region is predominantly human, with some Muiri presence in Czeska.

The Lower Reaches: A Mediterranean region that connects the Deoran Expanse to Ghi Hanera. Five small countries (Deorus, Calenne, Fiducia, Umitre, and Itimat) are found here. The Lower Reaches bear a variety of cultures, peoples and dialects, all mixing together. The Reaches are bordered by the Emerald Sea to the west, and the Red sea to the east. The Callena, Itimati, and Muiri straits separate the Reaches from *Azeraad* and Muire.

Muire: A mountainous, temperate region/country inhabited by the Muiri. Over time, the Muiri have shaped the region to their needs and desires. The rock in the region is rich with crystalline Mana, making Muire one of prime suppliers of the element. It's bordered by the Dragon's back to the North and East, and the Merchant's Channel to the west and south,and Dark Sea to the southeast.

Ghi-Hanera: A vast region that is the birthplace of humanity. The uppermost portions of the region are dry steppe, with some temperate forests to the north, and Mediterranean climes on the northern reaches of the western coast. This all fades to an immense semiarid desert to the south and east. The region is home to three major countries, two being Azeraad and Abisaad, the third being the desert nation of Ghi-Hanera itself, which has loosely defined borders stretching out into the desert. The First City of the First Empire, Urim is found here. The region is bordered to the west by the Golden Sea, and to the north by the Calenna strait, the Merchant's Channel, and the Dark Sea.
Details of the sentient species of the world of The Saga!
Humans, “Children of the Gods”
Physical Details: Visually indistinctive from actual humans in terms of skin/hair/ and eye colour (excluding individuals with high magical affinity); Average height is generally between 160 - 175 cm, with men often being taller than women, and nobles/soldiers being taller than commoners; Average weight is between 58 - 75 kg. Humans may live into their sixties, if they’re lucky and healthy.
Description: A widespread people, comprising a variety of countries, cultures, and even physical appearances across the known world. Humans have a long history, spanning several thousand years, dividing recorded time into Ages. In this time, a variety of civilizations have come and gone across the world. Humans, having the widest range of any of the sentient species, have a massive variety of social structures and habits. Approximately 0.01% of humans are born with magical affinity. The magically gifted in human society are often invited to the magistrates, and are called Magisters.

The People of the Elarnna, “Elves”
Physical Details: Taller and more slender than humans; Torso and pelvis are noticeably thinner, but shoulders are broad and sloping, and limbs are long; Women have significantly wider pelvises to allow for childbirth to be possible. Head proportionally smaller, with pointed ears and catlike facial features; Do not have facial hair; Skin colour ranges from reddish-brown to tan brown; Hair colour is generally black or dark brown, but may be lighter-coloured; Eye colour ranges from dark brown to olive green; Average height is roughly 185 - 190 cm, but average weight is 76 - 79 kg, due to slender build. An elf may live to two hundred years of age.
Description: A species of peoples who are found almost exclusively in the Elarnna. "Elves" and by extension, "Elf" were actually derogatory terms used by humans to describe the people, ones that they themselves have grown to use to distinguish themselves among human society. The Elven peoples live in widespread tribes across the Elarnna, adopting a variety of habits, dialects, and even beliefs. Many tribes are nomadic, while others settle into permanent lodgings, establishing nations of their own. Contrary to common human belief, Elves are not a single harmonious body. Conflicts and prejudices between tribes are not unheard of, and many tribes tend to give their fellows significant space. Almost every Elven person has a slight attunement to magic, and as many as 0.05% Elven children are born with magical affinity that surpasses that of the average human Magister. The magically gifted in Elven society tend to act as guides, giving the tribes better knowledge of the world around them, or aides to the rest of the tribe, providing services such as imbuing materials with new properties that make them more efficient.
Traditionally, many Elves follow a belief system revolving around animism, believing all things to be connected spiritually. As such, it is customary among Elven society to give thanks to the spirits for each item taken from the world, such as the meat and hide of a slain animal, or the bark and wood of a felled tree. Elven peoples tend to work hard for their daily needs, putting significant effort into every hunt, every fishing, every gathering. Quite a few Elves see humans as soft-willed and ignorant in comparison to their own peoples (though they have respect for workers and hunters, as well as those who practice and study magic). Many humans see Elves as dirty, wild and lesser peoples, and do not award them many rights and liberties in human society, assuming they allow them any at all. Among human nobility, Elves may be seen as exotic and rare, treasures to be possessed and shown off among high society. That said, a portion of humans do acknowledge Elves as people, and friendships or even romances are not entirely unheard of, though they may be shunned. A magically-gifted Elf and a human partner of similar affinity may be able to conceive a child, though there are numerous complications, and the child and parents will likely be seen as pariahs.

Muiri, “The Children of Muiriel”
Physical Details: Slight in stature and build; Narrow frames, thin, but not bony; Skin is completely smooth, typically off-white with undertones of blue or violet; Fingers narrow to points, fingertips are obsidian black; Hair is black; Facial features are angular; Eyes are narrow, sclera is not visible; Eye colour can be pure black, violet, red or blue; Average height of 160 - 167 cm; Average weight is between 56 - 62 kg; Highly androgynous. Natural lifespan unknown.
Description: Within the region of Muire are found the otherworldly and enigmatic Muiri. Claimed to be the descendants of the spirit Muiriel, the Muiri are subjects of both wonder and fear. Muiri are immensely gifted in the ways of magic, with every Muiri-born child having at least some measure of affinity. A skilled Muiri is capable of such feats as distorting space and time. As a culture, Muiri are strange to outsiders. Distinctively, it is the upper classes who most interact with outsiders, even engaging in conflicts before the lower classes do. The lower classes will often stay within the boundaries of Muiri society, ensuring that everything needed to keep society functioning is done. Amongst nobility, a lifestyle of hedonism and impersonality is promoted, and orgies and drug usage are common things.
At least among noble society, the ideal physical form is androgynous, small, and smooth. Features such as extensive muscle mass, fat, facial hair, breasts, and even prominent bone structure are seen as ugly and ungainly. It is often said that the only way to tell if a Muiri is male or female is to strip them naked. Muiri also do not form committed relationships, at least not publicly, instead choosing partners based on attraction, staying with them only as long as the attraction remains. Children are often raised by whatever adults are willing, rather than their birth parents, as it may be difficult to tell who the child's parents even are. Muiri are masters of all things magic, and as a result have been highly successful in the manipulation of matter, eventually developing the foundations of the process of alchemy, a trade they taught to certain humans during humanity's infancy. They have even developed an explosive powder which they utilize in powerful cannons. The exact lifespan of a Muiri is unknown to humans, but it is certain that more Muiri die from assassination than old age. Muiri look upon humans as pathetic, sad, ugly creatures with short lives who cannot understand the workings of the world. They are allies of many human nations, however, and will lend their support if they must. It is unconfirmed if humans, Magisters or not, can breed with Muiri. Certainly, the Muiri wouldn't admit to it.

Arakashi, “The Exiled”
Physical Details: Tall, muscular; Long torsos and limbs; Reptilian, but tailless; Bodies covered in flexible grey scales, azure-tinted on males; Heads are crowned with several bony horns; Underlying skin is typically grey or sandy brown; Eyes are yellow, gold or brown; Eyes have nictitating membranes; Fingers and toes are clawed; Females lack breasts, and are similar in height and build to males; Both genders lack nipples and external genitalia; Average height is generally 200 - 208 cm; Average weight is between 107 - 117 kg; Oviparous; May live to their fifties.
Description: A pseudo-draconic species that populates the deserts and steppe beyond the Dragon's Back mountains. Arakashi are not native to the lands, having been driven from their territories by the Deoran empire several centuries ago. Arakashi breed by laying clutches of several dozen eggs, which they will often protect in insulated baskets. Newly-hatched Arakashi are usually no more than eleven centimeters tall, and as such must be guarded by the tribe's adults until they are a few weeks old, at which point they will have grown rapidly. Arakashi are nomadic by necessity, moving wherever they can find resources. Entire settlements can be packed up and tethered to herds of pack animals, and off to a completely different location, within a single day. Arakashi have harsh lives, but they are survivors by nature. Tribes may consist of dozens of individuals.
A few times within Arakashi history, the tribes have been bound together, under the rule of an Akana, an individual whose duty is to lead the Arakashi people as a single force. Often times, an Akana rises to power in the face of a crisis, such as resources becoming scarce. The Akana will call for the development of lasting settlements that can provide for greater numbers of people, and if need be, organize mass migrations to new territories. In the past, this has lead to the Arakashi waging battles against human forces to the west, including raids on the Deoran empire which helped to hasten its fall. Arakashi, historically, are famous for their mounted forces, taming steeds for use in fast and brutal combat. The Arakashi are fairly equal to humans in magical affinity.

The Old Ones, “Giants”
Physical Details: Massive in all aspects; Mountainous, bottom-heavy body with thick torso and thicker legs; Arms are long, thick; Body is not toned, muscle is natural, not built up; Have four nipples, with females having four small breasts; Skin is thick enough to withstand most weaponry; Skin is typically chalk-white or pale grey, with males developing silver mottling as they grow older; Hair ranges in colour from brown to red; Elongated skull with sagittal crest; Pronounced facial features, but small eyes; Average height of 500 cm and greater; Average weight of 6.8 tonnes and greater; Can live to be eighty.
Description: A little-understood species that inhabits the land of Riesengrund. They lack a verbal language in the traditional sense, communicating through a combination of seemingly animalistic, in some cases infrasonic noises, body language and scents. As such, names among the species are composed of combinations of various simple sounds (Aur, An, Ba, Mir, Ra, Sig, etc.). They have no standard written language, but they may use pictographs to record messages and stories. Giants live in highly scattered clans across Riesengrund, each lead by a chieftain, each so far from the others that individuals from one clan can immediately recognize one from another as an outsider . The chieftain of a Giant clan can be selected from amongst the group, and is typically the most respected individual, regardless of age or gender. Giants do not build their homes as other species do, choosing to build down, rather than up, digging into the terrain, rather than trying to built a structure tall enough to house them, and any added materials are wood(usually entire trees), and earth, used to form a roof to the den, which humans call “Giant’s Hills”. As a culture, Giant's see no point in wearing clothes beyond what is useful - materials that could cover their bodies are just too difficult to come by, their hands are too large to handle “thin” materials like fabrics, and they hardly require protection from the elements. As such, Giants will usually wear nothing more than a few hides around their waists and shoulders, loosely tied together. Giants do adorn themselves, however, painting markings on their bodies that convey details about themselves to their fellows, used to identify heritage and origin, and other such information. Giants do craft some tools (hoes, knives, etc.), but most are simple, designed for function, rather than form. Giants will use materials such as carved stone, bone and logs, sometimes bound together with strips of animal hide. The tools are rough, but will last many years before wearing down. Giants do, however put significant effort into the practice of weapon making. Giants do not require weapons in combat, due their own massive strength (giants are capable of punching through solid stone), so weapons are instead used for more significant purposes, such as ceremony, rites of passage, etc.. Weapons may be solid stone, metal, or other such strong materials, like dragon’s bone, valued for their weight and strength more than anything else. Giants have immensely high amounts of Mana in their bodies, though most of it is in the form of crystalline formations that reinforce their skeletons, giving them unmatched durability. This also makes them incredible vulnerable to magic, and makes individuals with magical affinity scarce.
Humans first encountered the species just over a thousand years ago, when an expedition beyond the northern mountains (now known as the Giant’s Wall) encountered a solitary Giant, wandering the lowlands. To the humans, whose numbers had been worn down by the terrain and wildlife, the Giant, investigating their campsite in the middle of the night, seemed yet another monstrous aspect of the land. They drove back the curious creature with the burning light projected by their mage. They returned to the empire with tales of the Giant, inspiring further expeditions, searching for a living specimen. Just over eight hundred years ago, a living Giant was caught by a company of soldiers, at the cost of all but a fourth of their men. It was brought to the empire, as a gift to the emperor, who would keep the Giant as a pet. For generations to come, Giant hunting expeditions would be conducted on a yearly basis, with Giants being captured, and brought back to civilization, either to be kept as pets, slaves, or siege animals, killed as trophies, or slaughtered for their hides and bones. Hunters, after finding Giants, would strip them of their clothing, and propagate the idea of them being no more than animals. The people who purchased the Giants, or their parts, were all too happy to believe the lie, ignoring any signs of sentience the Giants exhibited.. This process would continue for almost five centuries, until the pet Giant of a wealthy and powerful noble broke free of his confines, and spoke a sentence of definite, if rough, Deoran in front of the noble’s guests. The hunting practice soon then became swamped with controversy, and was officially banned by the Deoran nations four hundred years ago. Today, Giants do not have true rights within human society, but many recognize them as a people unto themselves. Roughly two to three hundred giants are estimated to have been captured during the hunts. Of them, over seventy percent were killed. The current population of Giants is estimated to be just over a thousand.
Last edited by LazerWhale on Sat Apr 25, 2015 5:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by Saansilt »

What is the creation story here?
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

Saansilt wrote:What is the creation story here?
Well, each culture has their own take on it, but among humans, specifically those of the faith of the Divine Triumvirate, the belief is that three Gods emerged from the Light, the source of everything, into the Void, which is the empty universe, to shape existence. These Gods, Anteriel, Beteriel, and Gameriel created all that ever was, and all that will be, bringing matter, form and function into existence. They eventually created the World and on it sowed the seeds for all living things upon it. Eventually, the World gave rise to humans and other such peoples.

That is, of course, but a summary of the myth.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

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Gawdziller wrote:I fully endorse this comment.
Chris55 wrote: Anyone else hear Groundskeeper Willie when they read that?
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

Saansilt wrote:Ah.
Would like to know anything else?
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by Saansilt »

Right now, maybe a list of Races such as Human, elf, giant, and etc. detailing their whole deals please.
Gawdziller wrote:I fully endorse this comment.
Chris55 wrote: Anyone else hear Groundskeeper Willie when they read that?
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »

oh no way. NO FREAKING WAY.

dude, my prayers may have been answered with this thread. how, you ask?

because i too am a budding fantasy writer, who just spent AN ENTIRE NIGHT doing cartography of a fantasy world.

my biggest problem? geography. i cannot nail it down. i have an alphabet created with some grammar rules and a partial lexicon complete. that's just the first language. if you're looking for help, so am i. you appear to have the map part down pat. i would like your assistance with that, Lazer Whale. i have some images of it lying around that i'll throw up tomorrow. i've tried really hard to make (vague) typographic maps for the world without any states listed, as my story covers roughly 3,000+ years of history recorded by event. yea, not kidding. the companion catalog (tells you who/what/when/where/why in chronological order) takes just as much work.
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axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »

ah, double posting because why not.

so, i have something like 5-7 "nations". my world has already been determined to be half of the size of the european continent, with the population reaching 10-20 million total.

there are in fact gods of creation. there is in fact magic. technology is hindered by the gods. in other words, there is a ceiling to how advanced you will ever get, because someone screwed it up before you had a chance to try. there are Elves and Humans. i am 70/30 on adding a third race, though over time this has altered between 3 races (Elves, created race, Men) and 7 (Goblins, Men, Elves, Dwarves, Red Dwarves, created race, Men + Goblin born folk). i've worked it down to three. anything else is going to be less than civilized and supplemental.

like i said before, all i really need is map help. i want a continent (the sole continent) and two large islands to the south. i cannot for the life of me get the map done.
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Gojira is:Very Hiroshima®
axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by M.U.T.O. »

I recommend taking mac n' cheese (uncooked) and spreading it out on a paper in ways. Then carefully tracing for coasts.
I read that method, it worked to the extent that I could trace...
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »

M.U.T.O. wrote:I recommend taking mac n' cheese (uncooked) and spreading it out on a paper in ways. Then carefully tracing for coasts.
I read that method, it worked to the extent that I could trace...
lookin' for more detail than that, i'm afraid. i do have several typographical maps drawn and colored (badly, i might add) but well enough to define terrain. i have no problem writing the tales, but i always fuck up established geography and make a bigger world than intended.
:pokeball: :cookie: :mechagodzilla: "I'm on a drug called Charlie Sheen" ~ Charlie Sheen

Gojira is:Very Hiroshima®
axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

three, I can make some suggestions for map making.

First of all, I made my map by thinking about it as part of a world. Tectonic plates, continental drift, distance from the equator, that sort of thing. Each affects the appearance, environment, and even life of the world.

I started by creating a map of the entire world, deciding how everything comes together, and then focusing on a single portion of that whole. Primarily I thought about what would be necessary for my story, and modified the world as needed. From then on, I simply dotted it with crags and lakes and rivers where I thought that it would make sense/look interesting.

If I had to outline a sure-fire process to creating a proper map, then this is how it would be:

1. Start with a single landmass/continent. Do a rough, light outline, no real details yet.
2. Visualize overall world. Imagine structures and movements of tectonic plates to create mountain ranges, islands, chasms, etc.
3. Focus on chosen portion of world. A good way to build realistic looking coastlines and other such details is to make short, jagged lines that suggest a high level of detail.
4. Draw out inland features, such as lakes and rivers. A useful note is that rivers with merge and grow in size as the terrain decreases in altitude. Lakes are formed where the terrain is flat enough to allow the water to pool.
5. Most of all remember that this is your creation. In the end, it works by your rules.

I hope this helps in some way.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »

it does, though i want to make a map with a total overview of all provinces and the entire land mass visible.

the point would be to help me visualize natural boundaries, landmarks, and town placement. for example: if two rivers end just before they meet, this would make for an excellent place for a trade city. i'd like to look at a map and see where it is in relation to other, unrelated marks and places to help me write about it. hence, cartography has become paramount for me.

the rest of the world, everything from magic to language, i have worked out though.

speaking of which, does your land have magic? is there more than one type of elf? human? racial/species differences?
:pokeball: :cookie: :mechagodzilla: "I'm on a drug called Charlie Sheen" ~ Charlie Sheen

Gojira is:Very Hiroshima®
axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

three wrote: speaking of which, does your land have magic? is there more than one type of elf? human? racial/species differences?
Here's a quick write-up I actually did for someone who asked a similar question.
Magic is a primal force of the world, as much a part of it as the sun's light, or the air one breathes. It comes from Mana (here stemming from the Polynesian and Anglo-Saxon associations of the term), the life force of the world and all that exists upon it. Mana flows through every rock, every plant, every being, shaping each and all.

Some entities have Mana engrained within them, strengthening their bodies, extending their lifespans; others are born with an ability to control the Mana that flows through them, releasing it, understanding it. These, humans call Magisters, those with an almost instinctive knowledge of the nature of the world around them. It is through Magisters, and their counterparts beyond humanity, that the common concept of magic is at work.

The Magister can draw upon Mana, whether it be their own or a nearby source, and use it to alter an aspect of the natural world. This may be as simple as producing light from motes of dust, or as complex as warping reality to record a message in the fabric of time.

With proper understanding, Magisters can become attuned to the ways of Gods.

Yet, magic cannot bestow Godhood to mortals. It has limits, restrictions. A Magister cannot simply form something out of nothing. There must be something offered in return. In most cases, Magisters draw upon their own Mana, their own life-force to accomplish their tasks. To use magic exhausts the body as much as any physical exertion does, and more. If a Magister is not careful, overestimates their own ability or overextends it, they can and will die.

As such, should any (human, as other species have different practices and systems) child show signs of magical affinity, they are invited to Magisteriums, schools which hone their skills, allowing them to refine and focus them, and in the process allowing for the study of the processes of the universe. Kingdoms may also call upon the Magisteriums, enlisting their more learned Magisters (called "mages" by the soldiers) to lend their skills on the battlefield.

Some have adapted the Muiric knowledge of transmutation into the art of alchemy, allowing for the alteration of the material world by those with minimal or no magical affinity. This primarily exists amongst the people of the southern deserts, though teachers have spread the practice elsewhere.
To answer the second part of your question, no there isn't really more than one type of magic, it's all just magic. However, different species have generally different capabilities based around how the Mana is engrained within their bodies, though this varies between individuals.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »


they aren't going to be hiding from the "muggle" plain then? as in, mages and the like will be out in the open, practicing in the full sense in front of anyone and anyone? what are the politics of this place like?

i read about an empire that kind of split up over time in the first post. what's with that?
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axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

three wrote:interesting...interesting.

they aren't going to be hiding from the "muggle" plain then? as in, mages and the like will be out in the open, practicing in the full sense in front of anyone and anyone? what are the politics of this place like?
Well, they won't be just showing off their magic to every person that passes by, no more than a person would twirl around any weapon. Magisters spend most of their time in the Magisteriums, as most of the time, that's where their abilities would find the most use. That said, no, there's no hiding. Magic is a fact of life, something fundamentally connected to the world, so there's no more reason to pretend it doesn't exist than there is a reason to pretend that there aren't trees. Magisters do have a lot of regulation, however. They can't travel too far from the Magisterium they reside at, they must wear the Magisterium-provided clothing, and their movements outside the Magisterium are recorded. Most have no problem with these rules, as they're seen as the best way to protect both the Magisters and the common folk.

Politics vary from country to country, so I can't really generalize.
three wrote:i read about an empire that kind of split up over time in the first post. what's with that?
That would be the Deoran empire. It once spanned much of the Deoran Expanse, as well as the Lower Reaches, before dissolving around eight hundred years ago, from a combination of external forces wearing it down, and internal disarray.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »

so did things evolve or were they created?

if created, do they know of their gods, or not? have they any religions? a pantheon?
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axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

three wrote:so did things evolve or were they created?

if created, do they know of their gods, or not? have they any religions? a pantheon?
Life on this world did evolve, yes. But at least a few things were set in motion by Gods or Godlike beings several (hundred) thousand years ago, if not more.

No, no one is sure if there are actual Gods within the setting. They can believe, but that's all. There are dozens of religions and religious sects across the world, just as there have been in ours. Likewise, there are a variety of different pantheons, among cultures and different species.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by G2000 »

Stupid question, but how high's the technology level in this world?
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by LazerWhale »

G2000 wrote:Stupid question, but how high's the technology level in this world?
Roughly mid to late thirteenth century, for the most part. And it's not a stupid question. Technology has been an integral part of our own world's history, so one would be expected to wonder about the technology of another world, even a fictional one.
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Re: The Saga - A Written World

Post by three »

as far as my world goes, i plan to have a ceiling given to technological advancement. in part, this will be because of magic, and in part because of the gods.

will you have a similar ceiling or limit imposed on your level of technology?
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Gojira is:Very Hiroshima®
axnyslie wrote:I read that too quickly I though you said land MINES. Yes they are still out there so step lightly!
Well, I've read through that handbook for the recently deceased. It says: 'live people ignore the strange and unusual. I, myself, am strange and unusual. ~ Lydia Deetz

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